UDAC monthly meeting 10/22/10 C4C 215 2:00PM – 3:15PM


UDAC monthly meeting 10/22/10

C4C 215 2:00PM – 3:15PM


Based on the new member’s request, the group first reviewed the goal and purposes of UDAC. Areas such as whom this sub-committee presents and what are the major focuses were discussed. Howard mentioned that we will review the UDAC mission statements stated on the UDAC website once in a while. Again the UDAC website link is http://www.colorado.edu/ODECE/udac/aboutudac.html

. Howard also encouraged the members to submit some ideas for initiatives to the wiki: itswiki.colorado.edu/display/udac/home .


Follow-up on captioning. a.

Discuss the status of the DocSoft. b.

Howard has a testing account. http://avs04.docsoft.com/login/Login.aspx

User name: hkramer and Password: Udac201 c.

DocSoft supports many media formats. See the screenshot below. d.

Members are encouraged to test this out. Next steps will be explored based on the feedback. e.

ITS’s streaming media project. ITS has started the kick-off meeting. It would be nice if Howard is on the project team so that we could collaborate with the project team on the video captioning efforts.


Accessing Higher Ground conference a.

Discussed marketing strategy to make people come to the AHG event. b.

Targeting other groups other than ITS tier-2 list. Send emails to various student groups. c.

Reframe words in powerful and positive ways to attract disability students and non-technical students.


Free web accessibility inspector tools a.

Fujitsu Web Accessibility Inspector http://www.fujitsu.com/global/accessibility/assistance/wi/. Howard demoed the tool. b.

We will explore and come up other similar tools c.

The group suggested using these tools to scan and rate the campus websites.

We can pick 50 sites, examine the accessibility of a website, point out problems in accessibility and indicate the parts that need modification to the site admins . d.

Also pick up the best 10 websites for other fellows to study and follow.

These efforts are to promote accessible coding, accessibility guideline/standard awareness, and accessibility knowledge and resources sharing. e.

It would be helpful to those departments that don’t have personnel, budgets or resources available to do this kind of job if we could provide training sessions and/or list a few core personnel/experts for consulting/advising.


Web Comm. should update the guidelines and policies on their website as the contents there are kind of old. Or have the web comm. website cross-link to the UDAC website.


Next meeting: December 3, 2:00, location tba.
