Leeds Council Bylaws Leeds School of Business Ratified September 2013


Leeds Council Bylaws

Leeds School of Business

Ratified September 2013

ARTICLE I: GENERAL PROVISIONS …………………………………………………………………….……………….…………………. 3


Title and Purpose ……….…………………………………………………………………………………….……………………… 3


Name …….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..... 3


Publication ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3


Conflicts of Law ………………………………………………………………………….…….…………………………………..... 3



Purpose …………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..... 3


Council Composition …………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………. 3


Membership Eligibility and Qualifications …………………………………………………………………………....... 4


Vacancies of Office …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4


Duties of General Council Members ………………………………….……………..…………………………………….. 4


Positions and Duties of the Executive Council..…………………….………………………………………………..... 5


Committees and Task Forces ………………………………………….……………………………………………………... 10

ARTICLE III: ADVISOR ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 12

ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS …………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………… 12


Frequency ……………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………….. 12


Attendance ................................................................................................................................. 12


Voting .......................................................................................................................................... 13

ARTICLE V: FISCAL POLICIES .................................................................................................................... 13


Funds for Internal Use ................................................................................................................ 13


Monies Allocated to Student Organizations ............................................................................... 13

ARTICLE VI: ELECTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 15


Election Code............................................................................................................................... 15


Rules……........................................................................................................................... 15

ARTICLE VII: ENFORCEMENT OF ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS ..................................................................... 15


Removal Reasons ........................................................................................................................ 15


Removal Reporting Procedures .................................................................................................. 15

ARTICLE VIII: PROCEDURAL REVIEW AND BYLAW AMENDMENTS ........................................................ 16


Review Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 16


Amendment Procedure .............................................................................................................. 16




Title and Purpose. The Bylaws of Leeds Council, enacted and enforced by Leeds Council, contain the rules, regulations, and procedures affecting Leeds Council and its representative entities.

The Bylaws shall be used as a regulatory and informational source, outlining general rules and procedures regarding the operations of Leeds Council.


Name. Leeds Council shall hereafter be referred to as “the Council”. All elected and ex officio

Leeds Council representatives shall hereafter be referred to as “Council members” or “General

Council members”. Leeds Council Executive members, as prescribed by Article II.F. shall hereafter be referred to as the “Executive Board”. The Leeds School of Business shall hereafter be referred to as “the School”, and the University of Colorado Boulder shall hereafter be referred to as “the Campus.”


Publication. Leeds Council, upon request, shall provide copies of the Bylaws to anyone at any time. A digital copy shall also be made publicly available through the Leeds Council website.


Conflicts of Law. In the event of a conflict between any provisions of student government regulations, the following list shall be used with the provisions of any items contained on the list superseding all subsequent items:


Leeds Council Bylaws


Leeds Council legislation not contained in the Bylaws


Past operating procedures and customs not contained in the Bylaws


CUSG Constitution


Council of Colleges and Schools Bylaws





The Council’s purpose is to further the mission of the School by representing the interests of the student body. With this in mind, the Council must act as a liaison between the students, student organizations, faculty, staff and administration. The

Council shall endeavor to improve the functions and structure of the School, ever keeping in mind the personal and professional development of its student body.


Council Composition.


The Council will be made up of twenty six (26) voting council members, thirteen (13) elected in the fall and thirteen (13) elected in the spring.


Four (4) Freshman Representatives will be selected for a year-long term via a committee, chaired by the Vice President of Operations, at the beginning of each Fall semester. All Freshmen Representatives, once selected and confirmed, shall receive the same rights as Ex officio members as prescribed in Article II, Section B. 3



Ex officio members may attend and participate in General Council and Committee meetings, subject to appointment by the President and a two-thirds (2/3) Council confirmation. Ex officio members consent to all rights and responsibilities afforded to

Council members but will have no vote. Ex officio members will be appointed for a semester-long term.


Membership Eligibility and Qualifications.


All Council members must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate in the Leeds

School of Business or in a program that combines concurrently with the School.


A Council member’s race, religion, sexual or gender orientation, national origin, or disability status shall not be a factor in his/her eligibility.


Vacancies of Office.


Should a Council member vacate his/her office for any reason, the Council member must select an eligible individual to serve as a proxy for the duration or predetermined portion of the Council member’s absence. This proxy shall be afforded all rights and privileges of a selected Council member. All proxies are subject to a 2/3 vote in affirmation of the appointment.


Duties of General Council Members.


Council members shall possess all powers designated by these bylaws.


All Council members are required to contribute to the Council through work via their respective committee(s), discussion during General Council meetings and proactive relationship cultivation with the School’s stakeholders.


All selected Council members will be admitted to the Council for a two-semester term. a.

Council members may be granted a shorter term when circumstances such as graduation or study abroad arise, subject to the approval of the Council



All Council members shall be responsible for voting, or abstaining therefrom, on all measures, movements, and legislation which are brought to the Council floor except for those relating for funding. See Article VI.C. for voting procedures.


Council members, without notice or formal procedure, may undertake any of the following: a.

Receive the floor at all General Council and Executive Board meetings to discuss any topic relevant to the Council or the School. b.

Request a personal meeting with any Council or Executive Board member. c.

Suggest a candidate for an Ex officio position.


Council members, subject to a motion, second, debate and quorum, may undertake any of the following: a.

Establish any committee or task force deemed necessary. b.

Allocate Council funds.



Establish a position of leadership not already provided for in the Bylaws. d.

Establish operating procedures not already provided for in the Bylaws. e.

Solicit a vote of confidence with regard to any Council member. f.

Initiate a formal review of the Council’s operating procedures and Bylaws.


Positions and Duties of the Executive Council.


Duties of the Executive Council. a.

The Executive Council shall have all rights, duties, and responsibilities afforded to

General Council members as prescribed in Article II.E. b.

The Executive Council shall meet at least once a week at a predetermined time outside of General Council meetings. i.

General Council members shall be informed of, and welcome to, all

Executive Council meetings. Meeting minutes shall be taken and distributed after the completion of all Executive Council meetings. c.

The Executive Council shall be responsible for evaluating the operational effectiveness and implementing the strategic direction of the Council. d.

The Executive Council shall be empowered to make routine decisions not requiring the consent of the Council; “routine decisions” being decisions in which there is no material changes to the Council’s budget or past operating procedures. e.

The term of office for all Executive Council members shall be one semester except for the President, Vice President of Finance, and the two CUSG Senators.

Terms for all others begin at the moment of election and end at the conclusion of graduation for the respective semester. f.

The Executive Council shall be elected at the beginning of the semester on the evening of the first Sunday prior to the semester. The President, Vice President of Finance and the two (2) CUSG Senators shall be elected for the fall/spring at the end of the semester prior to their terms starting. g.

Council members shall vote on all funding requests and issues pertaining to the budget and funding.


Duties of the President. a.

The President shall preside over all General Council and Executive Council meetings. b.

The President shall ensure the Council and Executive Council is operating efficiently, effectively and with purpose. c.

The President shall serve on Boards and Committees within the School or

Campus when approached by faculty, staff or administration to do so. d.

The President shall meet regularly with the Council Advisor(s).



The President shall appoint the next top vote-getter should the newly elected member decline appointment after elections have taken place and no Council meetings have occurred. If there are no other candidates, an ad-hoc task force shall be assembled to appoint another individual. f.

The President shall be empowered to ask for, and receive, the resignation of any

Council member, subject to the procedures prescribed in Article VII. g.

The President shall have the authority to establish any committees, assign duties, and create administrative positions required to fulfill the office, not already provided for in the Bylaws, subject to Council approval by a majority vote. h.

The President may create or dissolve Council Taskforces, and appoint or remove

Taskforce Directors as necessary. i.

The President shall serve as the contractual agent for the Council on all major operational and financial decisions as it relates to the Campus or the School. j.

The President shall be responsible for the administration of all provisions in the

Bylaws and report directly to the Council any information or actions which result from special Council or Executive Board meetings. k.

The President shall provide to the VP of Finance verbal or written approval of the monthly budget report and yearly comprehensive internal audit. l.

The President shall act as the point of information between the administration, faculty and staff in all formal undertakings of the Council. m.

The President shall have final authority on internal administrative issues. n.

The President shall be responsible for mediating all internal issues and concerns. o.

The President shall take the lead on any disciplinary action deemed necessary by the Council. p.

The President shall hold ultimate accountability for the output, conduct, and behavior of the Council and its members.


Duties of the Vice President of Finance. a.

The Vice President of Finance shall serve as the presiding officer of the Council in the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the President. b.

The Vice President of Finance shall be accountable for all monetary funds of the

Council, including but not limited to: i.

Signing all major purchase orders derived from Council activity. ii.

Disbursement of all accounts payable. iii.

Maintenance of an accounting system for the Council and its activities. iv.

Administering financial transactions for Council committees and events



The Vice President of Finance shall be responsible for completing a comprehensive audit each semester of the Council’s funds no later than two weeks following the end of the semester. d.

The Vice President of Finance shall reconcile the accounts at least once a month with the Student Organizations Finance Office. e.

The Vice President of Finance shall present a monthly update of the Council’s financial standing to the Council. f.

The Vice President of Finance shall be held accountable for all financial and monetary accounting operations of the Council.


Duties of the Vice President of Operations. a.

The Vice President of Operations shall serve as the presiding officer of the

Council in the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the President and Vice

President of Finance. b.

The Vice President of Operations may serve as a contractual agent for the

Council when directed to do so by the Council. c.

The Vice President of Operations shall be responsible for internal communications of the Council, including but not limited to: sending out agendas and meeting minutes, event reminders, and attendance updates d.

The Vice President of Operations shall be responsible for maintaining detailed minutes of all Council and Executive Board meetings. e.

The Vice President of Operations shall be responsible for keeping attendance records for all Council and Executive Board meetings. f.

The Vice President of Operations shall be responsible for maintaining a file with up-to-date member information, including contact information and committee involvement. g.

The Vice President of Operations shall be responsible for the planning and coordination of at least two Council retreats each semester. h.

The Vice President of Operations shall be responsible for the execution of all elections, selections, and Freshman Representative selection processes. i.

The Vice President of Operations shall be held accountable for administrative, operational and election processes of the Council.


Duties of the Vice President of Academic and Faculty Relations. a.

The Vice President of Academic and Faculty Relations shall serve as the presiding officer of the Council in the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the President,

Vice President of Finance, and Vice President of Operations. b.

The Vice President of Academic and Faculty Relations shall preside over the

Council’s Academic and Faculty Relations Committee (AFRC) as prescribed in

Article II.G.1.



The Vice President of Academic and Faculty Relations shall act as the point of communication between the AFRC, the Council and the Executive Council. d.

The Vice President of Academic and Faculty Relations shall be responsible for detailed weekly updates to the Council on all developments of the AFRC. e.

The Vice President of Academic and Faculty Relations shall be held accountable for all undertakings of the Council pertaining to academics, curriculum and faculty relations.


Duties of the Vice President of Marketing and Communications. a.

The Vice President of Marketing and Communications shall serve as the presiding officer of the Council in the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the

President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Operations, and Vice

President of Academic and Faculty Relations. b.

The Vice President of Marketing and Communications shall preside over the

Council’s Marketing and Communications Committee as prescribed in Article

II.G.2. c.

The Vice President of Marketing and Communications shall act as the point of communication between the Marketing and Communications Committee, the

Council and the Executive Council. d.

The Vice President of Marketing and Communications shall be responsible for detailed weekly updates to the Council on all developments of the Marketing and Communications Committee. e.

The Vice President of Marketing and Communications shall be held accountable for all marketing, promotional and communication undertakings of the Council.


Duties of the Vice President of Professional Activities. a.

The Vice President of Professional Activities shall preside over the Council’s

Professional Activities Committee as prescribed in Article II.G.3. b.

The Vice President of Professional Activities shall act as the point of communication between the Professional Activities Committee, the Council and the Executive Council. c.

The Vice President of Professional Activities shall be responsible for detailed weekly updates to the Council on all developments of the Professional Activities

Committee. d.

The Vice President of Professional Activities shall be held accountable for all professional development undertakings of the Council.


Duties of the Vice President of Clubs. a.

The Vice President of Clubs shall preside over the Council’s Clubs Committee as prescribed in Article II.G.4.



The Vice President of Clubs shall coordinate and preside over all Club Council meetings, to be held at least once a month. c.

The Vice President of Clubs shall act as the point of communication between the

Clubs Committee, the Council and the Executive Council. d.

The Vice President of Clubs shall be responsible for detailed weekly updates to the Council on all developments of the Clubs Committee. e.

The Vice President of Clubs shall be held accountable for all undertakings of the

Council as it relates to student involvement and clubs.


Duties of the Vice President of Social Activities. a.

The Vice President of Social Activities shall preside over the Council’s Social

Activities Committee as prescribed in Article II.G.5. b.

The Vice President of Social Activities shall act as the point of communication between the Clubs Committee, the Council and the Executive Council. c.

The Vice President of Social Activities shall be responsible for detailed weekly updates to the Council on all developments of the Social Activities Committee. d.

The Vice President of Social Activities shall be held accountable for all undertakings of the Council as it pertains to social activities and events.


Duties of the Vice President of Technology. a.

The Vice President of Technology shall be responsible for the development and management of the Council’s internal and external technology mediums, including but not limited to the Council’s public web space and the internal document-sharing application(s). b.

The Vice President of Technology shall act as the point of communication for all technology undertakings of the Council. c.

The Vice President of Technology shall act as a liaison between the Council and the Leeds Technology Services. d.

The Vice President of Technology shall update the Council and the Executive

Council on all technology-related undertakings when appropriate. e.

The Vice President of Technology shall be held accountable for all technological and informational processes of the Council.


Duties of the CUSG Senators. a.

The CUSG Senators shall represent the Council and the School at any and all

CUSG meetings and functions. b.

The term of office for CUSG Senators shall be one academic year. c.

The CUSG Senators shall be elected in alternating semesters (one in October and one in April). d.

The summer term is a responsibility of the CUSG Senators directly or indirectly through the year-long appointment. If they are unable to complete the year-long


term or serve during the summer session, the Representative is responsible for appointing someone from Leeds Council to serve in his/her place. The appointment is subject to a 2/3 vote in affirmation of the proxy. e.

The CUSG Senators shall present to the Council a verbal and/or written summary of the CUSG issues pertinent to the Council at least once a month. f.

CUSG Senators shall be officio members of the council, unless confirmed by the

Council to finish their elected Senate term as an Ex officio member of Leeds

Council. If the council deems the involvement or the work of the Senator unsatisfactory, they can appoint an alternate senator by means of a 2/3 majority vote.


Duties of the Task Force Directors. a.

All Task Force Directors shall be responsible for the operations and output of their respective Task Forces, as prescribed in Article II. G. f. b.

Task Force Directors shall be responsible for attending all Executive Board meetings. c.

Task Force Directors shall be responsible for updating the Executive Board and

Council on all undertakings of the Task Force.


Committees and Task Forces.


Academic and Faculty Relations Committee. a.

The AFRC shall be responsible for all communications to the Faculty regarding official Council undertakings. b.

The AFRC shall be responsible for the development and coordination of academic-related programs and initiatives, including but not limited to: technology workshops, Mid-semester feedback mechanisms, and BCOR study groups. c.

The AFRC shall contain one liaison to each of the following constituents: i.

Divisional Chairs ii.

Undergraduate Curriculum and Policy Committee iii.

Undergraduate Advising


Marketing and Communications Committee. a.

The Marketing and Communications Committee shall be responsible for the

Council’s communications with the student body, including but not limited to: i.

Maintaining the content and appearance of the School’s bulletin boards. ii.

Distribution of the Leeds Ticker newsletter at least once every two weeks. iii.

Distribution of Leeds “e-blast” event and student group promotions. iv.

LCD screen communications. v.

Production and distribution of marketing communications as it relates to the Council’s undertakings.



The Marketing and Communications Committee must ensure that all communications align with the School’s and Council’s branding efforts. c.

The Marketing and Communications Committee shall contain one liaison to the following constituents: i.

Leeds’ Alumni and Communications Department. ii.

Leeds Technology Services. d.

The Marketing and Communications committee shall assist in the marketing and promotions of the School’s student organizations as requested.


Professional Activities Committee. a.

The Professional Activities Committee shall be responsible for all professional development programs and initiatives, including but not limited to: i.

Gillett Executive Insights Speaker Series. ii.

Professional Portfolio Series. iii.

Networking events. iv.

Leeds Career Fair. b.

The Professional Activities Committee shall work with the School’s Career

Connections office to produce professional development programs.


Clubs Committee. a.

The Clubs Committee shall be responsible for student involvement and organizational development programs and initiatives, including but not limited to: i.

Monthly Club Council meetings. ii.

Meet the Clubs Barbecue. iii.

Cross-club events. b.

The Clubs Committee shall be responsible for receiving, analyzing and presenting funding requests from student organizations to the Council. c.

The Clubs Committee shall contain one liaison to each of the following constituents: i.

Peer Involvement Advisors. ii.

Each individual student organization. d.

The Clubs Committee shall be responsible for knowing the undertakings of all student organizations and supporting those undertakings on behalf of the

Council. e.

The Clubs Committee shall assist the founders of start-up student organizations in their planning, funding, recruitment and operations.


Social Activities Committee. a.

The Social Activities Committee shall be responsible for all school-wide social and community-building events, including but not limited to:



B-School Brawl. ii.

Annual Volleyball Tournament iii.

Student and Faculty/Staff Appreciation Days. iv.

Senior Breakfast.


Ad Hoc Task Forces. a.

The Council President may form a Task Force for any purpose that may lie outside the prescribed functions of the committees. b.

The President shall appoint a Task Force Director, who will assemble a committee to undertake the given task. c.

The Task Force Director shall be responsible for setting a clear timeline and deliverables to the Council within one week of formation. d.

The Task Force Director shall be responsible for updating the Council weekly on the progress of the Task Force.



The School’s Associate Dean of the Undergraduate Programs shall serve as the official advisor of the Council, with the purpose of advising the Council while acting as a liaison between the

Council and the School’s administration.


The President may, at his/her discretion, choose to select an informal advisor to attend Council and Executive Council meetings, with the purpose of advising the Council and the Executive






The Council shall assemble once a week unless otherwise determined by the President upon consultation of the Council.


The Executive Council shall assemble once a week outside of General Council meetings unless otherwise determined by the President upon consultation of the Executive



All Committees and Task Forces shall assemble once a week outside of General Council meetings unless otherwise determined by the Committee VP or Task Force Director upon consultation of the respective Committee or Task Force.


The President may call special meetings at his/her discretion with at least 24 hours notice to the Council or Executive Council.





All Council members are required to attend meetings as part of their elected duties.

Advanced notice (generally 24 hours) must be made to the Vice President of Operations prior to missing a meeting.


Inability to maintain regular meeting attendance is grounds for dismissal of one’s



Council membership. See Article VII for enforcement and removal processes.


Each Council member possesses one vote through which to express a position on all voting matters except those relating to the funds or budget of Leeds Council. All voting pertaining to the funds and budget of Leeds Council shall be voted on by the five (5) voting members of the Executive Council.


Two-thirds of Council members must be present for any voting to take place. Council members, upon absence from a Council meeting, shall not select another Council member to serve as a proxy vote.


If a council member has legitimate reason to not attend a meeting he or she can proxy their vote to another member of the council. The member must notify the Vice

President of Operations of either his or her absence, reason for absence, and who will be serving as his or her proxy 24 hours prior to meeting.


A motion made by any Council member and seconded by another is grounds for a vote by the Council.


A majority, or one-half (½) of present Council members plus one (1) member, must be met for all provisions to be passed, unless specified differently in the Bylaws.


An abstainment from voting does not change the required number of votes needed to meet quorum.


Voting shall occur as a simple show of hands (yea/nea/abstain), unless a Council member makes a motion to vote on a provision via role call or a silent vote. After such a


The Council President shall be empowered to conduct a vote electronically via email should the voting matter be time or content sensitive. motion has been made and seconded, the vote shall take place via a role call or silent vote.



Internal Use of Funds.


Within the first three weeks after the start of each semester, the Vice President of

Finance, upon consultation of the Executive Council, shall present to the Council his/her suggested budget for internal Council use.


The Executive Council may spend, at their own discretion and without the signature of the VP of Finance, necessary funds for Council purposes not in excess of $100.



All disbursements of funds by the Executive Council, of the amount from $100 - $500, must have explicit written approval from the VP of Finance prior to the disbursement.


All disbursements of funds by the Council in excess of $500 must be approved by a twothirds (2/3) vote of the Council unless already incorporated into the approved budget.


Monies Allocated to Student Organizations.


The Council funds affiliated Leeds student organizations for major events, marketing materials and, on occasion, other operational expenses.


To be eligible for funding, student organizations must satisfy the following requirements: a.

Be officially registered and recognized by Student Organizations Finance Office. b.

Be officially affiliated with the School. c.

Have submitted a complete funding application for Council purposes.


No student organization or event (if coordinated by multiple organizations) shall be allocated funds in excess of $800 per semester, unless approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Council.


Consideration for funding shall be based upon the following criteria: a.

Impact: i.

On the School and its students. ii.

On the Campus and its students. iii.

On the Boulder community. iv.

On the Colorado, national, and international community. b.

Breadth: the number of students affected. c.

Efforts to receive funding from other sources. d.

Prior use of Council funds. e.

Sensible timeline. f.

Reasonable projected costs.


The Council, in the absence of extenuating circumstances, shall not to fund the following: a.

Events done solely for club profit. b.

Expenses solely for club benefit (e.g., clothing). c.

Salaries. d.

Alcohol or food (if not central to the event). e.

Gifts, including gift certificates, or prizes.


All funding requests shall be funneled through the Executive Council. Requests shall be reviewed by the Executive Council, and presented to the Leeds Council at Executive

Council meetings. Student Organizations requesting $100 or more shall send a representative to present the funding request to the Executive Council, after which a vote will take place and allocation amount decided.



Appeals. a.

All Council allocation decisions are final. However, in unique circumstances, the

Council may choose to review previously-made funding allocations on a case-bycase basis. All appeals must be submitted to the Executive Council. Overturning an allocation decision will require a two thirds (2/3) vote by the Executive

Council. For the appeal to be granted, both the President and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs must vote in affirmation of overturning the past funding decision.



Election Code


All provisions in the Leeds Council Election Code shall be enforced in accordance with the Leeds Council Bylaws.


Rules not contained in Election Code


All rules and regulations regarding elections not contained in the Leeds Council Election

Code shall be decided upon by the President upon consultation with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs.


Elections will be solely Leeds based with Leeds enforcement and Leeds resources.


Elections will take place at least 3 weeks before the end of the term.


The election commissioner will determine the exact date of elections and material due date.


The President will serve as the election commissioner unless he/she is up for re-election. In the event the President is up for re-election, the Vice President of Operations will serve as the election commissioner. Following is the Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of Finance,

Vice President of Clubs, Vice President of Professional, Vice President of Social, Vice President of Academic and Faculty relations. In the event that all VPs are up for re-election, an election commissioner will be elected by the council.


Candidates may form tickets but are allowed no more than four (4) people per ticket


Candidates are required to campaign in an ethical, professional way. Any issues will be reviewed by the election commissioner and candidates may be dismissed.


All executive positions will be elected internally by Leeds Council board members.


President, CUSG Senators and VP of Finance will be elected before the end of the semester for their one year term. All other VPs will be elected at the beginning of the semester for their one semester term.


The terms of these members shall begin at the end of the Leeds School of Business Graduation

Ceremony and end the beginning of the subsequent Leeds School of Business Graduation

Ceremony. April applicants shall begin their terms in May and November applicants shall begin


their terms in December. After this appointment, the member shall be afforded a one year term.



Removal Reasons. All Council members may be removed from office if the Council member exhibits unsatisfactory job performance or conduct unbecoming.


Unsatisfactory Performance. Such a standard will be met if a majority of Council members deem that an officer exhibits actions including, but not limited to, the following conduct: a.

Multiple (two or more), unjustifiable absences from meetings and other Council events where attendance is expected. b.

Continued failure to perform the duties of his/her office in a timely manner.


Conduct Unbecoming. Such a standard will have been met if a majority of Council members deem that a Council member exhibits actions including, but not limited to, the following conduct: a.

Proven violations of the Campus Honor Code. b.

Proven, material misrepresentation of facts or self during the Council election process. c.

Not adhering to the rules and regulations set forth in the Council Bylaws. d.

Proven, material misrepresentations of fact or self in conducting his/her office. e.

Distribution of any internal Leeds or Leeds Council document to any third party f.

Participation on another student government that would be a conflict of interest. g.

Activities which jeopardize the Council’s reputation.


Removal Reporting Procedures.


Any individual Council member or group of Council members may raise evidence for, and questions of, Council membership removal to the Council President or Associate

Dean of Undergraduate Programs.


Any substantiated concerns shall be subject to a Vote of Confidence from the Council.

Quorum must be met before the Council proceeds with a Vote of Confidence.


A Vote of Confidence shall be subject to a two-thirds (2/3) vote by the Council; without a two-thirds (2/3) vote in the affirmative, the Council member will be dismissed by the




Review Procedure.



A vote shall be taken at the last meeting of each semester to determine if a review of the Bylaws is needed. If a majority of the Council deems a review necessary, the review process will occur during the subsequent semester.


A Bylaw review committee of at least three (3) Council members shall be formed.


The Bylaw review committee shall make recommendations to the Council after the

Review period has concluded.


The timeline for the review and voting of proposed amendments shall be proposed by the Council President and approved by a majority of the Council.


Amendment Procedure


A proposed amendment may be authored by any elected Council member.


The Council must be notified of the proposed amendment at least one (1) week prior to a vote taking place.


An amendment to the Bylaws shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the

Council in order to be approved.


An approved amendment to the Bylaws shall be ratified the moment the vote has concluded.

