PA395 Green Taxes and Public Finance in Vermont Intro Aug. 31, 2004 Gary Flomenhoft, Adjunct Faculty MPA Burlington, VT GPI by Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column A: Personal Consumption Expenditures B: Income Distribution C: Personal Consumption Adjusted for Income Inequality D: Value of Household Labor E: Value of Volunt eer Work F: Servic es of Household Capital G: Services High ways and Street H: Cost of Crime I: Cost of Family Breakdown J: Loss of Leisure Time K: Cost of Underemployment L: Cost of Consumer Durables M: Cost of Commuting N: Cost of Household Pollution Abatement O: Cost of Automobile Accidents P: Cost of Water Pollution Q: Cost of Air Pollution R: Cost of Noise Pollution S: Loss of Wetlands T: Loss of Farmland U: Depletion of Nonrenewable Resources V: Long-Term Environmental Damage W: Cost of Ozone Depletion X: Loss of Forest Cover Y: Net Capital Inv estment Z: Net Foreign Lending and Borrowing “PERVERSE” SUBSIDIES Perverse subsidies are adverse for the economy as well as the environment. Agriculture Fossil fuels/nuclear energy Road transportation Water Fisheries Forests Total $billions per year 510 300 780 230 25 92 1,950 By definition, these funds support unsustainable development. Contrast the Rio budget for sustainable development, $600 billion per year. PERVERSE SUBSIDIES: IMPACTS They: * increase taxes. * inflate governments' budgetary deficits. * send false signals to investment markets. * suppress innovation and technological change. * foster inefficiency rather than productivity. * drive up prices of e.g. food. * benefit the rich over the poor. * promote consumption rather than conservation of scarce resources. U.S. SUBSIDIES FOR ROAD TRANSPORTATION ($ billions) Oil and car industries 15 Road building and infrastructure 135 Free parking 150 Congestion 100 Accidents, injuries and deaths 110 Military safeguards Environmental externalities (mainly pollution) 25 160 Total subsidies $695 billion (range $425-958 billion) U.S. CAR CULTURE Price now paid for a gallon of gasoline Total paid costs Costs of tax funds for road building Maintaining roads, highway patrols, emergency teams and related services Free parking Road congestion Accidents, injuries and deaths Military safeguards Pollution Total per gallon Total unpaid costs $1.50 $200 billion .22 .69 .38 .81 .47 .24 1.34 4.15 $550 billion PERVERSE SUBSIDIES IN THE UNITED STATES A typical American taxpayer funds perverse subsidies by at least $2000 a year and then pays another $1000 for environmental restoration, or through increased prices for goods and services. Oil Subsidies US Oil subsidies vs. global PV sales 18 16 Billions of US $ 14 12 11.8 10 8 6 4 2 5.2 1.1 0 US oil subsidies Global PV sales WHAT SHALL WE DO? 1. Swap GNP for NNP, or an Index of Net Sustainable Welfare, or a Genuine Progress Indicator. 2. Get the prices right, e.g. gasoline/petrol. 3. Phase out “perverse” subsidies. 4. Expand eco-technologies. EU Green taxes EU Types of Green taxes GREEN TAX SHIFT NW revenue GREEN TAX SHIFT NE GREEN TAXES NE GREEN TAXES VT GREEN TAXES Readings