WORK PROGRAM UPDATE CYCLE PROGRAM MANAGEMENT District 4 Secretary – Gerry O’Reilly, P.E. March 3, 2016 PASS SCORES PASS SCORES 2016 LRE KICKOFF WORK PROGRAM Presented by MICHAEL LUCERO March 3, 2016 WP Discussion Topics Status of FY 2017-21 Tentative Work Program FY 2018-FY2022 TWP Development Overview Roll Forward/Unexecuted Agreements Project Sequencing Status of FY17-21 TWP Legislative Session Convenes January 12 to March 11 $9.9B FY17 statewide FDOT, over $43B 5-years FY2017 March Construction and R/W Estimate Updates LRE/Trns*port due to final plans by March 11, 2016 FAST Act Fixing America’s Surface Transportation 5-year bill FY 2018-22 TWP Development MARCH 2016 Work Program/LRE Kick-off meeting LRE opens for project updating FY2018-2022 Process begins for new TWP for FY2018–2022 Evaluate Bridges Conduct pavement condition survey for resurfacing Establish multimodal candidates Develop Traffic Operations and Safety projects APRIL 2016 PM commit to project letting months (Lockdown of FY17, 2018 and 2019) FY 2017-21 TWP Development Tentative Meeting Dates for Lockdown SECTION Program Mgmt. LAP only Program Mgmt. (Final Plans, Program Services) Traffic Operations Drainage, Structures, Utilities & Survey & Mapping In house Sections 1, 2, 3 & Traffic Design & Landscape Maintenance, Bridge Inspection & Materials LAB Section 4/Olson & Rob Bostian (95/75) Section 5/Wallace Section 6/Oaikhena PLEMO Right of Way Construction DAY DATE TIME Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday 4/5/2016 4/5/2016 4/5/2016 4/5/2016 4/5/2016 8:30-9:30 9:30-10:30 10:30-12 1:30-3:30 3:30-5 Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 4/6/2016 4/6/2016 4/6/2016 4/6/2016 8:30-9:30 12-Oct 1:30-3 3:30-5 Thursday Thursday Thursday 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 8:30-10 10:30-12 1:30-3 FY 2018-22 TWP Development MAY 2016 Work Program/Project Manager Meetings begin Focus Area: Project descriptions and extra descriptions PM Coordination with Support Offices Appropriate Funding Levels APP Possibilities JUNE 2016 Complete Work Program/Project Manager meetings All LRE due to Work Program from Final Plans FY 2018-22 TWP Development Work Program Project Manager Meeting FY 2018-22 TWP Development JULY 2016 Secretary Adopts Work Program FY 2017-2021 Gaming Opens on July 7 for TWP FY2018 – FY2022 SEPTEMBER 2016 Fund allocation distributed to Districts OCTOBER 2016 • MPO/TPO Priorities due to FDOT FY 2018-22 TWP Development NOVEMBER – DECEMBER 2016 • Present the TWP to the Public and MPOs • Schedules are discovered and adjusted • PMs meet with the Transportation Development Director to commit to letting dates JANUARY 2017 • Gaming closes on January 4, 2017 Roll Forward What is Roll Forward? Any funding programmed in current year that will not be encumbered/committed by the beginning of June. example: new agreements, supplemental, task work order Reason for Roll Forward: Agreements not executed prior to the beginning of June Right-of-way land not purchased Bid rejections/protests on PSU/CSU projects not allowing for encumbrance by the end of June Contingency being maintained for: estimate increases, supplemental agreements, cost overruns, claims & litigation, etc. Roll Forward CATEGORY SM COUNTY OUTREACH PROGRAM COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS TRANSP PLANNING CONSULT HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE CONTR INTRASTATE HIGHWAY CONSTR ARTERIAL HIGHWAY CONSTR CONSTRUCT INSPECT CONSULT AVIATION DEV/GRANTS PUBLIC TRANSIT DEV/GRANTS RIGHT-OF-WAY LAND ACQ SEAPORT GRANTS HIWAY SAFETY CONSTR/GRANTS RESURFACING BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION RAIL DEVELOPMENT/GRANTS INTERMODAL DEVELOPMENT/GRANTS PRELIMINARY ENGR CONSULT HWY BEAUTIFICATION GRANTS RIGHT-OF-WAY SUPPORT TRANSPORT PLANNING GRANTS BRIDGE INSPECTION ECON DEV/TRANSP PROJECTS TRAFFIC ENGR CONSULTANTS DISTRICT 4 TOTAL (2/29/16) FY16 PROGRAMMED FY16 COMMITTED FY16 REMAINDER 4,958,783 22,206,113 7,567,053 64,689,444 344,611,416 61,314,784 79,611,158 40,179,710 40,408,132 61,327,842 12,612,880 6,207,693 48,701,493 106,759,513 31,489,665 1,780,001 98,242,949 201,255 10,546,693 6,291,893 186,371 1,506,000 36,305,447 887,227 1,484,842 6,846,360 60,634,183 266,190,599 11,256,643 39,479,353 29,862,237 31,994,100 32,746,456 11,759,500 2,144,784 27,630,861 94,801,709 2,403,139 1,780,000 46,243,643 0 4,944,159 5,947,981 0 0 28,318,962 4,071,556 20,721,271 720,693 4,055,261 78,420,817 50,058,141 40,131,805 10,317,473 8,414,032 28,581,386 853,380 4,062,909 21,070,632 11,957,804 29,086,526 1 51,999,306 201,255 5,602,534 343,912 186,371 1,506,000 7,986,485 1,087,706,288 707,356,738 380,349,550 Unexecuted Agreement Report What is Unexecuted Agreement Report? • A report identifying Supplemental Agreements/Work Orders that have been encumbered however, the agreements have not yet been executed in FLAIR (Status 10). Key Facts: Agreements must be executed by early June to avoid having the encumbrance cancelled at year end. Agreements not executed by early June, will be un-encumber and must be re-encumbered the following Fiscal Year. Affects both budget and roll forward. The Report is Aged to indicate how long the SA’s have been encumbered but not fully executed. Project Sequencing Various Work Types Need to be separated in the LRE Requires separation and entry of pay items by sequence when more than one work type exists for: WORK TYPE Roadway Bridge Replacement Bridge Rehabilitation Resurfacing Safety PROGRAM NO. 02 03 04 05 06 Separate pay items that are funded with Local Funds Project Sequencing Project Sequencing Under the description field, please indicate the work type and which financial project sequence to program. Project Sequencing (cont.) 428719-1-52-01 Resurfacing -02 Safety Project Sequencing (cont.) 428719-1-52-01 -02 Resurfacing Safety QUESTIONS ? 2016 LRE KICKOFF FINAL PLANS Presented by Mark J. Madgar March 3, 2016 Final Plans LRE Guidelines Submittal Process Project Unknowns The New Timeline Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. System Access LRE versus Trns*port Items to Verify Landscaping Special Features Summary 1. System Access The FDOT PM will contact OIT for the following: For the Creation, Modification or Termination of a Security Profile. For a revoked and/ or expired User-ID. For a revoked and/ or expired Password. For transferring an account from district to district. System Access - continued CONTACT the FDOT Project Manager: When a user needs to be created in the LRE System only. TRNS*PORT access is provided by Tallahassee. When a user needs to be added or removed from Projects and/or Versions. When a user needs to be re-assigned from one Project or Version to another. *PROJECT MANAGER WILL CONTACT FINAL PLANS* 2. LRE versus Trns*port LRE The primary tool used to produce budget estimates for the 5-Yr Work Program. Is used before final design quantities are available. Is typically used from the PD&E phase to the Biddability phase. Trns*port Is used for the Plans, Specs and Estimates package and Bidding Proposal. Normally be used after the Biddability Phase. If your project is either a Lump Sum or Design Build, you will need to load the itemized pay items into a secondary TRNS*PORT. The TRNS*PORT will be created as either xxxxxx-x-520xLS or xxxxxx-x-52-0xDB respectively. Note: If your project is near the transition into the Biddability Phase, the PM should use the estimate (LRE or Trns*port) which reflects the current approved scope and project cost at the time of Submittal. 3. Items to Verify The project information in the LRE Header shall match the FM System, i.e.- Project Manager, Letting Date, Project Length, etc. If different, check with Work Program to correct. The LRE or Trns*port shall not contain Obsolete Pay Items. Items to Verify - continued For projects that contain multiple Sequences and/ or Programs in FM, a separate sequence in the LRE shall be used to reflect each one. There are many Program Types, but the most common ones to keep a look out for are: 02- Roadway, 03 – Bridge Replacement, 04 – Bridge Rehabilitation, 05 – Resurfacing, 06 – Safety and 29 – Rail. Multiple Sequences & Programs: Items to Verify - continued TIP/ STIP - Last Minute Cost Adjustments: • If project is Federally Funded. • If project cost increases in excess of $2 Million AND 20%, a TIP/ STIP needs to be processed. • It may take 3 months or longer to process which may cause the project to miss the letting. Items to Verify - continued Use of EX-Items. -Use only when a pay item does not exist for an activity. -Do not enter as a Lump Sum, Per/ Mile cost or Design Fees for DB. -If trying to use for an already used X-Item, include the quantity in the existing X-Item and describe both quantities in the “Comment Field”. Items to Verify - continued Asphalt Adjustments correctly entered: -Calculate Asphalt Adjustments as SP=5% & FC=5%. -Load adjustments into each Sequence that contains asphalt and use the comment field to describe. Do not include additional Adjustments / Contingencies for items such as: -MOT Items -Earthwork -Wetland Mitigation -Contamination, etc. Use the proper percentages: -MOB shall be 8%. -MOT shall be 10%. -Partnering: include if project duration > 1yr OR project cost > $2 Million. (Use 2 DA @ $3,000/ DA) -Disputes Review Board: include if project cost > $15 Million. (Use 1 DA / Month for duration of project) OFF SYSTEM ROADWAYS: DO NOT include Mowing and Litter Removal pay items on off-system roadways. 4. Landscaping Two types of Landscaping projects: Dependant, Stand-Alone Landscaping Project: -Associated with a Roadway Construction project. -Programmed in the year that the Roadway Construction project is anticipated for completion. Coordination on who will be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the installed landscaping… District Maintenance or Local Agency (MMOA required for the latter) needs to happen. (Joint Memo Landscape dated February 13, 2015) Independent, Stand-Alone Landscaping Project: -Not associated with a Roadway Construction project. -Programmed in the year that the Landscaping project is ready for production. The FDOT PM will need to coordinate with both the District Landscape Architect and Work Program to make sure that the project not only complies with both the Department Environmental and Highway Beautification Policies, but also complies with the funding guidelines as well. (E & O Memo 13-1: Knowledge Base> Prgm Management) Landscaping – cont. 5. Special Features Copying a LRE Version: Allows the PM or consultant to continue to prepare the project, or prepare multiple alternatives, for its scheduled phase submittals outside of the Work Program Cycle. Special Features – continued Run the “Obsolete Pay Item Report” to check for obsolete items in the LRE. Special Features - continued Use the “Find and Replace” function to help in replacing obsolete pay items in the LRE. Special Features - continued Run the “Project Edit Report” to check for obsolete items in the Trns*port. Project Edit Report – cont. 6. Summary For new accounts or re-setting existing accounts, have the FDOT PM contact OIT to correct any security profile issues. FDOT PM to contact Final Plans for project specific access. Most data errors we see relate to inconsistencies between the LRE and the Project Scope History. Remember to use separate sequences when appropriate… i.e.- Local Funds or Safety. Minimize the use of EX-Items. Refer to the LRE Guidelines for the proper adjustment values, and do not add miscellaneous adjustments / contingencies to your project. (Knowledge Base>Prgm Mngt>Final Plans>Estimates) Refer to the LRE Guidelines for the proper values for MOT, MOB and Non-Bid Pay Items. Remember to check the Knowledge Base to see how you should be handling the Landscaping Construction. (Knowledge Base>Prgm Mngt>Engineering & Operations Memo 13-1 and Joint Memo Landscape February 13, 2015) Summary - continued Use the Special Features, “Copy Version”, “Obsolete Pay Item Report”, “Find & Replace” and “Project Edit Report” to simplify your work. Remember to use the LRE Checklist. Final Plans website If you have any questions pertaining to the LRE reviews, please contact one of the following people: Mark J. Madgar Ali Rastagh Consultant Nadir Rodrigues x-4613 x-4413 x-4586 x-4385 LRE Submittals Checklist Guidelines Submitting an LRE LRE Submittal Overview How to Submit – Electronic Submittals Electronic Requirements to Submit LRE Checklist – Completed (found in Final Plans Website.) LRE R3 Report of Primary Version. Approved Scope in PSEE. Risk Summary & Register (only if including Project Risk). The above items need to be submitted as attached documents through the PSEE WPUC. Electronic Submittal Process Step 1: Electronic Submittal – cont. Step 1 Alternate: Electronic Submittal – cont. Step 2: Electronic Submittal – cont. Step 3: Electronic Submittal – cont. Step 4: Select “Yes” Electronic Submittal – cont. Select both workflows: “Front/Back” “WPA Completion” Type new Phase 52 Total Type Fiscal Year Type Phase 52 description here (primary or version #) Click “Add Document”, but “Save” first (then save again) Electronic Submittal – cont. Step 5: Click to edit what you just did in Phase 52 Click other radio buttons to add package components Or select “Submit” Project Unknowns Risk Meet Why Project Cost Risks? Why not keep the old way? A way to quantitatively determine project unknowns – requires justification. The objective is not to reduce the unknown dollar amounts, but justify why we need them. Project Unknowns/Contingencies Funded & Unfunded Projects – Project Unknown % Factor in LRE not used – EX-Item labeled “Project Risks/Unknowns” used Exact dollar value entered, no percent factor. -Risk Summary & Register (Backup) Spreadsheet found on Knowledge Base – Program Management -> Final Plans -> Estimates “Guide to Including Project Risks/Unknowns in LRE” Documentation = Project Risks Identified Risk Register Completing Risk Register 1. Identify Risks 2. Determine probability of each risk occurring (Guidance given in spreadsheet.) 3. 4. 5. 6. Threat or Opportunity? Calculate minimum dollar impact Calculate maximum dollar impact Calculate most likely dollar impact How to Calculate $ value for Risks Designer determines quantities $ value = Quantity X Unit Price Determining Unit Price Option 1 – Find value at State Estimates historical cost website. nformation/HistoricalCost.shtm Finding Historical Cost on Website 1st Choice – Find 12 month moving Area (11 & 12) Average for pay item. 2nd Choice – Find annual statewide average for pay item. NEW PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OFFICE WEBSITE Where to load Project Risks/ Unknowns? 1. EX-Item loaded into sequence 1 of the LRE labeled: “Project Risks/Unknowns” - Enter the value from the Risk Register in the EX-Item. Identified Risk ≠ Major Scope Unknowns (According to Final Plans) Major scope unknown = Separate LRE Most likely scope/LRE submitted – Example: PD&E Alternate Alignments How can I get more information? Knowledge Base – “Guide to Including Project Risks/Unknowns in LRE” Location: Program Management->Final Plans-> Estimates – Also for reference - This presentation! “2016 Work Program/LRE Kickoff Presentation” Location: Root directory of Knowledge Base LRE Due Dates – 2016 Update Year Adopted (2016-2017) March 11, 2016 FY2020-2021 April 8, 2016 FY2019-2020 April 22, 2016 FY2018-2019 May 6, 2016 FY2017-2018 May 20, 2016 Unfunded/Others June 10, 2016 FY2022 (Candidates) June 10, 2016 What questions do you have? THANK YOU!