Document 15629547

2013 BS Psychology Major: Child Psychological Sciences Elective Concentration (includes Early Childhood [ECED] Minor)
General Education and Arts & Sciences Req.
Communications (9 cr.) Done:
ENGL 1010 Crit Read and Expository Writing
ENGL 1020 Crit Thinking and Argument
Take one of the following (one of these must be taken and
will count as the speech req, but not an Oral Intensive. If an
additional one is taken it will count as Oral Intensive):
SPCH 1300 General Speech
SPCH 2300 Public Speaking
SPCH 2320 Arg & Debate (meets A&S req)
History (6 cr.) Done:
HIST 2010 The United States to 1877
HIST 2020 The United States Since 1877
Using Information Technology (3 cr.) Done:
CSCI 1100 or pass exam (schedule exam at:
Science (8 cr.) Done:
A sequence of 2 courses in the same field is required by
A&S (e.g., biology). Psychology requires at least one
biology course. Students can take two biology courses or
two other lab courses and one biology.
Take two of these BIOL or two other lab sciences in the
same discipline and one of these BIOL:
BIOL 1010-1011 Biology for Non-majors I
BIOL 1020-1021 Biology for Non-majors II
BIOL 1110-1111 Bio for majors I
BIOL 1120-1121 Bio for majors II
Other lab science:
Other lab science:
Literature (3 cr.) Done:
Take one of the following:
ENGL 2030 Literary Heritage
ENGL 2110 American Literature I
ENGL 2120 American Literature II
ENGL 2210 British Literature I (W)
ENGL 2220 British Literature II (W)
ENGL 2330 World Literature
ENGL 2430 European Literature (W)
Fine Arts (3 cr.) Done:
Take one of the following:
ARTH 2010 Art History Survey I
ARTH 2020 Art History Survey II
HUMT 2310 Arts and Ideas I
HUMT 2320 Arts and Ideas II
MUSC 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSC 1035 History of Jazz
DANC 3500 Dance as a Human Experience
THEA 1030 Introduction to the Theatre
Math (3 cr.) Done:
Take one of the following:
MATH 1530 Probability & Statistics
MATH 1910 Calculus I
Humanities (3 cr.) Done:
Take one of the following:
ENGL 3150 Lit, Ethics, and Values (W)
ENGL 3280 Mythology (W)
ENTC 3020 Technology and Society
HIST 1110 World Hist and Civ to 1500 (W)
HIST 1120 World Hist and Civ Since 1500
PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2020 Introduction to Ethics (W)
PHIL 2040 Phil as Conversation (O)(Psych req)
PHIL 2640 Science & the Mod Wld (Psych req)
RELI 2210 Intro to the Study of Religion
Soc & Behav Sciences (6 cr.) Done:
PSYC 1310 (Psych req.)
Take one of the following:
ANTH 1240 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
ECON 1050 Economics and Society
ECON 2210 Principles of Economics I
GEOG 1012 Intro to Cultural Geography
HDAL 2310 Developmental Psychology
PSCI 1110 Political Life (O, W)
PSCI 1120 Intro to American Government
SOCI 1020 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 2020 Social Problems
SRVL 1020 Intro to Serv-Learn in Comm (O, W)
WMST 2010 Intro to Women’s Studies (W)
Core Allied Requirements for A&S Done:
PHIL 2040 Phil as Conversation (O)(Psych req)
PHIL 2640 Science and the Modern World
Take one of the following:
PHIL 2030 Practical Reasoning
SPCH 2320 Arg & Debate (O) (meets Speech req.)
Gen Ed & A&S Complete
Psychology Core Requirements
PSYC 1310 Intro to Psych (also meets Gen Ed)
PSYC 2000 Social Psychology
PSYC 2800 Child Psychological Science
PSYC 3050 Design & Analysis I
PSYC 3051 Design & Analysis I Lab (W,T)*
PSYC 3060 Design & Analysis II
PSYC 3061 Design & Analysis II Lab (W,T)*
PSYC 3707 Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC 4010 (or PSYC 4017) History & Systems
PSYC 4320 Abnormal Psychology
*We are awaiting approval for these labs to be Writing and
Technology Intensive. Check with your advisor.
updated 4/04/13
Take one of the following:
PSYC 2500 Behavior Analysis: Theory and …
PSYC 3600 Cognition
PSYC 4317 Perception
Take one of the following:
____PSYC 4100 Personality
____PSYC 4817 Psychological Testing
Take the following zero credit course six times:
PSYC 2020
Child Psychological Science Concentration:
____PSYC 3470 The Psychosocial Grth of Inf & Child
____PSYC 4460 The Cog Grth of Inf & Child
____PSYC 4607 Child Psychopathology
Additional Allied requirements for Child Psychological
____*CDIS 4060 Language Devel
____SOCI 3320 Juv Delinq
____ECED 2110 Inf/Tod/Child Devel (W)
____ECED 2150 Found of Early Childhood (O)
____*ECED 4010 Obs & Assess Young Child
____*ECED 4140 Prog Devel for Young Child
____*ECED 4517 Fam, Comm, & School Inv
Take one of the following:
____ECED 3150 Creat Devel of Young Child
____HDAL 4127 Divorce: Causes and Conseq
*Prerequisites will be waived for Child Psychological
Sciences Majors. Contact instructor for permit and identify
yourself as a Child Psychological Science major.
NOTE: FA – offered Fall; SP – offered Spring; SU – offered
Summer. Students must earn 120 credit hours to graduate.
A grade of C or above must be earned in all PSYC prefix
courses. Students need 4 writing intensive (W), 2 oral
intensive (O), and 1 Using Technology Intensive (T)
courses unless they transferred to ETSU with more than 50
credit hours. Then it’s 2, 1, & 1.
Minor: Early Childhood [ECED]
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