Some Issues in Transportation Demand Modeling and ITS Deployment Planning Paul Metaxatos Urban Transportation Center University of Illinois at Chicago CTS-IGERT – Weekly Seminar May 14, 2009 Some Computational Considerations In Transportation Demand Modeling The Gravity Model E ( Nij ) Tij Ai B j Fij Fij exp k k (k ) cij Estimation Procedures Ai (2 r 1) Oi / DSF Ai 's B j 's Bj (2 r ) B j j 1 I D j / Ai (2 r 2) j (2 r 1) i 1 k 's ML Estimation J Fij i I Fij j J Ti Ni i T j N j j cij ij Tij cij (k ) ij (k ) Nij k O-D Distance Measures •Straight-line (Euclidean) distance •Travel distance •Travel time •Generalized cost •Functional distance •Taxonomical distance 1 Mode – 1 Commodity – 1 Travel Time Parameter – National Level Geography Size of Origin – Destination Table (Cells) Size of ML Estimation Problem (I+J+1) – System of Equations Storage Requirements 50 states 2,500 101 20 KB of RAM 3141 counties 9,865,881 6,283 ~ 78 MB of RAM 33,000 zip codes 1,089,000,000 66,001 ~ 8 GB of RAM 65,000 census tracts 4,225,000,000 130,001 ~ 33 GB of RAM Covariance Matrices Cov(T ) 1 Cov( A, B, ) 1 1 diag (T ) M diag (1/ A(1),...,1/ A( I ),1/ B(1),...,1/ B( J ),1,,,1) M – the coefficient matrix of the right-hand side of tij a (i ) b( j ) k cij k (k ) tij log(Tij ) ai log( Ai ) b j log( B j ) 1 Mode – 1 Commodity – 1 Travel Time Parameter – National Level Size of Covariance Matrix – (I*J, I*J) cells Geography Size of Origin – Destination Table (Cells) 50 states 2,500 3141 counties 9,865,881 33,000 zip codes 1,089,000,000 1,185,921,000,000,000,000 ~ 9 EB of RAM 65,000 census tracts 4,225,000,000 17,850,625,000,000,000,000 ~ 142 EB of RAM 6,250,000 97,335,607,906,161 Storage Requirements 50 MB of RAM ~ 778 TB bytes of RAM Two Applications In Transportation Demand Modeling 5115 Study 1. Measure the ton-miles and value-miles of international trade traffic carried by highway for each State 2. Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of such measures for use in the formula for highway apportionments Small-Area Estimation of O-D Flows Trip Generation and Small Household Travel Surveys (HTS) Issues with Small HTS and Trip Generation Average Number of Trips per Household (number of households in parenthesis) • Unusual observations • Small number of observations • No observations Number of Workers Household Size 1 2 3 4+ 0 6.28 (53) 9.22 (40) 16.00 (3) 8.00 (3) 1 6.09 (87) 10.42 (45) 10.94 (18) 9.06 (15) 2 (-) 9.56 (46) 10.81 (11) 15.46 (28) 3 (-) (-) 11.00 (2) 11.83 (6) 4 (-) (-) (-) 10.66 (3) -: indicates category not possible in this classification. Unusual Observations Problem • Outliers • Influential observations Remedy • Examine diagnostics from equivalent regression problem - studentized residualsi 2 - DFFITSi 2[(k 1) / n]1/ 2 for n k Small Number of Observations Problem • Reliability of trip generation rates Remedy • CART analysis - non-parametric - binary recursive partitioning algorithm CART Example Using Two Independent Variables Before CART After CART Average Number of Trips per Household (number of households in parenthesis) Number of Workers Household Size Average Number of Trips per Household (number of households in parenthesis) Number of Workers 1 2 3 4+ 0 6.28 (53) 9.22 (40) 16.00 (3) 8.00 (3) 1 6.09 (87) 10.42 (45) 10.94 (18) 2 (-) 9.56 (46) 3 (-) 4 (-) Household Size 1 2 3 4+ 0 6.28 (53) 9.22 (40) 11.67 8.89 9.06 (15) 1 6.09 (87) 10.42 (45) (21) (18) 10.81 (11) 15.46 (28) 2 - 9.56 (46) 10.85 15.46 (28) (-) 11.00 (2) 11.83 (6) 3 - - (13) (-) (-) 10.66 (3) 4 - - - -: indicates category not possible in this classification. 11.44 (9) -: indicates category not possible in this classification. Another CART Example Before CART After CART Trip Rates by Household Size and Trip Purpose Trip Purpose HB-Work Number of cases Trip Rates by Household Size and Trip Purpose Household Size Trip Purpose 1 2 3 4+ 1.90 71 2.43 70 2.60 25 2.64 36 Household Size 1 2 3 4+ HB-Work Number of cases 1.94 171 2.33 223 HB-Shop Number of cases 1.64 42 2.26 76 2.50 20 2.81 32 HB-Shop Number of cases HB-School Number of cases 2.19 58 2.26 23 1.22 9 2.72 11 HB-School Number of cases HB-Other Number of cases 2.44 93 4.00 105 3.97 29 6.14 47 HB-Other Number of cases 2.44 93 4.00 105 NHB Number of cases 2.82 99 3.61 107 4.48 29 4.61 41 NHB Number of cases 2.83 99 3.62 107 2.72 79 4.22 58 6.15 47 4.61 41 Trip Rates by Household Size, Number of Workers and Trip Purpose (after CART Analysis) Trip Rates by Household Size, Number of Workers and Vehicle Availability (after CART Analysis) Workers 0 1 2 3 4 Vehicle Availability 0 1 2 3+ 0 1 2 3+ 0 1 2 3+ 0 1 2 3+ 0 1 2 3+ 1 Household Size 2 3 10.14 8.73 9.09 14.89 6.16 8.86 9.09 14.89 - 4+ 8.86 9.89 15.46 - 10.85 - 11.44 Row-column Decomposition Analysis As an Imputation Method Average Number of Trips per Household (number of households in parenthesis) Number of Workers Household Size 1 2 3 4+ 0 6.28 (53) 9.22 (40) 16.00 (3) 8.00 (3) 1 6.09 (87) 10.42 (45) 10.94 (18) 9.06 (15) 2 (-) 9.56 (46) 10.81 (11) 15.46 (28) 3 (-) (-) 11.00 (2) 11.83 (6) 4 (-) (-) (-) 10.66 (3) barijij -: indicates category not possible in this classification. yij ai b j rij is the grand mean; ai is the effect of the ith row; b j is the effect of the jth column; rij is the residual in the ith row and jth column. Row-column Decomposition Analysis As an Imputation Method (cont.) Step 1: Column Means Subtracted Workers 0 1 2 3 4 Column Fit 1 0.10 -0.10 U* U U 6.18 Household Size 2 3 -0.51 3.81 0.69 -1.25 -0.17 -1.38 U -1.19 U U 9.73 12.19 *U - unavailable Examples Column fit = means of column; e.g., 6.18=(6.28+6.09)/2 Cell value = observed value – column fit; e.g., 0.10=6.28-6.18 Step 2: Row Means Subtracted Workers 4+ -3.00 -1.94 4.46 0.83 -0.34 11.00 Household Size 1 2 3 -0.00 -0.61 3.71 0.55 1.34 -0.60 U -1.14 -2.35 U U -1.01 U U U 0 1 2 3 4 Column Effects -3.60 -0.04 2.41 4+ -3.10 -1.29 3.49 1.01 0 Row Effects 0.10 -0.65 0.97 -0.18 -0.34 Grand Mean 1.23 9.78 Examples Row effect = mean of step one row; e.g., 0.10=(0.10-0.51+3.81-3.00)/4 Residuals = cell value of step one – row effect; e.g., -0.00=0.10-0.10 Grand mean = mean of column fits; e.g., 9.78=(6.18+9.73+12.19+11.00)/4 Column effect = column fit – grand mean; e.g., -3.60=6.18-9.78 Original cell value = grand mean + row effect + column effect + residual; e.g., 6.28=9.78+0.10-3.60-0.00 Workers 0 1 2 3 4 Row-column Decomposition Analysis (cont.) Logarithmic Transformation of Trip Rates Workers 0 1 2 3 4 Column Fit Workers 0 1 2 3 4 Column Effects Household Size 1 2 3 4+ 1.84 2.22 2.77 2.08 1.81 2.34 2.39 2.20 U* 2.26 2.38 2.74 U U 2.40 2.47 U U U 2.37 Step 1: Column Means Subtracted Household Size 1 2 3 4+ 0.02 -0.05 0.29 -0.29 -0.02 0.07 -0.09 -0.17 U -0.02 -0.11 0.37 U U -0.09 0.10 U U U -0.01 1.82 2.27 2.49 2.37 Step 2: Row Means Subtracted Household Size 1 2 3 4+ 0.03 -0.04 0.30 -0.28 0.04 0.12 -0.04 -0.12 U -0.10 -0.19 0.29 U U 0.09 0.09 U U U 0.00 -0.42 0.04 0.25 0.13 Row Effects -0.01 -0.05 0.08 0.01 -0.01 Grand Mean 2.24 COMPUTER ASSISTED SCHEDULING AND DISPATCHING SYSTEMS IN PARATRANSIT Alternative CASD Deployment Scenarios CASD Scenario Hardware Software Centralized One central server serves all operators One statewide system Decentralized One server per operator One or more different systems Regional One server per region One or more different systems Centralized Approach Advantages •Facilitates centralized coordination at the state level •Lower software costs Disadvantages •Need for reliable Internet connections •Fear of loosing control of services and operations Decentralized Approach Advantages Offers strong local control No need for high speed Internet connections Disadvantages •More on-site technical support •Possibility of multiple standards •Difficult to coordinate among multiple providers •Increased ownership costs Regional Approach Advantages •Little worry about maintaining and updating software and hardware •Facilitates monitoring of contract performance by State DOT •Facilitates implementation of brokerage •Proximity to client facilitates maintenance, training and service of client software Disadvantages •Communication needs less than centralized but more than decentralized approaches Focus Group Overall Findings •Centralized approach too difficult for smaller agencies •Fear of loosing control triggers desire to as much decentralization as possible •Decentralized approach is most desired but with standardization •Fear of half-way implementation •State DOT should pay for software, hardware, implementation, technical support, contractual support with vendor Cost Analysis – Summary of Findings •The cost of a decentralized implementation for a typical agency was about $65,000 (first year) and $25,000 annually thereafter (2000 dollars) •The respective costs for the regional approach were about $60,000 initially and $18,000 annually thereafter •Regional approach could potentially save more than $10,000 per agency per year on average. •This amounts to more than $300,000 savings per year for the 30 (5311) providers in Illinois