Update to the UTM 2000 Campus Master Plan Creating an environment for success Community Meeting Presentation: March 20, 2012 Purpose of the Master Plan • • • • • • Not a “building plan” (e.g. prescribe future buildings) Analysis of planning context – where are we? Articulate planning principles Provide guidance for future development Inform potential of individual sites Demonstrate intent but allow flexibility in program and implementation • A “road map” Post- 2000 Master Plan Development Potential Space Needs Planning Principles Future Development Sites and Sectors What is a Building Envelope? Possible Building Envelopes Q&A University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update University of Toronto Mississauga UTM 2000 Campus Master Plan University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update 1. Main Link 2. Five Minute Walk 3. Courtyards 4. Entry Plazas 5. New Entrance 6. Main Quad 7. Connected Residences 8. Integrated Built Form 9. Coordinated Parking, Service and Traffic Plan University of Toronto Mississauga KEY ELEMENTS of the UTM 2000 Master Plan University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update Erindale Hall (200 beds) Oscar Peterson Hall (400 beds) UTM Instructional Centre Terrence Donnelly Health Sciences Complex Davis Building Office Addition Chemistry Teaching Labs Davis 3rd Floor Renovation Academic Annex + Storm Water Management Pond University of Toronto Mississauga Departures from details in 2000 Master Plan (7) University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update Moving Forward At the core of the campus master planning process is an important question – how much space do our campuses need, now and in the future, and how do we know? FTE Students: 01/02 = 5,137 04/05 = 7,280 07/08 = 8,624 09/10 = 9,336 82% growth since 01/02 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 2001/02 (81%) 2004/05 (68%) 2007/08 (71%) Actual Nasm 2014/15 (77%) 2030 2030 (58%) Generated Nasm Actual Inventory (nasm): 01/02 = 39,355 11/12 = 66,500 69% growth since 01/02 Projected FTE: 14/15 = 10,000 +/- Changes in Space Requirements Over Time Space Needs University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update 1. Campus Environment 2. Land Use 3. Massing 4. Balanced Intensification 5. Sustainability 6. Accessibility 7. Heritage Preservation PLANNING PRINCIPLES University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update * * North Campus Athletics & Parking 2 1 Outer Ring 3 5 8 67 4 South Campus * Outer Ring Residences Potential Development Sectors 2011 University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update * Outer Ring Development * * North Campus Athletics & Parking 2 1 Outer Ring 3 5 8 6 7 South Campus 4 * Outer Ring Residences Open Space + Development Sites University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update primary connection The “Link” anticipated extensions Back Campus Campus Green Front Campus* St. George Open Space Comparable in size North Campus Open Space-Campus Green University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update Sir Daniel Wilson Quad Academic Quad Hart House Circle St. George Open Space Comparable in size South Campus Open Space- Academic Quad University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update * * 2 1 3 5 4 8 6 7 * Building Service Drop-off, Transit and Service University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update Drop-off Transit and Shuttle * * 2 1 3 5 8 6 7 4 * primary connection Pedestrian Connections University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update The “Link” anticipated extensions What is a Building Envelope? Actual Build-out Limited By: Program, Design, Budget University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update Erindale Hall (200 beds) 2 3 1 8 4 6 CAMPUS VIEW University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update 7 Proposed Building Envelope K = 3; SC = 5-6; #7 = 1 Elev. N-S Ring Road = 16m (4) 1 4 3 2 CAMPUS VIEW University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update Proposed Building Envelope Academic Quad Campus Green NORTH and SOUTH CAMPUS VIEW Proposed Building Envelope 6-9–6-2 University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update Academic Quad SOUTH CAMPUS VIEW Proposed Building Envelope 3–4-5 University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update Proposed Building Envelope P=4–2 S=6–3-1 University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update Proposed Development on Lot 9 VIEW: towards Health Science Complex from Outer Circle Rd. Proposed Building Envelope 6–3-1 VIEW: towards the South Building from the Collegeway at Outer Circle Rd. Proposed Building Envelope O = 4; T = 10 VIEW: Five minute walk toward the North Building site Proposed Building Envelope Feedback from the UTM Community during the Master Plan process suggests a desire to preserve and possibly expand the Alumni House. The 38mx50m building envelope is the proposed maximum footprint for expansion on the site. In order to respect the building’s heritage, the building envelop is set back from and aligned with the existing structure. This site presents an opportunity to connect with the neighboring community. 8-3 Alumni House-Proposed Building Envelope University of Toronto Mississauga: Master Plan Update first floor partially below grade In the short term, equipment will be scaled up in the CUP without expanding the footprint of the Plant. The 46mx36m building envelope is proposed as a maximum footprint, if additional expansion is required in future (based on original expansion drawings for the plant). View of Proposed CUP Building Envelope Proposed Building Envelope Constraints/Opportunities • • • • • What will develop and how? Related to our sources of funding Government funding ‘restraints’ vs ‘demand’ UTM ready, willing and able Will not sacrifice academic experience for growth • Uncertainty of capital funds Thank You