PREPARATION OF REQUISITION Policy Number 31700 Updated March 27, 2012 l. Prepare requisition in duplicate on typewriter or computer, if possible. The original copy should be signed by the Department Chair and submitted for approval through the Division Director to the Purchasing Office. The duplicate copy is retained by the requisitioning department or office. It is suggested that each department number the requisitions consecutively during a fiscal year. 2. Indicate place of delivery. 3. If a suggested vendor is given, fill out completely, showing name, address, city, state, and zip code. 4. Include in one requisition only those items as may ordinarily be purchased from one vendor. 5. See that complete and accurate specifications are given for every item requested. Catalog numbers or samples should be given whenever possible. 6. Include the estimated cost of each item on the purchase requisition. 7. Indicate the budget account to which the purchase is to be charged. The Purchasing Agent will make the final determination as to the proper account to be charged. 8. Telephone/written quotes are required for items valued over $3,500.00 but less than $10,000.00. Whenever possible, telephone quotes should be confirmed in writing by mail or facsimile. Purchasing Office reserves the right to purchase item, if available, using pricing available through purchasing contracts. Any purchase between $10,000.00 and $50,000.00 requires that the district obtain written price quotations from at least three vendors. The department must prepare written, detailed specifications, including quantities required and submit to the Purchasing Office together with a list of potential vendors to supply the item. Purchasing Office reserves the right to purchase item, if available, using pricing available through purchasing contracts. Any expenditure of $50,000.00 or more requires an advertised bid process and Board of Trustee approval of the selected vendor/contract. Board meetings are scheduled on the third Monday of each month, at which time they approve bid items of $50,000.00 or more. These types of purchase requests should be made as early as possible because of the amount of time it takes to complete the process. PURCHASING POLICY Policy Number 31400 Updated March 27, 2012 In the purchase of all equipment, supplies, and services, it shall be the policy of the Board of Trustees and the responsibility of the President of the College to exercise due care that the best interests of the District are served and that all such purchases be made on as economical a basis as possible, and in compliance with applicable State purchasing law. In the comparison of bids submitted, not only will prices be considered, but also the quality of the merchandise and the service of the firm. The College reserves the right to reject any and all bids and will not in any case be obligated to accept the low bid, although the low bid will be given first consideration. Written bids are secured by submitting a complete description of the items to be purchased to the Purchasing Office. Their regular bid forms will be used and the bids will be sent to suppliers known to them. The person requesting the bid may also suggest suppliers to be used. Items that are to be bid and will require Board action before purchase must be sent out for bid three to four weeks before the Board meeting. This is necessary to allow suppliers ample time to prepare their bids, for the bids to be tabulated and sent to the Board a week prior to their meeting. The Board usually meets the third Monday of each month. Wherever feasible, local firms will be given an opportunity to bid and preference will be given to local bidders, provided the quality and price of their merchandise and the service to be provided are the equivalent of those of non-local bidders. On purchases of less than $50,000.00 the Purchasing Office with the approval of the Vice President for Administrative Services shall determine whether competitive bids are sought. Competitive purchasing procedures and approval of the Board of Trustees is required on all purchases of equipment and supplies of $50,000.00 or more. When bids are taken to the Board of Trustees, written justification will be given if the low bid is not accepted. The President will keep the Board of Trustees fully informed regarding all purchases. The Board realizes that certain exceptions to the Purchasing Policy will be necessary; in such cases, approval of the Board is required. The College will not do business with any current Board member. TUITION FOR EMPLOYEES Policy Number 50800 Updated August 15, 2011 College employees and members of that employee's family (employee’s spouse, dependent children under the age of 24) are eligible for full scholarship payment of tuition, registration, building use, activity, technology, Distance Ed, and record fees for up to six (6) semester hours per semester (18 credit hours per fiscal year maximum per person) for Temple College classes only. Laboratory and any other miscellaneous fee(s) are to be paid by the employee. If both spouses are employed on a .80 FTE or greater, regular status, each spouse or their dependent children are eligible for up to twelve (12) semester hours per semester (36 credit hours per fiscal year maximum per person). This plan applies to in-district, out-of-district, and out-of-state employees whose term of employment is a .80 FTE or greater basis and on a regular status. Enrollment by an employee shall not reduce the employee's duty hours, and the class should be scheduled after 6:00 p.m. to the greatest extent possible. Employees or dependents will not receive tuition remission for physical education, weight lifting, group exercises, aerobics, or related courses if the employee and/or dependents are not seeking a degree plan or certificate of completion of a course of study and if the class or classes are not part of the requirements of a degree plan or certificate of completion. In addition, if the employee or dependent are registered for and seeking tuition remission for the same such course more than once, the employee or dependent will not receive tuition remission. This limitation includes regular semester credit courses, non-credit courses, and Continuing Education (CE) courses submitted by the College using state appropriated funds for contact hour or semester credit hour calculation*. Employees should notify the Admissions and Records Office at least one day prior to registration so the payment "adjustment" can be recorded. Registration should be completed during the same periods as are scheduled for regular students. * Legislative Budget Board, page III-216 of Special Printing to HB1, House Engrossment, Eighty-second Legislature, 2012-13 Biennium