POLICY #22500
The purpose of this policy is to ensure a safe and secure environment exists for all
students, employees, and visitors to the campus.
Maintenance personnel will unlock all buildings and commons areas prior to Normal
Hours of Operation. Instructors and staff members will open their assigned classroom,
lab, and/or office before class or their assigned work period begins then lock the
classroom, lab, and/or office when the class is dismissed or at the end of their assigned
work period.
A. The instructor, full or part-time, will be issued keys to their assigned work area(s).
A request for keys is to be made by the department chair to the Campus Police
(See Keying System, Policy #22400). While it is preferred the request be made
by letter, an e-mail sent directly from the department chair will suffice.
The instructor and/or staff member may reopen their assigned classroom/lab
during office hours and will regularly check on the students that remain.
Regularly is defined as every 20 minutes. The instructor and/or staff member will
lock the classroom/lab when no students remain or if the instructor and/or staff
member is leaving the campus. If the instructor is leaving the campus and no
departmental staff members are present, the instructor will ask the student(s) to
vacate the classroom/lab. Students who have received written authorization for a
specified period prior to that day and time from the Vice President of Educational
Services (VPES) will be allowed to remain (See Section 3A). When evening
classes are being conducted the police officer on duty will secure and lock the
building and commons areas after all classes/labs in the building are dismissed,
the instructor has locked their assigned classroom/lab, and has left.
B. The staff member, full or part-time, will be issued keys to their assigned work
area. A request for keys is to be made by their direct supervisor to the Campus
Police (See Keying System, Policy #22400). Again, while it is preferred the
request be made by letter, an e-mail sent directly from the department chair will
suffice. Offices will be opened by the staff member during their assigned work
hours. At the end of the assigned work hour period, the staff member will close
and lock the door to their assigned area.
2. Normal Hours of Operation
Specific to this policy only, the hours listed below are not defined as regular business
hours. The normal hours of operation are defined as:
Fall and Spring Semesters
8:00 AM to 10:30 PM Monday through Thursday
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Friday
7:00 AM to 10:30 PM Monday through Thursday
3. Building Usage Outside the Normal Hours of Operation.
It is recognized there may be times that students or employees will need access to
College buildings during times that are not part of the Normal Hours of Operation.
A. Individual Temple College (TC) Students : When building access is
required for courses or research, the Temple College faculty member and
student will request written authorization from the Vice President, Educational
Services (see Form 22500A-Student Building Usage Authorization). When
authorization is granted, the TC faculty member will notify Campus Police
providing the student(s) name, purpose of building access, time(s) and
date(s) of entry, and emergency contact information should a situation arise
with the student’s access. The VPES will provide executed copies of the
Student Building Usage Authorization form to the parties involved in utilizing,
authorizing or providing building access in an electronic format or hard copy
that is determined by the VPES (see Form 22500A-Student Building Usage
Authorization). Access to buildings will be provided by Campus Police. Keys
will not be issued to students.
It is recommended that the student(s) carry a copy of the authorization form
and picture ID-driver’s license, TC One Card, etc.-to clarify any access
issues. Any disruptive behavior exhibited and/or unauthorized access gained
by the student(s) during this time period will result in removal from the
property and will be referred to the VPES. No other person other than the
student(s) will be allowed access.
B. Faculty or Staff Access: Faculty or staff may need building access due to
work requirements. A request for keys to their assigned building is to be made
by their department chair or direct supervisor to the Campus Police (See
Keying System, Policy #22400). It is suggested, although not required, the
individual contact Campus Police and notify them of their presence whenever
they are in the building outside of the Normal Hours of Operation.
C. Scheduled TC Classes: TC may have limited personnel on campus making
the supervision of students in multiple classrooms or classrooms in adjacent
buildings difficult. The TC faculty member will notify Campus Police at the
beginning of each semester when courses meeting outside the Normal Hours
of Operation will require students to be split in multiple classrooms or
classrooms in adjacent buildings. The TC faculty or staff member will
regularly check in with the students in each classroom under their supervision
during class times. Students will need to vacate the buildings when the class
is dismissed unless the faculty or staff member remains on site as the
supervising party.
4. Individuals, Outside Agencies, and Community Partners: Temple College may
enter into contractual arrangements with individuals, outside agencies, and
community partners for the use of TC facilities during Normal Hours of Operation
and Outside the Normal Hours of Operation. Individuals or groups desiring to use TC
facilities without prior contractual agreements must negotiate a contract with the
Events Coordinator or a division employee specifically assigned to negotiate a
contract within that division. For audit purposes, logs and copies of each negotiated
contract must be kept with the Events Coordinator or division employee.
The contract issued will include, but will not be limited to:
The name(s) of the individual(s), agency(ies) or community partner(s) that
is/are holding the event(s). It should also include who the contact person is,
their contact telephone number/e-mail, address, telephone number, fax
number, website, and e-mail address.
The cost of utilizing the facility.
An insurance liability policy naming Temple College as additional insured.
The minimum amount of the policy will be $1,000,000 (one million dollars).
An indemnity clause which states Temple College is not responsible for
accidents, injuries or damage (personal and institutional) that occurs during
the event.
A clause establishing the right of Temple College to recover costs incurred as
a result of damage caused by any individual or group who is in attendance,
who may not be covered by the liability policy.
A detailed description of the event
Where the event will be held (and any restrictions on facilities)–identify by
name the facility(ies) that will be used, limitations on the use of the facility(ies)
(for example-no open flame or candles may be used in the facility), and any
other restrictions.
When the event will be held – be sure to include the day/what time they may
arrive for set up, and what day/time they must be done, cleaned and out. If
the group requires a day in advance for set up, include specifically what time
they may arrive on that day and on the day of the event.
Maintenance provided during and after the event.
A statement in the contract informing the contracting party to provide
notification of the event to campus police three (3) business days prior to the
occurrence of the event.
Security provided (if needed) during and after the event. Contracting party
must notify campus police if a private security company will be used or if they
will be contracting out one of our officers to provide security.
Parking arrangements for attendees.
Should a situation present itself where Campus Police is unaware of the authority in
which a student, outside agency, or community partner has gained access to a campus
facility, the officer will:
1. Confirm the identity of the person in question, preferably with a TC
identification card.
2. For an outside agency or community partner; verify who the contact
person is and verify the name of the agency or community partner.
3. Confirm if authorization is granted to the individual or group. This is
accomplished by
A. A Temple College student providing the officer on duty with a written
authorization made by the VPES.
B. An outside agency or community partner providing the officer on duty
with a fully negotiated contract.
4. If verification cannot be obtained, the party will be asked to vacate the
facility until the situation is resolved.