Dishonest and Corrupt Politicians

Dishonest and Corrupt Politicians
Sheena Freeman, 2301.04
 Why does the government always seem to be unfair about everything and why does it seem to be that
what the government does to help everyone, it never turns out to be helpful?
Mark Dunlap, 2301.02
 Is it easier for a dishonest politician to get votes than it is for an honest politician?
Bry Ewan, 2301.01
 How did politicians get the reputation for being dishonest & slimy?
Brad Anderson, 2301.01
 *Why does it feel like the government is only there for financial gain for its representatives?
Michelle Glymph, 2301.01
 Why are politicians and political parties so fake & lie?
Bonnie Johnson (Usagi), 2301.01
 Why are American politics so screwed up that everyone in it lies?
Donnie Forehand, 2301.04
 America is spending billions of dollars on fighting crime, but what are they doing to stop or police
corrupt politics?
Sam Stewart, 2301.04
 How much can a public official get away with? How far will the law bend?
Dana Porubsky, 2301.04
 Why do all government officials lie?
Kim Gonzales, 2301.03
 Why must we have different political parties? I see no difference in either one. They all tell you one
thing and do another.
How Government Works
Nicole Young, 2301.03
 Why do we, the people, rely on politics so heavily, when we really can’t control what goes on?
Russ Porter, 2301.02
 Why are partisan politics so important for the growth of government?
Bonnie Newton, 2301.01
 How does the government work exactly?
Taylor Janca, 2301.01
 Is there a chance that our type of government can change in the future?
Political Science
Ryan Jackson, 2301.01
 Is politics really a science?
Why Study Politics?
Ralph Schultze, 2301.01
 Is it so bad that I don’t have a “burning question” on the topic of government?