The geomorphic condition of a stream system can be used as both an indicator and predictor of watershed health and function. Stream Equilibrium & Stability Boundary Condition Channel Geometry Watershed Input: Sediment Load Watershed Input: Hydrologic Load (Sediment LOAD) * (Sediment SIZE) ≈ (Stream SLOPE) * (Stream DISCHARGE) [Lane’s Diagram (1955) from Rosgen 1996] Deforestation – Snagging – Ditching – Settlements Log Drives on the White River Roads – Railroads Dams – Mill Works Turning Slow Winders Into Straight Channels Major Floods Post flood channelization results in major alterations to channel geometry and the destruction of habitat features Commercial Gravel Mining Encroachment - Urbanization - Stormwater Leading to Severe Channel Degradation and Aggradation Temporal Scale of Fluvial Response PreEquilibrium condition 1800 Modification of watershed inputs, channels & floodplains Pre- 1900 1927 Geomorphic response begins Widening to balance energy with boundary conditions 1973 Developing new flood plain 2003 Equilibrium condition Recognize that: A significant percentage of VT rivers are incised and have lost access to historic floodplains; Incised rivers are currently widening and aggrading; Historic channelization practices have been maintained; Investments are now where the river used to be; Conflict is economically and ecologically unsustainable. Up to 80% of stream miles in watersheds feeding Lake Champlain are undergoing major adjustment due to historic channel modification. Approximate location of 1900 channel Lewis Creek Channelized reach along toe of valley wall The Conflict: Channel Adjustments v.s. Land Use Expectations CEM and the Trick of Time Widening, Aggradation & Planform Adjustments Seen as Erosion Not a Response to Channel Incision Five Major Floods - over $60 million to recover! Channel management necessary to protect existing river corridor development Results in repeated: Dredging Berming Armoring How Do We Slow the Cycle?? Bank Erosion and loss of Riparian Function Floods and Property Damage Encroachment Channel Incision and loss of Floodplain Function Dredge, Berm and Armor Aggradation, Widening, and Planform Adjustments VT ANR Stream Geomorphic Assessment Program The purpose of the stream geomorphic assessment protocols is to provide a method for gathering scientifically sound information that can be used for watershed planning and detailed characterization of riparian and instream habitat, stream-related erosion, and flood hazards. Stream Geomorphic Assessments Phase 1 Remote Sensing Phase 2 Qualitative & Rapid Field Assessment Quantitative Field Surveys Phase 3 Vermont ANR Stream Geomorphic Assessment Assessment Objectives Identification of: – stream condition as compared to a reference stream of the same type – adjustment process or physical change currently underway in the channel – sensitivity of valley, floodplain, and channel to human or natural changes Departure Analysis to Determine CEM Adjustment Process Dimension CEM Adj. Stream Stage Proc. Type I Pattern Degration Floodplain II Terrace 1 Widening (Headcutting) F River Bed Headcut III (Bank Failure) F/C IV-V Planform Terrace 2 V Cross-Section Location Red = Narrower Belt Width Aggradation & Planform IV I II G III Floodplain Belt Width I C/E Profile II I Degration Aggradation V I I C/E Terrace 1 Floodplain III III II Stream Equilibrium & Stability Boundary Condition Channel Geometry Watershed Input: Sediment Load Watershed Input: Hydrologic Load (Sediment LOAD) * (Sediment SIZE) ≈ (Stream SLOPE) * (Stream DISCHARGE) [Lane’s Diagram (1955) from Rosgen 1996] Channel Form as a function of Watershed inputs Landscape setting Boundary Conditions McCrae, 1991 Evaluating instability due to watershed and reach-scale changes Hydrology Sediment Load Channel Geometry Slope Floodplain Access Channel Degradation In Response to Changes Imposed In the Watershed or Within the Reach Qs Q Degradation Realignment Aggradation Q + Qs S + d50 - Flow Increase Sediment Load Decrease Slope Increase Sediment Size Decrease Dredging /Mining Berming Watershed Scale Climate (dry period) Stormwater Dams & Diversions Bridges & Culverts Reach or Local Scale Channel Realignment Dredging & Mining Berming Bank Armoring Using geomorphic data to for assess channel stability in Design Criteria Trout River support of protection, management & restoration projects Phase I Reach Bankfull Discharge - Q bkf W idth - W bkf M ean Depth - d bkf Cross Sectional Area - A bkf W idth/Depth Ratio - W /D Entrenchment Ratio - ER 1750 ft 3/sec 70 ft 3. 54 ft 248 ft 2 19. 7 9. 3 M eander W idth Ratio - M WR Radius of Curvature - R c W avelength - L m Belt W idth - B W ater Surface Slope - S Channel Sinuosity - K H ydraulic Radius - R Roughness Coefficient - n M ean Velocity - u Friction Factor - u/u * Shear Velocity - u * 8. 8 230 ft 1, 000 ft 620 ft 0. 003 1. 58 3. 24 ft 0. 0292 6. 1 ft/sec 9. 77 0. 624 ft/s Shear Stress - Stream Power - Threshold Grain Size D50 Bed Particle Size D84 Bed Particle Size 0. 6065 lbs. /ft. 2 3. 700 lbs. ft. /s 88. 2 mm 1. 52 in / 38. 6 mm 3. 00 in / 76. 2 mm Parameters Assessed Valley Characteristics Stream & Floodplain Geomorphology Bed and Bank Erodibility Watershed & Riparian Corridor Land use/Land cover Instream Channel Modification Floodplain Modifications Flow Modifiers Stream & Riparian Habitat Characteristics Phase 1 - Remote Sensing * Defining Stream Reaches * Determine Stream Type * Geology & Soils * Factors Influencing Runoff * Instream Channel Modifications * Floodplain Modifications Step 1 Watershed Delineation Reach Breaks based on: Valley Width Valley Slope Geologic Materials Tributary Influence Reach Numbering Schemes T1.6 T1.5 T1.3S1.5 T1.3S1.3 T1.3S1.4 T1.4S1.1 State Geographic T1.4S1.2 T1.3S1.4S1.1 T1.4 T1.3S1.4S1.1S1.1 0800000096-0001 T1.3 T1.3S1.2 T1.3S1.1 Reach Break Hydrologic T1.2 Watershed Bounds M1T1.3S1.4S1.1S1.1 T1.1 Reach Number M2 M1 Drainage Area and Watershed Location Stream Typing Flow Regime Valley Slope & Confinement Sediment Regime Reference Channel Boundaries Entrenchment Existing Width/depth Sinuosity Water Surface Slope D50 Sediment Size D84 Sediment Size Modified Phase 1 Stream Typing Sediment Transport & Storage Channel Confinement & Slope Steps 2.1 Upstream and 2.3 Valley Slope Downstream Elevations 2.5 Channel Slope Gentle Gradient Check Box Step 2.10 Confinement Valley Valley Width/Channel Confinement Type Width Ratio 1-NC Narrowly 1 and < 2 Confined 1-SC Semi-confined 2 and <4 2-NW Narrow 4 and <6 3-BD Broad 6 and <10 3-VB Very Broad 10 -with abandoned terraces on one or both sides Steps 2.2 Valley Length 2.4 Channel Length 2.6 Sinuosity channel length (ft.) valley length (ft.) Step 2.11 Reference Stream Type Stream Type 1. Confinement (Valley Type) 2. Valley Slope* Dominant Bed Material (Step 7) Bed Form (Step 7) A / Cascade Narrowly confined (NC) Very Steep > 6.5 % BedrockBoulder Tumbling jet and wake flow A / Step-pool Confined (NC) Very Steep 4.0 - 6.5 % Boulder-cobble Steps and channel spanning pools B / Step-pool Confined or Semi-confined (NC, SC) Steep 3.0 - 4.0 % Boulder-cobble Steps and channel spanning pools B / Plane bed Confined or Semi-confined or Narrow (NC, SC, NW) Mod.- Steep 2.0 – 3.0 % Cobble-bouldergravel or finer Run, riffle, and rapid C or E / Riffle-Pool or Dune-ripple Unconfined (NW, BD, VB) Mod.- Gentle < 2.0 % Gravel-cobblesand or finer Undulating D / Braided Channel Unconfined (NW, BD, VB) Mod.- Gentle < 2.0 % Gravel or finercobble-boulder Braided Watershed Zones and Stream & Valley Types Source A Confined B Transfer D Semi-confined C Response E Unconfined D Step 3.1 Alluvial Fans Phase 1 River Corridor Parameters evaluated 1) Soils and Geology 2) Land Use and Land Cover 3) Riparian Vegetation 4) Berms, Roads & Paths 5) Development River Corridor Delineation Based on: 1. Belt Width to achieve slope requirements to satisfy sediment storage and transport processes 2. Streambank Stability with woody vegetation 3. Runoff Characteristics related to near stream land uses River Corridor delineation Using soils maps to draw the toes of valley walls Original valley toes drawn based only on contour lines. Corrected valley toe based on soils map, showing alluvial material beyond change in slope contours. Approximate valley wall Soils Data and approximate Valley Wall Lines Corridor where soils reviewed Step 4.2 Corridor Land Cover / Land Use River Corridor Impact Rating based on: Urban Crop Channel Straightening Floodplain Modifications Channel Modifications Topographic Map (1917) Explains Channelization Width of the River Corridor Road Improved Path Road along 30% of Left Corridor Path along 50% of Right Corridor High Impact Topographic map of M3 in 1900 Orthophoto of M3 in 1942 Approximate location of 1900 channel Topographic map of M3 in 2001 Orthophoto of M3 in 1992 Road intersection is common point of reference in all photos. Meander Geometry Wavelength Belt Width Riffles Pools Appendix H Using Regime Relations to estimate Planform Geometry Step 7.1 Dominant Bed Form / Material Cascade Step-pool Plane Bed Riffle-pool Dune-ripple Braided Appendix M Bedrock Boulder Cobble Gravel Sand Reach Number Stream Type M19 C Step 6 Step 7 Step 5 Step 4 Total Floodplain Windshield Instream Land Use impact Survey Modification Modification Impact Impact (out of 32) Impact Impact (out of 6) (out of 10) (out of 12) (out of 4) 14 3 4 5 2 Watershed Size Confinement 18.21 3-VB Types of Impacts seen along stream reach: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Active Agriculture in corridor (crop) {Step 4} Little to no Riparian vegetation {Step 4} Channel modification (straightening) {Step 5} Bank Armoring (Rock rip-rap) {Step 5} Mid-channel bars {Step 6} Planform changes (meander migration & avulsions) {Step 6} Erosion {Step 7} Step 9.2 Reach Condition Phase 1 Provisional Adjustment Scores Impact Degradation Aggradation Widening Planform Condition 8 4 7 5 1 Fair 10 5 6 7 10 Poor 10 6 4 5 8 Fair 10 2 2 2 6 Good 8 6 4 5 8 Fair 8 2 2 2 6 Good 10 9 4 3 8 Fair 11 4 6 5 8 Fair 10 5 6 5 7 Fair 12 7 5 5 5 Fair 14 6 9 7 8 Poor 8 2 3 0 2 Good Lewis Creek Mainstem Reaches Phase 1 Results Total Impact 30 25 A 20 B 14 15 9 10 11 10 9 6 5 3 7 9 8 6 4 11 5 6 6 9 C 10 7 6 6 E 6 2 1 0 2 0 0 M1 M4 M7 M12 M14 M16 M18 M21 M23 Reach Numbers Reference stream type for each reach Total Impact rating for each reach Likely adjustment process determined for each reach Eight standardized database reports to help determine like reaches and to prioritize field assessments Phase 2 - Rapid Field Assessment Field verification of Phase 1 data Collecting data using the Field-Note Form Rapid Assessments Protocols Identifying stream type, adjustment process and condition of reaches and reach segments Phase 2 - Channel and Floodplain Measurements Stream Type and Condition RGA Evaluate Indicators of Adjustment Stages of Channel Evolution Floodplain 1 New floodplain Floodplain 1 Stream Geomorphic Condition as an Assessment Tool • In Regime – reference and good condition • In Adjustment – fair condition • Active Adjustment and Stream Type Departure – poor condition (from Rosgen 1996) Sensitivity Ratings Geomorphic Existing Geomorphic Stream Type Stream Type* Group Reference or Good Condition Fair-Poor Condition Poor Condition and in Major represents a Stream Adjustment Type Departure 1 A1, A2, B1, B2, Very Low Very Low Low 2 C1, C2 Very Low Low Moderate 3 G1,G2, F1, F2 Low Moderate High 4 B3 Low Moderate High 5 B4, B5 Moderate High High 6 C3, E3 Moderate High High 7 C4, C5, E4, E5 High Very High Very High 8 A3, A4, A5, G4, G5 High Very High Extreme 9 F3, F4, F5 Very High Very High Extreme 10 D3, D4, D5 Extreme Extreme Extreme G3, Rapid Habitat Assessment Protocols Substrates Depth / Velocity Riparian Phase 3 - Survey Level Assessment Reference Reach Phase 3 Survey Measured Width Depth X-Area Velocity Discharge 91.5 ft 3.2 ft 291 ft 2 5.7 ft/s 1652 cfs VT-HGC 82.4 ft 3.4 ft 293 ft 2 5.6 ft/s 1643 cfs Phase 3 Assessment Empirical Data Planform information from aerial photos Rc Lm Trout River Longitudinal Profile 20 Relative Elevation (ft.) 18 16 14 12 10 As Built Profile 8 6 Existing Profile 4 Bankful Elevation 2 0 0 200 400 600 W belt 800 Station Location (ft.) 1000 1200 1400 1600 Data Management and Quality Assurance Training Data Review Data Management GEOMORPHIC APPLICATIONS IN VERMONT Stream Alteration Permit Program Silvicultural AMPs need to address suitability of land to support bare ground harvesting. Hydrograph before and after conversion from overland flow and infiltration to channel flow. after Stream Flow before Time Understanding Sediment-related Impairments Flood Plain Management – State & Local NFIP & CEM State Floodway Policy Flood Hazard Mitigation - FEMA Pre-disaster Hazard Assessment and Mapping Transportation Planning & Highway Design Bridges and Culverts State and Regional Land Use Planning and Regulatory Review Education of Local Planning and Zoning Officials Habitat Restoration Habitat Protection and Restoration State & COE Dam Removal Task Group Implement Alternatives at the Watershed Scale Long-term Solutions Passive Geomorphic Active Geomorphic Short-term Solutions Channelization Do-nothing