NYCTAGINACEA E Bougainvillea Bougainvillea betalains: vs. anthocyanins: Mirabilis - the Four O’Clock Boerhaavia Pisonia Staminate flower - e Pistillate flower - h Current Angiosperm Phylogeny Group Tree for Flowering Plants CARYOPHYLLALES NYCTAGINACEAE (CARYOPHYLLALES, CORE EUDICOTS) NUMBERS: 34 Gen era, 350 species GEOGRAPHY: t ropical and wa rm regions , especiall y New World ECOLOGY: small trees and li ana s in forests, als o disturbance -colonizing herbs CARYOPHYLLALES CHARACTERS: peria nth uniseriate, placentation ba sal, herbaceou s shoots wit h swollen node s, woody species wit h ano malous secondary g rowth (in Nyc taginaceae, concentric rings o f vascu la r bund les or alt ernate rings of xy lem and phloem) , seeds with perisperm (and , in Nyctaginace ae, a littl e endospe rm) , plants with betalains, embryo curved around pe risperm in seed, phloem w it h P-type sieve -tube plastids (globular protein c rystalloid surroudned by ring of proteinaceou s filaments) CHARAC TERS DIAGNOSTIC OF FAMILY Plants often w eakly thorny Leave s sim ple, entire Flowers in b racteate group s of one to seve ral Perianth of one conna te who rl tightly clasping the ova ry, which tricks you into thinking the ovary is inferior—the conn ate tepals are pli cate like a morning glory Gynoec ium a singl e simple pistil with a single basal ovule Fruit a drupe or cove red with sticky secretion or wit h c li nging hairs CACTACEAE CARYOPHYLLALES Cactaceae: New world except for Rhipsalis … Pereskia ordinary leaf Pereskia stem Rhipsalis - the epiphytic cactus The Christmas cacti - Schumbergera, Zygocactus Lemaireocereus, Santa Rosa, Costa Rica Cacti as prominent parts of a forest, Oaxaca, Mexico the node of a cactus Opuntia - the prickly pear CACTACEAE (CARYOPHYLLALES, EUDICOTS) NUMBERS: 30-200 Gener a; Mabberle y says 97 (notable generic instabilit y), 1000-2000 species GEOGRAPHY: New World only (one genus , Rhipsalis, reache s Afri ca and A sia introduced?) ECOLOGY: terrestrial in deserts and dry forests; epiphytes in dry to wet lowland forests, (one p rimit ive wet tropical forest shrub w it h leaves - the genus Pereskia) CARYOPHYLLALES CHARACTERS: peria nth uniseriate, placentation ba sal, herbaceou s shoots wit h swollen node s, woody species wit h ano malous secondary g rowth (in C actaceae often w it h large va scular rays), seeds wit h p eris perm, plants wit h betalains, embryo cu rved around pe risperm in seed, ph loem wit h P-type sieve -tube plastids (globul ar protein crystall oid surroudned by ring o f proteinaceous f il aments) CHARAC TERS DIAGNO STIC OF FAMILY: Hab it woody (or herbaceou s), often unbr anched ; stems suc culent Stem has ar eoles (each node include s axill ary bud s or sho rt shoot s with leave s or bud scales replaced by spines, often wit h tufts of sho rt barbed irrit ant hairs call ed glochids) Leave s are mi ssing o r shed early (primiti vely p resent in Pereskia) Flowers perfect, radiall y (rarely b il aterall y) symmetrical Perianth of many tepals, often unit ed at base And roecium of many stamens , organ ized in trunk bund les and deve lopment Gynoec ium of 3-8 conna te carpels, placentation ba sal- laminar or pa rietal in a single locule, ova ry inferior (adna tion receptacular, often imme rsed in stem t ip Fruit a berry CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metaboli sm = night carbon d ioxide absorption ) TOOLBOX Genus species Genus species Genus species