MACHINE SHOP STUDENT WORK REQUEST TO: John Graham (ext. 3216) 2207 MRDC FROM: __________________________________________________ ext. ______________ (Faculty Signature) I am requesting that Mr./Ms. __________________________________ be allowed to use the work shop facility. He/she understands that John Graham is in charge of this area and that his/her work must be supervised at all times. It is further understood that this authorization applies only to the hours of 8:00am to 4:00pm each day. The machine(s) used MUST be cleaned daily and all tools properly stored. I also understand that I (faculty member) am responsible for replacing tools, bits, and accessories broken by this student. (Does not apply to undergraduate lab courses). ALL SHOP RULES MUST BE OBEYED OR SHOP PRIVILEGES WILL BE DISCONTINUED. He/she has a working knowledge of the following machine(s): Band Saw CNC Lathe(s) Sander Vertical Mill Welder Approved: Drill Press _______________________________________________________ Date_____________ (John Graham) PERSONAL INJURY RELEASE The student also agrees that the faculty, staff and the Institution (Georgia Institute of Technology) are in no way responsible for any damages or injuries resulting from this arrangement. STUDENT SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________ MAW12