English 2311--Effective Writing Exercise--Mr. Castillo Name Date Revise the memo and correct the Effective Writing errors that we have discussed in class. You may refer to your notes, handouts, or text. Follow the PRO method and the Informational Memo directions. TO: FROM: Concerned Personnel Me SUBJECT: DATE: Getting repaid for money you spend for company supplies 23 May 19-- There are times when a person who works for this company has to spend his money to initiate a purchase of supplies that will be used for company business. It's OK once in a while, but if it happens too often, then we will have to reimburse you back alot for funds that are out of your pocket. A limit has been placed on the amount by accounting that can be requested by an employee for the company to repay back. You can't spend too much. Only a certain amount can be reimbursed at one time. There is a form that has been developed by accounting. That form must be completed by each individual person who has money coming back to him. And it must be completed pretty soon after the money has been spend. This is a new policy. It's a company policy. If you wait too long, then the money will not be repaid back to you. MEMORANDUM FROM: The Employee Relations office of Carlos Sloan SUBJECT: Nominations TO: People who work for this company for an hourly wage April 7th, 19_ It's that time again! Doesn't time seem to fly? Seems like we had the company Christmas luncheon just last month. Very soon, about the first day of May, members of the Employees Relations Committee will be elected. You, the hourly wage workers of this company will do the electing. Think about a person that you'd like to nominate. Remember: this committee is your committee and you are represented by this commitee to the Management Staff. So, this committee is important. We have had this for quite a few years. Annually, ya'll elect this committee about this time every year. Five people are elected. I have to get all the nominations in this office just about April the 25th. Nominate someone. Remember to vote! The election is scheduled real soon. Get involved! Don't be a silly person and forget. Time waits for no one. In view of the fact that workers elect this committee, it should be your voice and represent each and everyone of you.