How your gift helps Temple College

How your gift helps Temple College
“Learning is not attained by chance,” a wise soul once said. “It must be sought
for the ardor and attended to with diligence.”
The successes at Temple College are the result of the diligent effort of its instructors, its
administrators and its staff. Its successes are realized in the lives of the many students
who enter its doors and leave as professionals and learned individuals.
Your gift is and understanding of the mission of Temple College and an
appreciation of the benefit of tan education. Our gift – whether it helps with a
scholarship or helps to furnish a classroom – contributes to that success. Your gift is
needed in many ways of which the following are a few:
Equipment for the new Community Room, One College Centre
Sound system for One College Centre
Landscaping for the new building at One College Centre
Landscaping for the East Campus
Temple College Library
Scholarships for deserving students, such as allied health or science students