Campus Master Plan

Campus Master Plan
The Campus Master Plan is designed to accommodate Temple College’s current
and future needs, to make a more compact pedestrian friendly campus, and to
provide a phasing schedule that will allow rearrangement of parking and building
locations without undue stress.
Design concepts incorporated into this plan include:
Identifying a palette of materials to reinforce a campus identity
Location of buildings relative to division
Creation of complimentary vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems
Creation of landscaped plaza areas to compliment the surrounding
buildings and facilitate extracurricular communication
Development of supplementary sports fields and outdoor track
The Land Use Plan reflects:
Consolidation of support staff services.
Concentration of Academic areas on the West Campus
Development of Health and Nursing on the East Campus
Eventual connection of the Visual Arts Campus to the West Campus.
Relocation of parking to the Campus perimeter
Segregation of parking from the Campus Loop Drive
Campus Master Plan
Phasing Options
Phase 1: 2005-2006
Relocate one golf fairway and hole. Shorten another fairway.
Add a relief parking lot on the East Campus, at the pedestrian bridge
Provide new exit from Campus Loop Drive onto 5th Street
Close Campus Drive east of the Math Science Building Entrance and improve
pedestrian access from Math Science to other campus facilities
Rework Administration Building parking lot for additional spaces
Improve delivery access to Arnold Student Union and Maintenance Building
Watson Tech Deferred Maintenance and Renovations
Nursing Building Addition and Renovation
Permanent Maintenance Storage Facility
Phase 2: 2007-2008
New Classroom Building between One College Center and Dawson Library
MAMPAC Band Hall, Black Box Theater and Rest Room Renovation/Additions
MAMPAC Auditorium and Lobby Renovations and Additions
One College Center Cashier’s Office Renovations and Glare and Acoustical
Phase 3: 2008-2010
Demo West ISC
Code Renovations to East ISC Rest Rooms, Accessible Entry at West side of
Building, Window and Electrical Upgrades
New Science Building on West Campus, South of New Quad
Landscape new Academic Quad. Include outdoor seating and tables, with
various covered areas assigned to Smokers and Non-Smokers
Administration Building Renovations
Rework Parking Lots at South end of West Campus for Smaller Assigned
Parking lots, with Well Lit, Safe Pedestrian Access to Campus.
Additional Parking at 2211 South 5th St City Lot
Day Care Center at 2211 South 5th St City Lot
Phase 4: 2015-2020
Physical Education Building Expansion and Renovation
Newton Science Deferred Maintenance, Rest Room Renovations and
Conversion of some Lab to Lecture Space
Health Sciences Expansion
Phase 5: 2020
Additional Land Acquisition to connect Visual Arts Campus and West Campus
Pedestrian Improvements to connect Visual Arts Campus and West Campus
Arnold Student Center Upgrades
New Nursing and Health Center Library and Lecture Hall
Campus Master Plan
Phase 1: 2005-2006
Options for Phase 1 of the Campus Master Plan are in response to available
funds already identified, and items prioritized by the Master Plan Committee.
Phase 1 projects have been identified as:
Relocate one golf fairway and hole. Shorten another fairway
Add a 306 space relief parking lot on the East Campus, at the pedestrian
Rework Administration Building parking lot for additional spaces
Provide a new Campus Loop exit onto 5th Street
Watson Tech Deferred Maintenance and Renovations
Nursing Building Addition and Renovation
A major focus of this phase is to deal with existing campus parking and traffic
problems. Recent construction of the Health Sciences Center has put more
students and faculty onto the East Campus, and new buildings on the West
Campus anticipated in later phases of development will take up some of the
existing parking areas for construction staging and/or building footprint. The
current routing of the Campus Drive Loop through loading areas and double
loaded parking lots is frustrating and dangerous. Rerouting the Campus Loop
Drive from these areas will serve to improve traffic flow and make safer
pedestrian and parking areas.
The Nursing Building expansion and renovation is a project that is scheduled to
begin in December of this year.
The Watson Tech Building has a more than $500,000 in deferred maintenance
issues, the largest being the replacement of the HVAC system. Also, while the
Automotive Engineering department enrollment is in decline, the space in which it
currently resides could be given over to more Lab and/or office space. It would
be best to size the replacement HVAC system for the anticipated use of this
The Maintenance Department’s current storage facility is only available through
the charity of a neighbor. It is an older facility with no assurance of continued
Campus Master Plan
Anticipated costs for these phase 1 projects are:
Temple College Master Plan - Phase 1 Costs
Item Parts
South Entry
Traffic Light
street lamps
Concrete curb
Heavy duty asphaltic concrete drive SY
TxDOT driveway
Sub Total
Soft costs, 20%
Total project costs, South entry
Parking lot south of Math Sci
parking spaces
Soft costs, 20%
Total project costs, Parking lot south of Math & Biomedical Science
Flatwork from Math Sci, eastwards
drainage corrections
Sub Total
Soft costs, 20%
Total project costs, Flatwork from Math & Biomedical Science
East Campus parking lot
parking spaces
associated flatwork
roadway connections to cloverleaf EA
changes to golf course
Sub Total
Soft costs, 20%
Total project costs, East Campus Parking Lot
Modifications to Administration Parking lot
Concrete curb
patch asphalt
seal coat
Sub Total
Soft costs, 20%
Total project costs, Administration Parking Lot
Nursing Building
Addition and Renovations
Soft costs, 20%
Total project costs, Nursing Building
Watson Tech
Addition and Renovations
Soft costs, 20%
Total project costs, Watson Tech
Permanent Maintenance Storage Facility
New Construction
Nursing school Addition / Renovation
City may share in costs
of this item
By others
Project scheduled to
begin in December 04
$1,250,000 $1,250,000
Campus Master Plan
Phase 2: 2007-2008
Options for Phase 2 of the Campus Master Plan are:
New Classroom Building
MAMPAC Band Hall, Black Box Theater & Rest Room Additions and
MAMPAC Auditorium Additions and Renovations
One College Center Renovations to Cashier’s Office
Greenhouse & Shadehouse
Construction of the new classroom building will alleviate a need for larger
classrooms, and replace classrooms that will be lost by demolition of the West
ISC and conversion of classroom space to Office space in the Administration
Building in phase 3.
Renovations to the Cashier’s Office are
in order to make it function more
efficiently. Moving the service window
from the east side to the south side of
the office will allow the students to
queue in the larger, quieter vestibule
space, instead of in the tight space
between the monumental staircase and
the east lobby wall.
With Campus vehicular circulation and
adequate parking addressed, it would
be a good time to renovate and expand
the MAMPAC if funds are available.
The renovations are primarily focused
on providing soundproofed teaching and
office spaces. The additions include a
new Band Hall, a new Black Box
Theater with access to the Auditorium
Lobby, and loading dock and rest room
facilities. If funds allow, expansion of
the Lobby would solve some acoustic
problems, and grandfathered code
violations. At present there is no fire
separation between the Lobby and the Auditorium; open stairwells connect the
two spaces and provide a conduit for unwanted noise. This project would
temporarily take some parking out of circulation.
Greenhouse and Shadehouse buildings for plant propagation and nurturing have
been proposed by the Landscape Committee as a means of furthering the
College’s aspiration as an Arboretum, and also as a potential fund raising tool (ie.
plant sales). Their location by the Maintenance building would be convenient for
the groundskeeper crews as well as the biology department, which might find
these facilities useful for botany and taxonomy classes.
Campus Master Plan
Phase 3: 2008-2010
Options for Phase 3 of the Campus Master Plan are:
Demo West ISC
Code Renovations to East ISC:
Rest Rooms
Accessible Entry at West side of Building
Window and electrical upgrades
New Science Building on new Academic Quad
Landscape new Academic Quad. Include outdoor seating and tables, with
various covered areas assigned to Smokers and Non-Smokers
Administration Building Renovations, (Classroom to Office conversions)
Rework Parking Lots at South end of West Campus for smaller assigned
parking lots, with safe, well-lit, pedestrian access to campus.
Additional Parking at 2211 South 5th St City Lot
New Buildings at 2211 South 5th St City Lot (Day Care Center?)
The Instructional Services Center (ISC) is the oldest building on campus. Built in
1957, it has served a long and useful life, undergoing many transformations. The
west wing of the ISC was originally a gymnasium; it serves at present as
classroom and office space. However, it isn’t in the best condition. The building
has a split-level between the East and West wings without an elevator or a
stairlift for handicapped access. The rest rooms are substandard and the
finishes are not durable. Renovations to the East wing of the ISC would alleviate
those problems. Demolition of the West ISC will pave the way for relocation of
the parking lot at the center of the West Campus to the south.
This would be the appropriate time to restripe the south parking lots to make
smaller, north south oriented, sticker restricted parking lots, with pedestrian
connections back to the campus. The restriping would take the Campus Loop
Drive to the outside perimeter of the Campus; access from the parking lots would
be marked with stop signs. Following this wet spring there were many responses
on the student questionnaires asking for covered sidewalks, and certainly some
shelters could be constructed on these pedestrian connections.
Construction of a new Science Building in the parking lot north of the West ISC
would complete the 4th wall of a central Academic Quad. Construction of this
facility is in response to the lack of space and modern facilities in the Newton
Science Building, the renovation of which is addressed in the next phase.
During construction of this facility, the Central parking lot will have to be
abandoned for Contractor staging, and then for landscaping and hardscaping into
the main Academic Quad, bounded by the new Classroom and Lecture Hall
building to the east, the new Science Laboratory and Classroom building to the
South, Newton Science Building to the west, and One College Center to the
North. The Academic Quad will offer pleasant, convenient, and speedy access
between the academic facilities.
With the transfer of teaching spaces to the Academic Quad, consolidation of staff
support office spaces into the Administration Building can be completed. Also, it
is anticipated that some of the faculty office space supporting programs in the
Watson Tech facility would be located in the Administration Building.
Campus Master Plan
The college has an opportunity to acquire use of the city lot at 2211 South 5 th St.
This lot was previously the site of an apartment complex which was condemned
by the city. As such it was already ringed with asphalt parking lots and has a
good stand of large oaks in the old courtyard. This lot could economically be
rehabilitated to provide more parking and building facilities, perhaps a Day Care
Center. If the College chooses to pursue a Day Care Center, the city zoning
office has indicated that that could be done under the college’s present zoning if
the Day Care Center was a teaching facility. The mature trees on this site
suggest a good area for a playground.
Mature trees at 2211 South 5th Street
Campus Master Plan
Phase 4: 2010-2015
Options for Phase 4 of the Campus Master Plan are:
Physical Education Building Expansion and Renovation
Newton Science Renovations
Health Sciences Expansion
The Physical Education building serves the student body (minimum course
requirement of two courses) and also the general public who can purchase
memberships. At present, the weightlifting and exercise facilities are spilling out
into the corridors and stairwells for lack of space. The gymnasium floor is in
need of replacement, the upper floors are not accessible to the handicapped, and
the locker room and restroom facilities are inadequate. As the student
enrollment grows the Physical Education Department will need to grow also. The
staff would like to have a new competition gymnasium with an indoor track, and
use the existing gym for classes and intramural sports and recreation. Seating
areas in the existing gym could be converted to weight and exercise room
spaces, and the new facility could provide the vertical transportation equipment
missing in the existing.
After construction of the new Science Building, it’s recommended that the
Newton Science Center be converted to use for Biology Labs and larger
classrooms. It also needs larger refurbished restroom facilities.
An addition to the new Health Sciences Center is already anticipated in response
to the state’s need for health professionals. This project would only be pursued
after close consultation with the College’s partners at Scott and White.
Campus Master Plan
Phase 5: 2015-2020
Options for Phase 5 of the Campus Master Plan are:
Additional Land Acquisition to connect Visual Arts Campus and West
Pedestrian Improvements to connect Visual Arts Campus and West
Arnold Student Center Upgrades
New Nursing and Health Sciences Library and Lecture Hall
If Temple College continues to grow, the natural area in which to expand would
be to the north of West Campus, connecting to the Visual Arts Campus and the
Del Martin Site. Road construction on South 1st street has caused drainage
problems between the Del Martin Site and the Administration Building which
would need to be addressed. Once intervening properties have been absorbed,
a pedestrian linkage should be constructed. Currently the north edge of West
Campus is bounded by a concrete lined drainage ditch, which could be bridged
or covered.
Upgrades to the Arnold Student Center could really happen in any phase of the
Master Plan but have been held to the final phase so that more urgent priorities
can be addressed. Suggestions for this space include outdoor dining facilities,
quieter, more inviting interior spaces, rest rooms, elevators, and new furniture.
Further expansions of the Nursing School and Health Sciences Complex are
anticipated in response to community and Texas needs.