INTERNET COURSE AT CAMERON CENTER Living in the Age of Information, Americans have had to adapt to the world of advanced technology. They are learning that not only is having a working knowledge of computers becoming increasingly more important in our lives, but they are also finding out that computers are a lot of fun. Temple College has a dedicated computer education department to help the meet the needs of those wanting to learn more. A Basic Internet course will be taught at the Temple College Cameron Education Center beginning Nov. 3. The course will introduce students to the Internet. Topics will include e-mail, home page, and how to perform basic research to address business and personal needs. Pat Clune is instructor. The class will meet on Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon through Nov. 17. Cost is $35. For additional information or to register, call or come by the Center Center at 254-697-8642 located at 804 East First Street (Highway 36) in Cameron.