SPCH 1315.1001 Public Speaking Service Learning – Presentation Option

Temple College – Spring 2005
SPCH 1315.1001 Public Speaking
Service Learning – Presentation Option
While Internet classes insinuate that no face-to-face connections are required, it is not
practical to expect that a Public Speaking course would not require public speeches. Five
speeches are required as a part of the course and all five must be delivered to live audiences. The
provision of four campus meetings is available for students who can travel to the Temple College
campus on assigned meeting dates. The fifth speech is required to be presented in a “real life”
setting in the community. (Details of speech assignments are available in the Class Handout.)
Some students who live at a distance (especially Virtual College of Texas students) will
benefit from participating in the Service Learning Presentation Option. Even some students in
the Temple area may benefit from the opportunity to interact with the community through this
option. The Service Learning Presentation Option allows students to affiliate with a non-profit
organization in their own community and work with an approved liaison of the organization as a
speech proctor. All the preparatory work and assignments will be done in the Eduspace
environment with the guidance of the instructor, but 3 of the 5 required speeches (informative,
persuasive, and ceremonial) will be done with the student’s organizational proctor as
All three of these speeches will require close work with the organization to gather data,
stories, etc. so that can be done in the form of "volunteer hours." They will have to deliver the
speech to at least 6-8 real people either in the Service Learning environment or in the public as
an advocate for the organization. Each situation will probably dictate different scenarios that are
coordinated among student, liaison/proctor, and instructor. The two other speeches (selfintroduction and community speech) will also have to be done in front of a live audience, but
will not necessarily have to be coordinated with the Service Learning liaison.
Service Learning Students will also be required to keep an ongoing journal of their
experiences with the non-profit organization. The journal will serve to document their visits and
impressions of their experience. It will also serve as a proof text for the integrity of the student
who has been granted an opportunity to deliver graded speeches that are not in the presence of
the course instructor.
All unforeseen circumstances will be handled prudently through a negotiation process
directed by the instructor. The instructor will attempt to establish a final decision that benefits
all parties, but submits to the academic scrutiny and integrity of the institution and the fairness of
all parties.
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Students must petition the instructor for permission to participate in this option. The
following guidelines clarify the benefits of Service Learning, the petition process and the specific
requirements of this option.
Service Learning Benefits
Service learning is an effective teaching strategy that is now being widely utilized in
higher education. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated by research and reports of faculty
across the country. The American Association of University Professors, the American
Association of Community Colleges, the American Association of Higher Education, Campus
Compact, and many other learned societies and professional organizations endorse the pedagogy.
Service learning provides an opportunity for Temple College to demonstrate what it
means to be a true “community” college. By bridging the gap between academia and its
surrounding community, service learning provides students with a better understanding of why
education is important and applicable to everyday life.
What are some ways that you will benefit from Service-Learning?
Service learning makes the connection between academic work and real life experience.
Service learning provides empowerment by allowing students to “make a difference”
through active and meaningful contributions to their communities.
Service learning fosters civic responsibility and engagement in students’ lives.
Service learning broadens perspectives and enhances critical thinking skills.
Service learning improves interpersonal and human relations skills, which are increasingly
viewed as the most important skills for achieving success in professional and personal life.
Service learning provides guidance and experience for future career objectives.
Service learning provides “employment” experience and future job contacts.
Students who participate in the Service Learning Presentation Option will be aligning
three of their speeches with the purposes and/or activities of a selected non-profit organization.
Students should seek to affiliate with an organization in which they can make a difference or
with an organization that can make a difference in them. Students are encouraged to offer
volunteer hours to the organization as they gather the information needed for their three graded
speeches. It is expected that this experience could be life-changing and very significant for the
student and the focus on the needs of the organization may very well alleviate some of the focus
on the student’s “fear” of public speaking. The most important lessons will be a blend of public
speaking principles, civic responsibility, and personal/professional enhancement.
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Service Learning Option – Petition Process
1. Send an email to your instructor stating that you would like to partcipate in the Service
Learning Presentation Option. Include the following explanations, affirmations and
Send to: D. Kirkland: d.kirkland@templejc.edu
a. Your name and official academic email address (your Temple College student
email address or approved VCT email address)
b. The reason why you would like to participate (distance, benefit, etc.)
c. Affirm that you have read and understand the guidelines asserted in this handout
and that you are willing to comply with the requirements.
d. Explain your preliminary plans for working with a non-profit organization in your
community. (You do not have to have this information firmed up, but you should
have an idea of the type of organization that you would like to work with and
explain any connections that you already have with any specific organizations.)
2. Once you have been granted permission to participate in the option you may proceed to
find a nonprofit organization and liaison/speech proctor who is willing to work with you
this semester. The following restrictions should guide your selection of a liaison/proctor:
a. The Speech Proctor may not be related to you or romantically involved with you.
b. The Speech Proctor must be at least 18 years old.
c. The Speech Proctor must hold a Bachelors Degree or higher.
d. The Speech Proctor must be someone who is willing and able to give you
constructive feedback on your speeches.
If the Speech Proctor does not meet the requirements listed above or if the instructor, for
any reason, doesn’t feel confident in the Speech Proctor’s ability to perform their duties, the
instructor will require you to select a different Speech Proctor. Additionally, the instructor may
wish to contact the Speech Proctor directly to verify his/her qualifications.
The Speech Proctor should only hear the speech one time. Please think of the Speech
Proctor as a stand-in for the instructor. When the speech is given in front of the Speech Proctor,
that presentation will be the "official" attempt. The Speech Proctor will fill out an evaluation
sheet and mail it to the instructor along with your note cards. The proctor’s evaluation will
account for the presentation part of your grade on the speech and will cover the areas of physical
delivery, visual aids, language, grammar, voice, and eye contact. The proctor will be provided
with specific questions to guide his/her evaluation. If, at any point in the semester, the instructor
feels that the Speech Proctor is not satisfactorily meeting his/her duties, the instructor may
require you to select a different Speech Proctor. If any of these procedures are unclear, please
feel free to contact the instructor as soon as possible.
3. You will need to provide the liaison with the following forms and then notify me by
email of your contact. [Deadline for arrangements will be February 8, 2005.]
a. Service Learning Proctor/Liaison Form – The proctor should complete this
form and email or mail it to me immediately.
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b. Speech Proctor Evaluation Form – The proctor should use this form to assess
your 3 graded live presentations. The form should be completed, signed and
mailed to me each time (along with your note cards and a sign in sheet of the
audience members). Note the deadlines in the Assignments section of the
Eduspace site.
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Service Learning Presentation Requirements
All students will be required to complete the lesson assignments within the Eduspace
environment. The differences for Service Learning students will only affect the speech
presentation requirements. One difference will be that SL students will be required to keep an
ongoing journal of their experiences with the non-profit organization. The journal will serve to
document their visits and impressions of their experience. It will also serve as a proof text for
the integrity of the student who has been granted an opportunity to deliver graded speeches that
are not in the presence of the course instructor.
The audience (at least 6 people) gathered by the student will be asked to sign-in with the
Speech Proctor. The audience will be expected to be attentive and to act civilly.
The specific requirements for the speeches are as follows:
Self Introductory Speech – SL Students will need to complete the Self-Introduction Preparation
Assignment in the Eduspace environment by the specified deadline along with their classmates.
SL Students will then need to make arrangements to deliver their speech to 6-8 audience
members and have the presentation video-taped (showing you and your audience members).
You are encouraged to practice your speech several times in front of other people; however, you
may only give the speech once for the video-taped version. If the Service Learning agreement
has already been established, you are encouraged to deliver the speech in the presence of your
liaison/speech proctor and members of the organization. The proctor will not need to assess this
speech, but it will be a great way for the student to introduce him/herself. The student should
mail the full-sized VHS video tape (or cartridge with adapter) to the instructor by February 7,
2005. The student should include the note cards used to deliver the speech. This speech will be
assessed by the instructor. Written feedback will be provided for the student.
Informative Speech – This 5—7 minute speech should explain and/or describe an organization,
event, place, person or procedure that is related to the Service Learning non-profit organization.
Preparation assignments will guide students in selecting appropriate and interesting topics as
well as finding appropriate and valid supporting materials, but SL Students should always
coordinate with their liaison/proctor in selecting a topic that may match a need for the
organization or assist in the student’s understanding of the organization’s mission. There may
even be a topic that the organization needs to have researched that may become appropriate for
the student’s speech. SL Students should attempt to use material available through the
organization as well as supporting material from other valid print and Internet sources.
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The student and SL liaison/proctor should arrange for a meeting or portion of a meeting
when the student can deliver the speech to 6-8 people, including the liaison/proctor. You are
encouraged to practice your speech several times in front of other people; however, you may
only give the speech once in front of the Speech Proctor. The liaison/proctor should time the
speech and complete the assessment form, then mail the signed form directly to the instructor. It
would also be wise for the liaison/proctor to keep a photocopy of the assessment for backup.
The proctor and instructor should stay in contact by email to clarify any concerns.
This speech should also be video-taped so that the student can use the tape to complete
the assigned self-evaluation. This tape should not be mailed to the instructor unless there is a
special request.*
At least two journal entries will be required to document the process used by the student
in preparing for and delivering this speech. The student should access the journal in the
Eduspace environment and follow instructions to submit dated entries that answer the general
questions of 1) What did you do this week to fulfill this assignment? (Describe your activities
and connections.); 2) What did you learn about yourself and/or society as you encountered the
Service Learning environment? (Be reflective and thoughtful.); and 3) How are you relating what
you have learned to the public speaking principles you are learning in this course? (Prove to me
that you are learning from this process.)
Persuasive Speech – This 8 – 10 minute speech should reflect a significant issue affecting the
non-profit organization. SL Students should coordinate with their liaison/proctor in selecting a
topic and determining a persuasive purpose that may match a need for the organization. The
speech should be prepared with the support of four sources and an informative interview that are
cited during the speech. SL Students should attempt to use material and interviews available
through the organization as well as supporting material from other valid print and Internet
sources. Evidence should be organized into specific persuasive proofs. Students will be required
to use some form of presentation aid during the speech. Preparation assignments will guide
students in topic selection and resource gathering, organization and preparation of presentation
aids as SL Students coordinate with their liaison/proctors.
The student and SL liaison/proctor should arrange for a meeting or portion of a meeting
when the student can deliver the speech to 6-8 people, including the liaison/proctor. This
meeting can be within the SL environment or in the community as appropriate. You are
encouraged to practice your speech several times in front of other people; however, you may
only give the speech once in front of the Speech Proctor. The liaison/proctor should time the
speech and complete the assessment form, then mail the signed form directly to the instructor. It
would also be wise for the liaison/proctor to keep a photocopy of the assessment for backup.
The proctor and instructor should stay in contact by email to clarify any concerns.
At least three journal entries will be required to document the process used by the
student in preparing for and delivering this speech. The student should access the journal in the
Eduspace environment and follow instructions to submit dated entries that answer the general
The student may opt to have all 3 SL graded speeches video-taped and sent to the instructor to assure consistent
grading standards, but should clarify this arrangement with the instructor and the liaison prior to the Service
Learning agreements.
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questions of 1) What did you do this week to fulfill this assignment? (Describe your activities
and connections.); 2) What did you learn about yourself and/or society as you encountered the
Service Learning environment? (Be reflective and thoughtful.); and 3) How are you relating what
you have learned to the public speaking principles you are learning in this course? (Prove to me
that you are learning from this process.)
Ceremonial Speech – This 1—3 minute speech will serve a ceremonial purpose. It could be an
introduction of a speaker, a speech of tribute, an inspirational or entertaining speech. It could
even be the service of a master or ceremonies at an event. The SL Student will have to negotiate
with their approved speech proctor and the instructor to determine the most appropriate type of
ceremonial speech to be delivered in the Service Learning Environment or the community on
behalf of the organization. The time limit of this speech is negotiable on the high end in order to
fit the organization’s needs and the student’s willingness.
The student and SL liaison/proctor should arrange for a meeting or portion of a meeting
when the student can deliver the speech to 6-8 people, including the liaison/proctor. This
meeting can be within the SL environment or in the community as appropriate. You are
encouraged to practice your speech several times in front of other people; however, you may
only give the speech once in front of the Speech Proctor. The liaison/proctor should complete the
assessment form, and then mail the signed form directly to the instructor. It would also be wise
for the liaison/proctor to keep a photocopy of the assessment for backup. The proctor and
instructor should stay in contact by email to clarify any concerns.
At least one journal entry will be required to document the process used by the student in
preparing for and delivering this speech. The student should access the journal in the Eduspace
environment and follow instructions to submit dated entries that answer the general questions of
1) What did you do this week to fulfill this assignment? (Describe your activities and
connections.); 2) What did you learn about yourself and/or society as you encountered the
Service Learning environment? (Be reflective and thoughtful.); and 3) How are you relating what
you have learned to the public speaking principles you are learning in this course? (Prove to me
that you are learning from this process.)
Community Speech – This 2 – 5 minute speech may be informative, persuasive or ceremonial in
purpose. It must be delivered in a real world setting within the student’s community and may or
may not be affiliated with the student’s Service Learning environment. The speech should be
prepared according to principles studied throughout the semester. Preparation assignments will
guide students in selecting speaking situations, organizing content and evaluating results.
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