ONLINE-COURSE INFORMATION FORM This information will be used by the Director of Distance Education, the ITAB Distance Education Committee, and the Vice-President of Educational Services for review purposes. BASIC COURSE INFORMATION Name of course: Department and course number: Name(s) of instructing faculty: Name, phone, and e-mail of key contact person: Please provide the web address where the course can be reviewed (this information can be obtained from the Webmaster at Also, please provide any log-in and password information needed: Credit hours: Prerequisite(s): Maximum number of students: (This maximum number will require the approval of the Vice-President of Educational Services.) _____________________________ TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS For questions or additional information, contact the Director of Distance Education at or the Temple College Webmaster at Provide the name of the platform on which the course has been developed (for example, ConnectWeb, html files, pdf files, etc.) If the platform has been created by the instructor, designate that also. Students use a variety of browsers and hardware. Have you tested your course on a combination of browser versions and hardware platforms? (For instance, Netscape 4.X on an older Pentium PC, or Internet Explorer on a Mac running OS 7.X.) Please provide details. If there are minimum technical requirements (software and/or hardware) that students will need in order to take the course, what are they? (For example, ConnectWeb, Word for Windows 97 or higher, JBuilder 3.0 or higher, minimum RAM and/or hard drive and/or operating system requirements, etc.) Discussion/Chat: Asynchronous (threaded discussion)? Synchronous (live chat)? Additional Information: Audio: Number of segments: Length of longest segment: Method of Delivery (streaming via Real Audio, Quicktime or other; delivered on CD-ROM, etc.): Additional Information: Video: Number of segments: Length of longest segment: Method of Delivery (streaming via Real Audio, Quicktime or other; delivered on CD-ROM, etc.): Additional Information: Content-Hosting: Will content be hosted on a Temple College server or at a third-party site? URL Link: Please provide the URL where the course will reside during the first semester it is offered. This is where Temple College will link the students, so it must be correct. _____________________________ COURSE COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION UT TeleCampus has an excellent “Copyright Crash Course” created by Georgia K. Harper, Manager of the Intellectual Section of the Office of the General Counsel for The University of Texas System. You may access it online by going to That home page leads to other pages about Fair Use, UT’s “Rules of Thumb” regarding copyright issues, and other important considerations. Temple College faculty who are preparing an online course must read these documents before offering a course. In any case where Temple College and/or course author(s) contribute copyrightable expression, Temple College and/or course author(s) warrant that they are the only owner(s) of the course and have full power and authority to make this agreement; and that the course does not infringe any copyright, violate any property rights, or contain any scandalous, libelous, or unlawful matter. Name(s) of course copyright holder(s): Have you confirmed that the course materials that were not developed by the copyright holder(s) are “fair use” or that you are otherwise exempt from liability from infringement? Yes____ In Process____ No____ If not, have you acquired permission to use or link to the materials? Yes____ In Process____ No____ Additional Information/Comments: _____________________________ BOOKS AND SUPPLIES FOR STUDENTS All student books and supplies will be ordered by the Temple College Bookstore through academic departments. Note: This document has been created using a model from the UT TeleCampus (, ©2000 UT TeleCampus. Permission to use this material has been granted by UT TeleCampus for non-profit educational purposes.