Note to Potential Service Learning Liaison/Speech Proctors

Note to Potential Service Learning Liaison/Speech Proctors
You have been asked to serve as a Service Learning Liaison/Speech Proctor for a student
in an online public speaking class through Temple College in Temple, Texas. The Service
Learning Presentation Option allows students to affiliate with a non-profit organization in their
own community and work with an approved liaison of the organization as a speech proctor. The
student will do all the preparatory work and assignments in an online environment with the
guidance of the instructor, but 3 of the 5 required speeches (informative, persuasive, and
ceremonial) will be done with the student’s organizational proctor as supervisor/grader.
All three of these speeches will require that the student work with the organization to
gather data, stories, etc. and that can be done in conjunction with volunteer service. They will
have to deliver the speech to at least 6-8 real people either in the Service Learning environment
or in the public as an advocate for the organization. Each situation will probably dictate different
scenarios that are coordinated among student, liaison/proctor, and instructor.
The student will have to get his/her choice of organization and Liaison/Speech Proctor
approved by the instructor. You should take into consideration several factors when considering
whether or not to serve as a Speech Proctor:
1. The Speech Proctor may not be related to the student, nor may the Speech Proctor be
romantically involved with the student.
2. The Speech Proctor must be at least 18 years old.
3. The Speech Proctor must hold a Bachelors Degree or higher.
4. The Speech Proctor must be someone who is willing and able to give the student
constructive feedback on his/her speeches.
5. The instructor may wish to contact the Speech Proctor directly to verify his/her
The Speech Proctor will fill out an evaluation sheet and mail it to the instructor after each
speech. Although the student will be encouraged to practice his/her speech several times, you
are only to hear the speech once. When the student presents the speech to you in the agreed upon
environment, it is the official attempt. Your evaluation will account for a portion of the student’s
grade on the speech and will cover the areas of physical delivery, visual aids, language,
grammar, voice, and eye contact. You will be provided with specific questions to guide your
evaluation. The student’s preparation assignments will be directed by the instructor and will
carry equal weight to the presentation grade.
Please realize that, if you agree to be the Speech Proctor for this student, you will be
taking on a significant responsibility. You are helping to evaluate speeches that will serve as a
portion of the grade for a class for college credit. You will be required to evaluate three
speeches during the course of the semester. Each of these speeches (including your evaluation
time) should take about twenty minutes. The student should decide on the dates for the speeches
based upon the course schedule, the organization’s needs and your convenience. We appreciate
the fact that you have considered serving as a Speech Proctor. If you are unwilling or unable to
serve as a Speech Proctor, the student will understand. If you do serve as a Speech Proctor, feel
free to contact the student or the instructor if you have any questions:
Temple College Public Speaking/Service Learning
Speech Proctor Approval Form
D. Kirkland, Speech Department
Temple College
Performing Arts Center
2600 South First Street
Temple, TX 76504-7435
Email: (note period between first 2 letters)
Service Learning Benefits
Service learning is an effective teaching strategy that is now being widely utilized in
higher education. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated by research and reports of faculty
across the country. The American Association of University Professors, the American
Association of Community Colleges, the American Association of Higher Education, Campus
Compact, and many other learned societies and professional organizations endorse the pedagogy.
Service learning provides an opportunity for Temple College to demonstrate what it
means to be a true “community” college. By bridging the gap between academia and its
surrounding community, service learning provides students with a better understanding of why
education is important and applicable to everyday life.
What are some ways that you will benefit from Service-Learning?
Service learning makes the connection between academic work and real life experience.
Service learning provides empowerment by allowing students to “make a difference”
through active and meaningful contributions to their communities.
Service learning fosters civic responsibility and engagement in students’ lives.
Service learning broadens perspectives and enhances critical thinking skills.
Service learning improves interpersonal and human relations skills, which are increasingly
viewed as the most important skills for achieving success in professional and personal life.
Service learning provides guidance and experience for future career objectives.
Service learning provides “employment” experience and future job contacts.
Students who participate in the Service Learning Presentation Option will be aligning
three of their speeches with the purposes and/or activities of a selected non-profit organization.
Students should seek to affiliate with an organization in which they can make a difference or
with an organization that can make a difference in them. Students are encouraged to offer
volunteer hours to the organization as they gather the information needed for their three graded
speeches. It is expected that this experience could be life-changing and very significant for the
student and the focus on the needs of the organization may very well alleviate some of the focus
on the student’s “fear” of public speaking. The most important lessons will be a blend of public
speaking principles, civic responsibility, and personal/professional enhancement.
Temple College Public Speaking/Service Learning
Speech Proctor Approval Form
Potential Liaison/Speech Proctor Application Form
Student’s Name:_______________________________________________________________
Non-profit Organization: _______________________________________________________
Organization’s Mission/Purpose: ________________________________________________
Liaison/Proctor’s Name:________________________________________________________
Liaison/Proctor’s Email Address:_________________________________________________
Liaison/Proctor’s Phone Number (with area code):__________________________________
Speech Proctor’s Profession/Connection to Organization:_____________________________
University Degrees Earned by Liaison/Proctor:_____________________________________
How do you know the Student?___________________________________________________
Are you willing and able to give constructive feedback to the Student?__________________
By signing below, you are certifying that all of the following are true:
1. I am not related to the student, nor am I romantically involved with the student.
2. I am at least 18 years old.
3. I understand that my evaluation of the student will contribute to his/her grade in a course
that is being taken for college credit.
4. I agree to give constructive and honest criticism of the student’s speeches.
5. I agree to evaluate all three of the student’s speeches at times to be coordinated with the
6. I agree to completely fill out all of the speech evaluation forms.
Proctor’s Signature:__________________________________ Date: ____________________
Thank you very much for your contribution to this student’s education. We appreciate
your time and efforts. Please feel free to contact the instructor if you have any questions or
Temple College Public Speaking/Service Learning
Speech Proctor Approval Form