Building Observations and Recommendations

Building Observations and Recommendations
All campus buildings were visited and evaluated in terms of general
condition, compliance with Texas Accessibility Standards, current City of
Temple Building Codes, general condition, and suitability to their current
functions in order to best evaluate their place in the Master Plan.
Instructional Services Center
Building is unsprinklered.
Building is not code compliant
Stairwell and corridor walls are unrated
Split Story Classroom Building (Accessibility problem at split)
Many small classrooms, < 700 square feet
Rest rooms in need of upgrading
Rust on bar joists in crawl space
General accumulation of differed maintenance issues in the West
ISC (originally a Gymnasium, which was converted to Classroom
and Office use)
Recent upgrade to corridor finishes in East ISC
Lack of electrical and data outlets; building electrical service is at
Demolish West ISC after replacement space has been built
Make building TAS compliant
Improve plumbing fixture count to meet current building codes
Replace window system with a more thermally efficient system
Have structure inspected by a Professional Engineer
Bring building up to code compliance
Design Opportunities:
Provide a student lounge area, a space where students can
congregate do homework or exchange ideas in a relaxed
atmosphere. (Such spaces are recognized by the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board as Net Assignable Teaching Space,
and were specifically requested by students in their questionnaire
Develop the space between the East ISC classroom wings
Building Observations and Recommendations
Berry Hall
No sprinkler system
Building is not code compliant
Corridors are unrated
Rest rooms in need of upgrading
Recent upgrade to corridor finishes
Improve plumbing fixture count to meet current building codes.
Provide Faculty Rest Rooms
Replace window system with more thermally efficient system
Provide accessible entry
Bring building up to code compliance
Design Opportunities:
Provide a student lounge area, a space where students can
congregate do homework or exchange ideas in a relaxed
Building Observations and Recommendations
Newton Science Building
Rest rooms, HVAC system, lighting, and flooring in need of
Building is not code compliant
Small size of Physics Lab limits student enrollment
Critical lack of storage space
Building is not sprinklered
Chemical storage is not fire separated and doubles as faculty office
Corridors are not rated; corridors are used for HVAC return plenum
New Fume Hoods and Chemistry Lab stations
Improve plumbing fixture count to meet current building codes.
Provide new Faculty Rest Rooms
Provide more storage space
Provide more faculty office space
Bring building up to code compliance.
Design Opportunities:
Provide a student lounge area, a space where students can
congregate do homework or exchange ideas in a relaxed
Consider conversion of this building to Biology Labs and Lecture
Halls, after relocation of Chemistry and Physics elsewhere.
Building Observations and Recommendations
H. M. Dawson Library
Recent addition/renovation in 2001
Library holdings of 50,000 volumes are smaller than THECB
recommendation of 50 volumes per student
Lost opportunity where stack space comes right to north windows;
that would be a good spot for study tables.
Be prepared to make another library expansion to accommodate a
larger collection.
Increase staffing hours to keep library and computer room open for
night and weekend use.
Consider two libraries: academic and health sciences.
Building Observations and Recommendations
Watson Technical Center
Pleasant shaded seating area on east side of building
Building is not code compliant
Entry ramp at flatwork connection not accessible
Paucity of Office and storage space
Rest rooms, HVAC system, lighting, electric service and flooring in
need of upgrading
Building used by Automotive Technology and Computer Sciences
Relocate or abandon Automotive Technology program
Renovate existing Automotive Technology spaces to accommodate
relocation of CAD and CIS programs from Downtown Center
Relocate some office functions to Administrative Building
Upgrade restrooms to be accessible
Make required electrical and data system upgrades
Bring building up to code compliance
Design Opportunities:
Consolidation of Computer Science and CAD and GIS departments
could have some advantages in the sharing of equipment.
Building Observations and Recommendations
Health and Physical Education Building
Overflow of exercise equipment into corridors and stairwells
Building is not code compliant
No accessible route to 2nd floor
Gymnasium wood floor maxed out on refinishing, needs
Rusting of structural members at swimming pool
Noisy HVAC system over staff offices
Staff requests new competition gym with indoor running track
Electric power system maxed out
Recommendations From Staff:
Fitness Center with indoor walking track, aerobic area, cardio room,
and weight room on lower floor
New spectator-friendly gym
Outdoor jogging trail (Maybe even one using V.A. property for a
longer trail and having a shorter trail on campus)
Upgrade Office space
Dressing areas for softball and baseball fields
More and better bleachers for baseball and softball; possibly down
foul lines and above dugouts.
Upgrade and add dressing areas in gym
Upgrade Gym with better bleachers etc. if no new gym available
Upgrade tennis courts
Bring building up to code compliance
Design Opportunities:
Coordinate Landscape Committee tree planting program with
jogging trails
Upgrade existing trail between ball fields for East Campus Loop
Coordinate Physical Education and Health Sciences programs, ie.
Physical Therapy
Building Observations and Recommendations
Mary Alice Marshall Performing Arts Center
No sprinkler system
Building is not code compliant
Corridors are unrated
Lack of rest room spaces
Lack of office and storage spaces
Except for a few of the existing practice studios, there is a lack of
sound tight spaces.
No fire barriers between lobby and auditorium
No doors between Lobby and Auditorium balcony seating (sound
No loading dock
Renovate existing for adequate rest room facilities, fire safety, and
sound privacy.
Build additions for larger new Black Box Theater, larger Band Hall,
and associated loading docks and interior spaces.
Bring building up to code compliance.
Design Opportunities:
Percussion Studio
Larger Recording Studio
Black Box Theater and Auditorium can share Lobby and Rest
Existing east façade, Mary Alice Marshall Performing Arts Center
MAMPAC with proposed Band Hall, Black Box Theater, and Lobby Additions
Building Observations and Recommendations
Arnold Student Union
Leopard Room and Conference Room used by a variety of oncampus and off-campus groups
Building is not code compliant
North Lobby and Cafeteria largely unused
Rest Rooms small and inaccessible
Hard surfaces: terrazzo floors and glass storefront are acoustically
2nd floor inaccessible
College Communications uses some of the office space at
northeast end of building
Make rest rooms accessible
Add elevator for 2nd floor accessibility
Upgrade interior finishes to make more inviting spaces
Bring building up to code compliance
Design Opportunities:
Develop outdoor spaces adjacent to the Student Union.
Staging area for registration with require computer access.
Building Observations and Recommendations
Administration Building
Confusion for 1st time visitor between Administration Building (Staff
Services) and One College Center (Student Services)
Building is not code compliant
Need for more staff office, storage, copy room
2nd floor inaccessible
Mold remediation in progress
Address code and mold issues
Concentrate staff support functions to this building
Provide office space for College Communications and CAD faculty
at west end of building
Clarify building signage
Add elevator for 2nd floor accessibility
Bring building up to code compliance
Design Opportunities:
Reconfiguration of parking lot and associated driveways will provide
a net gain of parking spaces.
Building Observations and Recommendations
Nursing Education Center
Project to be completed in 2005 should address department’s
current needs
As part of the continued development of the East Campus, a
medical library and lecture hall convenient to the Nursing School
and the Health Sciences Center should be considered.
Design Opportunities:
Interaction between Nursing, Health Sciences, and Physical
Education Departments could spur new academic majors.
Building Observations and Recommendations
Math & Biomedical Science Building
Adaptive re-use of a student housing facility
Difficulties in adapting the existing HVAC system to the new uses
Ponding in the pedestrian path as it crosses the Campus Drive
Pedestrian / Vehicular conflicts at the Building entrance / Campus
Loop Drive
Relocate Campus Drive and address drainage problems noted
When funds are available, replace the HVAC system.
Design Opportunities:
Improvement of the pedestrian connection will pull this building
back onto campus.
Chained bollards bordering the pedestrian link would still allow the
old vehicular route to be used as a fire lane if necessary.
Building Observations and Recommendations
One College Center
Complaints of thermal comfort, glare and acoustical problems noted
for this building.
Renovate Cashier’s Office layout to face Room 1422 vestibule.
Currently vestibules are underutilized, and queuing for Cashier’s
office is cramped by staircase.
Classroom spaces in this building may need to be relocated to
accommodate expansion of Student Services departments.
Design Opportunities:
Formal qualities of the building’s south façade, as well as its
function as a center for student services, promote it as an anchor to
the campus quadrangle (currently the central parking lot).
Building Observations and Recommendations
Visual Arts Complex
Occupants seem happy with the indoor and outdoor spaces
Building is not code compliant
Requests for additional parking, more time to get back to main
campus during class changes
Address life safety code issues in both buildings
Bring building up to code compliance
Design Opportunities:
Build towards eventual link with West Campus proper.
Start with improved pedestrian access.
Building Observations and Recommendations
Health Science Center
New, well appointed building
Enjoyed by staff and students
Design Opportunities:
Proximity to Physical Education Department suggests some
cooperative course selections, i.e. Physical Therapy classes.
Health Sciences Center with Nursing Education Center
Health Sciences Center with Harry Cole Swimming Pool (Physical Education Building)