CU-Boulder Summer Session Survey October 2003 Prepared by the Office of Planning, Budget, and Analysis Institutional Analysis Area L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................1 Highlights .....................................................................................................................................................................1 Counts and Weighted Percentages of Responses ......................................................................................................4 Results by Summer Session Group ...........................................................................................................................4 Yes/No Questions ................................................................................................................................................4 Reasons for Attending Summer Session ..............................................................................................................5 Reasons for Selecting Maymester ........................................................................................................................6 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term A ...............................................................................................................7 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term B ...............................................................................................................8 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term C ...............................................................................................................9 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term D ............................................................................................................. 10 CU Computer/IT Services .................................................................................................................................. 11 Most Prefer to Take Courses in: ......................................................................................................................... 12 Learned about Summer Session From: .............................................................................................................. 13 Used Summer Session Website For: .................................................................................................................. 14 Results by Discipline College ................................................................................................................................. 15 Yes/No Questions .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Reasons for Attending Summer Session ............................................................................................................ 16 Reasons for Selecting Maymester ...................................................................................................................... 17 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term A ............................................................................................................. 18 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term B ............................................................................................................. 19 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term C ............................................................................................................. 20 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term D ............................................................................................................. 21 CU Computer/IT Services .................................................................................................................................. 22 Most Prefer to Take Courses in: ......................................................................................................................... 23 Learned about Summer Session From: .............................................................................................................. 24 Used Summer Session Website For: .................................................................................................................. 25 Results by Student Level ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Yes/No Questions .............................................................................................................................................. 26 Reasons for Attending Summer Session ............................................................................................................ 27 Reasons for Selecting Maymester ...................................................................................................................... 28 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term A ............................................................................................................. 29 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term B ............................................................................................................. 30 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term C ............................................................................................................. 31 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term D ............................................................................................................. 32 CU Computer/IT Services .................................................................................................................................. 33 Most Prefer to Take Courses in: ......................................................................................................................... 34 Learned about Summer Session From: .............................................................................................................. 35 Used Summer Session Website For: .................................................................................................................. 36 Results for Total Group .......................................................................................................................................... 37 Yes/No Questions .............................................................................................................................................. 37 Reasons for Attending Summer Session ............................................................................................................ 38 Reasons for Selecting Maymester ...................................................................................................................... 39 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term A ............................................................................................................. 40 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term B ............................................................................................................. 41 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term C ............................................................................................................. 42 Reasons for Selecting Summer Term D ............................................................................................................. 43 CU Computer/IT Services .................................................................................................................................. 44 Most Prefer to Take Courses in: ......................................................................................................................... 45 Learned about Summer Session From: .............................................................................................................. 46 Used Summer Session Website For: .................................................................................................................. 47 Weighted Means and Standard Deviations (for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale) ................. 48 Results by Session Group ....................................................................................................................................... 48 Results by Discipline College ................................................................................................................................. 52 Results by Student Level ........................................................................................................................................ 59 Results for the Total Group..................................................................................................................................... 62 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................................... 64 L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 Introduction The Summer Session Survey was designed to collect information that will assist the Division of Continuing Education in improving its summer course offerings and services. A web-based questionnaire consisting of multiple-choice and extended-response items was administered to a stratified random sample of CU-Boulder students. Strata included session group (i.e., Maymester only, Regular A-D, both Maymester and Regular, or non-participant), college, and student level (undergraduate or graduate). To encourage students to respond, an opportunity to win one of two $500 scholarships was offered to those who submitted a completed questionnaire by September 30, 2003. Information on the survey population, sample, and respondents, by session group, college and student level is provided in the appendix. A total of 1,985 students were surveyed. Of these, 821 responded for an overall response rate of 41%. Response rates over session groups varied considerably, ranging from 27% (non-participants) to 52% (attended both Maymester and a regular session). These statistics are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Response Rates by Summer Session Group Session Maymester and regular Maymester only Non-participant Regular only Statistic Sum of Sample Sum of Respondents Sum of Sample Sum of Respondents Sum of Sample Sum of Respondents Sum of Sample Sum of Respondents Total Sum of Sample Total Sum of Respondents Total 274 143 279 137 747 201 685 340 1985 821 Response rate 52% 49% 27% 50% 41% Non-participants’ interest in the topic of the survey would be expected to be lower than that of Summer Session participants. It is not surprising, therefore, that non-participants responded at a lower rate than did participants. Over colleges, response rates varied from 32% (Architecture & Planning, Education) to 53% (Law). Graduate students responded at a higher rate than did undergraduates (44% vs. 40%, respectively). Results are reported for the total group, and by session group, discipline college, and student level. Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for both differential sampling fractions and non-response across the different groups. Highlights Reasons for Attending Summer Session. Completing requirements for a major and graduating on time are two very important reasons for selecting Summer Session. Seventy-four percent of students who took both Maymester and regular session classes reported that the completion of L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 1 major requirements is a very important reason for selecting Summer Session. Somewhat fewer regular session participants and Maymester participants reported that the completion of major requirements is a very important reason (67% and 57%, respectively). Many students reported that graduating on time is a very important reason for selecting Summer Session (59% Maymester, 43% regular session, 57% Maymester and regular). To earn elective credit and personal interest are relatively less important reasons for selecting Summer Session, with the percentage of respondents who indicated “very important” ranging from 14% (Regular session, personal interest) to 26% (Maymester and Regular, personal interest). To graduate early, to complete requirements for a minor, and to take a class with a specific instructor were reported to be even less important reasons for selecting Summer Session. Reasons for Selecting Maymester. The availability of a specific class was reported to be a very important reason for selecting Maymester, according to 54% of Maymester participants. Of those students who attended both Maymester and a regular session, an even larger percentage (64%) reported that class availability is very important. The other reasons for selecting Maymester (time of day class offered, days class offered, and instructor) are similar with respect to the percentages of Maymester participants who said that they are “very important” (24%, 20%, and 19%, respectively). Reasons for Selecting Summer Term A. Regular session participants and Maymester and Regular participants indicated that class availability is the most important reason for selecting Summer Term A (58% and 65%, respectively). The time of day that class is offered is the second most important reason for selecting this term (25% of Regular participants and 35% of Maymester and Regular participants responded “very important”). The days classes are offered and the instructor were reported as relatively less important reasons for selecting Summer Term A. Reasons for Selecting Summer Term B. Class availability is very important in choosing Summer Term B, according to 72% of Regular participants and 64% of Maymester and Regular participants. The instructor is considerably less important in selecting Summer Term B, but is somewhat more important than either the time of day or days classes are offered. Reasons for Selecting Summer Term C. As is the case for Terms A and B, the most important reason for selecting Summer Term C is class availability. More Maymester and Regular participants (81%) than Maymester participants (59%) reported that class availability is very important. The next most important reason for selecting Term C is time of day classes are offered, followed by days classes are offered and the instructor. Reasons for Selecting Summer Term D. A large percentage of Regular participants (72%) reported that class availability is very important in choosing Summer Term D. Somewhat smaller percentages reported the instructor, time of day, and days classes are offered as very important in choosing this term (57%, 9%, and 4%, respectively). Preference for Taking Courses. Most Maymester participants reported a preference for taking courses in Maymester or Summer Term A. Most Regular participants indicated that they prefer L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 2 to take courses in Summer Terms A or B. Maymester and Regular participants and nonparticipants reported a preference for Maymester and Term A. Learning About Summer Session. Summer Session participants most often reported learning about Summer Session from other students or from the catalog. Faculty are typically the least often reported source for learning about Summer Session. Summer Session Website. Fifty-six percent of Maymester and Regular participants reported using the Summer Session website. Students who took classes during the regular session only reported lower usage (49%). Non-participants and Maymester participants reported similar levels of usage (34% and 33%, respectively). Across all summer session groups, course information and registration and tuition information are the two most often reported uses of the Summer Session website. Graduate Course Offerings. A majority of graduate students (68%) responded affirmatively to a question about whether their respective graduate programs should offer more courses in the summer. Computer Usage. Many Summer Session participants reported that they use campus computer labs daily or weekly (74% Maymester, 75% Regular, and 73% Maymester and Regular). The usage among Summer Session participants is comparable to that of non-participants, 72% of whom reported that they use computer labs daily or weekly. Similarly, many Summer Session participants reported daily or weekly usage of their CU e-mail accounts for personal correspondence (88% Maymester, 80% Regular, and 84% Maymester and Regular). This is comparable to the usage reported by non-participants (85% reported daily or weekly usage). A majority of students who took either Maymester or regular session classes reported daily or weekly usage of CU as their internet provider (58% and 53%, respectively). Somewhat fewer Maymester and Regular participants (45%) and non-participants (50%) reported daily or weekly usage. Similar percentages of Maymester participants, Regular participants, and non-participants reported daily or weekly usage of computer kiosks on campus (55%, 54%, and 53%, respectively). The daily or weekly usage of kiosks was somewhat higher (67%) among Maymester and Regular participants. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 3 Counts and Weighted Percentages of Responses CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group Yes/No Questions Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number of respondents Q5yn: Should your graduate program offer more courses in summer? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q6: Did you attend 2003 Maymester term? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q9: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term A? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q12: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term B? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q15: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term C? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q18: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term D? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q24: Did you use the Summer Session website? - - Yes - - No - - No response Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct 137 100% 340 100% 143 100% 201 100% 30 3 104 11% 1% 88% 122 22 196 7% 1% 91% 12 2 129 2% 0% 98% 83 31 87 14% 4% 82% 135 1 1 98% 0% 2% 4 318 18 0% 94% 6% 139 2 2 95% 3% 3% -74 127 -56% 44% 5 123 9 3% 92% 5% 176 129 35 62% 28% 9% 97 43 3 75% 22% 3% 3 59 139 0% 49% 50% 1 118 18 0% 82% 17% 130 170 40 45% 45% 10% 76 58 9 43% 48% 9% 3 58 140 1% 49% 50% -116 21 -82% 18% 66 228 46 16% 69% 15% 23 110 10 9% 80% 11% 2 61 138 0% 50% 50% -115 22 -81% 19% 46 231 63 12% 69% 20% 4 118 21 5% 84% 11% 1 59 141 0% 49% 51% 47 88 2 33% 65% 2% 143 188 9 49% 48% 3% 74 69 -- 56% 44% -- 23 46 132 34% 22% 45% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 4 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group Reasons for Attending Summer Session Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number of respondents Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct 137 100% 340 100% 143 100% 201 100% 62 19 22 28 6 49% 18% 12% 18% 3% 152 41 55 75 17 45% 15% 19% 16% 6% 50 23 32 34 4 39% 12% 25% 21% 3% 27 11 16 8 139 15% 13% 10% 17% 45% 24 10 21 77 5 19% 8% 13% 57% 3% 43 16 51 218 12 13% 1% 16% 67% 3% 13 5 28 95 2 14% 1% 10% 74% 0% 19 8 13 21 140 14% 6% 13% 22% 46% 94 8 10 11 14 75% 6% 8% 5% 6% 249 18 21 23 29 64% 6% 7% 12% 11% 99 14 7 18 5 70% 8% 4% 15% 3% 32 6 14 9 140 22% 2% 9% 22% 46% 23 7 21 77 9 13% 8% 16% 59% 4% 82 36 63 141 18 17% 16% 16% 43% 7% 38 9 27 65 4 17% 4% 19% 57% 3% 24 4 12 21 140 25% 2% 11% 16% 46% 84 16 15 9 13 61% 11% 15% 6% 7% 227 26 24 40 23 72% 8% 5% 7% 6% 84 17 11 25 6 63% 15% 2% 15% 6% 33 9 5 14 140 36% 3% 1% 15% 46% 38 29 37 24 9 33% 20% 25% 18% 5% 98 64 89 69 20 39% 18% 22% 14% 8% 43 33 34 30 3 23% 29% 21% 26% 1% 19 10 15 16 141 20% 8% 4% 23% 46% 74 18 15 23 7 63% 12% 9% 12% 4% 203 33 40 35 29 61% 11% 8% 10% 9% 84 21 13 20 5 58% 16% 12% 13% 1% 30 12 12 7 140 28% 12% 12% 2% 46% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 5 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group Reasons for Selecting Maymester Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number of respondents Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct 126 100% 3 100% 139 100% -- -- 32 32 32 30 25% 27% 24% 24% 3 ---- 100% ---- 38 40 34 27 24% 28% 26% 22% ----- ----- 43 32 27 24 33% 28% 19% 20% 3 ---- 100% ---- 57 32 27 23 42% 21% 15% 22% ----- ----- 8 11 38 69 4% 11% 30% 54% 2 --1 59% --41% 6 11 40 82 6% 7% 22% 64% ----- ----- 38 30 32 26 30% 25% 25% 19% 2 --1 59% --41% 50 31 33 25 41% 26% 14% 19% ----- ----- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 6 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group Reasons for Selecting Summer Term A Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number of respondents Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct 5 100% 170 100% 95 100% 3 100% 3 2 --- 75% 25% --- 47 40 41 42 17% 29% 29% 25% 18 22 21 34 14% 24% 27% 35% 1 1 1 -- 78% 16% 5% -- 3 2 --- 75% 25% --- 71 42 32 25 39% 26% 17% 18% 31 18 21 25 33% 11% 24% 32% 1 1 1 -- 78% 16% 5% -- --3 2 --80% 20% 18 11 42 99 9% 8% 24% 58% 3 10 27 55 4% 9% 22% 65% 1 1 1 -- 78% 16% 5% -- 1 2 1 1 8% 70% 12% 10% 68 40 34 28 42% 27% 17% 14% 41 25 17 12 44% 28% 12% 16% 2 --1 22% --78% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 7 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group Reasons for Selecting Summer Term B Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number of respondents Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct 1 100% 132 100% 74 100% 3 100% ---1 ---100% 42 30 29 31 26% 28% 27% 18% 17 19 20 18 8% 30% 42% 20% 2 -1 -- 95% -5% -- ---1 ---100% 59 28 21 24 41% 28% 12% 20% 30 19 15 10 35% 25% 23% 16% 2 -1 -- 95% -5% -- ---1 ---100% 11 9 28 84 3% 15% 11% 72% 1 10 19 44 1% 10% 25% 64% 2 -1 -- 95% -5% -- --1 -- --100% -- 52 28 26 26 40% 24% 14% 23% 28 15 18 13 39% 13% 25% 22% 1 -1 1 63% -5% 32% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 8 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group Reasons for Selecting Summer Term C Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number of respondents Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct -- -- 65 100% 22 100% 2 100% ----- ----- 27 13 17 8 25% 22% 44% 9% 4 1 9 8 8% 2% 22% 67% 1 -1 -- 83% -17% -- ----- ----- 33 12 15 5 42% 20% 31% 7% 5 -10 7 10% -25% 65% 2 ---- 100% ---- ----- ----- 10 4 13 38 4% 2% 35% 59% -1 7 14 -2% 17% 81% 1 --1 83% --17% ----- ----- 33 6 18 8 57% 16% 11% 16% 13 5 3 1 78% 12% 8% 2% ---2 ---100% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 9 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group Reasons for Selecting Summer Term D Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number of respondents Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct -- -- 44 100% 3 100% 1 100% ----- ----- 22 3 11 8 65% 2% 24% 9% 1 -1 1 87% -7% 6% 1 ---- 100% ---- ----- ----- 23 6 10 5 82% 5% 9% 4% 1 -2 -- 87% -13% -- 1 ---- 100% ---- ----- ----- 9 2 7 26 22% 2% 4% 72% --1 2 --6% 94% 1 ---- 100% ---- ----- ----- 14 9 11 10 26% 7% 9% 57% 1 1 1 -- 6% 7% 87% -- ---1 ---100% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 10 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group How Often Use Following CU Computer/IT Services: Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number of respondents Q27a: I use campus computer labs: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27b: I use my CU e-mail account for personal correspondence: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27c: I use my CU e-mail account to reach CU faculty, students & depts: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27d: I use my personal e-mail account to reach CU faculty, students & depts: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27e: I use CU as my internet provider: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27f: I use a non-CU internet provider (e.g., AOL, Qwest): - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27g: I use computer kiosks on campus: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27h: I use the PLUS system (to register, etc.): - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct 137 100% 340 100% 143 100% 201 100% 52 57 15 9 4 31% 43% 13% 10% 3% 140 116 45 32 7 35% 40% 14% 7% 4% 65 46 15 14 3 35% 38% 14% 7% 5% 66 69 34 24 8 35% 37% 15% 12% 1% 106 16 6 5 4 77% 11% 6% 3% 3% 238 39 23 31 9 67% 13% 9% 7% 4% 101 18 5 16 3 71% 13% 6% 8% 3% 147 24 7 20 3 77% 8% 1% 13% 1% 69 53 6 3 6 39% 50% 5% 1% 5% 202 90 22 15 11 54% 29% 10% 2% 5% 72 51 9 7 4 49% 34% 8% 4% 5% 125 46 11 14 5 64% 24% 3% 7% 1% 31 24 15 62 5 18% 18% 13% 47% 3% 103 48 37 140 12 24% 14% 12% 44% 5% 41 22 18 60 2 27% 14% 17% 39% 3% 58 40 21 77 5 36% 16% 20% 27% 1% 71 16 5 39 6 44% 14% 6% 33% 4% 142 43 16 128 11 33% 20% 4% 38% 5% 49 19 13 60 2 30% 15% 12% 40% 3% 95 18 13 69 6 42% 8% 2% 46% 2% 53 19 8 49 8 44% 13% 5% 32% 5% 176 27 16 105 16 52% 10% 3% 27% 7% 82 9 4 46 2 56% 11% 3% 28% 3% 100 17 8 67 9 50% 17% 2% 25% 6% 23 47 38 20 9 16% 39% 24% 15% 6% 47 122 87 73 11 15% 39% 21% 21% 5% 21 63 28 29 2 9% 58% 8% 22% 3% 30 67 57 40 7 17% 36% 27% 19% 1% 21 66 43 3 4 17% 50% 29% 1% 3% 59 123 149 3 6 21% 39% 36% 0% 4% 25 57 54 4 3 25% 32% 36% 3% 3% 26 64 107 1 3 13% 39% 47% 1% 1% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 11 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group Most Prefer to Take Courses in: Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number of respondents Q22a: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22b: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22c: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22d: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22e: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct 137 100% 340 100% 143 100% 201 100% 123 14 90% 10% 115 225 32% 68% 123 20 91% 9% 87 114 54% 46% 80 57 65% 35% 231 109 78% 22% 114 29 89% 11% 135 66 69% 31% 40 97 34% 66% 174 166 58% 42% 80 63 53% 47% 73 128 41% 59% 12 125 10% 90% 85 255 24% 76% 14 129 7% 93% 65 136 26% 74% 5 132 2% 98% 51 289 8% 92% 6 137 3% 97% 34 167 13% 87% in Maymester in Term A in Term B in Term C in Term D Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 12 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group Learned about Summer Session From: Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number of Q23a: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23b: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23c: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23d: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23e: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23f: I learned - - Yes - - No respondents about Summer Session from faculty/staff Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct 137 100% 340 100% 143 100% 201 100% 39 98 20% 80% 108 232 22% 78% 41 102 22% 78% 17 184 6% 94% 83 54 63% 37% 138 202 43% 57% 73 70 54% 46% 32 169 29% 71% 65 72 55% 45% 158 182 52% 48% 85 58 59% 41% 30 171 22% 78% 31 106 24% 76% 88 252 27% 73% 51 92 31% 69% 16 185 8% 92% 38 99 30% 70% 76 264 35% 65% 30 113 22% 78% 9 192 12% 88% 6 131 5% 95% 15 325 4% 96% 4 139 1% 99% 8 193 6% 94% about Summer Session from other students about Summer Session from catalog about Summer Session from website about Summer Session from advisor about Summer Session from other source Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 13 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Summer Session Group Used Summer Session Website For: Summer Session Group Maymester only N Total number Q25a: I used - - Yes - - No Q25b: I used courses - - Yes - - No Q25c: I used information - - Yes - - No Q25d: I used - - Yes - - No Q25e: I used information - - Yes - - No Q25f: I used - - Yes - - No of respondents the Summer Session website for course information Pct Regular (AD) only N Pct Maymester plus regular N Pct Nonparticipant N Pct 137 100% 340 100% 143 100% 201 100% 43 94 30% 70% 124 216 45% 55% 64 79 54% 46% 21 180 34% 66% 15 122 10% 90% 31 309 11% 89% 19 124 22% 78% 10 191 17% 83% 33 104 20% 80% 108 232 38% 62% 58 85 44% 56% 12 189 27% 73% 3 134 4% 96% 2 338 0% 100% 2 141 3% 97% 2 199 5% 95% 10 127 6% 94% 34 306 9% 91% 23 120 14% 86% 5 196 11% 89% -137 -100% 4 336 0% 100% 1 142 0% 100% 1 200 5% 95% the Summer Session website to learn about special the Summer Session website for registration & tuition the Summer Session website for housing information the Summer Session website for financial aid the Summer Session website for other information Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 14 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College Yes/No Questions Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number of respondents Q5yn: Should your graduate program offer more courses in summer? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q6: Did you attend 2003 Maymester term? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q9: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term A? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q12: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term B? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q15: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term C? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q18: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term D? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q24: Did you use the Summer Session website? - - Yes - - No - - No response Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 47 100% 185 100% 135 100% 51 100% 193 100% 97 100% 69 100% 44 100% 1 -46 1% -99% 54 14 117 9% 2% 89% 13 10 112 8% 2% 90% 29 6 16 53% 19% 29% 55 11 127 17% 7% 75% 22 1 74 9% 0% 90% 56 11 2 72% 27% 1% 17 5 22 33% 14% 53% 7 34 6 3% 58% 39% 76 87 22 7% 68% 25% 62 50 23 6% 47% 47% 14 17 20 8% 25% 67% 76 88 29 5% 42% 54% 25 54 18 8% 48% 44% 13 44 12 5% 53% 42% 5 21 18 4% 34% 62% 10 26 11 6% 38% 57% 63 91 31 17% 51% 32% 57 50 28 15% 37% 48% 16 15 20 12% 21% 67% 59 94 40 10% 35% 55% 37 38 22 16% 38% 46% 24 30 15 10% 39% 51% 15 10 19 10% 23% 67% 9 28 10 6% 46% 49% 40 106 39 11% 56% 32% 45 58 32 13% 38% 49% 5 26 20 4% 29% 67% 52 95 46 9% 35% 55% 36 39 22 15% 34% 52% 17 36 16 7% 42% 51% 6 16 22 4% 21% 75% 10 27 10 6% 45% 49% 17 124 44 3% 63% 34% 6 96 33 1% 49% 50% 4 25 22 3% 29% 68% 40 111 42 7% 39% 55% 4 66 27 1% 45% 54% 9 44 16 4% 45% 51% 1 22 21 2% 26% 71% 20 17 10 13% 38% 49% 10 124 51 3% 62% 35% 2 97 36 1% 50% 50% 1 27 23 1% 30% 69% 9 126 58 2% 41% 57% 3 65 29 1% 44% 55% 5 46 18 2% 42% 56% 1 21 22 0% 26% 74% 17 24 6 18% 36% 46% 69 95 21 48% 27% 25% 53 60 22 24% 30% 47% 18 14 19 15% 22% 63% 61 105 27 16% 34% 50% 39 40 18 28% 28% 44% 23 32 14 21% 25% 54% 7 21 16 6% 35% 59% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 15 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College Reasons for Attending Summer Session Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number of respondents Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 47 100% 185 100% 135 100% 51 100% 193 100% 97 100% 69 100% 44 100% 17 7 9 8 6 25% 4% 12% 12% 46% 83 20 25 33 24 26% 15% 12% 21% 26% 41 20 18 29 27 10% 16% 19% 11% 43% 24 1 1 2 23 24% 1% 4% 2% 69% 58 20 35 46 34 15% 8% 11% 13% 54% 39 16 15 7 20 29% 6% 18% 3% 45% 19 5 14 16 15 16% 6% 13% 7% 58% 10 5 8 4 17 17% 11% 8% 2% 62% 4 1 3 33 6 9% 1% 9% 35% 46% 33 7 18 105 22 18% 6% 15% 35% 26% 14 5 20 70 26 3% 0% 11% 38% 47% 6 1 1 22 21 8% 4% 1% 19% 68% 18 15 36 94 30 7% 7% 8% 24% 53% 8 1 20 48 20 10% 0% 14% 31% 45% 12 3 11 26 17 9% 5% 8% 18% 59% 4 6 4 13 17 10% 13% 6% 10% 62% 34 2 3 2 6 28% 1% 23% 1% 46% 124 8 9 17 27 38% 2% 7% 26% 28% 67 10 16 11 31 23% 7% 9% 12% 49% 24 -1 1 25 24% -4% 0% 71% 111 11 15 15 41 25% 1% 12% 7% 55% 48 9 5 13 22 26% 15% 8% 5% 46% 47 2 1 -19 35% 5% 0% -60% 19 4 2 2 17 28% 6% 3% 1% 62% 6 4 8 23 6 11% 2% 12% 29% 46% 38 14 28 79 26 29% 5% 16% 24% 27% 21 12 14 61 27 10% 4% 4% 34% 48% 14 1 4 8 24 17% 1% 6% 6% 70% 39 15 31 74 34 12% 8% 9% 17% 54% 16 5 19 37 20 12% 2% 8% 33% 45% 26 2 14 10 17 15% 1% 10% 16% 59% 7 3 5 12 17 11% 2% 14% 11% 62% 30 5 2 3 7 33% 3% 8% 9% 47% 119 15 10 13 28 56% 3% 1% 13% 27% 63 8 12 25 27 16% 7% 3% 25% 48% 22 1 1 2 25 23% 4% 0% 2% 71% 90 22 16 27 38 28% 8% 2% 8% 54% 57 7 7 5 21 36% 9% 8% 2% 45% 30 5 6 9 19 20% 6% 6% 8% 60% 17 5 1 4 17 23% 7% 2% 6% 62% 10 7 14 10 6 13% 5% 16% 20% 46% 52 30 34 45 24 29% 11% 6% 27% 27% 39 29 20 18 29 16% 12% 9% 14% 49% 11 3 5 7 25 8% 2% 7% 9% 74% 46 40 43 28 36 14% 13% 14% 5% 54% 25 13 25 14 20 17% 11% 22% 5% 45% 7 7 26 13 16 7% 7% 19% 9% 59% 8 7 8 4 17 10% 10% 13% 4% 62% 27 4 5 4 7 31% 2% 10% 10% 47% 97 17 19 27 25 41% 14% 13% 4% 27% 65 17 14 8 31 33% 8% 9% 1% 49% 19 2 3 2 25 17% 1% 10% 1% 71% 86 22 22 27 36 25% 9% 6% 6% 54% 54 10 6 7 20 28% 10% 9% 9% 45% 29 5 6 9 20 20% 10% 3% 8% 60% 14 7 5 1 17 16% 12% 8% 2% 62% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 16 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College Reasons for Selecting Maymester Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number of respondents Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 7 100% 76 100% 61 100% 11 100% 71 100% 25 100% 12 100% 5 100% 3 1 1 2 50% 12% 13% 25% 20 21 18 17 24% 28% 25% 23% 9 19 20 13 15% 31% 33% 21% 8 1 -2 72% 13% -16% 24 23 14 10 33% 33% 20% 14% 3 6 6 10 13% 22% 26% 40% 5 1 3 3 3 8% 8% 25% 29% 1 -4 -- 33% -67% -- 4 1 1 1 62% 13% 13% 12% 30 20 11 15 40% 24% 14% 22% 15 14 17 15 25% 23% 28% 25% 7 1 1 2 59% 13% 8% 20% 33 14 17 7 46% 20% 24% 10% 7 8 4 6 28% 30% 18% 25% 6 4 1 1 46% 37% 8% 10% 1 2 2 -- 33% 44% 22% -- --4 3 --51% 49% 4 7 21 44 5% 9% 24% 62% 3 7 14 37 5% 11% 23% 61% 1 -2 8 8% -20% 72% 6 7 21 37 9% 10% 29% 52% 1 1 9 14 6% 3% 35% 56% 1 -4 7 8% -33% 60% --3 2 --56% 44% -4 1 2 -51% 13% 35% 25 20 15 16 38% 27% 15% 20% 21 11 19 10 34% 18% 31% 16% 4 4 3 -- 31% 41% 28% -- 28 11 17 15 39% 16% 24% 21% 6 8 6 5 27% 31% 22% 20% 3 2 3 4 23% 15% 27% 35% 3 1 1 -- 56% 33% 11% -- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 17 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College Reasons for Selecting Summer Term A Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number of respondents Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 10 100% 62 100% 55 100% 15 100% 56 100% 36 100% 24 100% 15 100% 2 3 1 4 23% 29% 6% 41% 15 15 16 16 15% 31% 28% 26% 10 9 14 22 21% 15% 32% 32% 9 4 1 1 59% 29% 4% 8% 13 12 13 18 30% 15% 24% 31% 5 10 7 14 13% 29% 21% 36% 14 4 5 1 58% 17% 21% 4% 1 8 6 -- 5% 65% 30% -- 2 4 1 3 23% 36% 6% 35% 25 12 12 13 38% 24% 17% 22% 20 7 14 14 45% 13% 27% 15% 10 3 -2 66% 22% -12% 17 13 14 12 36% 22% 19% 23% 13 12 6 5 36% 33% 18% 13% 16 5 2 1 66% 21% 9% 4% 3 7 5 -- 16% 58% 25% -- -1 4 5 -12% 31% 58% 8 4 14 36 9% 9% 23% 59% 2 5 10 38 4% 6% 24% 66% 2 1 2 10 12% 8% 11% 69% 3 5 18 30 20% 5% 25% 50% --12 24 --33% 67% 7 2 9 6 30% 8% 37% 25% -4 4 7 -42% 20% 38% 2 4 1 3 23% 41% 6% 29% 23 17 9 13 43% 29% 13% 15% 21 14 15 5 46% 24% 24% 6% 9 2 3 1 56% 15% 22% 8% 19 12 10 15 29% 19% 20% 32% 16 10 8 2 44 % 31% 20% 5% 13 6 4 1 54% 24% 17% 4% 9 2 2 2 67% 11% 11% 10% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 18 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College Reasons for Selecting Summer Term B Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number of respondents Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 10 100% 39 100% 45 100% 5 100% 51 100% 37 100% 17 100% 6 100% 4 3 1 2 39% 28% 11% 22% 10 11 10 8 27% 31% 28% 14% 8 8 16 13 22% 18% 35% 25% 2 1 -2 35% 22% -43% 12 14 13 12 31% 18% 29% 22% 8 9 7 13 23% 25% 17% 35% 15 1 1 -- 88% 6% 6% -- 2 2 2 -- 36% 36% 29% -- 3 5 1 1 28% 50% 11% 11% 15 10 4 10 42% 30% 9% 19% 16 8 12 9 40% 15% 29% 16% 4 --1 78% --22% 20 11 13 7 46% 14% 21% 19% 16 9 5 7 46% 23% 12% 18% 15 2 --- 88% 12% --- 2 2 2 -- 36% 36% 29% -- 1 1 1 7 11% 6% 11% 72% 2 5 4 28 5% 17% 9% 69% 2 3 10 30 5% 5% 18% 72% ---5 ---100% 3 4 15 29 21% 5% 22% 52% 1 3 13 20 3% 7% 36% 53% 5 2 5 5 31% 10% 30% 30% -1 -5 -18% -82% 5 2 1 2 50% 17% 11% 22% 13 7 6 13 43% 22% 10% 26% 13 10 17 5 35% 23% 32% 10% 3 --2 56% --44% 21 9 11 10 34% 12% 26% 28% 17 7 7 6 48% 20% 17% 15% 7 6 2 2 41% 36% 12% 11% 2 2 2 -- 36% 36% 29% -- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 19 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College Reasons for Selecting Summer Term C Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number of respondents Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 10 100% 17 100% 5 100% 4 100% 39 100% 4 100% 9 100% 1 100% 4 1 5 -- 42% 10% 48% -- 7 3 5 2 21% 18% 52% 9% --2 3 --15% 85% 1 -2 1 17% -55% 28% 12 10 7 10 42% 27% 13% 18% 1 -3 -- 25% -75% -- 7 -2 -- 78% -22% -- --1 -- --100% -- 3 2 5 -- 31% 21% 48% -- 8 3 4 2 38% 18% 35% 9% --2 3 --15% 85% 2 -1 1 43% -28% 28% 17 7 9 6 58% 19% 12% 11% 2 -2 -- 50% -50% -- 7 -2 -- 78% -22% -- 1 ---- 100% ---- -1 3 6 -10% 27% 63% 2 -3 12 1% -34% 64% --2 3 --46% 54% --1 3 --17% 83% 4 2 10 23 28% 5% 24% 43% 1 1 -2 25% 25% -50% 4 1 1 3 44% 11% 11% 33% ---1 ---100% 2 -7 1 21% -69% 10% 12 1 3 1 64% 17% 2% 17% 3 2 --- 54% 46% --- 2 -1 1 45% -27% 28% 21 6 6 6 47% 9% 15% 30% 2 2 --- 50% 50% --- 4 -4 1 44% -44% 11% ---1 ---100% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 20 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College Reasons for Selecting Summer Term D Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number of respondents Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 20 100% 8 100% 2 100% 1 100% 9 100% 2 100% 5 100% 1 100% 8 2 5 5 40% 10% 25% 25% 6 -1 1 76% -23% 1% 1 --1 11% --89% 1 ---- 100% ---- 4 1 3 1 83% 4% 10% 4% 1 -1 -- 36% -64% -- 3 -2 -- 60% -40% -- ---1 ---100% 8 4 5 3 40% 20% 25% 15% 7 --1 99% --1% 1 -1 -- 11% -89% -- 1 ---- 100% ---- 4 1 3 1 83% 4% 10% 4% 1 -1 -- 36% -64% -- 3 1 1 -- 60% 20% 20% -- --1 -- --100% -- 1 2 2 15 5% 10% 10% 75% 3 --5 25% --75% ---2 ---100% 1 ---- 100% ---- 1 -3 5 72% -11% 17% 1 -1 -- 36% -64% -- 3 -1 1 60% -20% 20% --1 -- --100% -- 6 7 4 3 30% 35% 20% 15% 3 -1 4 25% -6% 69% --1 1 --89% 11% 1 ---- 100% ---- 1 1 4 3 4% 3% 14% 79% 1 -1 -- 36% -64% -- 2 2 1 -- 40% 40% 20% -- 1 ---- 100% ---- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 21 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College How Often Use Following CU Computer/IT Services: Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number of respondents Q27a: I use campus computer labs: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27b: I use my CU e-mail account for personal correspondence: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27c: I use my CU e-mail account to reach CU faculty, students & depts: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27d: I use my personal e-mail account to reach CU faculty, students & depts: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27e: I use CU as my internet provider: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27f: I use a non-CU internet provider (e.g., AOL, Qwest): - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27g: I use computer kiosks on campus: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27h: I use the PLUS system (to register, etc.): - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 47 100% 185 100% 135 100% 51 100% 193 100% 97 100% 69 100% 44 100% 28 12 4 2 1 67% 14% 16% 1% 1% 58 70 31 20 6 34% 41% 13% 10% 2% 52 46 18 13 6 11% 44% 25% 19% 1% 14 22 8 5 2 27% 46% 6% 14% 7% 110 54 13 13 3 57% 22% 12% 6% 2% 27 38 16 13 3 23% 40% 19% 17% 1% 20 29 12 8 -- 31% 38% 24% 7% -- 14 17 7 5 1 41% 34% 13% 12% 1% 31 8 3 4 1 83% 12% 2% 2% 1% 141 18 10 11 5 73% 9% 2% 13% 2% 98 11 9 13 4 81% 8% 3% 8% 1% 25 11 4 9 2 47% 24% 3% 21% 5% 156 20 5 9 3 85% 6% 5% 4% 0% 70 13 6 6 2 77% 11% 8% 2% 1% 47 7 3 11 1 61% 14% 5% 20% 0% 24 9 1 9 1 51% 21% 6% 21% 1% 19 14 10 2 2 33% 44% 21% 1% 1% 110 53 9 5 8 62% 26% 3% 7% 2% 73 43 6 8 5 50% 35% 12% 2% 1% 22 20 5 3 1 45% 32% 7% 11% 4% 132 49 2 4 6 78% 14% 0% 3% 5% 54 31 7 3 2 59% 18% 20% 1% 1% 40 17 5 6 1 54% 30% 2% 14% 0% 18 13 4 8 1 38% 35% 11% 15% 1% 13 7 5 19 3 36% 11% 3% 47% 2% 50 26 23 80 6 37% 18% 21% 22% 2% 31 20 15 63 6 16% 10% 19% 54% 1% 13 11 9 16 2 35% 24% 12% 23% 7% 57 25 23 84 4 25% 8% 15% 50% 2% 31 18 8 38 2 25% 19% 3% 51% 1% 26 13 3 27 -- 41% 21% 9% 30% -- 12 14 5 12 1 36% 39% 3% 21% 1% 19 7 3 17 1 41% 11% 16% 32% 1% 81 22 9 66 7 36% 11% 1% 48% 3% 50 13 7 59 6 42% 9% 1% 46% 1% 23 5 3 17 3 38% 3% 10% 42% 7% 93 16 12 68 4 54% 10% 5% 31% 0% 39 15 5 35 3 40% 12% 2% 45% 1% 34 11 7 17 -- 40% 20% 14% 26% -- 18 7 1 17 1 53% 13% 2% 31% 1% 21 6 1 17 2 55% 4% 1% 39% 1% 78 22 10 65 10 44% 21% 2% 25% 8% 81 8 3 37 6 68% 2% 0% 28% 2% 22 6 2 16 5 49% 11% 1% 26% 13% 103 17 11 56 6 64% 7% 3% 23% 3% 52 7 4 30 4 52% 9% 14% 24% 2% 31 5 3 30 -- 54% 6% 1% 39% -- 23 1 2 16 2 42% 2% 8% 41% 7% 12 16 10 8 1 14% 31% 28% 26% 1% 22 73 43 40 7 16% 37% 25% 19% 2% 16 65 30 18 6 9% 49% 21% 20% 1% 4 13 13 16 5 5% 25% 23% 35% 13% 34 57 59 38 5 25% 34% 25% 14% 2% 15 32 29 17 4 12% 25% 30% 31% 2% 7 25 19 18 -- 14% 29% 30% 26% -- 11 18 7 7 1 24% 38% 20% 17% 1% 9 16 20 1 1 6% 45% 48% 1% 1% 32 69 76 3 5 13% 41% 43% 1% 2% 27 56 45 3 4 23% 34% 42% 0% 1% 5 20 25 -1 9% 33% 53% -4% 32 79 79 1 2 20% 35% 44% 0% 0% 13 37 43 2 2 6% 63% 30% 1% 1% 4 19 45 -1 9% 16% 75% -0% 9 14 20 1 -- 17% 32% 50% 1% -- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 22 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College Most Prefer to Take Courses in: Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number of respondents Q22a: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22b: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22c: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22d: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22e: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 47 100% 185 100% 135 100% 51 100% 193 100% 97 100% 69 100% 44 100% 16 31 30% 70% 100 85 54% 46% 81 54 51% 49% 32 19 60% 40% 106 87 47% 53% 50 47 62% 38% 44 25 52% 48% 19 25 40% 60% 28 19 74% 26% 133 52 75% 25% 97 38 65% 35% 35 16 75% 25% 124 69 62% 38% 65 32 58% 42% 45 24 75% 25% 33 11 64% 36% 24 23 29% 71% 85 100 49% 51% 71 64 40% 60% 18 33 32% 68% 74 119 34% 66% 51 46 51% 49% 25 44 22% 78% 19 25 38% 62% 20 27 56% 44% 41 144 23% 77% 15 120 15% 85% 8 43 19% 81% 58 135 41% 59% 10 87 5% 95% 12 57 16% 84% 12 32 32% 68% 10 37 14% 86% 13 172 9% 91% 13 122 9% 91% 6 45 10% 90% 32 161 23% 77% 8 89 3% 97% 10 59 12% 88% 4 40 13% 87% in Maymester in Term A in Term B in Term C in Term D Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 23 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College Learned about Summer Session From: Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number of Q23a: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23b: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23c: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23d: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23e: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23f: I learned - - Yes - - No respondents about Summer Session from faculty/staff Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 47 100% 185 100% 135 100% 51 100% 193 100% 97 100% 69 100% 44 100% 9 38 20% 80% 49 136 7% 93% 23 112 10% 90% 11 40 7% 93% 62 131 21% 79% 18 79 7% 93% 27 42 15% 85% 6 38 10% 90% 19 28 26% 74% 77 108 37% 63% 65 70 30% 70% 3 48 2% 98% 83 110 28% 72% 43 54 36% 64% 20 49 12% 88% 16 28 30% 70% 19 28 26% 74% 82 103 34% 66% 58 77 29% 71% 18 33 16% 84% 73 120 16% 84% 47 50 26% 74% 27 42 30% 70% 14 30 18% 82% 8 39 12% 88% 39 146 13% 87% 29 106 11% 89% 11 40 11% 89% 54 139 14% 86% 22 75 9% 91% 13 56 9% 91% 10 34 17% 83% 9 38 5% 95% 44 141 21% 79% 16 119 4% 96% 6 45 8% 92% 49 144 16% 84% 18 79 7% 93% 6 63 6% 94% 5 39 4% 96% 3 44 2% 98% 6 179 7% 93% 9 126 2% 98% 1 50 4% 96% 7 186 5% 95% 3 94 1% 99% 2 67 1% 99% 2 42 5% 95% about Summer Session from other students about Summer Session from catalog about Summer Session from website about Summer Session from advisor about Summer Session from other source Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 24 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Discipline College Used Summer Session Website For: Discipline College Architecture & Planning N Total number Q25a: I used - - Yes - - No Q25b: I used courses - - Yes - - No Q25c: I used information - - Yes - - No Q25d: I used - - Yes - - No Q25e: I used information - - Yes - - No Q25f: I used - - Yes - - No of respondents the Summer Session website for course information Pct Arts and Sciences Business Education N N N Pct Pct Pct Engineering Journalism N Pct N Pct Law N Music Pct N Pct 47 100% 185 100% 135 100% 51 100% 193 100% 97 100% 69 100% 44 100% 16 31 17% 83% 65 120 47% 53% 47 88 23% 77% 15 36 14% 86% 53 140 15% 85% 36 61 27% 73% 15 54 14% 86% 5 39 5% 95% 4 43 10% 90% 21 164 21% 79% 16 119 8% 92% 2 49 5% 95% 16 177 5% 95% 9 88 4% 96% 4 65 5% 95% 3 41 2% 98% 16 31 17% 83% 51 134 39% 61% 41 94 15% 85% 16 35 10% 90% 46 147 12% 88% 19 78 8% 92% 16 53 7% 93% 6 38 5% 95% -47 -100% 4 181 6% 94% 1 134 0% 100% -51 -100% 4 189 3% 97% -97 -100% -69 -100% -44 -100% 6 41 4% 96% 16 169 14% 86% 11 124 1% 99% 6 45 4% 96% 20 173 8% 92% 5 92 2% 98% 7 62 3% 97% 1 43 1% 99% 2 45 1% 99% 1 184 6% 94% 1 134 0% 100% -51 -100% 2 191 0% 100% -97 -100% -69 -100% -44 -100% the Summer Session website to learn about special the Summer Session website for registration & tuition the Summer Session website for housing information the Summer Session website for financial aid the Summer Session website for other information Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 25 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level Yes/No Questions Student Level Undergraduate N Total number of respondents Q5yn: Should your graduate program offer more courses in summer? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q6: Did you attend 2003 Maymester term? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q9: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term A? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q12: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term B? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q15: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term C? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q18: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term D? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q24: Did you use the Summer Session website? - - Yes - - No - - No response Pct Graduate N Pct 512 100% 309 100% 12 3 497 1% 0% 99% 235 55 19 68% 21% 11% 236 218 58 7% 64% 29% 42 177 90 2% 40% 58% 208 228 76 17% 49% 35% 73 126 110 6% 29% 65% 166 253 93 12% 53% 35% 44 151 114 6% 31% 63% 54 357 101 4% 60% 37% 37 158 114 4% 34% 63% 32 362 118 3% 60% 38% 19 161 129 2% 31% 66% 208 255 49 43% 29% 28% 79 136 94 9% 28% 63% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 26 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level Reasons for Attending Summer Session Student Level Undergraduate N Total number of respondents Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Pct Graduate N Pct 512 100% 309 100% 184 78 89 99 62 23% 15% 14% 19% 29% 107 16 36 46 104 20% 2% 7% 4% 67% 56 25 81 296 54 13% 6% 14% 38% 29% 43 14 32 115 105 15% 2% 6% 10% 67% 304 37 41 57 73 34% 3% 9% 23% 31% 170 9 11 4 115 28% 1% 3% 0% 68% 87 44 87 232 62 24% 5% 15% 27% 30% 80 12 36 72 109 17% 3% 4% 8% 67% 300 52 39 52 69 49% 5% 2% 15% 30% 128 16 16 36 113 21% 4% 2% 5% 68% 150 106 113 76 67 25% 12% 9% 23% 30% 48 30 62 63 106 15% 3% 5% 10% 67% 288 67 47 41 69 40% 14% 13% 4% 30% 103 17 33 44 112 19% 2% 4% 7% 68% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 27 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level Reasons for Selecting Maymester Student Level Undergraduate N Total number of respondents Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Graduate N Pct 232 100% 36 100% 56 66 59 51 24% 28% 25% 23% 17 6 7 6 47% 18% 18% 17% 83 55 50 44 38% 23% 17% 22% 20 9 4 3 56% 26% 10% 8% 13 22 66 131 5% 9% 25% 60% 3 -12 21 11% -32% 57% 83 54 56 39 38% 26% 18% 19% 7 7 9 13 20% 19% 25% 37% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 28 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level Reasons for Selecting Summer Term A Student Level Undergraduate N Total number of respondents Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Graduate N Pct 200 100% 73 100% 33 52 49 66 15% 28% 29% 28% 36 13 14 10 57% 17% 15% 11% 65 49 41 45 37% 23% 18% 22% 41 14 13 5 61% 19% 15% 6% 8 17 54 121 7% 8% 24% 60% 14 5 19 35 35% 8% 19% 38% 84 55 38 23 43% 28% 15% 13% 28 12 14 19 30% 13% 16% 42% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 29 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level Reasons for Selecting Summer Term B Student Level Undergraduate N Total number of respondents Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Graduate N Pct 168 100% 42 100% 37 41 46 44 22% 29% 31% 18% 24 8 4 6 78% 9% 5% 8% 67 40 32 29 39% 28% 14% 19% 24 7 5 6 77% 7% 6% 9% 6 15 38 109 2% 14% 13% 71% 8 4 10 20 62% 4% 10% 24% 69 34 40 25 40% 22% 16% 22% 12 9 6 15 47% 9% 9% 36% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 30 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level Reasons for Selecting Summer Term C Student Level Undergraduate N Total number of respondents Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Graduate N Pct 53 100% 36 100% 12 9 19 13 19% 20% 45% 16% 20 5 8 3 66% 10% 19% 5% 18 7 17 11 36% 18% 31% 14% 22 5 8 1 74% 10% 14% 2% 1 3 17 32 1% 2% 36% 61% 10 2 3 21 47% 3% 6% 45% 28 8 13 4 60% 17% 9% 14% 18 3 8 7 35% 4% 15% 46% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 31 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level Reasons for Selecting Summer Term D Student Level Undergraduate N Total number of respondents Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct Graduate N Pct 29 100% 19 100% 12 2 8 7 66% 2% 24% 8% 12 1 4 2 81% 3% 9% 7% 13 4 9 3 84% 4% 9% 3% 12 2 3 2 81% 5% 7% 7% 2 2 4 21 19% 2% 3% 76% 8 -4 7 71% -10% 19% 8 8 7 6 24% 7% 12% 57% 7 2 5 5 20% 4% 12% 63% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 32 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level How Often Use Following CU Computer/IT Services: Student Level Undergraduate N Total number of respondents Q27a: I use campus computer labs: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27b: I use my CU e-mail account for personal correspondence: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27c: I use my CU e-mail account to reach CU faculty, students & depts: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27d: I use my personal e-mail account to reach CU faculty, students & depts: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27e: I use CU as my internet provider: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27f: I use a non-CU internet provider (e.g., AOL, Qwest): - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27g: I use computer kiosks on campus: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27h: I use the PLUS system (to register, etc.): - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Pct Graduate N Pct 512 100% 309 100% 222 180 57 40 13 36% 41% 13% 9% 1% 101 108 52 39 9 31% 25% 22% 18% 5% 370 59 28 43 12 74% 10% 3% 12% 1% 222 38 13 29 7 81% 7% 3% 7% 3% 264 175 37 20 16 59% 28% 6% 5% 2% 204 65 11 19 10 71% 15% 1% 8% 4% 136 76 68 215 17 34% 15% 20% 29% 1% 97 58 23 124 7 25% 19% 8% 44% 4% 194 67 28 207 16 39% 12% 2% 46% 1% 163 29 19 89 9 49% 6% 5% 33% 8% 285 47 17 142 21 53% 17% 1% 23% 6% 126 25 19 125 14 38% 7% 7% 42% 6% 88 209 108 90 17 17% 39% 23% 20% 1% 33 90 102 72 12 13% 30% 33% 19% 5% 99 213 183 7 10 15% 43% 41% 0% 1% 32 97 170 4 6 15% 20% 60% 2% 3% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 33 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level Most Prefer to Take Courses in: Student Level Undergraduate N Total number of respondents Q22a: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22b: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22c: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22d: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22e: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Pct Graduate N Pct 512 100% 309 100% 319 193 56% 44% 129 180 31% 69% 373 139 72% 28% 187 122 69% 31% 253 259 45% 55% 114 195 40% 60% 91 421 21% 79% 85 224 42% 58% 35 477 9% 91% 61 248 23% 77% in Maymester in Term A in Term B in Term C in Term D Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 34 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level Learned about Summer Session From: Student Level Undergraduate N Total number of Q23a: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23b: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23c: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23d: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23e: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23f: I learned - - Yes - - No respondents about Summer Session from faculty/staff Pct Graduate N Pct 512 100% 309 100% 106 406 9% 91% 99 210 14% 86% 261 251 37% 63% 65 244 13% 87% 249 263 32% 68% 89 220 16% 84% 134 378 14% 86% 52 257 6% 94% 116 396 19% 81% 37 272 4% 96% 22 490 6% 94% 11 298 5% 95% about Summer Session from other students about Summer Session from catalog about Summer Session from website about Summer Session from advisor about Summer Session from other source Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 35 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results by Student Level Used Summer Session Website For: Student Level Undergraduate N Total number Q25a: I used - - Yes - - No Q25b: I used courses - - Yes - - No Q25c: I used information - - Yes - - No Q25d: I used - - Yes - - No Q25e: I used information - - Yes - - No Q25f: I used - - Yes - - No of respondents the Summer Session website for course information Pct Graduate N Pct 512 100% 309 100% 188 324 42% 58% 64 245 7% 93% 60 452 18% 82% 15 294 4% 96% 152 360 34% 66% 59 250 6% 94% 9 503 5% 95% -309 -100% 51 461 12% 88% 21 288 4% 96% 4 508 4% 96% 2 307 0% 100% the Summer Session website to learn about special the Summer Session website for registration & tuition the Summer Session website for housing information the Summer Session website for financial aid the Summer Session website for other information Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 36 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group Yes/No Questions N Total number of respondents Q5yn: Should your graduate program offer more courses in summer? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q6: Did you attend 2003 Maymester term? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q9: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term A? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q12: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term B? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q15: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term C? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q18: Did you attend 2003 Summer Term D? - - Yes - - No - - No response Q24: Did you use the Summer Session website? - - Yes - - No - - No response Pct 821 100% 247 58 516 12% 4% 84% 278 395 148 7% 60% 34% 281 354 186 15% 45% 40% 210 404 207 11% 49% 40% 91 515 215 4% 56% 41% 51 523 247 3% 55% 42% 287 391 143 37% 29% 34% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 37 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group Reasons for Attending Summer Session N Total number of respondents Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important - - No response Pct 821 100% 291 94 125 145 166 22% 13% 13% 17% 35% 99 39 113 411 159 14% 5% 13% 33% 35% 474 46 52 61 188 33% 3% 8% 19% 37% 167 56 123 304 171 23% 5% 13% 24% 36% 428 68 55 88 182 44% 5% 2% 13% 36% 198 136 175 139 173 24% 11% 8% 21% 36% 391 84 80 85 181 36% 12% 11% 4% 36% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 38 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group Reasons for Selecting Maymester N Total number of respondents Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct 268 100% 73 72 66 57 25% 27% 25% 23% 103 64 54 47 39% 24% 17% 21% 16 22 78 152 6% 9% 25% 60% 90 61 65 52 37% 25% 18% 19% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 39 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group Reasons for Selecting Summer Term A N Total number of respondents Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct 273 100% 69 65 63 76 18% 28% 28% 27% 106 63 54 50 38% 23% 18% 20% 22 22 73 156 9% 8% 24% 58% 112 67 52 42 42% 27% 15% 15% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 40 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group Reasons for Selecting Summer Term B N Total number of respondents Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct 210 100% 61 49 50 50 27% 27% 28% 17% 91 47 37 35 43% 26% 13% 18% 14 19 48 129 7% 13% 13% 67% 81 43 46 40 41% 21% 15% 23% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 41 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group Reasons for Selecting Summer Term C N Total number of respondents Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct 89 100% 32 14 27 16 27% 18% 40% 14% 40 12 25 12 43% 17% 28% 12% 11 5 20 53 9% 2% 31% 58% 46 11 21 11 56% 15% 10% 20% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 42 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group Reasons for Selecting Summer Term D N Total number of respondents Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes - - Not important or not applicable - - Slightly important - - Important - - Very important Pct 48 100% 24 3 12 9 68% 2% 22% 8% 25 6 12 5 84% 4% 9% 4% 10 2 8 28 27% 2% 4% 67% 15 10 12 11 23% 7% 12% 58% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 43 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group How Often Use Following CU Computer/IT Services: N Total number of respondents Q27a: I use campus computer labs: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27b: I use my CU e-mail account for personal correspondence: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27c: I use my CU e-mail account to reach CU faculty, students & depts: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27d: I use my personal e-mail account to reach CU faculty, students & depts: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27e: I use CU as my internet provider: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27f: I use a non-CU internet provider (e.g., AOL, Qwest): - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27g: I use computer kiosks on campus: - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Q27h: I use the PLUS system (to register, etc.): - - Daily - - Weekly - - Monthly - - Never - - No response Pct 821 100% 323 288 109 79 22 35% 38% 15% 10% 2% 592 97 41 72 19 75% 9% 3% 11% 2% 468 240 48 39 26 61% 26% 5% 6% 2% 233 134 91 339 24 33% 16% 18% 31% 2% 357 96 47 296 25 40% 11% 3% 44% 2% 411 72 36 267 35 50% 15% 2% 26% 6% 121 299 210 162 29 16% 37% 25% 20% 2% 131 310 353 11 16 15% 39% 44% 1% 1% Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 44 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group Most Prefer to Take Courses in: N Total number of respondents Q22a: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22b: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22c: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22d: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Q22e: Most prefer to take courses - - Yes - - No Pct 821 100% 448 373 52% 48% 560 261 72% 28% 367 454 45% 55% 176 645 25% 75% 96 725 11% 89% in Maymester in Term A in Term B in Term C in Term D Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 45 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group Learned about Summer Session From: N Total number of Q23a: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23b: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23c: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23d: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23e: I learned - - Yes - - No Q23f: I learned - - Yes - - No respondents about Summer Session from faculty/staff Pct 821 100% 205 616 10% 90% 326 495 33% 67% 338 483 30% 70% 186 635 13% 87% 153 668 17% 83% 33 788 6% 94% about Summer Session from other students about Summer Session from catalog about Summer Session from website about Summer Session from advisor about Summer Session from other source Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 46 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Results for Total Group Used Summer Session Website For: N Total number Q25a: I used - - Yes - - No Q25b: I used courses - - Yes - - No Q25c: I used information - - Yes - - No Q25d: I used - - Yes - - No Q25e: I used information - - Yes - - No Q25f: I used - - Yes - - No of respondents the Summer Session website for course information Pct 821 100% 252 569 36% 64% 75 746 16% 84% 211 610 29% 71% 9 812 4% 96% 72 749 11% 89% 6 815 4% 96% the Summer Session website to learn about special the Summer Session website for registration & tuition the Summer Session website for housing information the Summer Session website for financial aid the Summer Session website for other information Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 47 Weighted Means and Standard Deviations CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Session Group Std Summer Session Group Variable Label N Mean Dev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maymester only q2a Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit 131 2.0 0.5 q2b Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major 132 3.1 0.5 q2c Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor 123 1.4 0.4 q2d Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time 128 3.3 0.4 q2e Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early 124 1.6 0.4 q2f Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest 128 2.3 0.5 q2g Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor 130 1.7 0.4 Regular (A-D) only q2a q2b q2c q2d q2e q2f q2g Q2a: Q2b: Q2c: Q2d: Q2e: Q2f: Q2g: Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Session Session Session Session Session Session Session to earn elective credit to complete requirements for my major to complete requirements for a minor to graduate on time to graduate early for personal interest to take class w/ a specific instructor 323 328 311 322 317 320 311 2.1 3.4 1.6 2.9 1.4 2.1 1.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.7 Maymester plus regular q2a q2b q2c q2d q2e q2f q2g Q2a: Q2b: Q2c: Q2d: Q2e: Q2f: Q2g: Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Session Session Session Session Session Session Session to earn elective credit to complete requirements for my major to complete requirements for a minor to graduate on time to graduate early for personal interest to take class w/ a specific instructor 139 141 138 139 137 140 138 2.3 3.5 1.6 3.2 1.7 2.5 1.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Non-participant q2a Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit 62 2.5 2.8 q2b Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major 61 2.8 2.8 q2c Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor 61 2.6 3.2 q2d Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time 61 2.4 3.1 q2e Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early 61 1.9 3.1 q2f Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest 60 2.5 3.2 q2g Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor 61 1.8 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 48 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Session Group Std Summer Session Group Variable Label N Mean Dev ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maymester only q7a Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes 126 2.5 0.5 q7b Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes 126 2.3 0.5 q7c Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes 126 3.3 0.3 q7d Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes 126 2.3 0.5 Regular (A-D) only q7a q7b q7c q7d Q7a: Q7b: Q7c: Q7d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes instructor in selecting Maymester classes 3 3 3 3 1.0 1.0 2.2 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.7 Maymester plus regular q7a Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes 139 2.5 0.5 q7b Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes 139 2.2 0.6 q7c Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes 139 3.5 0.4 q7d Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes 139 2.1 0.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Std Summer Session Group Variable Label N Mean Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maymester only q10a Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 5 1.2 0.2 q10b Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 5 1.2 0.2 q10c Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes 5 3.2 0.2 q10d Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 5 2.2 0.3 Regular (A-D) only q10a q10b q10c q10d Q10a: Q10b: Q10c: Q10d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 170 170 170 170 2.6 2.1 3.3 2.0 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 Maymester plus regular q10a q10b q10c q10d Q10a: Q10b: Q10c: Q10d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 95 95 95 95 2.8 2.6 3.5 2.0 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.6 Non-participant q10a Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 3 1.3 0.6 q10b Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 3 1.3 0.6 q10c Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes 3 1.3 0.6 q10d Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 3 3.4 1.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 49 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Session Group Std Summer Session Group Variable Label N Mean Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maymester only q13a Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 1 4.0 . q13b Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 1 4.0 . q13c Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes 1 4.0 . q13d Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 1 3.0 . Regular (A-D) only q13a q13b q13c q13d Q13a: Q13b: Q13c: Q13d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 132 132 132 132 2.4 2.1 3.5 2.2 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.9 Maymester plus regular q13a q13b q13c q13d Q13a: Q13b: Q13c: Q13d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 74 74 74 74 2.7 2.2 3.5 2.3 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.5 Non-participant q13a Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 3 1.1 0.7 q13b Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 3 1.1 0.7 q13c Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes 3 1.1 0.7 q13d Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 3 2.1 2.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Std Summer Session Group Variable Label N Mean Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Regular (A-D) only q16a Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 65 2.4 0.6 q16b Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 65 2.0 0.6 q16c Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes 65 3.5 0.5 q16d Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 65 1.8 0.7 Maymester plus regular q16a q16b q16c q16d Q16a: Q16b: Q16c: Q16d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 22 22 22 22 3.5 3.4 3.8 1.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 Non-participant q16a Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 2 1.3 1.1 q16b Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 2 1.0 0.0 q16c Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes 2 1.5 1.6 q16d Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 2 4.0 0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 50 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Session Group Std Summer Session Group Variable Label N Mean Dev --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Regular (A-D) only q19a Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 44 1.8 0.7 q19b Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 44 1.4 0.5 q19c Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes 44 3.3 0.8 q19d Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 44 3.0 0.8 Maymester plus regular q19a q19b q19c q19d Q19a: Q19b: Q19c: Q19d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 3 3 3 3 1.3 1.3 3.9 2.8 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.4 Non-participant q19a Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 1 1.0 . q19b Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 1 1.0 . q19c Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes 1 1.0 . q19d Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 1 4.0 . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 51 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Discipline College Std Discipline College Variable Label N Mean Dev -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Architecture & Planning q2a Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit 41 2.2 0.7 q2b Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major 41 3.3 0.6 q2c Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor 41 1.9 0.6 q2d Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time 41 3.1 0.7 q2e Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early 40 1.9 0.7 q2f Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest 41 2.8 0.7 q2g Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor 40 2.0 0.7 Arts and Sciences q2a q2b q2c q2d q2e q2f q2g Q2a: Q2b: Q2c: Q2d: Q2e: Q2f: Q2g: Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Session Session Session Session Session Session Session to earn elective credit to complete requirements for my major to complete requirements for a minor to graduate on time to graduate early for personal interest to take class w/ a specific instructor 161 163 158 159 157 161 160 2.4 2.9 2.3 2.5 1.6 2.4 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.0 1.8 2.1 1.5 Business q2a q2b q2c q2d q2e q2f q2g Q2a: Q2b: Q2c: Q2d: Q2e: Q2f: Q2g: Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Session Session Session Session Session Session Session to earn elective credit to complete requirements for my major to complete requirements for a minor to graduate on time to graduate early for personal interest to take class w/ a specific instructor 108 109 104 108 108 106 104 2.5 3.6 2.2 3.2 2.7 2.4 1.6 0.7 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.6 Education q2a q2b q2c q2d q2e q2f q2g Q2a: Q2b: Q2c: Q2d: Q2e: Q2f: Q2g: Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Session Session Session Session Session Session Session to earn elective credit to complete requirements for my major to complete requirements for a minor to graduate on time to graduate early for personal interest to take class w/ a specific instructor 28 30 26 27 26 26 26 1.5 3.0 1.3 2.0 1.3 2.6 1.8 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 Engineering q2a q2b q2c q2d q2e q2f q2g Q2a: Q2b: Q2c: Q2d: Q2e: Q2f: Q2g: Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Session Session Session Session Session Session Session to earn elective credit to complete requirements for my major to complete requirements for a minor to graduate on time to graduate early for personal interest to take class w/ a specific instructor 159 163 152 159 155 157 157 2.4 3.1 2.0 2.7 1.8 2.2 1.9 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 q2a Q2a: q2b Q2b: q2c Q2c: q2d Q2d: CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Attended Attended Attended Attended Summer Summer Summer Summer Session Session Session Session to to to to 77 77 75 77 1.9 3.2 1.9 3.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 Journalism earn elective credit complete requirements for my major complete requirements for a minor graduate on time Important. . .Very Important Scale Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 52 Results by Discipline College Discipline College Law N Mean Std Dev Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor 76 77 77 1.6 2.3 2.0 0.3 0.4 0.4 Q2a: Q2b: Q2c: Q2d: Q2e: Q2f: Q2g: 54 52 50 52 50 53 49 2.3 2.9 1.1 2.6 2.0 2.7 1.9 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 Variable Label q2e q2f q2g q2a q2b q2c q2d q2e q2f q2g Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Session Session Session Session Session Session Session to earn elective credit to complete requirements for my major to complete requirements for a minor to graduate on time to graduate early for personal interest to take class w/ a specific instructor Music q2a Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit 27 1.9 0.4 q2b Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major 27 2.4 0.5 q2c Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor 27 1.4 0.4 q2d Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time 27 2.7 0.5 q2e Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early 27 1.8 0.5 q2f Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest 27 2.3 0.4 q2g Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor 27 1.9 0.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 53 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Discipline College Std Discipline College Variable Label N Mean Dev ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Architecture & Planning q7a Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes 7 2.1 0.4 q7b Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes 7 1.7 0.4 q7c Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes 7 3.5 0.2 q7d Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes 7 2.8 0.3 Arts and Sciences q7a q7b q7c q7d Q7a: Q7b: Q7c: Q7d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes instructor in selecting Maymester classes 76 76 76 76 2.5 2.2 3.4 2.2 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.8 Business q7a q7b q7c q7d Q7a: Q7b: Q7c: Q7d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes instructor in selecting Maymester classes 61 61 61 61 2.6 2.5 3.4 2.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Education q7a q7b q7c q7d Q7a: Q7b: Q7c: Q7d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes instructor in selecting Maymester classes 11 11 11 11 1.6 1.9 3.6 2.0 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 Engineering q7a q7b q7c q7d Q7a: Q7b: Q7c: Q7d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes instructor in selecting Maymester classes 71 71 71 71 2.2 2.0 3.2 2.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Journalism q7a q7b q7c q7d Q7a: Q7b: Q7c: Q7d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes instructor in selecting Maymester classes 25 25 25 25 2.9 2.4 3.4 2.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 Law q7a q7b q7c q7d Q7a: Q7b: Q7c: Q7d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes instructor in selecting Maymester classes 12 12 12 12 2.5 1.8 3.4 2.7 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 Music q7a Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes 5 2.3 0.3 q7b Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes 5 1.9 0.3 q7c Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes 5 3.4 0.2 q7d Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes 5 1.6 0.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 54 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Discipline College Std Discipline College Variable Label N Mean Dev ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Architecture & Planning q10a Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 10 2.7 0.5 q10b Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 10 2.5 0.5 q10c Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes 10 3.5 0.3 q10d Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 10 2.4 0.5 Arts and Sciences q10a q10b q10c q10d Q10a: Q10b: Q10c: Q10d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 62 62 62 62 2.6 2.2 3.3 2.0 1.2 1.4 1.1 1.3 Business q10a q10b q10c q10d Q10a: Q10b: Q10c: Q10d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 55 55 55 55 2.8 2.1 3.5 1.9 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 Education q10a q10b q10c q10d Q10a: Q10b: Q10c: Q10d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 15 15 15 15 1.6 1.6 3.4 1.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Engineering q10a q10b q10c q10d Q10a: Q10b: Q10c: Q10d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 56 56 56 56 2.6 2.3 3.1 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Journalism q10a q10b q10c q10d Q10a: Q10b: Q10c: Q10d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 36 36 36 36 2.8 2.1 3.7 1.9 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 Law q10a q10b q10c q10d Q10a: Q10b: Q10c: Q10d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 24 24 24 24 1.7 1.5 2.6 1.7 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 Music q10a Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 15 2.3 0.2 q10b Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 15 2.1 0.2 q10c Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes 15 3.0 0.3 q10d Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 15 1.6 0.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 55 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Discipline College Std Discipline College Variable Label N Mean Dev ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Architecture & Planning q13a Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 10 2.2 0.5 q13b Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 10 2.0 0.4 q13c Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes 10 3.4 0.4 q13d Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 10 2.0 0.5 Arts and Sciences q13a q13b q13c q13d Q13a: Q13b: Q13c: Q13d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 39 39 39 39 2.3 2.1 3.4 2.2 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.5 Business q13a q13b q13c q13d Q13a: Q13b: Q13c: Q13d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 45 45 45 45 2.6 2.2 3.6 2.2 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.6 Education q13a q13b q13c q13d Q13a: Q13b: Q13c: Q13d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 5 5 5 5 2.5 1.7 4.0 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.5 Engineering q13a q13b q13c q13d Q13a: Q13b: Q13c: Q13d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 51 51 51 51 2.4 2.1 3.1 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 Journalism q13a q13b q13c q13d Q13a: Q13b: Q13c: Q13d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 37 37 37 37 2.6 2.0 3.4 2.0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 Law q13a q13b q13c q13d Q13a: Q13b: Q13c: Q13d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 17 17 17 17 1.2 1.1 2.6 1.9 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 Music q13a Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 6 1.9 0.3 q13b Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 6 1.9 0.3 q13c Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes 6 3.6 0.2 q13d Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 6 1.9 0.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 56 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Discipline College Std Discipline College Variable Label N Mean Dev ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Architecture & Planning q16a Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 10 2.1 0.4 q16b Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 10 2.2 0.4 q16c Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes 10 3.5 0.3 q16d Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 10 2.7 0.4 Arts and Sciences q16a q16b q16c q16d Q16a: Q16b: Q16c: Q16d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 17 17 17 17 2.5 2.1 3.6 1.7 1.0 1.1 0.6 1.2 Business q16a q16b q16c q16d Q16a: Q16b: Q16c: Q16d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 5 5 5 5 3.9 3.9 3.5 1.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 Education q16a q16b q16c q16d Q16a: Q16b: Q16c: Q16d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 4 4 4 4 3.0 2.4 3.8 2.4 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.4 Engineering q16a q16b q16c q16d Q16a: Q16b: Q16c: Q16d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 39 39 39 39 2.1 1.8 2.8 2.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 Journalism q16a q16b q16c q16d Q16a: Q16b: Q16c: Q16d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 4 4 4 4 2.5 2.0 2.8 1.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 Law q16a q16b q16c q16d Q16a: Q16b: Q16c: Q16d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 9 9 9 9 1.4 1.4 2.3 2.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 Music q16a Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 1 3.0 . q16b Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 1 1.0 . q16c Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes 1 4.0 . q16d Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 1 4.0 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 57 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Discipline College Std Discipline College Variable Label N Mean Dev ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Architecture & Planning q19a Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 20 2.4 0.5 q19b Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 20 2.2 0.5 q19c Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes 20 3.6 0.4 q19d Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 20 2.2 0.4 Arts and Sciences q19a q19b q19c q19d Q19a: Q19b: Q19c: Q19d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 8 8 8 8 1.5 1.0 3.3 3.2 1.2 0.4 1.8 1.8 Business q19a q19b q19c q19d Q19a: Q19b: Q19c: Q19d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 2 2 2 2 3.7 2.8 4.0 3.1 0.7 0.5 0.0 0.2 Education q19a q19b q19c q19d Q19a: Q19b: Q19c: Q19d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 . . . . Engineering q19a q19b q19c q19d Q19a: Q19b: Q19c: Q19d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 9 9 9 9 1.3 1.3 1.7 3.7 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.4 Journalism q19a q19b q19c q19d Q19a: Q19b: Q19c: Q19d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 2 2 2 2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Law q19a q19b q19c q19d Q19a: Q19b: Q19c: Q19d: Importance Importance Importance Importance of of of of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 5 5 5 5 1.8 1.6 2.0 1.8 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 Music q19a Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 1 4.0 . q19b Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 1 3.0 . q19c Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes 1 3.0 . q19d Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 1 1.0 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 58 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Student Level Std Student Level Variable Label N Mean Dev ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Undergraduate q2a Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit 450 2.4 1.2 q2b Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major 458 3.1 1.2 q2c Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor 439 2.3 1.4 q2d Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time 450 2.6 1.3 q2e Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early 443 1.7 1.3 q2f Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest 445 2.4 1.3 q2g Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor 443 1.7 1.0 Graduate q2a Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit 205 1.8 0.5 q2b Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major 204 2.3 0.6 q2c Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor 194 1.2 0.3 q2d Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time 200 2.1 0.6 q2e Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early 196 1.7 0.5 q2f Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest 203 2.3 0.6 q2g Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor 197 2.0 0.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Std Student Level Variable Label N Mean Dev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Undergraduate q7a Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes 232 2.5 0.5 q7b Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes 232 2.2 0.5 q7c Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes 232 3.4 0.4 q7d Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes 232 2.2 0.5 Graduate q7a Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes 36 2.0 0.3 q7b Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes 36 1.7 0.2 q7c Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes 36 3.3 0.2 q7d Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes 36 2.8 0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 59 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Student Level Std Student Level Variable Label N Mean Dev -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Undergraduate q10a Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 200 2.7 0.8 q10b Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 200 2.2 0.9 q10c Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes 200 3.4 0.7 q10d Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 200 2.0 0.8 Graduate q10a Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 73 1.8 0.4 q10b Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 73 1.6 0.3 q10c Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes 73 2.6 0.4 q10d Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 73 2.7 0.4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Std Student Level Variable Label N Mean Dev -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Undergraduate q13a Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 168 2.4 0.7 q13b Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 168 2.1 0.8 q13c Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes 168 3.5 0.6 q13d Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 168 2.2 0.8 Graduate q13a Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 42 1.4 0.4 q13b Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 42 1.5 0.4 q13c Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes 42 2.0 0.6 q13d Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 42 2.3 0.6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Std Student Level Variable Label N Mean Dev -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Undergraduate q16a Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 53 2.6 0.7 q16b Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 53 2.2 0.8 q16c Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes 53 3.6 0.4 q16d Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 53 1.8 0.8 Graduate q16a Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 36 1.6 0.4 q16b Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 36 1.4 0.3 q16c Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes 36 2.5 0.5 q16d Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 36 2.7 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 60 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results by Student Level Std Student Level Variable Label N Mean Dev -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Undergraduate q19a Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 29 1.7 0.8 q19b Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 29 1.3 0.6 q19c Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes 29 3.4 0.9 q19d Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 29 3.0 1.0 Graduate q19a Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 19 1.4 0.4 q19b Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 19 1.4 0.4 q19c Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes 19 1.8 0.5 q19d Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 19 3.2 0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 61 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results for the Total Group Std Variable Label N Mean Dev ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------q2a Q2a: Attended Summer Session to earn elective credit 655 2.4 1.1 q2b Q2b: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for my major 662 3.0 1.1 q2c Q2c: Attended Summer Session to complete requirements for a minor 633 2.2 1.2 q2d Q2d: Attended Summer Session to graduate on time 650 2.6 1.2 q2e Q2e: Attended Summer Session to graduate early 639 1.7 1.1 q2f Q2f: Attended Summer Session for personal interest 648 2.4 1.2 q2g Q2g: Attended Summer Session to take class w/ a specific instructor 640 1.7 0.9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Std Variable Label N Mean Dev -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------q7a Q7a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Maymester classes 268 2.5 0.5 q7b Q7b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Maymester classes 268 2.2 0.5 q7c Q7c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Maymester classes 268 3.4 0.4 q7d Q7d: Importance of instructor in selecting Maymester classes 268 2.2 0.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Std Variable Label N Mean Dev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------q10a Q10a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 273 2.6 0.7 q10b Q10b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term A classes 273 2.2 0.8 q10c Q10c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term A classes 273 3.3 0.6 q10d Q10d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term A classes 273 2.0 0.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Std Variable Label N Mean Dev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------q13a Q13a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 210 2.4 0.7 q13b Q13b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term B classes 210 2.1 0.7 q13c Q13c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term B classes 210 3.4 0.6 q13d Q13d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term B classes 210 2.2 0.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 62 CU-Boulder 2003 Summer Session Survey Descriptive Statistics for Items on the Not Important. . .Very Important Scale Results for the Total Group Std Variable Label N Mean Dev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------q16a Q16a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 89 2.4 0.6 q16b Q16b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term C classes 89 2.1 0.6 q16c Q16c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term C classes 89 3.4 0.5 q16d Q16d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term C classes 89 1.9 0.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Std Variable Label N Mean Dev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------q19a Q19a: Importance of time of day class offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 48 1.7 0.7 q19b Q19b: Importance of day(s) class is offered in selecting Summer Term D classes 48 1.3 0.5 q19c Q19c: Importance of availability of a specific class in selecting Summer Term D classes 48 3.1 0.9 q19d Q19d: Importance of instructor in selecting Summer Term D classes 48 3.0 0.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Percentages, means, and standard deviations are weighted to adjust statistically for different sampling fractions and response rates over categories of summer session group, college, and student level. L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc 7/12/2016 63 Appendix Population, Sample, and Respondents, by Session, College, and Student Level Session Maymester and regular Maymester and regular Maymester and regular Maymester and regular Maymester and regular Maymester and regular Maymester and regular Maymester and regular Maymester and regular Maymester and regular Maymester and regular Maymester only Maymester only Maymester only Maymester only Maymester only Maymester only Maymester only Maymester only Maymester only Maymester only Maymester only Maymester only Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Non-participant Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only Regular only College Arts & Sciences Arts & Sciences Business Education Education Engineering Engineering Architecture & Planning Journalism Law Music Arts & Sciences Arts & Sciences Business Education Education Engineering Engineering Architecture & Planning Journalism Law Music Music Arts & Sciences Arts & Sciences Business Business Education Education Engineering Engineering Architecture & Planning Journalism Journalism Law Music Music Arts & Sciences Arts & Sciences Business Business Education Education Engineering Engineering Architecture & Planning Journalism Journalism Law Music Music Total L:\IR\consult\CE\summer_2003\sumrsess_reportv2.doc Student level Graduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Graduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduate Graduate Graduate Undergraduate Population Sample Respondents 4 4 3 608 80 31 94 80 40 1 1 0 5 5 4 2 2 1 57 57 34 9 9 4 22 22 15 10 10 8 4 4 3 12 12 6 351 80 38 56 56 24 5 5 4 12 12 6 21 21 13 53 53 28 4 4 2 19 19 9 8 8 5 1 1 0 8 8 2 1463 55 19 7903 55 11 109 55 19 1709 55 13 160 55 14 45 45 7 747 55 19 1538 55 19 466 55 10 42 42 16 332 55 10 272 55 19 140 55 17 161 55 8 146 80 44 2471 80 33 3 3 2 466 80 37 30 30 14 4 4 2 69 69 35 306 80 44 125 80 31 13 13 9 98 80 38 57 57 37 9 9 5 20 20 9 20270 7/12/2016 1985 821 Respondents as a % of sample 0% 4% 5% 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 2% 1% 0% 1% 5% 3% 0% 1% 2% 3% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 2% 1% 2% 2% 2% 1% 2% 2% 1% 2% 1% 2% 2% 1% 5% 4% 0% 5% 2% 0% 4% 5% 4% 1% 5% 5% 1% 1% Response rate 75% 39% 50% 0% 80% 50% 60% 44% 68% 80% 75% 50% 48% 43% 80% 50% 62% 53% 50% 47% 63% 0% 25% 35% 20% 35% 24% 25% 16% 35% 35% 18% 38% 18% 35% 31% 15% 55% 41% 67% 46% 47% 50% 51% 55% 39% 69% 48% 65% 56% 45% 100% 41% 64