Monthly Leave Usage Reporting Letter of Expectation Print on Departmental Letterhead [Date]

Monthly Leave Usage Reporting Letter of Expectation
Print on Departmental Letterhead
[Name of Employee]
[Campus Box or Mailing Address]
Via Certified Mail/Hand Delivery/etc.
RE: Letter of Expectation
Dear [Name]:
Research faculty are required to submit written requests for usage of sick, vacation, and other types of
leave. This information has not been submitted from you to your Payroll Personnel Liaison for the
months of _____, _____(year).
I am hereby notifying you that the leave usage records (written requests for usage of, and the
summarized monthly report for usage used) be submitted for the aforementioned months to me by
_____________(Month Date, Year). You must submit the written requests for leave usage to your
supervisor and to your Payroll/Personnel Liaison on or before the fifth day of each month to your
Payroll/Personnel Liaison for the remainder of your career in __________________(department name).
The usage of leave must be requested by and approved by your supervisor.
Failure to comply with the above may result in corrective and/or disciplinary action, which may result
in an adjustment to your merit evaluation and recommended salary increase, as well as possible
Department Head
Stein Sture, Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, 26 UCB
Candice A. Bowen, Director, Office of Labor Relations, 565 UCB
Personnel File
Acknowledgement of Letter of Expectation
I, ____________________(print Employee’s Name) have received and understand the Letter of
Expectation dated ____________ (insert date of letter).
Employee’s signature
Delivered By