A Thesis Presented
Michael Fortney
The Faculty of the Graduate College
The University of Vermont
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of Master of Science
Specializing in Electrical Engineering
February, 2007
Accepted by the Faculty of the Graduate College, The University of Vermont, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, specializing in
Electrical Engineering.
Thesis Examination Committee:
Jeff Frolik, Ph. D.
Steve Titcomb, Ph. D.
Jun Yu, Ph. D.
Frances Carr, Ph. D.
Vice President of Research
Date: December 7, 2006
This work details the development of a low-cost (<$15) wireless temperature
sensor to measure the wide-range temperatures found in extreme environments. The
work is motivated by educational and outreach programs which utilize a simple timerbased circuit for a variety of environmental monitoring applications.
This circuit,
commonly referred to as the CricketSat, is often configured as a temperature to frequency
converter for the purpose of atmospheric profiling. Unfortunately, the nonlinear response
of the present circuit significantly reduces resolution and accuracy for temperatures
below -20 ºC. .
Specifically, the objectives of this research are:
1. Provide analyses of three possible linear strategies in order to extend this
range over extreme, naturally occurring temperatures
2. Identify a suitable method and implement it in hardware
3. Present the design and test results
Completion of the design also may allow for use in wireless network systems (WNS)
I would like to thank professors Jeff Frolik and Tony Keller for their patience,
encouragement, guidance and financial support over several years while I migrated from
one thesis topic to another. It is easy to become distracted with so many interesting
topics, especially for one as myself, and I would never have completed this work without
the perseverance provided by both of them, especially Dr. Frolik.
On-and-off throughout the last six years I have been funded as a research
assistant, working for professors Keller and Frolik. For Dr. Keller, this work related to
the development of sounding rocket, fruit fly motility and biomedical instrumentation.
For Dr. Frolik the work has involved the on-going development of CricketSat sensor and
system development, primarily relating to use in the fist-year design class at UVM. Most
of this funding was provided through NASA (Vermont Space Grant Consortium) and
EPSCoR (EPS 0236976) sources.
I would also like to thank Vermont Space Grant Consortium, in particular Laurel
Zeno and Bill Aiken, for their support relating to the NASA grant money, travel and hotel
expenses for conferences and presentations, and the thoughtful awards. Thanks also for
supporting our BalloonSat collaborators, the Medgar Evers College from New York City.
I want to give a special thanks to Mark Miller for involving me with the sounding
rocket activity relating to his research and also for my initiation into the HELiX outreach
program involving CricketSat. I really enjoyed the opportunity to work with Mark for so
many hours, listening to heavy-metal music, and the trips to Houston and Wallops in
preparation for the KC-135.and sounding rocket flights. I am also grateful that he and
Dr. Keller elected to use CricketSat for the outreach program, since it has since been the
primary focus in my life.
None of the four years of outreach experience that I’ve enjoyed so much would
have been possible without the support of the EPSCoR/HELiX program here at the
university. They have provided so much support relating to funding for CricketSat
hardware and supplies, and hotel and travel expenses.
Gayle Bress and Leanne
Saddlemire have been outstanding and always eager to assist in any way, even at a
moment’s notice.
Thanks to the Medgar Evers crew, especially Dr. Shermane Austin and Dr. Leon
Johnson, for the personal funding and BalloonSat support that they have provided for the
HELiX outreach teams. Their BalloonSat flights played a critical role in allowing our
high school teams to collect and correlate CricketSat data.
Last, but not least, thanks to Lynn Fosher and the Milton High School for their
interest and developmental support of CricketSat sensor and system hardware. Thanks
also for providing a launch site for the Medgar Evers College BalloonSat payloads.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 3
List of Tables
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 12
Thesis Motivation ............................................................................................. 12
Thesis Objective................................................................................................ 14
Contributions......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Thesis Organization .......................................................................................... 15
FRESHMAN AND OUTREACH PROGRAMS ............................................. 17
Intro to Paper..................................................................................................... 17
Abstract 17
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 17
The CricketSat System ...................................................................................... 18
UVM CricketSat Development and Testing ..................................................... 20
High School Outreach ....................................................................................... 22
2003 – 2004 HELiX Team ................................................................................ 23
2004 – 2005 HELiX Teams .............................................................................. 24
College Freshman Engineering Course ............................................................ 29
Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 30
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................... 31
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 32
The Original Stanford CricketSat Design (1999) ............................................. 34
UVM CricketSat Workshop Planning (Spring 2003) ....................................... 36
UVM CricketSat Revision A (Spring 2003) ..................................................... 37
2003 CricketSat Workshop and Test Flights (June 16 – June 20) .................... 41
UVM CricketSat Test Flight (08/08/2003) ....................................................... 44
GIV CricketSat Workshop and Test Flight (08/09/2003) ................................. 46
HELiX CricketSat Weather Stations (12/2003 – 02/2004)............................... 47
UVM CricketSat Revision C (January 2004) ................................................... 51
UVM CricketSat Revision D (May 2004) ........................................................ 53
2004 CricketSat Workshop and Test Flights (June 14 – June 18) .................... 55
First Collaborative BalloonSat Flight (July 17, 2004) ...................................... 57
Second Collaborative BalloonSat Flight (July 30, 2004) ................................. 59
UVM CricketSat Revision E (December 2004)................................................ 65
UVM CricketSat Revision F (May 2005) ......................................................... 68
Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 69
EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS ....................................................................... 73
Intro to Paper..................................................................................................... 73
Abstract 73
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 73
555-Timer Astable Oscillator .......................................................................... 77
Linear Frequency Control Methods ................................................................. 81
Threshold Control Voltage Method .................................................................. 82
Ladder Voltage Control Voltage Method ......................................................... 86
Current Source Method ..................................................................................... 89
Comparison of alternative methods .................................................................. 92
Implementation and Test................................................................................... 93
Implementation of a linear sensor ..................................................................... 93
Test Scenarios ................................................................................................... 94
Test Results ....................................................................................................... 96
Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 101
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................... 101
CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ...................................................... 103
Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 103
Future Research .............................................................................................. 105
Final Thoughts ................................................................................................ 106
List of Tables
Table 2.1: HELiX CricketSat Workshop Schedule ......................................................... 22
Table 3.1: UVM CricketSat sensor Revsions A-E and proposed Revision G. ................ 70
Table 3.2: UVM CricketSat significant milestones. ........................................................ 71
Table 4.1: Comparison of simulation results for various the oscillator control methods. 92
Table 4.2: Calibration methods and sources .................................................................... 98
Table 4.3: Mean error/standard deviation (ºC) produced using various calibration
methods. “Z” calibration includes absolute zero data point, “NZ” does not. ...... 99
List of Figures
Figure 2.1: CricketSat Wireless Temperature System ..................................................... 19
Figure 2.2: UVM CricketSat Wireless Temperature Sensor ........................................... 21
Figure 2.3: The John D. O'Bryant School CricketSat presentation of the MHS-1 flights.
The team received a 2nd-place finish at the 2005 Boston Regional Science
Fair ................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 2.4: Medgar Evers College (MEC) team preparing for a BalloonSat launch at the
Milton High School. The CUNY school provided flight support for the
MHS-2 payload. ............................................................................................. 26
Figure 2.5: The Milton High School CricketSat Array System flown on the MHS-3
flight. This project allows the measurement of several CricketSat sensors
over 50 miles away. ....................................................................................... 27
Figure 2.6: Properly segregated data collected from the Milton High School developed
CricketSat Array System. Raw frequency results are shown. ...................... 28
Figure 2.7: Example student design projects: Wireless Wind-Chill Instrument (left) and
Wireless Door Alarm (right) .......................................................................... 30
Figure 3.1: The original Stanford CricketSat schematic and completed circuit board. ... 35
Figure 3.2: UVM initial redesign (RevA) of the Stanford University CricketSat. .......... 38
Figure 3.3: UVM RevA CricketSat temperature, pressure and humidity sensors.
Pressure and humidity sensors are inserted in the prototype area. ................ 40
Figure 3.4: CricketSat flights conducted from the bridge near the Sandbar State Park.
Students are shown preparing, launching, and tracking CricketSat sensors.. 42
Figure 3.5: Results from a pulse-mode CricketSat launched from the UVM campus
experience a balloon burst. ............................................................................ 45
Figure 3.6: CricketSat weather station located at the Waldorf High School fitted with a
solar panel for long-term use. ........................................................................ 48
Figure 3.7: The Waldorf CricketSat weather station. Plastic-plate and threaded-rod
construction (left), stacked CricketSat sensors (center), sensor selection
switch and battery (right). .............................................................................. 49
Figure 3.8: CricketSat receiver designed to work with the CricketSat weather station and
was later used for all CricketSat applications. ............................................... 50
Figure 3.9: Schematic diagram of the UVM RevC CricketSat........................................ 52
Figure 3.10: CricketSat RevC temperature sensor circuit board. Green solder mask,
white labeling and strain-relief holes were added to this design. .................. 52
Figure 3.11: CricketSat RevD schematic diagram. A voltage regulator was added for
oscillator stability and active sensors. ........................................................... 53
Figure 3.12: CricketSat RevD temperature and pressure sensors. ................................... 54
Figure 3.13: Students using the Spectra RTA software to perform CricketSat calibration
measurements. ............................................................................................... 55
Figure 3.14: CricketSat daytime temperature sensor flight. The sensor experienced a 114
ºF temperature change during the flight. ....................................................... 56
Figure 3.15: Night-flight data collection from a CricketSat pressure sensor used as an
altimeter showing a linear ascent rate. ........................................................... 57
Figure 3.16: Students prepare for a BalloonSat flight from the Milton High School.
Temperature data (red trace) in the figure to the right shows the flight bag
temperature during flight. .............................................................................. 58
Figure 3.17: CricketSat sensor array timing diagram. ..................................................... 59
Figure 3.18: CricketSat power sequencing circuit using a BASIC Stamp II controller. . 60
Figure 3.19: CricketSat Sensor Array System ................................................................ 61
Figure 3.20: BalloonSat flight path (left) and raw segregated CricketSat temperature and
pressure data (right) received during the flight. ............................................. 62
Figure 3.21: Converted CricketSat temperature data (left) and altimeter data (right).
CricketSat data is compared to known data for sensor validation. ................ 64
Figure 3.22: CricketSat RevE circuit board. .................................................................... 66
Figure 3.23: CricketSat RevE schematic. ....................................................................... 67
Figure 3.24: CricketSat RevF schematic. ....................................................................... 68
Figure 3.25: CricketSat RevF circuit board. ................................................................... 69
Figure 4.1: CricketSat non-linear frequency response to temperature ............................ 76
Figure 4.2: 555-timer astable oscillator CricketSat design .............................................. 78
Figure 4.3: 555-timer internal circuitry composed of the threshold voltage ladder,
comparators, RD latch and discharge transistor. Image for Texas Instruments
NE555, SA555, SE555 Precision Timers data sheet. .................................... 79
Figure 4.4: PSpice astable timing waveforms of the 555-timer circuit. The top trace
shws the voltage on the timing capacitor. The bottom trace represents the
digital output of the timer. ............................................................................. 80
Figure 4.5: PSpice simulation circuit for using a voltage source (V2) to override the
timer’s internal threshold compare voltages. The 5-Volt source is used to
represent the regulated voltage, which is now necessary for this mode of
operation. ....................................................................................................... 82
Figure 4.6: Simulation waveforms showing the effect of control voltage on the charging
cycle of the timing capacitor. The top and bottom waveform shows the
capacitor voltage using a control voltage of 4.0 Volts and 2.0 Volts,
respectively. Note that the lower limit is always one-half the control
threshold value. .............................................................................................. 83
Figure 4.7: Simulation results demonstrating 555-timer frequency response to varying
threshold control voltage. .............................................................................. 86
Figure 4.8: Simulation circuit used to investigate the effect of RC ladder voltage (V2) on
timer frequency. In comparison to Fig. 4.5, the value of R2 has been reduced
to increase duty cycle and minimize the non-linearity. ................................. 87
Figure 4.9: Simulated response of timer frequency to control of RC ladder voltage. ..... 89
Figure 4.10: PSpice simulation circuit used to investigate the use of a current source
method for 555-timer frequency control........................................................ 90
Figure 4.11: Schematic showing implementation of the LM234 current source device as
a temperature sensor. The value of R1 (i.e. RSET) is selected to provide a
suitable sensitivity and frequency range. ....................................................... 94
Figure 4.12: CricketSat module modified using the LM234 current source for use as a
temperature sensor. ........................................................................................ 95
Figure 4.13: Test results for the thermistor-based and current-source-base CricketSat
temperature sensors. ...................................................................................... 98
Figure 4.14: Figure to the right demonstrates the linear response of the CricketSat
oscillator circuit over a wide current range. The highlighted region near the
origin is shown in the left figure, showing the trend line passing near the
origin. ........................................................................................................... 100
Figure 5.1: Hopper node and ALOHA node photo ......................................................... 104
Thesis Motivation
Importance of wireless sensors
o What are they
o Why important
o Interesting apps
Habitat monitoring, glacier monitoring, cattle herding, bathymetry,
ocean water, grape, vital signs, power monitoring, tracking vehicles
o Problems with these
Costly sensors
o CricketSat
o Wireless tech
Custom Student applications
o Use for atmospheric sensing : earth science, weather,
atmospheric profile
Wireless networks
o Low cost, simple, spatial
Sensor and system
Limits with the non-linear design
[2]. [3].
Figure 1.1: Wireless sensor networks
Figure 1.1: Possible CricketSat applications. Node regions or uniform distribution.
Thesis Objective
The work presented herein seeks to address the limiting behavior of the CricketSat sensor
for use in extreme cold environments, i.e. performance relating to temperature resolution
and nonlinearity. Specifically, the main objectives of this thesis are as follows:
1. Develop low-cost, wireless, sensor hardware that can measure extreme atmospheric
temperatures from -90 ºC to +60 ºC.
This range encompasses the recorded limits of atmospheric temperatures
measured on the surface of the earth. It also accommodates most atmospheric
measurements within 30 km of the surface, typically experienced with weather
balloon flights.
2. Provide a linear response design to for improved resolution and to simplify
calibration procedures.
A linear response sensor provides improved resolution over a wide dynamic
temperature range than does a thermistor-based solution. The linear design also
simplifies sensor calibration since the sensor response may directly proportional
to absolute zero, allowing minimal calibration to be performed at conveniently
warmer temperatures.
3. Evaluate the performance of the linear sensor design calibration procedures.
Testing of the linear design to assess its linearity and accuracy using a calibrated
temperature sensor and comparing the results to prior art.
4. Considering 1-3 above, maintain a simple circuit design for middle school, high
school and college applications.
A primary application for this sensor is for use in the classroom for engineering
outreach and to perform atmospheric measurements for earth science studies. The
design should use common off-the-shelf components, demonstrating basic
electronic principles and avoiding the use of components requiring special
programming. Component cost should be kept low, affording schools to provide
kitted sensors for each student or small teams to assemble.
Thesis Organization
This chapter presented an introduction to wireless networks, applications, and limitations
of WSN.
The CricketSat sensor was introduced, describing its benefits and
shortcomings. Objectives were detailed outlining steps for improving the sensor design
to meet the extreme temperature specifications.
The remainder of this thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 addresses the
educational aspects of the CricketSat relating to college and high school applications.
Chapter 3 describes the development and analysis of the UVM CricketSat wireless sensor
RevA through RevF, multi-sensor applications, and receiving systems for data collection.
Chapter 4 describes the design and analysis of the linear response CricketSat design, the
thrust of this work. Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the key results of this research,
addresses present ongoing activity and proposes further improvements and avenues for
future research.
Mike Fortney and Jeff Frolik
University of Vermont
Underrepresented Groups in Engineering
Intro to Paper
This chapter describes the introduction of the CricketSat sensor to the University of
Vermont and its use for college and outreach educational purposes. Development is
discussed primarily in an educational context, with more technical detail provided in
Chapter 3.
This paper details the development of new CricketSat designs and education programs at
the University of Vermont (UVM). UVM first explored the use of this wireless sensor in
Summer 2002 after attending a NASA Starting Student Space Programs workshop. Work
at the university has since involved improvements to the design to expand functionality
and facilitate successful student circuit assembly.
High school, undergraduate and
graduate level students are involved with CricketSat sensors and systems, design and
testing. Collaborative and outreach programs involve other institutions.
The CricketSat wireless temperature sensor was originally designed in 1999 at Stanford
University's Space System Development Laboratory as part of the NASA Space Grant
"Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly" student satellite program [5]. The purpose of this NASA
program is to instruct students into methods of space hardware development. Student
satellites range from the simple balloon-borne CricketSat to the more complex earthorbiting CubeSat. To assist colleges and universities in developing their own programs,
"Starting Student Space Hardware Programs" workshops are held frequently at the
University of Colorado campus in Boulder [6]. The workshop covers the range of
student satellite designs, with emphasis on the BalloonSat program.
Representatives from UVM attended workshops and a CricketSat program was
implemented at the University in 2002.
UVM CricketSat objectives involve
improvements to the original design, its use as an educational tool, and outreach
activities. This paper discusses the following activities which take place within the
1. CricketSat development and testing
2. Collaborative work with other colleges and universities
3. High school outreach
4. Freshman introduction to engineering course
The CricketSat System
The CricketSat system (Fig. 2.1) is composed of a single wireless sensor and a receiving
station. The CricketSat transmitter contains a simple, 555 timer-based circuit that
produces an audio tone that changes frequency in response to changing temperature. This
tone amplitude modulates a 434 MHz carrier. Calibration of the sensor is performed by
measuring the tone frequency taken at various temperatures. From the calibration, graphs
are produced for converting frequency to temperature during use.
Figure 2.1: CricketSat Wireless Temperature System
For flight, the CricketSat device can be attached to a helium balloon as small as 2
feet in diameter. During flights, the 434 MHz signal is received by the ground station.
The ground station consists of a Yagi antenna, a UHF radio receiver and an audio
frequency measurement device. The frequency of the tone is measured with a frequency
counter or audio-spectrum software. Flights have been tracked for 90 minutes before the
signal becomes too weak to measure reliably. During this time, the balloon may travel a
distance over 150 km, reach an altitude of 10 km and experience temperatures less than –
70 C. The sensor and balloon are seldom recovered.
BalloonSat is a much larger system, toting a payload of several pounds, and a
price in excess of ~$500. This system contains a GPS device and a radio transmitter used
to broadcast the position coordinates for tracking during flight. Sensor data is usually
collected and stored during the flight. Recovery of the payload is necessary for the
expensive equipment and data. Complexity, cost, and logistics for flight preparation and
tracking may make this system undesirable. Flights may achieve altitudes of 30 km in
100 minutes before the balloon bursts and the payload parachutes back to earth.
In comparison to BalloonSat, the CricketSat system has benefits of low cost
($10), low weight, and live data telemetry. It is also simple to understand, easy to
assemble, and simple to use.
Drawbacks include single-sensor operation, and
requirements for calibration and frequency conversion. Work at the UVM is involved
with improving the performance and flexibility of this device.
UVM CricketSat Development and Testing
Development work at UVM includes improvements to the original design, adaptations for
new sensing capabilities, and the design of multi-sensor systems. Improvements have
also been made to better the electrical performance, system reliability, and the likelihood
of successful assembly. Concerning the latter, component outlines and designations have
been added to the board, and a protective layer to minimize electrical shorts. A prototype
area has been expanded to support student adaptations to the CricketSat design. The
most recent UVM CricketSat design is shown in Fig. 2.2.
Figure 2.2: UVM CricketSat Wireless Temperature Sensor
One objective of the UVM CricketSat work is to extend the circuit’s capability
beyond simply measuring temperature.
Common sensors for air pressure, humidity,
light level, and acceleration can be now accommodated in the design. In addition, easily
built sensor circuits [7] will also interface with this design. With this added flexibility, the
CricketSat may used as a platform for a wide variety of wireless sensor applications. To
date, multi-sensor CricketSat designs have also been developed by both university and
high school students. Eventually, the improved circuitry will lead to the development of
a low-cost student radiosonde (CricketSonde) containing meteorological and other
scientific instruments.
Such a design may enable community-based, meteorological
measurements at a much finer spatial resolution than those currently available using the
current network of National Weather Service radiosonde stations. This work toward this
end is detailed in the following sections.
High School Outreach
The HELiX (Hughes Endeavor for Life Science Excellence) Program at UVM
HELiX/EPSCoR [8] is a NSF funded outreach program supporting area college
and high school students. Among the HELiX activities is a summer workshop for high
school students that is designed to provide students insight into the "real world" of
science. Teams, consisting of a teacher and a few students, conduct a research project,
assisted by scientists at the university. At least one of the students must be female. A
HELiX-sponsored CricketSat workshop titled "Building and Launching Cricket Satellites
to Measure Various Atmospheric Conditions" was conducted during the summers of
2003 and 2004 (one is also planned for June 2005). The one-week session, outlined in
Table 2.1, involves lectures and hands-on activities for the students and teachers.
Classroom instruction includes an introduction to the earth's atmosphere and operation of
the CricketSat sensors. Hands-on activities involved the assembly, soldering, calibration,
and flight of these sensors. Students fly balloons, collect data and analyze the results.
School teams must then conduct a related research project to be conducted over the
following year.
Table 2.1: HELiX CricketSat Workshop Schedule
Temperature profile of the atmosphere
Introduction to the CricketSat sensors
Practice soldering
CricketSat assembly
CricketSat testing
CricketSat calibration
Balloon flights and data collection
Spreadsheet data entry
Analysis and results
The high school teams have provided an important role of testing and evaluating the
CricketSat sensor designs.
These teams have also developed and evaluated more
complex multi-sensor CricketSat designs. Each balloon flight strives to surpass previous
results, contributing towards advancing the system. Parameters analyzed for each flight
are duration, distance, minimum temperature and maximum altitude.
2.6.1. 2003 – 2004 HELiX Team
This initial workshop (2003) involved a team from the Waldorf High School in Charlotte,
Vermont, consisting of a female science teacher and three female students. The June
flights involved the initial testing of the newly developed pressure and humidity sensors
and ground station receiving system. Balloons were released over the water from a
causeway on Lake Champlain. The results were not very encouraging.
measurements using a meter became unstable less than 10 minutes into the flight. The
meter did a poor job of measuring the signal in the presence of background radio noise.
Expected qualitative variations were observed for the temperature, pressure and humidity
In short, the system worked satisfactory for close-range work, but not for balloon
flights. As such, for their long term research project, the team decided to build a wireless
weather station consisting of temperature, pressure and humidity sensors. The goal was
to make automatic measurements at periodic intervals. A frequency measurement meter
was connected to a computer for data collection. Since all of the CricketSat sensors share
the same radio frequency, a rotary switch was added to the station to provide power to the
CricketSat sensor to be measured. The system worked for three-hour intervals before the
meter would turn itself off. This appeared to be caused by the meter’s inability to
properly track the changing signal.
A new method was devised for performing the frequency measurements during
balloon flights. Several audio spectrum analyzer programs were investigated. These
programs allow for individual frequencies in the audio signal to be “seen” on the
computer and measured. The CricketSat signal was easily identifiable, even when far
away, allowing it to be measured reliably. The SpectraRTA [9] software was selected at
the time due to its data logging capability. Spectrogram [10] is now recommended due to
its low cost.
2.6.2. 2004 – 2005 HELiX Teams
This improved platform was utilized for the second HELiX workshop (2004) in which
two high schools participated. The first team was from the Milton High School located in
Milton, Vermont. The team was composed of a female science teacher and two female
The second team was from the John D. O'Bryant (JDOB) School of
Mathematics and Science (Boston Public Schools) located in Roxbury, Massachusetts.
This team consisted of a female science teacher and two students: one female and one
Day and evening CricketSat flights (MHS-1) to monitor atmospheric temperature
profiles were conducted. A CricketSat humidity sensor was also flown along with an
experimental audio alarm device attached. Collectively, the flights were a remarkable
success. The SpectraRTA software performed well, allowing measurement of the tone
signals for a much longer period of time than the previous method using a frequency
meter. The shortest flight was tracked for 45 minutes and the longest for 91 minutes.
This allowed for measurements much higher in the atmosphere. Accordingly, the lowest
measured temperature was -41 F (-40 C), and the highest recorded altitude was 26,732
feet (8.1 km). Factoring in the velocities of the upper-air winds obtained from the
National Weather Service (NWS), the longest CricketSat altimeter flight was 144 km.
For their follow-on project, the JDOB team prepared a detailed presentation of the
MHS-1 flights, placing second at the 2005 Boston Regional Science Fair in March 2005
(Fig. 2.3). They will go on to compete at the Massachusetts State Science Fair to be held
in May at MIT.
Figure 2.3: The John D. O'Bryant School CricketSat presentation of the MHS-1 flights.
The team received a 2nd-place finish at the 2005 Boston Regional Science Fair
For the Milton High School team, their work was just beginning. The school
hosted two BalloonSat flights in July 2005 for students from Medgar Evers College
(MEC) of the City University of New York (CUNY). CricketSat sensors were flown as
payload to provide real-time flight support data for the MEC team. These flights also
allowed CricketSat sensors to achieve altitudes and conditions not normally experienced
with the smaller balloon flights.
Figure 2.4: Medgar Evers College (MEC) team preparing for a BalloonSat launch at the
Milton High School. The CUNY school provided flight support for the MHS-2 payload.
For the first BalloonSat flight (MHS-2), the MHS team monitored the temperature
inside the BalloonSat instrument flight bag (Fig. 2.4). The temperature was measured for
125 minutes and never dropped below 63 F (17 C). For the MEC team, this validated
the use of the insulated lunch bag for holding instruments during BalloonSat flights. This
experiment also demonstrated the compatibility between CricketSat and BalloonSat
payloads concerning radio co-interference.
With the successful results of the single CricketSat sensor on the MHS-2 flight,
the team was now presented a challenge of measuring data using several CricketSat
sensors. Unlike the earlier weather station, this system would need to sequence through
the sensors automatically. The problem was presented to the Milton team, and with a
little guidance, they devised a sequential timing algorithm for segregating and identifying
sensors during flight. In addition, the design needed to be light weight for the balloon
application. A circuit was designed for the students using a BASIC Stamp controller.
One ambitious student assembled the circuit, wrote a PBASIC program employing the
timing algorithm, and tested the controller.
Figure 2.5: The Milton High School CricketSat Array System flown on the MHS-3
flight. This project allows the measurement of several CricketSat sensors over 50 miles
The CricketSat Array System (CAS) assembled for flight is shown in Fig. 2.5.
During the BalloonSat flight (MHS-3), the CricketSat flight bag and external
temperatures were measured, as well as altitude (air pressure). The system worked very
well, properly segregating the data from the various CricketSat sensors, as seen in Fig.
Figure 2.6: Properly segregated data collected from the Milton High School developed
CricketSat Array System. Raw frequency results are shown.
New levels of performance were achieved.
The flight was tracked for 134
minutes, to an altitude of 85,781 feet (26 km), and with a bone-chilling external
temperature of –92 F (-69 C). The CricketSat altimeter worked properly below 32,000
feet (10 km), meeting expectations. External temperature versus altitude data correlated
with NWS sounding balloon data. The CricketSat altimeter data agreed well with altitude
data provided by the onboard GPS. The results were presented at the Northeast Regional
Space Grant Conference held in October 2004 in South Burlington, Vermont by the
author and the two Milton High School students.
Design changes to the CricketSat are necessary for improvement to the
temperature and pressure measurements. As can be seen in Fig. 2.6 (Ext Temp 1 & 2),
for very low temperatures, the CricketSat frequency is very low and difficult to measure.
In addition, the CricketSat pressure sensor only works properly up to altitudes of 10 km.
To completely characterize the environment experience during these large balloon
launches, the sensors need to perform measurements to altitudes of 30 km with
temperatures as low as –90 C. As such, thesis work is in progress by the author towards
the development of a linear frequency response CricketSat temperature sensor for use in
extreme cold environments. This may lead to the development of a family of linear
response CricketSat sensors for radiosonde experiments (i.e., CricketSonde). The linear
response provides benefits of uniform sensitivity, and simplified calibration and
conversion methods. The sensors will be evaluated on future HELiX and BalloonSat
College Freshman Engineering Course
As a result of the above successful programs, the CricketSat was chosen in Spring 2004
as a project platform for UVM’s freshman design course for electrical and mechanical
students (instructed by the co-author) [11]. In this course, students first fabricate, test and
calibrate the basic wireless temperature sensor. Then, working in teams, the 60 students
adapted over a six week period this sensor for an application of their own choosing. The
project requires electrical modification of the circuit and mechanical design requisite of
the application. Student projects from the first offering included a wireless wind-chill
instrument (Fig. 2.7-left), a wireless synthesizer and a wireless alarm system (Fig. 2.7right). We view the breadth of these designs as being indicative of the flexibility and
simplicity of the CricketSat platform to accommodate a variety of introductory-level
student projects. The course is currently in its second offering to 70 students and utilizing
the improved CricketSat design illustrated in Fig. 2.2.
Figure 2.7: Example student design projects: Wireless Wind-Chill Instrument (left) and
Wireless Door Alarm (right)
UVM’s CricketSat activities have in addition enabled collaborative meteorological
studies with the University of Alaska along with the aforementioned work with Medgar
Evers College.
Like UVM, the University of Alaska is involved with CricketSat
development and testing. Designs and methods are being shared between the two schools
towards a common goal of improving this design. With this wide range of “customer”
input, we view the UVM CricketSat design as rapidly migrating towards a simple,
flexible and yet a powerful platform upon which meaningful projects can be developed
for a wide range of wireless monitoring applications. We hope that with this paper along
with additional material (schematics, project ideas and kit information) available online
[12] will provide a resource that other institutions may utilize to develop their own entry
level sensor programs. The author encourages interested institutions to contact him [13]
should they have any questions.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Vermont and Colorado Space Grant
Consortiums, and the UVM HELiX outreach program for their support in the
development of the CricketSat program at UVM.
The authors would also like to
acknowledge Dr. Shermane Austin of Medgar Evers College and Dr. Neal Brown of the
University of Alaska for their flight and technical contributions, respectively.
In this chapter we discuss the development of the UVM CricketSat sensor and systems
beginning with the original Stanford University design and concluding with the current
UVM Revision F (RevF) design. System development is also discussed relating to
CricketSat sensor arrays and a reliable ground-based measurement system. Educational
applications, discussed in Chapter 2, provided the motivating factors driving the
development work. These factors were primarily related to performance, simplicity, and
reliability. In addition, we considered the likelihood of successful assembly, testing and
adaptability. Limitations of the RevF design discussed at the end of this chapter, lead to
the development of a linear CricketSat sensor, discussed in Chapter 4.
Performance relates to sensor accuracy and resolution.
For example,
inaccuracy may relate to change in the oscillator frequency unrelated to
temperature. Resolution may seem adequate at warmer temperatures, but may
suffer at extreme cold temperatures due to the non-linear frequency response of
the sensor. This is addressed in detail in Chapter 4.
Simplicity of Design:
A simple design is important to allow students to
understand the operation with little or no electronics experience. The 555-timer
based design was maintained due to its simplicity and wide-spread use.
Operation of the 555-timer oscillator is discussed in Chapter 4. A circuit with
fewer components could have been developed using a small microcontroller,
but the “black box” circuit would not demonstrated simple electrical principles
and would have required a custom pre-programmed microcontroller which may
not be available in the future.
Likelihood of successful assembly is important for students untrained in
soldering skills and circuit board assembly. A quality assembly manual, in
addition to a clearly labeled and coated circuit board, helps guarantee proper
insertion of components and minimization of soldering shorts.
Reliability is mostly concerned with mechanical issues relating to wires and
components breaking from exposure and repetitious use. The use of strainrelief holes helps alleviate wires from breaking.
Components should be
mounted tight to the circuit board to avoid flexing.
Vertically mounted
components may be placed in proximity of other components for physical
protection or mounted horizontally if room permits.
Testability is important for debugging newly assembled circuit boards.
Providing clearly labeled test points on the electrical schematic and the printed
circuit board allows for confirmation of proper signals in debugging a nonfunctional circuit.
The test points also aid in instructional use for
demonstrating 555-timer operation with the use of test instruments.
Adaptability allows the CricketSat circuit to interface with additional types of
sensors primarily for student-based designs. Test points provide access to
power and timing signals to interface with custom circuitry. For small circuits,
the on-board prototype area can be used. Larger circuits may be constructed on
external prototype circuit boards and wired to the CricketSat circuit board at the
test points.
The Original Stanford CricketSat Design (1999)
The original CricketSat was developed in 1999 for the Space and Systems Development
Laboratory (SSDL) located at Stanford University. David Joseph (W7AMX), a student
mentor, designed the CricketSat at the suggestion of Professor Bob Twiggs, director of
the laboratory. The circuit (Fig. 3.1a) is composed of a simple 555-timer based oscillator,
a thermistor, an LED and an RF transmitter module. The circuit produced tones or clicks
in a receiver (or flashes on the LED), dependent on the size of the timing capacitor, C1.
A prototype area (Fig. 3.1b) is provided on the circuit board supporting adaptations.
Figure 3.1: The original Stanford CricketSat schematic and completed circuit board.
The printed circuit board was designed using Express PCB software. This was a
good choice, as the software is free to download and is widely used. The circuit board
design files were provided at the first “Starting Student Satellite Hardware Programs”
workshop held by the Colorado Space Grant Consortium at the University of Colorado in
UVM CricketSat Workshop Planning (Spring 2003)
Dr. Mark Miller (UVM), attended the 2002 Colorado workshop and decided to use the
CricketSat for student outreach, sponsored through the HELiX program at the University.
A workshop entitled “Building and Launching Cricket Satellites to Measure Various
Atmospheric Conditions” was planned for Summer 2003. The goal was to perform
balloon-borne atmospheric profile measurements similar to those made by the U.S.
National Weather Service.
These data would be compared to NOAA radiosonde
sounding data and used to validate know atmospheric relationships taught in the
A UHF ham radio transceiver (Kenwood THD-7A), tuned to 433.92 MHz, was
designated to receive the remote signal. Methods use to measure the received data vary
dependent on the CricketSat mode of operation. For a CricketSat operating in pulse
mode, a stopwatch is used to count clicks heard in the speaker over a specified time
interval (i.e. 15 seconds) or used to measure individual click intervals. A CricketSat
operating in the tone mode requires a frequency measurement device to measure the
audio tone produced.
For allowing students to duplicate measurements made by NOAA, the CricketSat
sensor would be required to support the use of pressure, humidity and various other
sensors. Fortunately, due to the versatility of the 555 timer circuit, interfacing with a
variety of sensors types is simple. Passive (resistive and capacitive) and active (voltage
and current output) sensor types are easily interfaced with the timer oscillator circuit.
Various methods of interfacing these sensor types for control of the timer are analyzed
and discussed in Chapter 4.
The immediate concerned required changes to the printed in support of a
replacement for the TWS-434 radio transmitter module. The original six-pin module was
replaced by the manufacturer with a four-pin version, with no equivalent substitute
available. Since the circuit board required modification, the opportunity was taken to
make a few additional changes. Unknown was which CricketSat operational mode (pulse
or tone) would prove superior relating to long-distance reception of the signal. Features
allowing the selection between these CricketSat modes of operation would be useful for
initial evaluation.
UVM CricketSat Revision A (Spring 2003)
For this initial release of the UVM CricketSat, changes were made to support the new
transmitter module, along with those to provide safeguards and flexibility. To protect the
CricketSat circuitry (Fig. 3.2) in the case of a reverse-battery connection, diode (D2), in
series with the power, allows current to flow if the battery is properly connected. Three
shorting-block jumpers (JP1-JP3) provide for flexibility of circuit operation and provide
connectivity for other sensor types.
Figure 3.2: UVM initial redesign (RevA) of the Stanford University CricketSat.
In support of the two modes (pulse and tone) of CricketSat operation, JP2 allows
mode selection without replacement of the timing capacitor. Pads were provided on the
RevA circuit board supporting two timing capacitors, C1 and C3. C1 is intended to be
the smaller capacitor (0.1uF) and C3 the larger (100uF) electrolytic capacitor. JP2
connects the larger, C3, to the circuit, placing it in parallel with C1, which is always
enabled. Since the electrolytic capacitor is typically hundreds of times larger than the
disc capacitor, its value dominates the oscillator timing intervals while connected.
Therefore, tone mode is provided with JP2 disconnected and pulse mode with it installed.
Two additional jumpers were added to support two other features. Jumper JP1 is
used to disable the LED, conserving power for extended use. Jumper JP3 allows for the
connection of active sensors to the threshold control (Pin5) of the 555 timer. Varying the
threshold voltage may be used to control the oscillator frequency as described in Chapter
One goal of the redesign was to simplify the circuit by eliminating the need for
the two inductors L1 and L2 (Fig. 3.1a). These inductors appear to serve the primary
purpose of noise decoupling, typically accomplished using capacitors. Two decoupling
capacitors were added to the design as inductor replacements, while the inductors were
retained until their purpose was understood. Inductor L1, associated with the 555 timer
circuit, appears to serve a decoupling purpose and its replacement more straightforward.
The use of L2 is more complicated, appearing to serve a dual purpose of noise decoupling
and aiding modulation.
Pins 1, 2, and 6 of the TWS-434 transmitter module (Fig. 3.1a) are tied together,
driven by the logic output of the 555 timer IC and coupled through L2 to the battery
power. The transmitter power pins (1 and 2) are connected to the data pin (6) on the
circuit board using a pinched metal trace, intending it to be cut. Indications are that this
connected arrangement may provide a stronger modulation of the transmitter. For this
RevA design, the data and power signals to the new transmitter module were separated.
As a precaution, an unnamed jumper was added to the circuit board to provide
reconnection if needed. The L2 inductor was configured to couple the transmitter power
pins to the supply voltage.
To make the prototype area more usable, the bottom row was freed from the
power rail, providing four rows of unconnected pads (Fig. 3.3a). This change allows for
inclusion of an 8-pin DIP IC, such as another timer, or an op amp to be used in the space.
Power and ground connections were added to additional prototype pads to provide access
to those signals.
Figure 3.3: UVM RevA CricketSat temperature, pressure and humidity sensors.
Pressure and humidity sensors are inserted in the prototype area.
Active pressure and passive humidity versions of the CricketSat sensor were
created. A Motorola MPX4115AP pressure sensor (Fig. 3.3b) was used as an altitude
sensor for balloon flights and as barometric pressure sensor for ground-based
The active device produces a voltage linearly proportional to
temperature. This voltage was used to vary the threshold control voltage on the 555
timer, affecting the frequency of oscillation.
For the CricketSat humidity sensor (Fig. 3.3c), a passive humidity sensor
(Humirel HS1101) replaced the timing capacitor (C1) in the oscillator circuit. The
HS1101 data sheet includes a 555-timer based circuit that works well with the layout of
CricketSat circuit board. Unfortunately, the center frequency of the circuit is greater than
6000 Hz, exceeding the bandwidth of the RF transmitter. A doubling of the timing
resistors reduced the frequency in half, allowing adequate operation.
Two CricketSat sensors of each type were assembled and calibrated (tone mode)
in preparation for the first HELiX CricketSat workshop. The tone mode was thought to
provide a higher resolution and allow automated data logging to a laptop computer. A
Radio Shack multi-meter with and RS-232 interface and accompanying software was
selected to perform the sensor frequency measurements.
2003 CricketSat Workshop and Test Flights (June 16 – June 20)
Three female students and their science teacher representing the Waldorf High School
(Charlotte, Vermont), participated in this first workshop, whose format is outlined in
Chapter 2. Students assembled and calibrated four CricketSat temperature sensors. Due
to the wiring complexity of the pressure and humidity sensors, sensors assembled and
calibrated in the prior section were used.
Test flights were conducted Wednesday (18th) from the Sandbar Bridge (Fig.
3.4a) in Colchester, Vermont.
Since no flight procedures were available from the
Colorado workshop, this was a flight of firsts. The flight objectives were four-fold.
1. Develop flight procedures relating to preparation, launch and data collection
2. Observe qualitative and quantitative atmospheric effects on sensor types
3. Evaluate the data collection system
4. Develop benchmarks to evaluate CricketSat and system performance
Tracking time
Estimated range
Coldest temperature
Highest altitude
Lowest humidity
Figure 3.4: CricketSat flights conducted from the bridge near the Sandbar State Park.
Students are shown preparing, launching, and tracking CricketSat sensors.
Four sensors were flown (Fig. 3.4b) and tracked (Fig. 3.4c) in sequence and
students recorded measurements at 20-second intervals. It was obvious from the first
balloon flight that the data collection system using the frequency meter had a problem.
After only a couple minutes of flight, the meter could not discriminate the tone signal
from the background noise. Little temperature or humidity variation was observed over
the water surface and therefore no quality quantitative measurements were obtained in the
short span.
Qualitative temperature results were better since the audio signal was audible for
several minutes and a reduction in the tone frequencies were noticeable in
correspondence with decreasing temperature and altitude.
impressive for the pressure sensor.
Results were even more
This sensor produced a noticeable decrease in
frequency after a couple minutes of ascent.
Unfortunately, the antenna of wildly
swinging sensor popped the balloon. The descent to the lake surface produced a tone
variation sound similar to that of incoming artillery; that is up until impact with the water.
Several things were learned from this flight:
Qualitative results were observed for the temperature and pressure sensors,
demonstrating sensor response to the stimulus
The frequency meter was inadequate for making distant measurements
Future balloon flights would use CricketSat sensors configured for pulse-mode
operation, using a stopwatch for measurement until a better frequency
measurement method is adopted
The CricketSat sensors require a longer balloon attachment string to stabilize the
flight system and avoid popping balloons
Measurements over water do not provide adequate temperature or humidity
variation versus altitude
UVM CricketSat Test Flight (08/08/2003)
This test flight was conducted to evaluate feasibility of using stopwatch measurements
relating to pulse-mode CricketSat balloon flights. This was in preparation of a CricketSat
workshop and flight to occur the following day. A CricketSat sensor was prepared and
released on the green behind the UVM Cook Science physics building. Instead of
counting CricketSat “clicks” in a 15-second period, a more accurate method was adopted
which measured the time interval of five consecutive clicks. The resolution of the
stopwatch provided a much improved resolution for the measurements. A second watch
was used to provide elapsed time since launch for each measurement.
This flight and results and were extremely encouraging. The temperature dropped
from 83 ºF to 40 ºF in 25 minutes (Fig. 3.5a), at which point it quickly began warming.
We realized that the balloon had burst and was rapidly descending. The signal was
tracked to landing, only six minutes later, indicated by a return to the original
temperature. Using a directional antenna and a RF spectrum analyzer, the balloon was
located in the top of a maple tree located two miles away in Winooski.
Figure 3.5: Pulse-mode CricketSat temperature (top) and altitude (bottom) fight profiles.
Using an adiabatic cooling rate of 4.5 ºF per 1000 feet of altitude, the second plot
(Fig. 3.5b) provides an altitude profile for the flight, indicating a burst altitude of 11,000
feet. This graph can be used to estimate ascent and descent rates due to the nearly linear
characteristics. From the data, the balloon ascended at a rate of 440 fpm (5.00 mph) and
struck the maple tree at 1833 fpm (20.8 mph).
This flight clearly demonstrated the successful operation of the CricketSat
temperature sensor and the pulse-mode stopwatch measurement system. This flight also
demonstrated use of the CricketSat to demonstrate atmospheric characteristics in a short
time interval. The linear temperature profile, similar to those produced by BalloonSat
flights indicates a linear temperature change over time. Since these balloons (and
BalloonSat weather balloons) rise at a nearly linear rate, a constant adiabatic rate in the
lower atmosphere is demonstrated.
GIV CricketSat Workshop and Test Flight (08/09/2003)
This workshop was conducted at 20th anniversary celebration for the Governor’s Institute
of Vermont (GIV) held at Shelburne Farms in Shelburne, Vermont. A small group of six
students assembled pulse-mode CricketSat temperature sensors which they were allowed
to take home. Temperature measurements could be made using the flashing LED and a
stopwatch to perform measurements.
A calibrated pulse-mode CricketSat sensor was used for the demonstration flight
on a cold day and occurring during a thunderstorm. The CricketSat sensor was placed in
a zip-lock bag to protect it from the rain. In an attempt to achieve a higher flight than the
previous day (11,000 feet), less helium was placed in today’s balloon. The underinflation of the balloon and the additional weight of the rain-laden bag and balloon
resulted in a slow ascent rate.
The flight was successful in relation to benchmarks relating to flight duration,
minimal temperature and estimated terrestrial range. After 90 minutes of tracking the
flight, the minimum temperature experienced was +20 ºF. After factoring in an adiabatic
cooling rate, an estimate for an altitude was determined to be approximately 8000 feet.
Factoring in flight time, strength of the winds and the low angle of the Yagi antenna, the
terrestrial flight range was estimated to be in excess of 15 miles. As in the previous
flight, the pulse-mode CricketSat using a stopwatch proved to be a very successful
system for data collection and measurement.
HELiX CricketSat Weather Stations (12/2003 – 02/2004)
HELiX teams and their UVM sponsors have a one-year commitment to develop a project
in response to knowledge and skills obtained during the summer workshop. The Waldorf
team decided to use CricketSat sensors to develop two weather stations to investigate
lake-effect on temperature. One station was located at the Waldorf High School (Fig.
3.6), 1.5 miles inland from Lake Champlain, at an altitude of approximately 150 feet
above sea level. The second station was located in Williston, Vermont, six miles from
the lake at an altitude of approximately 400 feet. The weather stations were fitted with
solar panels and rechargeable batteries for long-term operation.
Figure 3.6: CricketSat weather station located at the Waldorf High School fitted with a
solar panel for long-term use.
The mechanical construction of the weather stations consisted of plastic plates
(Fig. 3.7a), sheet aluminum, shelf brackets, threaded rods and nuts.
Along with
temperature, the pressure and humidity sensors developed during the workshop were
stacked (Fig. 3.7b) and mounted center in the weather station. Autonomous data logging
capability was required, requiring the CricketSat sensors to operate in tone-mode. Again,
the Radio Shack meter was used, but since the receiver was in close proximity to the
weather station, the signal noise issues, experienced in the first flight, were not replicated.
Figure 3.7: The Waldorf CricketSat weather station. Plastic-plate and threaded-rod
construction (left), stacked CricketSat sensors (center), sensor selection switch and
battery (right).
Since CricketSat sensors are always transmitting data, only one is allowed to be
powered on at a time to avoid interference. Consequently, the weather stations were
fitted with a switch box (Fig. 3.7c), allowing the selection of one of the three sensors.
Since temperature was the measurement of interest in this application, this restriction did
not cause a serious problem. The station would remain in the temperature mode for
autonomous data logging and only briefly switched to pressure or humidity to make those
measurements manually.
To eliminate the dependency of the Kenwood receiver, costing hundreds of
dollars, a CricketSat receiver (Fig. 3.8a) was designed to work with the weather station.
The circuit (Fig. 3.8b) uses the accompanying receiver module to the transmitter module
used on the CricketSat. The signal weak produced by the receiver module is amplified by
a LM386 amplifier, driving the speaker and the Radio Shack frequency meter.
Figure 3.8: CricketSat receiver designed to work with the CricketSat weather station and
was later used for all CricketSat applications.
The station functioned with frequent problems mostly relating to loss of data
acquisition after a few hours. Apparently the meter was again the culprit, now failing to
take frequency measurements, even in the presence of a strong signal. Turning the meter
off briefly returned it to proper operation. Apparently, the meter assesses the initial
signal and makes a determination of a threshold voltage level used to convert the analog
input signal into a digital one for counting. Changes in the CricketSat signal strength
resulting form battery level or duty cycle variations would render the initial threshold
level in error, resulting in the loss of data.
Results from this work demonstrated the need for the following:
1. A self-sequencing multi-sensor array system. Such a sensor system could
be used for ground based or balloon-borne applications where manual
selection of the sensor is not feasible.
2. To find or develop a reliable method for measurement of CricketSat data
in the presence of noise.
3. A collection system for autonomously measuring sensor data. Connected
to a computer, this system could collect data 24 hours a day. The entire
system would allow continuous storage, display and sharing of data over
UVM CricketSat Revision C (January 2004)
During the course of the weather station project, the CricketSat sensor development
jumped quickly from RevA to Revision C (RevC) in support of the newly created firstyear design course at UVM. CricketSat RevB was not manufactured, only existing in
prototypes. Revision C was designed to address previous problems with RevA and to
meet the needs of the new freshman design class. The most significant change for this
version was the addition of strain-relief holes for the battery wires. These connections
were frequently breaking at the board surface due to flexing, and were difficult for
students to repair. All but one of the jumpers (JP1) was removed from the circuit (Fig.
3.9) to simplify assembly.
Figure 3.9: Schematic diagram of the UVM RevC CricketSat.
This is the first CricketSat version to be used for the freshman design course
(Chapter 2), requiring a quality PCB (Fig. 3.10) that would be easy to assemble and
tolerant of soldering errors. Production quality boards were ordered which provided
solder-mask and silkscreen layers. The solder mask, covering all metal traces, except for
the solder pads, minimized short circuits caused by newly developed soldering skills.
The silkscreen layer provided reference labeling to help guide students relating to
component location and orientation on the circuit board.
Figure 3.10: CricketSat RevC temperature sensor circuit board. Green solder mask,
white labeling and strain-relief holes were added to this design.
To reduce complexity and assembly for the students, only one timing capacitor
location was provided on the board. However, to accommodate multiple size capacitors,
three pads provided a choice of 0.1” or 0.2” pin spacing. This feature supported disc,
electrolytic and a capacitive humidity sensor as well. A similar three-pad feature was
provided for R1 in support resistor, thermistor or photocell devices.
UVM CricketSat Revision D (May 2004)
CricketSat Revision D (RevD) was designed to directly support pressure and humidity
sensors and address problems with the earlier designs. Prior testing revealed a sensitivity
of the oscillator circuit to battery supply voltage, later evident due to self-heating of the
thermistor. The addition of a 5-Volt regulator (Fig. 3.11) resolved the problem and
provided the specified voltage for the active pressure and humidity (Honeywell
HIH3610) sensors.
Figure 3.11: CricketSat RevD schematic diagram. A voltage regulator was added for
oscillator stability and active sensors.
The unregulated voltage remained connected to the RF transmitter module
(through D2) to provide maximum power and reception range. A self-protection, low-
dropout regulator (Texas Instrument TL750L05C) allowed stable circuit operation down
to 5.3 Volts, extending effective battery life in comparison to a traditional 2-Volt dropout
regulator (LM7805).
The addition of the regulator provided isolation from the RF
module, allowing the removal of the L2 (Fig. 3.9) inductor associated with the timer.
A mechanical improvement was the enlargement of the four mounting holes,
allowing the use of common #4-40 mounting hardware. This is necessary for stacking
the CricketSat sensors in the weather station and for use in student projects.
Figure 3.12: CricketSat RevD temperature (top) and pressure (bottom) sensors.
Pre-wired pads and component outlines were provided to directly support the
Motorola pressure and Honeywell humidity sensors. This would simplify the assembly
and allow the students to install the sensors themselves, unlike the RevA version. The
prototype area was sacrificed to retain the original dimensions of the CricketSat. Ground
(G) and data (D) test points were added to allow testing of the oscillator and allow offboard interconnections. The new CricketSat boards were now ready for a fresh team of
outreach students to assemble, calibrate and evaluate during a series of balloon flights.
2004 CricketSat Workshop and Test Flights (June 14 – June 18)
A series of CricketSat balloon flights during this workshop produced results exceeding all
benchmarks established on previous flights.
More importantly, a reliable tone-
measurement system was successfully demonstrated. During the search for viable audio
spectrum analyzer software, a team of students from the UVM freshman design class
discovered the Spectra RTA program. This software, shown for use during CricketSat
calibration (Fig. 3.13), allowed CricketSat tones to be visualized and measured even in
the presence of noise. This allowed for flight measurements to be collected over a longer
duration, higher altitudes and terrestrial distance than by using a frequency counter.
Figure 3.13: Students using the Spectra RTA software to perform CricketSat calibration
Three flights were conducted during the daytime and three in the evening
involving temperature, pressure and humidity sensors. One of the daytime flights (Fig.
3.14a) involved a CricketSat temperature sensor. Data (Fig. 3.14b) was collected nearly
continuously for 73 minutes resulting in a minimum temperature of -41 ºF (114 ºF drop)
in during the flight. Eventually, measurements could not continue due to the complete
loss of the signal. Prior to that finality, even after loss of the signal discernable to the ear,
for a period of time, the Spectra RTA software continued to display a tone peak and
allow measurements to continue.
Figure 3.14: CricketSat daytime temperature sensor flight. The sensor experienced a 114
ºF temperature change during the flight.
The highlight of the evening was the CricketSat altimeter flight (Fig. 3.15a). This
flight was tracked for 91 minutes, reaching an altitude of 26,732 feet (Fig. 3.15b) after 90
minutes. The flattening of the data after 80 minutes is due to the limited pressure range
of the MPX4115 sensor resulting in an artificially low result. Wind velocities from
Albany sounding balloon data along with the CricketSat rate-of-ascent altitude slope (Fig
3.15b) was used to generate a flight path and estimate the terrestrial distance (51 miles).
Figure 3.15: Night-flight data collection from a CricketSat pressure sensor used as an
altimeter showing a linear ascent rate.
The collective sets of flights throughout the day resulted in all previous
measurement benchmarks to be surpassed due to the success of the measurement system
based on the Spectra RTA software. This system now proved viable for performing longrange atmospheric measurements for single-sensor flights, meeting the second of three
requirements outlined at the end of the Section 3.8.
First Collaborative BalloonSat Flight (July 17, 2004)
As described in Chapter 2, collaboration was established between Vermont and New
York Space Grant Consortia (Medgar Evers College), the UVM HELiX high school
outreach program and the Milton High School. The Medgar Evers College had launched
their first BalloonSat (Condor-1) in June, but had lost communication with it in midflight. One of several possibilities related to temperature of the flight bag, housing the
GPS and communications equipment.
Too cold of a temperature might cause the
equipment to fail.
Figure 3.16: Students prepare for a BalloonSat flight from the Milton High School.
Temperature data (red trace) in the figure to the right represents the flight bag
temperature during flight.
Since the June CricketSat flights demonstrated that measurements could be
collected as far as 51 miles away, a CricketSat sensor could be used to provide real-time
BalloonSat flight-bag temperature measurements.
This experiment would also
demonstrate CricketSat compatibility with the BalloonSat system, allowing the
measurement of various sensor data.
The flight was conducted at the Milton High School (Fig. 3.16a) and the
temperature data was collected by three HELiX students. The flight bag temperature is
shown as the red trace in the graph (Fig. 3.16b). The temperature was collected 125
minutes and only dropped to +66 ºF, indicating that low temperature was not likely to
have been the cause for communication loss in the Condor-1flight.
The external
temperature was estimated to be a minimum of -72 ºF, based on NWS sounding data for
Albany, NY.
Additional results of the flight include a GPS validation of altitude
exceeding 45,000 feet and a terrestrial range of 18 miles. Results were probably greater
than these, but cannot be confirmed due to loss of GPS data on this flight as well (green
This flight demonstrated the CricketSat could provide real-time data flown on
board BalloonSat flights. Since BalloonSat flights are typically recovered, they provide a
good test platform for CricketSat projects, especially those that are more costly. The next
goal was to allow for an array of CricketSat sensors to be used on a single flight.
Second Collaborative BalloonSat Flight (July 30, 2004)
Two weeks following the previous BalloonSat flight, Medgar Evers College again
returned to the Milton High School for a second flight. The HELiX high school students
were busy designing and assembling an elaborate CricketSat system to make multiple
measurements on this flight. A primary issue with CricketSat sensors is that each sensor
is always transmitting and “jams” the others. A sensor system design was needed that
would allow the operation of multiple sensors, all sharing the same range of tonal
frequencies, and be able to identify each sensor’s data from another.
Figure 3.17: CricketSat sensor array timing diagram.
Working as a team with the high school students, a deterministic timing method
was adopted (Fig. 3.17) to meet the requirements by supplying battery power to each
sensor in succession. Gaps in the timing are provided to segregate sensor data and to
indicate the first sensor, providing synchronization.
The sequence cycles every 60
seconds allowing sensor measurements to be made at one-minute intervals. A BASIC
Stamp circuit board was developed (Fig. 3.18) to provide the power sequencing and
additional operations.
Figure 3.18: CricketSat power sequencing circuit using a BASIC Stamp II controller.
The complete sensor system (Fig. 3.19a) was comprised of CricketSat
temperature, altimeter and accelerometer sensors as well as a camera, strobe light and
audible alarm. All of the materials (Fig. 3.19b) were enclosed in an insulated lunch bag
and attached inline with other payloads to the weather balloon.
Figure 3.19: CricketSat Sensor Array System
communication payloads was launched from the Milton High School once again. The
Milton students tracked the flight (Fig. 3.20a) from the high school and collected
CricketSat data using a Yagi antenna, Kenwood receiver and the Spectra RTA software.
The flight was tracked for 134 minutes, bursting at an altitude of 85,781 feet, and traveled
51 terrestrial miles. CricketSat data was collected for nearly the entire flight to within
6,000 feet of landing. Below this altitude, the radio signals were blocked by the Green
Mountains, located about halfway between the launch and the landing sites.
Figure 3.20: BalloonSat flight path (top) and segregated CricketSat temperature and
pressure tone data (bottom) received during the flight.
The CricketSat sensor array system performed successfully, indicated by the
segregation of tonal data (Fig. 3.20b) received from the various sensors. Two CricketSat
sensors were used to measure the external atmospheric temperature (dark blue and light
blue traces), another sensor measured the CricketSat flight bag temperature (red trace)
and a third measured atmospheric pressure (green trace).
Data was collected nearly continuously for the entire flight. Collection of data for
the external temperature sensors was complicated due to the extremely low tone
frequencies experienced at the coldest temperatures. One of the CricketSat temperature
sensors (light blue trace) was modified to double its frequency to attempt to resolve
Unfortunately, the change was not significant enough for the lower
The converted temperature and altitude sensor data (Fig. 3.21a) was overlaid with
known data for correlation. For the external temperature data (green trace), the source
was NOAA sounding balloon data from Albany, New York. The external temperature
reached a minimum of -92 ºF and the data tracks very well except at the higher altitudes.
The temperature discrepancy is very noticeable in the stratosphere (>60,000 feet), where
radiation heating is more intense and the thermal conductivity of the air is reduced.
Unfortunately, the black tips of the thermistors were not shielded from the radiation,
resulting in the erroneous heating. Painting the tips with white paint or covering them
with tin foil minimizes the radiation heating effect.
Flight Bag Temperature
External Temperature
Figure 3.21: Converted CricketSat temperature data (top) and altimeter data (bottom).
CricketSat data is compared to known data for sensor validation.
CricketSat altimeter data (Fig. 3.21b) was correlated with altitude data collected
from the GPS flown in the communications flight bag. The CricketSat data (blue trace)
tracked closely with the GPS data (green trace) during the ascent until the limits of the
pressure sensor were exceeded near 30,000 feet and remaining steady until the descent.
Later, during the descent, the CricketSat altimeter responds, but presents a shallower
slope than the GPS data. In the lower atmosphere, the pressure increased rapidly, likely
causing the collapse of the moderately sealed flight bag and restricting the flow of air into
it. This would produce a delayed pressure response, resulting in an effective lagging of
In summary, the flight was a tremendous success relating to engineering outreach,
operation of the multi-sensor array and surpassing more parametric benchmarks. Inspired
by the design, assembly and programming of the sensor array system, one of the female
students chose an engineering educational pathway, now attending Clarkson University.
Temperature and altitude data collected with the CricketSat array system was properly
segregated and agreed with known data. Lowest temperature, highest altitude and longest
duration flight benchmarks were achieved. A range of 51 miles equaled a previous
estimated terrestrial range.
This range, provided by GPS coordinates, definitively
validated the CricketSat operational range to 51 miles. Highlighted again during this
flight was the problem with excessively low CricketSat audio frequencies (< 50 Hz)
experienced at extreme cold temperatures. A solution to this problem is the topic of
Chapter 4.
UVM CricketSat Revision E (December 2004)
Several changes were made for this revision to make it the most versatile and
reliable of the UVM CricketSat designs. For prior versions of the CricketSat, the area of
the circuit board remained unchanged; that of a 9-Volt battery.
The Revision E
CricketSat (Fig. 3.22) was grown larger provide more features and to simplify student
Figure 3.22: CricketSat RevE circuit board.
An enlarged prototype area was reintroduced, but now pre-wired like a
breadboard. This allowed for the inclusion of single 14 or 16-pin DIP ICs, or dual 8-pin
ICs. Pads on the center two columns were wired vertically to provide two power bus
strips. The outer two pair of columns were wired horizontally to provide connectivity to
the ICs. Pre-wiring the prototype area reduced the amount and complexity of wiring
required relating to custom applications.
Labeled test points (Fig 3.22) were added to serve instructional, debugging and
connectivity uses. Test points were connected to all power and timing circuit nodes (Fig.
3.23). For circuit debugging and instruction, the larger pads provide convenient probing
locations for test instruments such as multimeters and oscilloscopes for verifying correct
voltage levels and viewing oscillating signals. With large through-holes, they also serve
as a convenient way to interface power, and timer control and output signals to the
prototype area and external circuitry.
Figure 3.23: CricketSat RevE schematic.
Power and ground planes were added to improve the stability of the oscillator
circuit. Placing one’s hand near the prior CricketSat revisions would affect the oscillator
frequency. Inclusion of ground and power planes eliminated the sensitivity.
Resistors were orientated horizontally to simplify assembly and improve
mechanical reliability. In earlier CricketSat versions, there was a problem with the
antenna wires breaking due to necessary bending and re-positioning.
Also, while
straightening the antennae, the insulation would frequently slide up, exposing the bare
wire. This problem was not easily reversible, causing concern for short circuits. Antenna
strain relief holes were added, resolving both problems.
The last inductor was finally removed, after testing indicated that there appeared
to be no benefit to keeping it in place. The CricketSat signal was received over the
farthest terrestrial distance with the power and data lines separate on the transmitter
module. A decoupling capacitor was placed on the power trace near the module. A
decoupling capacitor was also added to the battery side of the 5-Volt regulator, in case
long leads or an unclean power source was used.
UVM CricketSat Revision F (May 2005)
The most important change for RevF CricketSat was the addition of the power switch
(Fig. 3.24, Fig. 3.25). Besides the benefit of conveniently switching power, it also
eliminated failures with the 9-Volt snap connectors due to accumulated stress of removal.
Figure 3.24: CricketSat RevF schematic.
This revision also included the use of thermal pads on the PCB (Fig. 3.25) for
those pads and vias connecting to the power and ground plane. The thermal pads form
and “X” connection to those metal planes, minimizing the heat-sink effect on the solder
pads. The soldering of these pads had been troublesome for students who were issued
lower-wattage soldering irons, resulting in many cold solder connections.
Using a
higher-wattage soldering iron would likely damage the circuit board, or components.
Figure 3.25: CricketSat RevF circuit board fitted with a switch.
Three changes are anticipated relating to a future CricketSat design (RevG).
Switching CricketSat operation between pulse and tone modes has been determined to be
useful and the dual-capacitor selection will be reintegrated in the circuit board. All
component solder pads will be made larger, making the process of soldering easier for the
students. The soldering of connections using thermal pads connected to power and
ground planes still proves somewhat difficult for students, requiring new thermal pads
with a higher thermal resistance to be created.
This chapter has covered the UVM development of the CricketSat sensor, multi-sensor
array and receiver systems used to accurately measure the data. Sensor development
involved support for additional sensor types (i.e. pressure and humidity), and
improvements relating to electrical performance, reliability and likelihood of successful
assembly. Improvements are summarized in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1: UVM CricketSat sensor Revsions A-E and proposed Revision G.
Major Modifications and Additions
Jan 2004
Dead end
Jan 2004
Battery strain relief holes, solder mask coating, component labeling
May 2004
5-Volt regulator, larger mounting holes, integrated pressure and humidity
sensor mounting locations
Dec 2004
Enlarged circuit board, improved prototype area, test points, antenna strain
May 2005
Power switch, thermal pads
Dec 2006
Proposed: Selectable pulse-tone mode, increased size of solder pads
4-pin transmitter, protection diode, pulse-tone mode, larger prototype area
A low-cost receiver was designed for close proximity operation.
Spectrum analysis software was used providing long-distant signal measurement
allowing benchmarks to be achieved (Table 3.2)
o Sensors improvements
Comparison of versions of the UVM CricketSat is summarized in
Table 3.1.
o Receiver data collection system
Table 3.2 highlights achievements with various test flights
o Low resolution at very cold temperatures
o Difficult calibration for upper atmospheric temperatures
o Lead-in for Chapter 4 linear sensor
Table 3.2: UVM CricketSat Experimental Tests and Flights.
Key Results
Qualitative results observed.
Noisy signal hampered
frequency measurements less
than two minutes into flights.
First successful measurements
Flight time: 31 minutes
Range: 2 miles
Temperature: +83 F > +40 F
Estimated altitude: 11,000 feet
Longest measured flight
Flight time: 90 minutes
Estimated range: >15 miles
Minimum temperature: +20 F
Estimated altitude: 8,000 feet
First multi-sensor system
Frequency meter never
worked more than three hours.
Better frequency measurement
system needed.
Spectra RTA
Longest duration, furthest,
coldest and highest flights
Successful frequency
Flight time: 91 minutes
Estimated range: 51 miles
Minimum temperature: -41 F
Estimated altitude: 26,732 feet
Spectra RTA
First CricketSat application
Flight time: 125 minutes
Flight bag temperature: +66 F
Range: >18 miles
Altitude: >45,000 feet
Spectra RTA
First multi-sensor flight
Flight time: 134 minutes
External temperature: -92 F
Range: 51 miles
Altitude: 85,781 feet
Mike Fortney and Jeff Frolik
University of Vermont
Intro to Paper
This paper was submitted to the IEEE Sensors Journal, date…..
This work details the development of a low-cost (<$15) wireless temperature sensor to
measure the wide-range temperatures found in extreme environments.
The work is
motivated by educational and outreach programs which utilize a simple timer-based
circuit for a variety of environmental monitoring applications. This circuit, commonly
referred to as the CricketSat, is often configured as a temperature to frequency converter
for the purpose of atmospheric profiling. Unfortunately, the nonlinear response of the
present circuit significantly reduces resolution and accuracy for temperatures below -20
ºC. Herein we provide analyses of three possible linear strategies in order to extend this
range over extreme, naturally occurring temperatures. A suitable method is identified
and implemented in hardware. This design and test results are presented.
Wireless sensors are touted as being a means by which to improve our understanding of
natural, industrial and military environments through their ability to enable increased
spatial and temporal resolution of data. While most research in recent years has focused
on wireless sensor networks for applications such as target tracking, wildlife monitoring
[14] and microclimate assessment [15], there are also applications that may take
advantage of low-cost, non-networked wireless sensors. An example application, which
motivates the work herein, is the use of expendable, balloon-borne instrumentation
packages for meteorological data collection.
Atmospheric data is crucial in weather forecasting so much so that, for example,
each day 150 weather balloons are launched by the National Weather Service (NWS)
from 93 different locations in the continental United States, Alaska and Puerto Rico [16].
The data collected forms the basis of computer models. However due to their cost ($250
each profile), the spatial resolution provided by current weather balloons is typically
250km in populated regions, 1000km in sparsely populated regions, with a U.S. average
separation of 315km [17]. As a result, conditions that are localized (e.g., valley fog) may
not be captured appear from current atmospheric data.
To monitor such local
microclimates, the use of low-cost balloon-borne instrumentation has been proposed [18]
along the lines of the hardware developed to support the NASA National Space Grant
Fellowship "Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly" Student Satellite Program [19]. This program has
been in place since 2001 to teach students the fundamentals of space hardware
development through project ranging in complexity from the very simple CricketSat to
advanced earth-orbiting satellites. The low-cost (<$15) CricketSat, developed at Stanford
University (circa 1999), forms the foundation of the work herein. This design is similar
to an earlier "Electronic Cricket" circuit, published (prior to 1990) by the popular amateur
scientist and author Forrest Mims III [20]. This circuit differs from the CricketSat in
using a speaker as an output device instead of a radio transmitter.
For outreach activities, the primary application of the CricketSat is its use as an
balloon-borne telemetry sensor that students build, test, calibrate and launch. During the
Measurement ranges of over 100 km have been reported using off the shelf radio
equipment and antennas [21]. In this capacity, the CricketSat has been utilized by several
NASA Space Grant K-12 outreach programs, including those in Alaska, Colorado [22],
Louisiana [23], Vermont [24], Washington [25], and Vermont [8]. Furthermore, at the
University of Vermont it has been used to form the basis of interdisciplinary wireless
sensor projects conceived and developed by students in a first-year engineering design
course [26].
In short, the use of the CricketSat for educational activities is well
established and thus motivating improvements to its design while still maintaining its
many positive qualities including low-cost, long-range wireless capability, circuit
simplicity and adaptability.
Figure 4.1: CricketSat non-linear frequency response to temperature
As illustrated in Fig. 4.1, one shortcoming of the current CricketSat is the limited
range of temperatures that the sensor can accurately measure.
The current design
(discussed in detail in § II), is effectively limited to measurements between -20 ºC and
+60 ºC. One also notes the non-linear response below 0 ºC necessitating multipoint
calibration which must include temperatures not necessarily easily obtained by the K-12
programs utilizing this design. As such, in this work, we present and compare three
possible approaches to improve the measurement range and linearity of the CricketSat.
The development of linear temperature to frequency circuits has been previously
addressed. Earliest designs [27] were centered on transistorized multivibrator bridges
producing an error less than 0.17 ºC across a range of 30 ºC to 60 ºC. Op-amp based
designs [28, 29], minimized the thermistor exponential response through logarithmic
means, yielding a 1 % error across a 64 ºC range. Sengupta [30] clearly summarized
these prior methods and extended linearity over a wider temperature range. His design
predicted a linear frequency response resulting in a deviation of 1.4 % across a
temperature range of -100 ºC to 225 ºC. These approaches, while effective, were specific
to linearizing thermistor response and thus are not appropriate for a platform that is
intended to support a variety of sensors.
Due to the CricketSat’s popularity, its
educational value and versatility, our goal is to maintain a linear response for this 555timer based design.
While we focus on temperature linearization herein, our
investigation for controlling oscillation is applicable to active and passive sensors of
many types (e.g., pressure, humidity and light).
In particular, our objective is to enable this platform to provide data for a variety
of environmental monitoring applications that may range from atmospheric monitoring
(with temperatures as low as -89 ºC [31]) to on-ground temperatures observed in deserts
(with temperatures as high as +58 ºC [32]). The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. In §II, analysis of the basic 555-timer which forms the basis of the CricketSat is
reviewed. In §III, we present analyses and simulation results for three alternative designs
which are shown to extend the range and improve the linear response of the CricketSat.
§IV compares the designs and in §V a prototype design is presented along with test
results. The paper concludes in §VI with discussion and extensions to other sensing
555-Timer Astable Oscillator
The heart of the CricketSat circuit is the popular 555-Timer [33] IC, configured as an
oscillator, as shown in Fig. 4.2.
Figure 4.2: 555-timer astable oscillator CricketSat design
The frequency of oscillation, f, is determined by resistive and capacitive timing
components R1, R2 and C1. All component values are fixed except for the thermistor, R1,
whose resistance decreases with temperature. The capacitor charges from the power
supply through the series combination of R1 and R2. Thus, as the temperature increases,
the thermistor resistance decreases, thereby shortening the charging interval, tCHG. The
discharge interval, tDIS, remains constant since it occurs only through the fixed value
resistor, R2. Charging discharging curves can be seen in the top panel of Fig. 4.4. In
short, this circuit is a temperature to frequency converter. The oscillation is presented to
an LED for visual cue and RF transmitter for wireless use. The modulation method is onoff keying (OOK) of a 434 MHz carrier enabled by the TWS-434 AM transmitter chip
(10 mW output power).
In existing CricketSat designs, R1 is 10kΩ thermistor and R2 is a 3.3 kΩ. C1 is
chosen to produce either an audible tone (C1 = 0.1 μF) or a pulse (C1 = 47.0 μF) visually
observable using the LED. The pulse mode is useful when radio receiver and frequency
measurement equipment is not available.
This situation is likely to occur when
CricketSat sensors are assembled for student use at home. In this low frequency mode,
LED flashes, which are produced once every ½ to 10 seconds, are counted over a timed
interval to determine the temperature. The tone mode of operation will typically produce
an oscillation in the range of 500-2400 Hz.
This mode is preferred for wireless
measurements, since it provides better temperature resolution.
Figure 4.3: 555-timer internal circuitry composed of the threshold voltage ladder,
comparators, RD latch and discharge transistor. Image for Texas Instruments NE555,
SA555, SE555 Precision Timers data sheet.
The timer works to monitor and control the charging and discharging of timing
capacitor C1. The internal circuitry is seen in Fig. 4.3. The circuit has a pair of voltage
comparators with thresholds set for 1/3 and 2/3 of the supply voltage. These values
determine the voltage limits of the signal on the timing capacitor and state transition.
The 555 timer contains a latch, which is used to control the charge/discharge using
thresholds of 1/3 and 2/3 the supply voltage, respectively. The resulting digital output is
illustrated in the bottom trace of Fig. 4.4.
Figure 4.4: PSpice astable timing waveforms of the 555-timer circuit. The top trace
shws the voltage on the timing capacitor. The bottom trace represents the digital output
of the timer.
The 555-timer astable oscillator design is well known [34] as is the resulting expression
for the frequency of oscillation (1)
f 
tCHG  t DIS R1  2 R2 C1
Inspection of the equation leads to a couple of observations.
frequency has no dependency on the supply voltage, VCC.
First, the oscillator
Second, the non-linear
response of the thermistor, R1, results in the non-linear temperature/frequency
characteristics illustrated in Fig. 1. An approach to linearize the thermistor is to place it
in series or parallel with a fixed resistor [35]. However, in the CricketSat design,
linearizing the thermistor response does not help since R1 is in the denominator of (4.1).
As noted, we also have the objective to ensure sensitivity is sufficient to discern
changes in temperature across a wide range.
In the current design, sensitivity is
approximately 10 Hz/ºC in the linear region (0 ºC to 40 ºC) which is adequate for a
resolution of 0.3 ºC. This performance comes from the ~3 Hz frequency resolution
obtained using Spectrogram software [6] for analyzing the audible tones. In comparison
to (4.1), PSpice simulation of the circuit illustrated in Fig. 4.2 results in at most a 0.3%
error in resonant frequency. As such, we use PSpice as a means of assessing alternative
designs presented in §III.
Linear Frequency Control Methods
For our educational purposes, we are motivated to linearize the temperature to frequency
response of this circuit to enable calibration of student projects using fewer data points.
Furthermore, a linear design will enable students to extrapolate data beyond their
calibration region with good confidence. Three methods for linearized frequency control
were investigated and are now detailed. These methods were evaluated on the basis of
linearity, oscillator frequency span and sensitivity to power supply variations.
4.5.1. Threshold Control Voltage Method
This method takes advantage of the control voltage (pin 5) on the 555 timer, by way of
forcing an external voltage, V2 as demonstrated in Fig. 4.5. This upper threshold control
voltage is normally produced by an internal resistor ladder network composed of three
equal-value resistors. The resistors are connected between VCC and ground (GND),
producing node voltages of 1/3 VCC and 2/3 VCC. The control pin is attached to the weak
2/3 VCC node, allowing the upper threshold voltage to be overridden from an external
Figure 4.5: PSpice simulation circuit for using a voltage source (V2) to override the
timer’s internal threshold compare voltages. The 5-Volt source is used to represent the
regulated voltage, which is now necessary for this mode of operation.
The lower threshold voltage is always one-half of the upper threshold level (V2).
Introducing a larger forced voltage creates a wider operational window, resulting in
longer timing intervals and a lower oscillation frequency.
Example oscillations are
shown in Fig. 4.6. The upper waveform represents the timing capacitor voltage for a
forced control voltage of 4.0 Volts, and the lower waveform for a value of 2.0 Volts.
Figure 4.6: Simulation waveforms showing the effect of control voltage on the charging
cycle of the timing capacitor. The top and bottom waveform shows the capacitor voltage
using a control voltage of 4.0 Volts and 2.0 Volts, respectively. Note that the lower limit
is always one-half the control threshold value.
We now present the analysis for this design to ascertain the parameters which
determine the oscillation rate; that is, an equation analogous to (4.1) for the threshold
control voltage method.
In particular we will determine the charge and discharge
intervals (tCHG and tDIS, respectively).
For the charging interval, the capacitor voltage, VC (t ) has the following time
response (4.2).
VC (t )  V0  A(1  e t /  C )
Where V0 is the initial capacitor voltage which is
applied voltage potential, VCC 
V2 
 ; and
V2 in this case; A is the
 C is the charging time constant,
R1  R2 C1 .
The capacitor is noted to be charged when VC (t )  V2 . Substituting these values
into the general equation yields:
V2 
V2 
V 
 VCC  2 (1  e  t CHG /  C )
2 
Solving for the charge time results in (4).
R  R C
  ln 1 
 1
Note the dependency on the supply voltage (VCC), unlike the common astable
configuration, which has no dependency on the supply. This circuit will therefore require
a voltage regulator to minimize the effects of supply variation. For example, a typical 9Volt battery may experience a range of 6 Volts to 9.5 Volts over its useful life thereby
demonstrating the need for the regulator.
The discharge interval follows the familiar form:
VC (t )  Ae t /  D
Where A  V0  0  VTHR and  D is the discharge time constant, R2C1 .
The discharge is noted to be complete when VC (t ) 
. Substituting these values into the
general equation yields:
 V2 * e  t DIS /  D
Which yield the discharge time (4.7)
t DIS  0.6931R2C1
This discharge expression is the same as for the astable oscillator and as such has no
dependency on the supply voltage. From (4.4) and (4.7) the oscillating frequency can be
found to be (4.8)
f 
Note that when V2 
R  R C  0.6931R C
 ln 1 
2 1
 1
the scenario is equivalent to the astable oscillator and (4.8)
reduces to (4.1). Results of the PSpice simulation for this design are shown in Fig. 4.7
below. An input stimulus across the range of 2.0V to 4.0V produces an oscillator
frequency span of 1030 Hz with a linear correlation factor of 0.991
Figure 4.7: Simulation results demonstrating 555-timer frequency response to varying
threshold control voltage.
Note that over a limited range shown, the effect is linear. Error bars represent the
error introduced by the 5-Volt regulator (TL75L05) tolerance of +/- 0.25 Volts (+/- 5%).
The circuit suffers a worst case 13% frequency deviation in response these variations in
the regulated supply when V2 = 5V; clearly not a desirable result even for a low-cost
4.5.2. Ladder Voltage Control Voltage Method
A second method considered attempts to control the oscillator frequency by varying the
voltage, VLAD , at the top of the R1-R2-C1 ladder. Note that in the common astable
configuration, this voltage is tied to the VCC supply voltage. We will show, as with the
previous method, that varying this voltage has an effect on the charging timing interval
but none on the discharge interval. In contrast to the previous method, the threshold
levels in this approach are fixed at 1/3 and 2/3 of VCC. The simulation circuit diagram is
shown below.
Figure 4.8: Simulation circuit used to investigate the effect of RC ladder voltage (V2) on
timer frequency. In comparison to Fig. 4.5, the value of R2 has been reduced to increase
duty cycle and minimize the non-linearity.
As with the previous design, we first consider the charge time for this
Beginning with (4.2), we now have that the initial voltage on the
discharged capacitor, V0 , is
VCC . The applied voltage potential, A , is VLAD  V0  .
The charging time constant, as before is  C  R1  R2 C1 .
As with the astable configuration, the capacitor is fully charged when
VC (t )  VCC resulting in (4.9) from which the charge time, tCHG , is found as given in
V 
 VLAD  CC (1  e  t CHG /  C )
3 
3 
tCHG   ln 1 
R1  R2 C1
Now, the discharge interval is dependent only on the initial voltage on C1 and the
component values of C1 and R2, having no dependence on the applied ladder voltage.
remains the same as in the astable case (4.7).
frequency is given by (4.11). Note that when
The resulting oscillator
VLAD  VCC then the scenario is equivalent
to the astable case and as expected (4.11) simplifies to (4.1).
f 
 ln 1 
R1  R2 C1  0.6931R2C1
Fig. 9 shows the simulated frequency response to the RC ladder voltage. An input
stimulus across the range of 3.5V to 5.0V produces an oscillator frequency span of 823
Hz with a linear correlation factor of 0.9963. Note that usage in the region beyond 5.0V
is possible as well, dependent on available battery voltage, however use below 3.5 V
results in a non-linear response.
Oscillator Frequency vs RC Ladder Voltage
Frequency (Hz)
y = 549x - 1527
R2 = 0.9963
RC Ladder Voltage (V)
Figure 4.9: Simulated response of timer frequency to control of RC ladder voltage.
Since (11) is also affected by the VCC supply voltage, a sensitivity analysis such
as discussed in the previous method was performed using PSpice. This circuit suffers a
worst case 36% frequency deviation in response to variations in the regulated supply; this
occurs when VLAD = 3.5 V.
4.5.3. Current Source Method
The previous two methods, while producing linear responses are highly susceptible to
fluctuations in supply voltage even in cases where a regulator is utilized. As such a third
design in which a high-side current source is used to replace the resistor R 1 is considered
(Fig. 4.10).
Figure 4.10: PSpice simulation circuit used to investigate the use of a current source
method for 555-timer frequency control.
In this design, the capacitor charging period is inversely proportional to the
strength of the current source, I SRC .
Beginning with the fundamental expression
Q  CV an equation can be derived relating the charging current and charging interval
(4.12). Since current is the rate of charge (electron) flow, the fundamental equation may
be rewritten as,
 C1
The charging is complete when the voltage rises from
VCC to VCC (i.e.,
V  VCC ) which occurs in t  tCHG ; or using (4.12) and solving for tCHG yields
t CHG 
Solving for f yields,
f 
C *V
 1 CC
3 * I SRC
If the duty cycle is maintained above ~95%, then f is approximately linearly dependent
on I SRC (15). This condition is achieved by having tDIS is kept proportionally small; in
our case 23 μsec using R1=330 Ω and C1= 0.1 μF.
f 
Component values for (4.15) were selected that produced a sensitivity of 4.81
Hz/μA in simulation. The linear result, with a correlation factor of 0.9995, was produced
using an input range of 175 μA to 375 μA.
From (4.15) we see that there is a
dependence on the VCC supply voltage to be evaluated. The circuit suffers a worst case
4.5% frequency deviation in response to variations in the regulated supply independent of
source current.
Comparison of alternative methods
Table 4.1 below summarizes the range of operations, linearity and power supply
sensitivity for each of the three methods considered. All three methods produced similar
oscillator frequency spans. The current source method demonstrates the best linearity
and least supply sensitivity of the three methods. This method also requires the least
amount of support circuitry, thereby reducing the complexity and cost of the final circuit.
Therefore, the current source method was selected for the temperature sensor design
detailed in the following section.
Table 4.1: Comparison of simulation results for various the oscillator control methods.
2.0 –
3.5 –
175 –
375 uA
Span (Hz)
595 - 1630
13 %
375 - 1200
36 %
975 - 1937
4.5 %
Implementation and Test
Implementation of a linear sensor
To implement the current source design, a sensor is needed that produces a temperature
dependent current. The LM334 current source is such a device, commonly used by
hobbyists and for commercial temperature measurement and control applications.
Product examples include a temperature/humidity sensing kit sold by Fascinating
Electronics and temperature probes sold by Greystone Energy Systems.
The LM334 produces a current that is related to the value of a set resistor (RSET)
and with sensitivity to the absolute temperature. Specifically,
227 V /  K
The above equation represents a straight line with an intercept at the ordinate.
The manufacturer claims that there are no offset errors, only a gain factor, providing for a
single-point calibration. The LM134 and LM234 devices, of the same family, guarantee
higher initial accuracy and less slope error across a wider temperature range [36] than the
common LM334 (0 ºC to +70 ºC). In our work, we utilized the LM234 due to this
extended temperature range. All three part numbers conform to equation (4.16).
The LM334 in conjunction with a 555-timer circuit appears in a patent from
General Electric Company [37].
However in that proposed application, only room
temperatures were considered and no analysis was provided. In Fig. 4.12, a LM234 is
shown incorporated in to the CricketSat timer circuit, with R1 representing the RSET
resistor. With R1 assigned a value of 200 Ohms, the current source produces a current
range of 208 μA to 344 μA over a respective temperature range of -90 ºC to +30 ºC.
This aligns the desired operational temperature range within the desired current range
shown in Table 4.1. Combining the resulting sensor sensitivity of 1.13 uA/ ºC with the
oscillator sensitivity of 4.81 Hz/μA yields an overall sensitivity of 5.44 Hz/ ºC.
Figure 4.11: Schematic showing implementation of the LM234 current source device as
a temperature sensor. The value of R1 (i.e. RSET) is selected to provide a suitable
sensitivity and frequency range.
Test Scenarios
To further validate our analyses and simulations of the proposed design, six CricketSat
modules were modified to test the design (Fig. 4.14). Four of the modules utilized the
LM234 (from different lots to accentuate process variation) discussed thus far and two
modules utilized the LM334 (a lower cost alternative). Our tests were also compared to
results of three, unmodified (thermistor-based) CricketSats. Oscillator frequency data
was collected for each module in four environments: 25 ºC (room temperature), +5 ºC
(household refrigerator compartment), -15 ºC (household freezer compartment), -58 ºC
(laboratory freezer) and at 40 ºC and 61.1 ºC (in an electrically heated compartment).
Temperatures were measured using multi-meters (ExTech MiniTec 26) with a
temperature adapter (ExTech 381277) with a K-type thermocouple probe. The multimeters were also used to measure oscillation frequency.
Figure 4.12: CricketSat module modified using the LM234 current source for use as a
temperature sensor.
In the tests, only the temperature sensors (LM234, LM334 or thermistor) were
placed in the environment and the remaining circuitry stayed at room temperature. This
setup for cold temperatures mimics balloon-borne tests where instrumentation is placed
in an insulated and heated flight bag. Once the sensor was placed in the environment,
temperature and frequency readings were allowed to stabilize. Three measurements were
made over a three minute window for each test.
Test Results
Frequency response measurements of three thermistor-based and six current-source-based
CricketSat sensors can be seen in the left graph in Fig. 4.13 below. Data was averaged
for each type of sensor and standard deviation is shown. The thermistor-based CricketSat
data aligned nearly perfectly to the predicted response, indicated by the short-dashed line.
For comparison, the longer-dashed line represents the predicted response of a linearizedthermistor [22] based CricketSat sensor.
This demonstrates that even though the
oscillator frequency has not approached zero Hertz at very cold temperatures, the slope of
the response is nearly zero, rendering the circuit ineffective over the extreme ranges we
are considering.
The averaged results from the six current source based CricketSat designs is
shown in the right graph of the Fig. 4.13. The trend line is fitted to data values of 25 ºC
and colder, since this is the primary range of interest for weather balloon applications.
The results of this four-point calibration using all six linearized circuits indicate a
linearity of 0.9997 (0.317 %) and a standard deviation error of 14.4 Hertz (1.15%). There
appears to be no significant statistical difference between the LM234 and LM334
sensors, with both types functioning across the tested temperature range. A tight 95%
confidence interval is shown with variance of ± 5.2 Hertz to ± 9.3 Hertz across the tested
temperature range.
Not shown to the left of the y-axis is an x-intercept of -273.47 ºC,
only 0.32 ºC from absolute zero. This result reinforces the argument for the use of an
absolute zero data point to simplify calibration as to be discussed shortly.
Figure 4.13: Test results for the thermistor-based and current-source-base CricketSat
temperature sensors.
Concerning calibration, multiple options were explored, driven by the need to
simplify calibration in the classrooms. Two aspects of calibration were investigated; the
number of calibration points used and the effect of including absolute zero. Two, three
and four-point calibrations were investigated while not including absolute zero as part of
the set.
Using absolute zero as part of the set allowed the inclusion of a single-point
Table 4.2: Calibration methods and sources
(25.0 ºC)
(plus 0ºK)
(4.44 ºC)
(-18.1 ºC)
(-67.2 ºC)
Using only temperature points in Table 4.2 for curve fitting we find (Table 4.3)
that by using our frequency measurements we can ascertain temperature over our test
range with very good accuracy (better than ± 0.5 ºC or 0.32%) and precision (within ±
0.9 ºC).
Two cases are worth noting. The first is the four-point calibration without using
absolute zero (noted in bold). Over the range of measurements we achieve the best fit to
the actual data of the non-zero methods (as expected). We also note an offsets at the
above room temperatures of ~ -2.2 ºC at +40 ºC and ~ -3.5 ºC at +61.1 ºC. This offset is
systematic for all methods and expected. At these higher temperatures, reduction of the
tCHG interval increases the significance of t DIS , resulting in non-linearity and requiring
the use of (4.14). For our ballooning efforts, this range is not of interest, but we
demonstrate applicability of the circuit in these upper extremes (with slight degradation
of precision).
Table 4.3: Mean error/standard deviation (ºC) produced using various calibration
methods. “Z” calibration includes absolute zero data point, “NZ” does not.
Calibration Type
-67.2 ºC
-18.1 ºC
4.44 ºC
25.0 ºC
40.0 ºC
61.1 ºC
Of special interest to our outreach activities is the results obtained using absolute
zero in the calibrations in particular the 1-point calibration italicized in Table 4.3. The 1point calibration error/precision differs little from the results of the four-point calibration
not using the absolute zero point. For outreach activities the advantage is clear: good
calibration using only room temperature data. To validate the use of a 1-point calibration
of our design, we replaced the LM234 with a controlled current source to test the
remaining CricketSat circuit.
This current source enabled us to emulate current
developed by the LM234 per (4.16) over temperatures from absolute zero (-273.15 ºC) to
+79 ºC. The oscillator frequency approaches zero Hertz as the source current approaches
zero (as illustrated in the magnified region of Fig. 4.14). Thus not only do we justify the
use of absolute zero in our calibration but also we can, with good confidence, extrapolate
outside our tested ranges (e.g., down to – 90 ºC).
Figure 4.14: The top figure demonstrates the linear response of the CricketSat oscillator
circuit over a wide current range. The highlighted region is expanded in the lower figure,
showing the trend line passing near the origin.
Herein we have presented an analysis and a design to linearize the temperature to
frequency response of a popular circuit used in engineering education and outreach
settings. The design maintains the use of a simple and low-cost wireless device and
provides linearity better than 0.317 % and was validated over the range of -60ºC to room
temperature. Circuit response above this range, while non-linear, is predictable and
temperatures below the tested range will also produce linear response with a high degree
of confidence. Furthermore, the design lends itself to simple calibration which is also of
advantage to its intended use in educational programs.
While this work has focused solely on the measurement of temperature, there is
opportunity to utilize the developed methods to investigate other modalities. Any sensor,
but in particular, pressure, humidity and light sensors, which produce linear voltage or
current responses may used.
The LX1972 light sensor from Microsemi is directly
compatible with the CricketSat design, producing a proportional output current up to 200
uA. A simple three-transistor voltage-controlled current source circuit may be used to
interface the voltage-output type sensors. Pressure (Motorola MPX4115) and humidity
(Honeywell HIH-3610) CricketSat prototypes have been developed by the authors, and
initial testing has demonstrated linear frequency response.
The work presented herein originated with support from Vermont NASA Space
Additional support has been received through UVM HELiX program.
authors would also like to thank Neil Brown of the University of Alaska, Chris Koehler
of the University of Colorado and the first-year engineering students at UVM for their
utilizing the CricketSat platform thereby by motivating the work herein. Special thanks
to Gary Visco with UVM’s Mathematics and Statistics Department for assistance with
our data analysis.
5.1 Summary of work
o Results
o Contributions
5.2 Present work
o Linear extensions
Temp, press, humidity
o CSat LP
LC wireless nodes
Flexible network
LC controller-less Radiosonde
o LC Receiver
o Decoders
o Single-channel autonomous data logger
Excel compatible files
5.2 Future work
o Multi-channel data logger
o Additional sensory types
o Documentation
o Website
5.2 Final thoughts
This thesis presented an alternate approach for the design of a wireless sensor network
that achieves low-power consumption, extended network lifetime and low cost. The
UVM-WSN uses three different classes of nodes which employ different methods of
communication to move sensed data to a base station. The base class of nodes (ALOHA)
possess a much lower level of complexity and functionality than the higher level nodes
(Hopper and Gateway). The developed UVM-WSN was lab tested to determine overall
power consumption when utilizing an energy aware routing protocol (VAARP) and
compared with an existing WSN developed by UC-Berkeley. The results of the power
test indicate that the UVM-WSN achieves reduced overall power consumption and cost
when compared with a single hop UC-Berkeley WSN and shows a favorable network
lifetime curve under some severe network constraints when using the VAARP over a
static routing protocol.
The specific contributions that this work makes to improve upon current WSN
design methodologies are:
Reduced Power Consumption and Cost Through Hierarchical Architectural Design
Reduced Power Consumption Through Close Control of the Hardware Layer – Many.
Smaller Form Factor – The ALOHA node requires less power to operate and Figure
Figure 5.1: Hopper node and ALOHA node photo
Investigation of a Protocol That Attempts to Achieve Extended Network Lifetime – An
to be easily utilized and viewed.
Future Research
This work is still, in many ways, in progress. Some specific improvements that
could be made are listed below.
The ….
Final Thoughts
This work has personally introduced me to a number of issues associated with digital
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