Overview 1 Networking-Hallberg Introduction Chapter 1 Business of networking Chapter 2 Foundations Troubleshooting Introduction Bits and Bytes ITSC 1305 Overview 1: Terms and Big Picture Notation of binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal IMED 1316 Overview 6: Numbers *Hardware Familiar with two/three desktop operating systems… Windows, Linux, DOS ITSC 1305 *Applications ITSE 1294 Business of networking Network Administrator Network Engineer Network Architect Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Foundations Bits, Nibbles, and Bytes Binary Conversion Networking Speed Troubleshooting 1. No Boot a. NO POST ->Missing or bad BIOS hardware -> Replace b. Yes POST -> Hard Drive -> SCANDISK c. Yes POST -> Hard Drive -> RESTORE d. Yes POST -> Hard Drive -> FDISK e. Yes POST -> Hard Drive -> RESTORE 2. Boots, but hangs after OS begins to load a. Restart to Menu -> Last Good Configuration b. Restart to Menu -> Safe mode c. Restart to Menu -> command line -> SCANREG /RESTORE d. Boot ASD/ERD -> Repair OS 3. Loads OS, but hangs when a device is started a. Non-Printer 1. Dr. Watson 2. Roll back device driver 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. Update device driver b. Printers 1. Print test page from printer 2. Who can, who can’t 1. network 2. permissions 3. applications Loads OS, but hangs when a program is started a. Dr. Watson b. Add/Remove software c. Dependency Walker Can’t ‘use’ network resources a. Check permissions 1. Right click object, properties, security b. Un-encrypt 1. Cipher /D Memory Issues a. Enough RAM? 1. Failed 1. www.memtest86.com 2. Computer requires more for current usage? 1. Task Manager/Virtual Memory b. Memory Management for Older Computers 1. Config.sys 1. Hymem.sys 2. Emm386.sys Disks a. Maintenance 1. Backup 2. Disk Clean up 3. Scan Disk 1. May require preboot execution 4. Defragmentation 1. Linux filesystems self defragment; you do need free space (about 20%) as ext2/3 can avoid fragmentation if there is enough free space to write contiguous files. b. Troubleshooting