Student Government =====Association==== D.P. Culp Center, Forum

Student Government
Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 Senate Meeting
D.P. Culp Center, Forum
4:00 PM
Call to Order at 4:00 p.m.
Roll Call
a. 15 out of 22 Senators present
Reading of Minutes
a. A motion was made by President Pro Tempore Johnson to wave the reading
of the minutes and was seconded by Senator Boyd.
Open Forum
During this time a motion was made by President Pro Tempore Johnson to lay all
legislation on the table. An objection was made by Senator Arnold.
a. Fails: 10-5-1
A motion was made by President Pro Tempore Johnson to table all four pieces of
legislation and was seconded by Senator Boyd.
a. Passes: 13-3-1
During this time the roll changed to 16 out of 22 Senators present as Senator Neal
became present.
V. Old Business
a. SSR- 15- 012 (Lighting)
b. SSR- 15- 013 (Campus Signage)
c. SSR- 15- 014 (Transparency between Parking Services and Students)
d. SSR- 15- 015 (Library Book Check-out)
New Business
a. During this time a motion was made by President Pro Tempore Johnson to
accept nominations from the floor for Parliamentarian and was seconded by
senator Arnold. A nomination was made to elect Senator Farnor and was
seconded by Senator Boyd. A nomination was made to elect Senator Arnold
and was seconded by Senator Thibodeau. During this time the roll changed to
17 out of 22 Senators present as Senator Gichia-Waldrop became present. A
call to previous question was made by Senator Parks to elect Senator Farnor
for Parliamentarian and was seconded by Senator Gilmer.
i. Passes: 15-0-1
Executive Branch Remarks
a. President
a. Senator of the Week
i. None.
b. Vice President
c. Secretary/ Treasurer
Advisor Remarks
a. Dr. Howard
Cabinet Remarks
Senate Remarks
a. A motion was made to adjourn by Senator Arnold and was seconded by
Senator Boyd.
i. Passes by voice vote: all in favor