Approved: Effective: 07-01-11 Office: Financial Services Procedure No.: 002-001-a ______________________ Executive Director Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged GRANT AGREEMENT/CONTRACT INVOICING PROCEDURES PURPOSE: To provide standard forms and procedures for submitting grant agreements/contract invoices for Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged projects. This procedure also lays out the internal desk review procedures by which Commission staff will verify the accuracy of the number and cost of one-way passenger trips provided with the Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund (TDTF), and as identified and measured in the Florida Department of Transportation’s Long Range Program Plan. AUTHORITY: Chapters 215, 216, 320 and 427, Florida Statutes Rule Section 41-2.013-014, Florida Administrative Code SCOPE: Invoice procedures for all parties that contract and receive funding from the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged. REFERENCES: Program Manual for the Trip & Equipment Grant for Non-Sponsored Trips and/or Capital Equipment; Program Manual for the Transportation Disadvantaged Planning Grant. These manuals are available from the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged, 605 Suwannee Street, MS-49, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 FORMS: Trip & Equipment Invoice Summary Form Planning Grant Agreement Task Summary Form Planning Grant Agreement Tasks Quarterly Progress Report (Blank forms are attached for use or reference. Actual forms are available and preferred to be submitted in electronic format as Microsoft files.) Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 2 GENERAL or BACKGROUND: The contractee is responsible for the preparation and the submission of the Invoice and supporting documents for each invoice. The detailed supporting documents are to include documentation of indebtness, tasks, and costs or value identified with the project. All costs billed to the project (including any approved services contributed by the contractee) must be supported by detailed one-way passenger trip reports, invoices, contracts, and/or acceptable task deliverables which provide detailed substantiation of the services or items being invoiced. All invoices should include one (1) copy of the Invoice and one (1) set of supporting documents (unless otherwise indicated) and other deliverables as identified in the Grant Agreement/Contract. Electronic submission of all required items is preferred. 1. INVOICE SUBMITTAL FOR TRIP/EQUIPMENT GRANT AGREEMENTS Trip Reimbursement Community Transportation Coordinators may invoice the Commission bimonthly (at least once every two months) electronically. When invoicing for the purchase of oneway passenger trips for non-sponsored transportation, the Community Transportation Coordinators should submit the following, either electronically or mailed, with number of copies: Invoice (1) Non-Sponsored Rider Trip Summary (1) If invoicing for the purchase of capital equipment, in accordance with the Grant Agreement, a copy of the invoice from the vendor should be submitted. The invoice should include a serial number or identification number. Also provide information as to where this capital will be located and a contact person. The invoices specified below may be scanned in PDF format and submitted by email to the Financial Services Manager. The coordinator should submit the following, with number of copies: Invoice (1) Invoice from Vendor (1) Capital Equipment (Other) When vehicles are purchased, the following should be submitted in addition to the above: Copy of Application for Title indicating CTD as Lien Holder (1) Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 3 Volunteer Dollar Funding Invoices including the purchase of one-way passenger trips utilizing the Voluntary Dollar Funding shall be separately identified from any other trips or equipment in invoices. The number of one-way passenger trips provided with voluntary dollar funding must be shown on the Invoice. The following should be submitted, with number of copies: Invoice with line item identifying “Voluntary Dollars” written on it (1) Non-Sponsored Rider Trip Summary (1) 2. INVOICE SUBMITTAL FOR TD PLANNING GRANT AGREEMENTS Planning Agencies should submit the following when invoicing for planning related activities as identified in the Planning Related Grant Agreement: Invoice Supporting Documentation Supporting Documentation consists of: Planning Grant Agreement Task Expense Summary form for each county. If planning agency contract is for more than one county, a TOTAL Planning Grant Agreement Related Expense Summary Form should be submitted reflecting the totals for each task identified on the form in addition to separate forms for each county. When task deliverables of the Planning Related Grant Agreement are completed, they should accompany the invoice that covers the completion period, or applicable due date, whichever occurs first. Only ONE copy is needed. This includes: Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan update; OR Community Transportation Coordinator Selection Recommendation; Community Transportation Coordinator annual evaluation; Minutes and meeting packages of LCB meetings; Public Hearing; By-laws; Grievance Procedures; Annual Operating Report review; Annual Expenditure Report; Quarterly Progress Reports by county, by task. A narrative report of activities performed relating to each task identified in the Grant Agreement. If Planning Agency serves multi-counties, this report is needed for each county; Attendance at Commission sponsored training or workshop. Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 4 3. INVOICE SUBMITTAL FOR OTHER GRANT AGREEMENTS/CONTRACTS Contractees will invoice the Commission in accordance with the Grant Agreement/Contract. When invoicing, the Contractee should submit the following: Completed Invoice Supporting Documentation as agreed upon in the Grant Agreement/Contract 4. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF FORMS 4.1 TRIP & EQUIPMENT CONTRACT INVOICE The Invoice gives a brief outline of the project and its costs. Invoices submitted by any contractee for Commission for Transportation Disadvantaged projects, as provided by the Commission, must use this form or contain the following detailed information. The following entries are needed to complete the Invoice: (1) VENDOR ADDRESS. The name and address of the Contractee is to be entered in the space provided. The Contractee name and address must read exactly as indicated on the Grant Agreement/Contract and FLAIR system. The Contractee may contact the Commission for assistance in locating the correct address in the FLAIR system. (2) INVOICE #. Place the number of the Invoice being submitted against a Financial Management Number (FM), ("1" for the first invoice, "2" for the second, etc.) in the top left-hand space provided. If the invoice is the last one for a particular Grant Agreement/Contract, enter its number and the word "FINAL" (i.e. "7" FINAL). (3) Enter the date of submission of the Invoice to the Commission. (4) VENDOR FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. Enter the Contractee Federal Identification Number as indicated on page one (1) of the Grant Agreement/Contract. (5) Enter the dates only for the period in which services or project tasks were completed and are currently being billed. Example: For a contractee that bills monthly, enter the month that is being billed (July 1, 2011 to Sep 30, 2011). (6) CONTRACT NUMBER. Enter the Grant Agreement/Contract number as indicated at the top of page one (1) of the Grant Agreement/Contract. (7) FM/JOB NUMBER. Place the Department of Transportation Financial Management Number (FM/Job) in the space provided. This number is located at the top of page one (1) of the Grant Agreement/Contract. Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 5 (8) Enter the execution date of the Grant Agreement/Contract as located on page one (1) of the Grant Agreement/Contract. (9) CSFA NUMBER. Enter the CSFA number as indicated at the top of page one (1) of the Grant Agreement/Contract. (10) Enter the grant/contract termination date as June 30th of the appropriate year. (11) TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED. Describe the type of service provided, as identified in the most current Service Plan and shown in Exhibit “B” of the Grant Agreement/Contract. Examples are: each trip type is to be categorized as either ambulatory, wheelchair, stretcher, escorts or group trips. Trips are further by mileage, trip, combination of trip and mileage, or group trip., wheelchair with assistance, groups, zones, grids. This could also include boarding fees, administrative charges, and surcharges. If rate is different for each type of service provided, it must correspond to the trip summary, reflecting trip counts by service types. (12) NUMBER OF TRIPS PROVIDED. Provide the total number of one-way passenger trips provided with the corresponding type of service. If more than one type of service is provided, reflect the trip count under one type of service, not both (i.e. wheelchair pickup and mileage - count the trip under wheelchair pickup). (13) UNIT TYPE. Enter the unit for the type of service provided. Examples are: trip, mile, hour, or equipment. (14) COST PER UNIT. Identify what the cost is per unit for that particular type of service. This must be in accordance with the rate structure as identified in the most current Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan and reflected in Exhibit “B” of the Grant Agreement/Contract. (15) NUMBER OF UNITS PROVIDED. Enter the total number of units provided. (16) TOTAL COST PER SERVICE TYPE. Enter the total cost for that type of service. (14) x (15) = (16). (17) TOTAL PROJECT COST. Enter the sum of all subtotal amounts in column sixteen (17) of the Invoice. (18) LESS: 10% LOCAL MATCH. Reduce the Total Project Cost by 10% for the local match as outlined in the Grant Agreement/Contract. (19) LESS: OTHER. Reduce other funding sources as needed. (Examples are: 5311 funding, farebox collections, etc.) (20) Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 6 LESS: AMOUNT OVER EXHIBIT “B” OF CONTRACT. Reduce the amount in excess of the disbursement schedule located in Exhibit “B” of the Grant Agreement/Contract. The disbursement schedule amount is determined cumulatively according to the dates of service of the invoice being submitted. For example, if the invoice is for August services and the disbursement schedule reads $1,000 per month with a contract execution date of July 1 st, then the maximum Commission participation incurred to date may not exceed $2,000. (21) SUBTOTAL. Enter the amount to be reimbursed after necessary reductions. If this amount is the total amount the contractee is requesting for reimbursement, then the contractee may skip line (22) and re-enter the subtotal amount in line (23). (22) ADD: JUSTIFICATION OR EXPLANATION. If the contractee would like to add an amount that was reduced from line (20) on a prior invoice, then they may do so in this space provided. However, the addition may not bring the total Commission participation incurred to date amount over the cumulative disbursement schedule amount for the dates of service. If applicable, the contractee must write, “Add: Amount reduced from invoice number ___ (prior invoice where reduction occurred.) (23) TOTAL. Enter amount to be reimbursed after the addition on line (22). If there is no addition, the contractee must record the amount shown on line (21). (24) REMITTANCE ADDRESS. Enter the address where the reimbursement check is to be sent. This address must match the remittance address correlating to the vendor FEID number on line (4). The contractee may contact the Commission for assistance in locating the correct address in the FLAIR system. INVOICE Vendor name (as shown on contract) Street Address 1(as shown on contract) Street Address 2(as shown on contract) City, State, zip(as shown on contract) Phone: number BBILL TO: CCommission for the Transportation Disadvantaged 6605 Suwannee Street, MS 49 TTallahassee, FL 32399-0450 Dates of Services (5) Contract # (6) Project # (7) Grant Execution Date (8) (1) Invoice Number: (2) Invoice Date: Vendor FEID Number: (3) CSFA # (9) (4) Grant Termination Date (10) Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 7 Type of Service Provided (11) Number of Trips by Service type (12) Unit Type (Trip, Mile, Hour, Or Equipment (13) Unit Cost (14) Number of Units (15) Subtotal (16) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - include subtotal from Additional pages $ (17)$ (18)$ (19)$ (20)$ (21)$ (22)$ (23)- Total Project Cost Less: 10% Local Match Less: Other – (Include justification or explanation additional reduction) Less: Amount over Exhibit “B” of Contract Subtotal Add: Justification or explanation RRemit To: Remittance Address Address Address Phone number (24) TOTAL Page___ of ____ 4.3 NON-SPONSORED TRIP DETAIL SUMMARY The Non-Sponsored Trip Detail Summary provides support documentation on who received the one-way passenger trip; date of service; trip length if applicable; trip type and the cost associated with the one-way passenger trip. This information can be supported by driver manifests or through computer generated reports. The following is an example of an acceptable trip detail summary form if one is not already adopted by the system. This form may be completed weekly, biweekly, bi monthly or monthly, according to the invoice period of the CTC. This form must be sent with the Invoice in Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 8 order for the Invoice to be processed by the Commission. The detailed trip summary data may be submitted to the Financial Services Manager electronically. (1) Enter the Operator Name. (2) Enter Invoice Period. (3) Enter the rider name. (4) Identify the type of service provided (W - Wheelchair; S- Stretcher, etc.). This only applies when rates for wheelchair and/or stretcher services are different from ambulatory rates. (This can be hand written in next to the passenger name). (4) Indicate, by the date of the month, how many trips the rider took that day. (5) Provide the Total amount of trips each rider took during the invoicing period. (6) Total the number of trips taken each day. (7) Total the number of trips taken for the invoicing period. Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 9 Non-Sponsored Rider Trip Summary OPERATOR NAME INVOICING PERIOD RIDER NAME (3) Total Trips (1) (2) Type of 1 Service (4) (5) (7) TO 2 3 4 5 (2) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TOTAL (5) (6) (7) (7) Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 10 4.2 PLANNING GRANT INVOICE TASK SUMMARY The Planning Grant Agreement Invoice Task Summary is a summary of tasks completed and their weighted allocation of the lump sum value in accordance with the applicable TD Planning Grant Program Manual. A description of each task and weighted value are provided in the applicable TD Planning Grant Program Manual. When the Planning Grant Agreement is for multiple counties, the planning agency should complete a separate task and weighted value invoice summary form reflecting the total payment, in addition to a separate form for each county. There is a separate tab for each quarter of the project period. The workbook is protected and only the green cells of the workbook can be accessed. The red triangles in select cells of the workbook have instructions specific to the cell. Move your cursor over the red triangle to see the comment/instruction. The information from certain cells will automatically carry over to the respective area in the other tabs. When complete please name the electronic file using the following nomenclature: County name 2011-12 PA Invoice qtr 1.xls (1) VENDOR ADDRESS. The name and address of the Contractee is to be entered in the space provided. The Contractee name and address must read exactly as indicated on the Grant Agreement/Contract and FLAIR system. The Contractee may contact the Commission for assistance in locating the correct address in the FLAIR system. (2) INVOICE #. Place the number of the Invoice being submitted against a Financial Management Number (FM), ("1" for the first invoice, "2" for the second, etc.) in the top left-hand space provided. If the invoice is the last one for a particular Grant Agreement/Contract, enter its number and the word "FINAL" (i.e. "7" FINAL). (3) Enter the date of submission of the Invoice to the Commission. (4) VENDOR FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. Enter the Contractee Federal Identification Number as indicated on page one (1) of the Grant Agreement/Contract. (5) Enter the dates only for the period in which project tasks were completed and are currently being billed. Example: For a Planner that bills quarterly, enter the quarter that is being billed (July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011). (6) Grant Execution Date: Enter the execution date of the Grant Agreement as located on page one (1) of the Grant Agreement/Contract. (7) PROJECT NUMBER. Place the Department of Transportation Financial Management Number (FM/Job) in the space provided. This number is located at the top of page one (1) of the Grant Agreement/Contract. (8) Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 11 CONTRACT NUMBER. Enter the Grant Agreement/Contract number as indicated at the top of page one (1) of the Grant Agreement/Contract. (9) CSFA NUMBER. Enter the CSFA number as indicated at the top of page one (1) of the Grant Agreement/Contract. (10) Enter the grant termination date as June 30th of the appropriate year. (11) TOTAL BUDGETED AMOUNT. Enter the total amount for the planning contract. The weighted value paid for each task will automatically be calculated by the spreadsheet in accordance with the respective TD Planning Contract. (12) PERCENT OF TASK COMPLETE: Enter the appropriate percentage based on the completion of tasks for the period being invoiced. Depending on the task, a each task for each billing cycle is either 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% complete. Each of the 4 billing cycles is covered on a separate worksheet (tab). Each worksheet has links with the preceding worksheet so that cumulative percentages, payments and amount due are carried over. (13) Add: Justification, notes, or explanation: Complete as necessary or appropriate (14) Vendor Remittance Information: Enter the address where the reimbursement check is to be sent. This address must match the remittance address correlating to the vendor FEID number on line (4) in the MyFloridaMarketPlace database. The contractee may contact the Commission for assistance in locating the correct address in the FLAIR system. (15) Total to be paid on this invoice: This figure will be automatically calculated based on completed tasks and receipt of acceptable Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 12 INVOICE Vendor name (as shown on contract) Street Address 1(as shown on contract) Street Address 2(as shown on contract) City, State, zip(as shown on contract) Phone: number Invoice Number: Invoice Date: Vendor FEID Number: Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged 605 Suwannee Street, MS 49 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 Grant Execution Dates of Services Date Budgeted Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - TASK 1:TDSP and CTC selection 2: CTC annual evaluation 3: LCB mtgs 4: Public Hearing 5. By-Laws 6. Grievance Procedures 7. AOR review 8. AER 9. Quarterly Prog Rprt 10 Training Wrkshp cummulative total % of task prev billed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Project # % of Task complete this billing period Total Add: Justification, notes, or explanation Complete olive green cells if necessary. Remit To: revision date 11/1/11 Vendor Remittance Information Remittance Vendor Name Remittance Address Remittance Address Phone number YTD % of Task complete 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Contract # CSFA # Complete BILL TO: Grant Termination Date Remaining Budget Billed this period $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL to be paid on this invoice = $ YTD Billed $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - - - Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 13 4.2a PLANNING RELATED GRANT AGREEMENT TASKS QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT The Planning Related Grant Agreement Tasks Quarterly Progress Report provides a summary of activities by the planning agency to fulfill the tasks identified in the grant agreement. Allowing a narrative report for each task will provide detailed information about the activities that have occurred in each county the planning agency serves. (1) Enter Name of Planning Agency (2) Enter Name of County Progress Report is for. If Planning Agency serves multicounties, a progress report is needed for each county. (3) INVOICE #. Provide the invoice number this progress report is accompanying. If Invoice is the last invoice for the project, indicate by including the word "FINAL" beside the invoice number. (4) FM #. Provide Financial Management Number. This number can be found on the first page of the grant agreement. (5) Contract #. Provide the Contract Number as provided on the first page of the grant agreement. (6) Reporting Period. Provide the dates the progress report includes. (7) Provide a narrative of the activities that were taken to accomplish the task identified. If deliverables are provided, indicate in the narrative what deliverables are being provided. Indicate "No Activity during the Reporting Period," if no activity has occurred regarding that particular task. (8) Provide a narrative of other items of development or updates relating to the tasks of the Planning Related Grant Agreement, Rule, Law or Policies of the Commission. (9) Original signature of individual providing progress report, date report was completed and typed name of individual submitting the report. Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 14 PLANNING RELATED GRANT AGREEMENT TASKS QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT (1) (Agency Name) (2) (County) Invoice # (3) FDOT FM # (4) Contract # (5) Reporting Period: (6) to (6) I. Program Management A. When necessary and in cooperation with the local coordinating board, solicit and recommend a community transportation coordinator, in conformity with Chapters 287 and 427, Florida Statutes. (7) B. Develop and maintain a process for the appointment and reappointment of voting and non-voting members to the local coordinating board (LCB). (7) C. Prepare agendas for local coordinating board meetings consistent with the Local Coordinating Board and Planning Agency Operating Guidelines. Ensure that operator payments are addressed as a standard agenda item. (7) D. Prepare official minutes of local coordinating board meetings. For committee meetings, prepare minutes in the form of a brief summary of basic points, discussions, decisions, and recommendations to the full board. Keep records of all meetings for at least three years. (7) E. Provide at least one public hearing annually by each local coordinating board, and assist the Commission, as requested, in co-sponsoring public hearings. (7) F. Provide staff support for committees of the local coordinating board. Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 15 (7) G. Annually develop and update by-laws for local coordinating board approval. (7) H. Develop, annually update, and implement local coordinating board grievance procedures in accordance with the Commission guidelines, which includes a step within the local complaint and/or grievance procedure that advises a dissatisfied person about the Commission’s Ombudsman Program. (7) I. Maintain a current membership roster and mailing list of local coordinating board members. (7) J. Provide public notice of local coordinating board meetings and local public hearings in accordance with the Coordinating Board and Planning Agency Operating Guidelines. (7) K. Review and comment on the Annual Operating Report for submittal to the local coordinating board, and forward comments/concerns to the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged. (7) L. Review the transportation disadvantaged service plan, and recommend action to the local coordinating board. (7) M. Report the actual expenditures of direct federal and local government transportation funds to the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged no later than September 15th. (7) Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 16 N. Report the annual budget estimates of direct federal and local government transportation funds to the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged no later than June 30th and as required by Chapter 427, Florida Statutes. (7) II. Service Development The planning agency shall develop the following service development items. A. Jointly, with the community transportation coordinator and the local coordinating board, develop the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) by preparing the planning section following Commission guidelines. (7) B. Encourage integration of "transportation disadvantaged" issues into local and regional comprehensive plans. Ensure activities of the local coordinating board and community transportation coordinator are consistent with local and state comprehensive planning activities including the Florida Transportation Plan. (7) C. Encourage the local Community Transportation Coordinator to work cooperatively with local WAGES coalitions established in Chapter 414, Florida Statutes, and provide assistance in the development of innovative transportation services for WAGES participants. (7) III. Technical Assistance, Training, and Evaluation The planning agency shall provide technical assistance and training for the local coordinating board, and shall assist the local coordinating board in monitoring and evaluating the community transportation coordinator. A. Provide the local coordinating board with quarterly reports of transportation disadvantaged planning accomplishments and expenditures as outlined in the planning grant agreement and any other activities related to the transportation disadvantaged program, including but not limited to, consultant contracts, special studies, and marketing efforts. (7) Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 17 B. Attend at least one Commission-sponsored training, including but not limited to, the Commission's quarterly regional meetings, the Commission's annual training workshop, or other sponsored training. (7) C. Attend at least one Commission budget/staff/schedule availability. meeting each year within (7) D. Notify Commission staff of local transportation disadvantaged concerns that may require special investigations. (7) E. Provide training for newly-appointed local coordinating board members. (7) F. Provide assistance to the community transportation coordinator, purchasing agencies, and others, as needed, which may include participation in, and initiating when necessary, local or regional meetings to discuss transportation disadvantaged needs, service evaluation and opportunities for service improvement. (7) G. To the extent feasible, collect and review proposed funding applications involving "transportation disadvantaged" funds consistent with Chapter 427, Florida Statutes, and Rule 41-2, Florida Administrative Code, and provide recommendation to the local coordinating board. (7) H. Ensure the local coordinating board conducts, at a minimum, an annual evaluation of the community transportation coordinator. The local coordinating board shall evaluate the coordinator using the Commission's Evaluation Workbook for Community Transportation Coordinators and Providers in Florida (at a minimum, using the modules concerning Competition in Use of Operators, Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency, and Availability of Service) and local standards as defined in the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan. (7) I. Assist the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged in joint reviews of the community transportation coordinator. Procedure No.: 002-001-a Page Number 18 (7) J. Ensure the local coordinating board annually reviews coordination contracts to advise the Coordinator whether the continuation of said contract provides the most cost effective and efficient transportation available, consistent with Rule 41-2, Florida Administrative Code. (7) K. Implement recommendations identified in the Commission’s QAPE reviews. (7) IV. Special Considerations by Planning Agency: (7) V. Special Considerations by Commission: (7) Other Items of Development and Update in accordance with Laws, Rules, and Commission policy: (8) (9) Signature of Individual Submitting Report (9) Typed name of Individual Submitting Report (9) Date