A SURVEY OF STUDENTS’ POLITICAL ATTITUDES INSTRUCTIONS: For each item, indicate the response that most closely reflects your attitude. 1. As part of its effort to combat terrorism, the government should have the authority to indefinitely detain persons it believes might have information about terrorist activities, even if the person himself or herself is not suspected of engaging in terrorist activities. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 2. Tax rates should be higher for wealthy families than moderate income families while rates for lower income families should be lower. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 3. A professor at a public college or university who admits to being an Islamic fundamentalist should be fired. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 4. The government ought to reduce the income differences between the rich and the poor by raising the taxes of wealthy families or by giving income assistance to poor families. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 5. To better fight crime, requirements that law enforcement agencies respect the rights of criminal suspects should be eased. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 6. Graduated income tax brackets punish people who work hard to earn higher incomes. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 7. An adult should be allowed to use pornography as a form of entertainment. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 8. Because capital gains taxes [taxes on profits from stocks, etc.] discourage investment, capital gains tax rates should be lowered. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 9. Communities should have the power to regulate the sale of rock and rap recordings which offend community standards or morals. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 10. The government should provide tax breaks for families with young children to subsidize day care expenses. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 11. The government should not interfere with a woman’s access to abortion services. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 12. Government should guarantee access to health care for Americans who cannot afford private insurance or whose employers do not provide health coverage. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 13. A person should be allowed to burn an American flag as a form of political speech. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 14. Congress should enact regular increases in the minimum wage. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 15. Non-sectarian or non-denominational prayer should be instituted as daily practice in public schools. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 16. The government needs to enforce stricter laws and regulations to protect environmental quality even if it means higher costs for businesses and consumers. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 17. Parents should be allowed to educate their children in their own homes. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 18. Poverty relief (welfare) programs promote dependency among their recipients and should be scaled back. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 19. The death penalty is an appropriate sentence for defendants convicted of murder. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 20. Government should provide subsidies to students to increase their opportunities to receive college educations. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 21. Prostitution is a victimless crime and should be decriminalized. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 22. Financing public schools by local property taxes is inequitable; the state should establish a funding formula to redistribute funds from wealthy to poorer districts. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 23. Penalties for illegal drug possession should be strengthened. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 24. Government should have more authority to pass laws that guarantee equality among races and between sexes even if it means restricting the ability of private businesses to hire whom they want or the ability of private clubs to choose whom they want to admit. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 25. A person’s sexual orientation is his/her personal business; laws that discriminate against homosexuals should be repealed. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 26. Universities and colleges should be allowed to limit their athletic programs to men’s sports. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 27. Communities should have the authority to establish curfews for teens to combat juvenile crime. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 28. Government-mandated affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs constitute reverse discrimination and should be discontinued. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 29. The police should not be allowed to randomly check motorists for DUI/DWI; police should be required to have probable cause. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 30. The government should provide low-interest loans to encourage female or minority-owned business enterprise. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 31. To reduce the number of handgun-related crimes, handgun owners should be required to register their weapons with the government. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 32. The government should increase efforts to enforce equal compensation laws relating to women in the workplace. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 33. The government should pass laws limiting the amount of violence that children are exposed to in the entertainment media (television, movies, video games, etc.). Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 34. American citizens should have the right to make contributions to the political candidates and political parties they support without financial limitations imposed by the government. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3 35. Public school children should be required to recite the pledge of allegiance as part of the daily school regimen. Adamantly Agree 3 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 -1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree -2 -3 36. In order to permit the widest choices and lowest prices for American consumers, the government should pursue free trade policies with other countries. Adamantly Agree -3 Strongly Agree -2 Agree -1 Indifferent/ No opinion Disagree 0 1 Strongly Adamantly Disagree Disagree 2 3