Our Care Notebook A few gifts and tools to help you enjoy and get the most out of this time in your life. Logo of sponsoring organization here Logo of sponsoring organization here On this page we placed a letter from our Neonatal Medical Follow Up Clinic staff. It discussed the purpose of the care notebook, instructions on how to personalize and use the care notebook, and who to contact with any questions, or suggested changes. Note: The photos we used throughout this Care Notebook template are photos from the web. In our own Care Notebook, we chose to use actual children of the mothers in our program. We wanted to include photos of real children and babies to show moms entering the program how beautiful and healthy their babies would be. We encourage you to use actual photos, as we feel they can help to dispel the misconception that babies born to addicted moms or moms on methadone are not as healthy or “normal” as other babies. Within Vermont, please contact ICON for photos of babies to use. Outside of Vermont, please feel free to use these web (generic) photos, or your own. Logo of sponsoring organization here Logo of sponsoring organization here Logo of sponsoring organization here ~ Dedication ~ To the families who are living the experience and are striving to improve their lives and the health of their children You’re not alone… Stories from mothers who have shared the struggle The pages in this section were filled with personal accounts, written by mothers who have undergone treatment for their addictions during their pregnancies. Their accounts were real, and unedited to preserve their authenticity. They were written with sincerity in the vernacular of this subculture, about how their lives were prior to their pregnancies, their personal treatment experience, labor and delivery, meeting their child, life as new mom, and the changes they have made in their lives. These were stories of pain, frustration, fear and ultimately, hope. Here is one woman’s account of her struggle. We hope this is a beginning for you to continue with other stories of recovery. The overwhelming pain and anguish I feel when I think about my life six years ago can be unbearable at times. I hated the person I was. I hated the things I did. I hated myself and my life and the way I hurt myself and my loved ones. Sometimes when I talk about my life six years ago, I feel like I’m talking about someone else; that I’m looking at someone else’s life. But the truth is, it wasn’t someone else doing those things—it was me. I was the one who was addicted to opiates. I was the one who became pregnant and couldn’t stop. I was the one who stuck needles in my arm while I had a baby growing in my belly. Truth be told: it was all me. The pain, anguish, and devastation I felt when I was pregnant and using can never be truly expressed in words. I always said I would never become addicted to drugs; I did. When I was addicted, I always said that if I became pregnant I would stop using immediately; I couldn’t. The truth is, if you are an opiate addict and become pregnant, simply stopping is not an option. I thought I was weak, immoral, and the lowest, most pathetic, disgusting, horrible, nastiest scum of humanity because I couldn’t stop using when I became pregnant. Don’t get me wrong, I tried to stop; I really, really tried with every ounce of my being to not use. When I was three months pregnant, a friend of mine who was also a pregnant addict, tried to detox herself. She went into labor at six months gestation, and gave birth to her baby girl. Her daughter lived for an hour and then died. It was not the actual using that hurt the baby, it was the detox. Because of what happened to her, I was terrified to stop using because I didn’t want my baby to die. I didn’t want to continue using, but I had no clue what to do or where to go for help. Six years ago, the help and programs that are set up now were not available. All I thought was that DCF was going to take my baby. I saw them as vultures, circling overhead and just waiting for me to admit my problem so that they could swoop down and take my baby away from me. I kept searching until I did find the help I needed. I got myself into this situation and I was going to get myself out. When I was seven months pregnant; I finally found someone to help me after my long search. I was admitted into the hospital and stabilized on methadone. I was afraid to put myself and my baby on another substance, but I also knew I needed help beyond what I had already tried. While I was at the hospital, I learned a lot about being a pregnant addict. I learned that I wasn’t the first person who had used drugs while pregnant. I learned that methadone had been extensively studied and used successfully for over thirty years to treat pregnant addicts and addiction in general. I am an addict, and addiction is a disease which should be treated as any other illness. Some of the medical staff treated me as a person who was suffering from a medical problem, with the respect and dignity that I deserved. There are two people I still remember from my hospital stays. One nurse and I became very close during one of my stabilizations after my son was born. She came into my room late at night, sat at the foot of my bed, and just talked to me. She genuinely cared and was making every effort possible to let me know that she was there not to judge me, but to simply listen to me and my story. Another nurse that I remember vividly was not so kind and caring. My son had to be admitted to the NICU to be stabilized on methadone because he was showing signs of withdrawal. This nurse let me know directly that I was a horrible person and did not deserve to be a mother to my son. Unfortunately, most health care providers back then shared the same animosity towards pregnant addicts. Fast forward six years later and I honestly feel that the overall view of addiction in the healthcare field has improved. Don’t get me wrong, I know there are still many who still see us as degenerate, no-good, scum of the earth, but on the whole I truly do believe that a lot of opinions have changed. The reason for that change is education. I have had the honor and privilege of being a part of an amazing group of women, some in the healthcare field, that are pioneering the issue of educating the healthcare field about the disease of addiction, and more specifically, pregnancy and addiction. Our groups called VCHIP/ICON truly feel that if people are educated about addiction they’ll acknowledge that it is a medical disease and should be treated as such. Most addicts are good, decent, hard-working people that are intelligent, artistic, musically inclined, that come from all walks of life. Addicts should be treated with respect and dignity, just as if they had any other medical problem. When I am speaking at one of our many seminars, I truly feel as though I am reaching people, and helping to enlighten people about the disease of addiction. I always use an analogy that has helped me come to terms with my own feelings about addiction, pregnancy and methadone: An addict using methadone can be compared to a diabetic who uses insulin. The diabetic takes their insulin and lives a happy, healthy life. I, as an addict, never chose to be an addict, but I take my daily dose of methadone, and live a happy, healthy life. Over the past six years, my life has changed dramatically. Two years ago, I was blessed with my second child, a beautiful baby girl. My daughter did not need pharmacological treatment with methadone like my son did, but if she had; I know that it would have been alright. My son is an extremely intelligent, bright, happy, beautiful, and well-rounded normal little boy. I now have two points of reference: using, getting pregnant, and getting on methadone; and the second which is being on methadone and then becoming pregnant. I know that many opinions about addiction in the healthcare field have changed over the past few years partially in part of how I was treated in the hospital when my daughter was born compared to my experience of my son’s birth. All of the providers I came in contact with treated me with respect and dignity that I now know that I deserved. My life has come a long way in the last six years. My partner and I have been together for almost nine years. He and I did use together and we got clean together. Many addiction specialists claim that couples who use together cannot get clean together, but we prove that statement wrong every day. We have a wonderful relationship and a wonderful life with our two beautiful children. He has a great job, and I have been working on my college degree for the last five years. I am happy to say that I will be walking at the graduation ceremony at Champlain College in May 2009 for my Bachelor’s Degree. After that, I am planning to continue my education by pursuing my Master’s Degree. I’ve done very well in college—I make the Dean’s List every semester and my GPA is a 3.78 out of 4.0. I have been working with VCHIP/ICON (Improving Care of the Opiate exposed Newborn) for the past five years with the goal of educating the healthcare community about the disease of addiction with the hopes that every addict— pregnant or not—will be treated with respect, and will be viewed as the good person they are. I am still on my maintenance program, and many people ask me when I will get off of it. I don’t plan on staying on it for the rest of my life, but as for now, I’m fine with staying on it for today. Methadone does three main functions: it stops physical withdrawal symptoms, it blocks the euphoric effects of other opiates, and most importantly to me, it blocks cravings. I could always deal with the physical withdrawal; it was the mental part that I could not deal with. It is the days, weeks, and months after the 3-5 day physical withdrawal that the MMT is made for. Day after day I had the addict voice in my head telling me to use. With methadone, I don’t have cravings and I can live a normal, healthy life. I did all of the work to get myself to where I am today, but I would not be where I am if I was not on MMT. My son saved my life. I always tell him that he was the one who saved mommy and daddy’s lives and made us a family, and then our daughter came along and completed our family. It’s hard to be a college student and a mom, but I get out of bed every morning and work hard for my children. I want them to have a wonderful life and I want to give them everything that a child should have: constant love and affection, bed-time stories, piano lessons, soccer camps, ballet, and so on. But most importantly, their mommy and daddy need to stay clean addicts. We will always be addicts, but I hope and pray that we will always be addicts in recovery. Because of the genetic predisposition to addiction, I will educate my children about the disease. I feel that education is key – it gives people power to make informed decisions. Having my children equipped with knowledge won’t necessarily guarantee that they’ll never try a drink or a drug, but hopefully it will arm them with the education to make the right decision. I have an amazing life and an amazing family. When I was using, I never thought that happiness would ever be possible for me. But the truth is that as long as I stay sober, I will continue to have my amazing life of happiness. Any addict will be happy and have a better life in recovery. I know that recovery isn’t easy. Every day is a work in progress, but my worst day in recovery is a million times better than my best day as a using addict. I will do everything in my power to never go back to my old life. I’ve worked too hard and I have too much to lose. Not only the physical stuff like my nice home and nice cars, my beautiful son and daughter and the respect and trust of my family and friends, but also my self-respect and dignity. My life is a complete 180 degree turn from what it was six years ago. I devote my life now to bettering myself for my children and also trying to better the lives of other addicts by helping to educate the community. I am not a rare case—anyone can have the same successful outcome that I have. As long as you become clean from drugs—the sky’s the limit. Anything you want or desire, all of your hopes and dreams are obtainable. You can do anything you dream in recovery. All it takes is hard work, motivation, and a goal. If I can do it anyone can! You may choose to put this note to mothers in your notebooks, as we did in ours: This Care Notebook is being updated frequently. If you would like to share your story and/or pictures, please let us know so that we can include them. Personal Information Medical Information Personal/Child Name: _________________________________________ Birth date: _______________ Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ City: __________________________________ Telephone: __________________________________ Child’s Name: __________________________________ Zip: __________________ Nickname: ______________ Date of Birth: __________________________________ Social Security Number: __________________________ Blood Type: __________________________________ Allergies: __________________________________ Parents/Primary Caregiver Name Address/City/Zip Telephone Day: Evening: Day: Evening: Day: Evening: Relationship Insurance Information Primary Insurance: ______________________________ Telephone: ____________________ ID #: _________________________ Group #: ______________________ Secondary Insurance: ______________________________ Telephone: ____________________ ID #: _________________________ Group #: ______________________ Medical/Surgical History Date Diagnosis/Condition Procedure Doctor My Child’s Family/Sibling Information Name Birth date Family History of Difficulties Similar to my Child’s Problem Name Relation Family History of Other Conditions Problem Allergies Behavioral Cardio Vascular Emotional Gastro-Intestinal Hearing Loss Learning Mental Retardation Neurological Respiratory Seizures Speech and Language Urological Visual Other Name Relation Notes: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Notes: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Resources & Contacts The following pages list contact names and numbers of Vermont resources. Feel free to insert your own contact information for useful services such as clinics, transportation services, home health agencies, pharmacies, emergency numbers, and financial services. Neonatal Medical Follow up Clinic Vermont Children’s Hospital Fletcher Allen Health Care Anne Johnston, MD Susan White, FNP Jerilyn Metayer, RN Allison Miller, MA (802) 847-9809 1-800-358-1144 (ask for extension 79809) Comprehensive Obstetrical and Gynecological Service (COGS) Clinic Fletcher Allen Health Care Marjorie Meyer, MD Christine Barup, MA Roberta Soll, MSW (voice mail: 847-5474) (802) 847-1400 1-800-358-1144 (ask for extension 71400) ~Vermont Nursing Association~ Home Health Agency Directory Addison County Home Health & Hospice Bennington Area Home Health Agency Phone number: Fax number: Phone number: Fax number: 802-388-7259 802-388-6126 802-442-5502 802-442-4919 Caledonia Home Health Care & Hospice Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice Phone number: Fax number: Phone number: Fax number: 802-748-8116 802-748-4628 Dorset Nursing Association Phone number: Fax number: 802-362-1200 802-867-0115 802-223-1978 802-223-6835 Franklin County Home Health Agency Phone number: Fax number: 802-527-7531 802-527-7533 Lamoille Home Health & Hospice Phone number: Fax number: 802-888-4651 802-888-7822 Manchester Health Services Phone number: Fax number: 802-362-2126 802-362-4884 Orleans, Essex VNA & Hospice Phone number: Fax number: 802-334-5213 802-334-8822 Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice of Vermont and New Hampshire Phone number: Fax number: 802-295-2604 802-295-3163 Rutland Area Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice Phone number: Fax number: 802-775-0568 802-775-2304 Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties Phone number: Fax number: 802-658-1900 802-860-4464 Emergency Contacts Neighbor or Babysitter Name: __________________________ Phone: __________________________ Family Member Name: __________________________ Phone: __________________________ Work Name: __________________________ Phone: __________________________ School Name: __________________________ Phone: __________________________ Counselors Provider: Clinic: Address: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Specialty: _____________________ Phone: _____________________ Fax: _____________________ Hours: _________ Email: ___________ Provider: Clinic: Address: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Specialty: _____________________ Phone: _____________________ Fax: _____________________ Hours: _________ Email: ___________ Substance Abuse Provider: Clinic: Address: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Specialty: _____________________ Phone: _____________________ Fax: _____________________ Hours: _________ Email: ___________ Provider: Clinic: Address: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Specialty: _____________________ Phone: _____________________ Fax: _____________________ Hours: _________ Email: ___________ (Note: You may want to include 24-hour pharmacies on this page.) Fletcher Allen Outpatient Pharmacy Location: University Health Care Campus Address: One South Prospect Street Burlington, VT 05401 Phone Number: 802-847-3784 Hours: M-F 8:30 am – 5:30 pm; Sat 9:00 am – 1:00 pm; Closed Sunday and major holidays Name: Medical Center Campus Address: ACC-3rd Floor, Main Lobby Burlington, VT 05401 Phone Number: 802-847-2821 Hours: M-F 7:30 am – 6:30 pm, Sat and Sun 9:00 am – 2:00 pm ECONOMIC SERVICES (formerly PATH) We listed financial services here by county: Barre District Office Bennington District Office Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: 802-479-1041 800-499-0113 802-287-0589 Fax Number: 802-442-8541 800-775-0527 802-447-6972 Brattleboro District Office Burlington District Office Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: 802-257-2820 800-775-0515 802-257-6394 Fax Number: 802-863-7365 800-775-0506 802-863-7686 Hartford District Office Middlebury District Office Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: 802-295-8855 800-775-0507 802-295-4148 Fax Number: 802-388-3146 800-244-2035 802-388-4637 Morrisville District Office Phone Number: Fax Number: 802-888-4291 800-775-0525 802-888-1345 Newport District Office Phone Number: Fax Number: 802-334-6504 800-775-0526 802-334-3386 Rutland District Office Phone Number: Fax Number: 802-786-5800 800-775-0516 802-786-5882 Springfield District Office Phone Number: Fax Number: 802-885-8856 800-589-5775 802-885-8879 St. Albans District Office St. Johnsbury District Office Phone Number: Phone Number: Fax Number: 802-524-7900 800-660-4513 802-527-5403 Fax Number: 802-748-5193 800-775-0514 802-751-3272 Transportation Here we listed examples of companies that offer discount or free transportation in the state. Name: CCTA Address: 15 Industrial Parkway Burlington, VT 05401 Phone Number: Name: Address: 802-864-0211 Benway’s Taxi 666 Riverside Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 Phone Number: 802-862-1010 ~ Other Helpful Resources ~ The following organizations have been helpful to mothers in this program: What do I do if I need help and don’t know what resources to contact? Vermont 211: Provides confidential help for everyday needs and difficult times. Call specialists provide the human touch; help solve problems, and link individuals and families with local, statewide, regional and nationwide resources. Telephone: 211 (a local call anywhere in VT) & 1-866-652-4636 Website: www.vermont211.org What if I need help providing food for myself or my family? WIC: Provides nutritious food to eligible women, infants & children Telephone: 1-800-464-4343, ext. 7333 & 802-863-7333 Website: http://healthvermont.gov/family/wic/wic_vt.aspx Where can I look for housing information? Housing and Homelessness Resources: Vermont Commission on Women Website: www.women.state.vt.us/hh.html (a great list of housing help) What if my baby needs to stay at Fletcher Allen and I need a place to stay in Burlington? Ronald McDonald House: Housing for families while their child is hospitalized at Fletcher Allen. Cost is by donation; no set charge. Telephone: 802-862-4943 Website: www.rmh-vermont.org Where can I go to get help with my pregnancy or parenting? Where can I live before & after I have my baby and also receive treatment? Lund Family Center: Provides many services for parents including a Parent Child Center and a residential treatment program for pregnant and parenting young women and their children. Telephone: 1-800-639-1741 & 802-864-7467 Website: www.lundfamilycenter.org Is there a support group for moms with substance abuse issues? Rocking Horse Circle of Support: For women - especially moms with young children to talk about taking care of themselves and the impact substance abuse has on their children/families. Childcare & transportation assistance provided. Telephone: Beth Holden, 802-863-1326 Is there support for Grandparents or other relatives who are caring for children? Grandparents as Parents Support Group: Offers weekly support and discussion groups for grandparents and other relative caregivers, led by trained professionals. They also offer a concurrent supervised playgroup for children. Contact: Milton Family Community Center, Charlotte Parot 802-893-1457 What if I am concerned about my infant’s development? Family Infant Toddler Program: A family-centered program with early intervention services for infants and toddlers who have a delay in their development or a health condition which may lead to a delay in development. Contact: Kathy Boulanger, (802) 241-3602 Who can I call if I am being physically or verbally abused? Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-ABUSE95 (1-800-228-7395) Who can I call if I am concerned that my child may be at risk for abuse? Who can I call if I am frustrated or upset and afraid that I may shake or hurt my child? Prevent Child Abuse Vermont: 1-800-CHILDREN Who can I call if I am feeling sad after my pregnancy…like I am not enjoying my new baby and things I once enjoyed… worthless and guilty… rejected… if I am having thoughts of death or suicide? Postpartum Depression Support: The #1 complication of childbirth is depression; It affects one in eight new moms. It is treatable. Telephone: 1-800-944-4PPD Website: www.postpartum.net Who can I contact to find out about baby massage? Visiting Nurse Association: Before Birth Signs and Symptoms of Preterm Labor and What to Do What Is Preterm Labor? Preterm or premature labor happens when you go into labor before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. This is too early for your baby to be born. Babies born too soon can have lifelong or life-threatening health problems. Can Preterm Labor Be Stopped? Many women are given drugs to try to delay or stop preterm labor. In some cases, birth can be delayed long enough to transport Mom to a hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Women may also be given medications that can improve the baby's health, even if the baby comes early. Warning Signs Here are the warning signs: Contractions (your abdomen tightens like a fist) every 10 minutes or more often Change in vaginal discharge (leaking fluid or bleeding from your vagina) Pelvic pressure—the feeling that your baby is pushing down Low, dull backache Cramps that feel like your period Abdominal cramps with or without diarrhea What Should I Do If I Think I'm Having Preterm Labor? Call your health care provider (nurse, doctor or midwife) or go to the hospital right away if you think you're having preterm labor, or if you have any of the warning signs. Call even if you have only one sign. Your health care provider may tell you to: Come into the office or go to the hospital for a checkup. Stop what you're doing. Rest on your left side for one hour. Drink 2-3 glasses of water or juice (not coffee or soda). If the symptoms get worse or do not go away after one hour, call your provider again or go to the hospital. If the symptoms get better, relax for the rest of the day. From www.marchofdimes.com 5/15/07 Medication-assisted Treatment during Pregnancy If you become pregnant and are using opiates (such as heroin, or prescription painkillers like OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin, etc.), methadone is a treatment option that can help you and your baby have a stable and healthy pregnancy. When you are using opiates regularly and are sick when you don’t use them, chemical changes have happened in your brain that makes it almost impossible to stop without help. When a pregnant woman goes into withdrawal, the baby also experiences withdrawal. Withdrawal for an unborn baby is so dangerous that the baby could die. Methadone has been used for over 30 years to treat pregnant women with opiate addiction during pregnancy. Buprenorphine is a newer medicine that is now being studied as an alternative to methadone; you and your doctor will decide which medicine is best for you. Methadone and buprenorphine help you and your baby. These medicines stop withdrawal and decrease your cravings to use. Not all babies born to mothers on methadone or buprenorphine will need medicine for withdrawal. About 50% of them will need medicine. The amount of your dose has nothing to do with your newborn baby’s need for medicine. You could be on a low dose (40 mg of methadone or 8 mg buprenorphine) and your baby may need medicine, or you could be on a higher dose (140 mg of methadone or 24 mg of buprenorphine) and your baby may not need medicine. If your baby needs medicine for withdrawal it does not mean your baby is an addict. Your baby needs the medicine for a short time to grow and be healthy. Babies who need medicine for withdrawal are just as healthy, happy and smart as any other baby. Pain Relief During Labor and after Delivery What will help me with the labor pain? It is important to ask questions about pain relief when you are at your pre-natal visits. Understanding what your choices are before you are in labor is very important for you and your baby. There are three methods widely available to provide relief of the labor pain: 1. The first and easiest method that will help you with the pain of labor is using the breathing exercises that you will learn during your prenatal classes. Having one or two supportive coaches can be very helpful too. 2. If breathing methods are not working well for you, IV narcotic medication can be used. This is most often used only in the very early stages of labor. The side effects are feeling sleepy and/or dizziness, although you may be more tolerant to the effects because of the medication you are on for opiate dependence. These alone or in combination can take away up to 30% of the pain and many women are able to relax enough to not need an epidural. 3. Epidurals and/or spinals are used when breathing methods are no longer helping you and your labor is progressing. The spinal medication is injected through your back and goes directly into the fluid surrounding the nerves- the relief is very fast. The epidural is a small plastic tube (a lot like an IV) put into your back by an anesthesiologist. The pain medication is given continuously, through this tube, as a drip using a pump until your baby is born. It can take 20 minutes to feel the full effect of the epidural, which is why the spinal is often used with the epidural. When you have an epidural, the amount of pain relief can be adjusted as your labor progresses. If the pain starts to change and you get more uncomfortable, there is a button attached to the pump that you may press to give yourself more medication. The goal of pain relief with an epidural is to make you more comfortable without being completely numb. This means that you will still feel the pressure that goes along with contractions but should not have sharp pain. We do not take all sensation away because it would make pushing the baby out more difficult. When can I get medication for the labor pain? The method and the type of medication your doctor and the anesthesiologist will recommend may depend on the stage of your labor. In general, during early labor intravenous medication may be used during later labor spinal or epidural analgesia is offered. Will I get the same amount of pain medication that other mothers receive? These methods of pain relief are offered to everyone in labor and delivery. You are entitled to the pain relief method of your choice if there is no medical reason that it can not be done. The use of methadone or buprenorphine does not affect our decision to give you an epidural; many women need some adjustment to get the right level of medication to make them comfortable. Will an epidural slow down my labor? A common question is whether or not the epidural will slow the labor or make you more likely to need a cesarean section. Epidurals have been shown to make labor longer by about 40 minutes on average. However, if you are in a good labor pattern, it usually does not slow things down. Epidurals do not increase your risk of cesarean section, although you do have a slightly higher chance of needing oxytocin to help your labor progress. What if I have to have a Cesarean Section? If a C-section is planned and you have an epidural in place, the anesthesiologist gives more medication through the epidural to make you completely numb. Surgery only starts when you are numb. If you do not have an epidural in place, then a spinal anesthetic is used. With either of these methods you are awake for the delivery of your baby and you can have a support person in the operating room with you. If there is no time at all to do either of these things, then a general anesthetic is given. It is quite rare to require general anesthesia for C-sections. What are the risks of the pain medication for me and my baby? When you are in labor, you should ask as many questions as you need to. It is very important to the doctors and the nurses that you know what is happening. The risks that go along with an epidural are: bleeding and infection (rare), nerve damage (rare), headache (rare) or it doesn’t work well and may need to be re-done (20%). Some of the common side-effects of epidurals are low blood pressure and itching. Will any of these medications affect breastfeeding my baby? None of the medications given routinely in labor will alter breastfeeding. Some women with very long or complicated labors can have a slow start to breastfeeding, as do many first time mothers. The nursing staff is very committed to breastfeeding and helping you breastfeed successfully. Be prepared to be patient as your baby figures out the food system. Will I be able to have pain medicine after the baby is born? The amount and type of pain medication given after delivery will be determined by how much pain you have, and whether you delivered vaginally or by C-section. Most of the time, Motrin and Tylenol will take care of the pain from a vaginal delivery. More complicated deliveries and C-sections may require stronger medication. No matter what, the nursing staff is committed to excellent pain control. Pain medication is adjustable to individual needs. If you have pain, please discuss this with your nurse who will help you develop a plan for optimal pain relief. After Delivery INSERT BABY PHOTO Once your baby is born Most importantly, love and cuddle your baby! Hold your baby skin to skin. This is a special time to bond with your baby. Ask your nurse to help you limit the number of visitors – you and your baby need lots of rest. Ask your nurse to call the Neonatal Medical Follow-Up Clinic @ 8479809 to let them know your baby has been born. Notify your health insurance about your baby’s birth or obtain a Medicaid number for your baby as soon as possible. Financial Services at Fletcher Allen can assist you with completing the necessary form. For additional information about the Dr. Dynasaur program, call (800) 250-8427. Review the Newborn Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Scoring Instructions and participate in the scoring with your nurse. INSERT BABY PHOTO Neonatal Medical Follow-up Clinic Children’s Specialty Center at Fletcher Allen Health Care Dr. Anne M. Johnston, Director Susan A. White, FNP Jerilyn S. Metayer, RN, BSN-Nurse Clinician A newborn baby’s withdrawal symptoms are not related to the mother’s dose. In Vermont, about 30% of infants exposed to methadone or buprenorphine during pregnancy will require medicine for withdrawal. We encourage breastfeeding. There are only trace amounts of methadone or buprenorphine in breast milk. If you are on buprenorphine, the package insert discourages breastfeeding. However, medical experts have agreed that it is safe to breastfeed on buprenorphine (subutex not suboxone). As always, it is important to tell your doctor about other medications you are taking. Your infant will need to remain in the hospital for at least 4 days to be observed for symptoms of withdrawal. The nurses will use the Neonatal Abstinence Scoring (NAS) form. It is important to be present and participate while the nurse is scoring your baby. Your infant may have a urine and meconium (first bowel movement) sample obtained for screening. Your infant will be followed by the Neonatal Medical Follow-up Clinic for the first 12-18 months of life. Your infant will receive a full developmental screening around 8-10 months of age. Breastfeeding Your Baby Can I breastfeed? YES! Women being treated for opiate dependency/ addiction with methadone or buprenorphine CAN breastfeed. In fact, they are encouraged to do so! Why breastfeed? Breastfeeding is the best birthday gift you can give your new baby. For most newborns, breast milk is the only food needed for the first six months of life. There are many health benefits for both mother and child. What are the health benefits for my baby? Fewer colds, allergies, ear and other infections Improved brain development Reduced chance of developing obesity, diabetes, asthma and certain types of cancer What are the health benefits for the mother? A wonderful bond and closeness with your baby Earlier return to pre-pregnancy weight Less post partum bleeding Decreased risk of certain types of cancer Tips to Prepare for Breastfeeding Before your Baby is Born: Make a commitment to breastfeed your child. Use your Home Health Nurse as a breastfeeding resource. Begin breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible after birth. For more information: Visit one of the following websites: www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/breastfeeding.html www.aap.org/healthtopics/breastfeeding.cfm www.breastfeedingbasics.com/ www.lalecheleague.org/ www.promom.org Breastfeeding Issues Specific to the Opiate Exposed Infant Will my baby be harmed by methadone or buprenorphine that is passed through my breast milk? No, the amount of methadone or buprenorphine passed through breast milk is very small and causes no harm to your baby. Will it be hard to get my infant to breastfeed? Occasionally, infants who experience withdrawal have a more difficult time establishing breastfeeding. Our team is staffed with lactation experts who can offer tips to help you and your baby through this difficult time. In what situations should I NOT breastfeed my infant? Mothers who are abusing drugs (“street drugs”) should not breastfeed. Mothers infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) should not breastfeed. Can I breastfeed if I am infected with hepatitis C virus? YES! Mothers who are infected with hepatitis C virus may breastfeed. However, if your nipples are cracked or bleeding you should use a breast pump to express breast milk from that affected breast, and discard the milk until nipples have healed. If only one breast is cracked and bleeding, you may still breastfeed from the other breast. What if I have other questions? Please ask! If you have any other questions or concerns regarding specific medications or conditions as they relate to your ability to breastfeed your baby, we would be happy to discuss them with you. “My baby was born needing methadone maintenance. Breastfeeding was one of the most important decisions I made regarding his health and treatment plan.” BABY PHOTO HERE Newborn Opiate Withdrawal: How you can help your baby Control your baby’s environment Reduce stimulation (quiet, low light, no loud TV!) Limit the number of visitors Keep your baby skin to skin (dads can help, too) Learn your baby’s cues Distress cues: yawning, sneezing, hiccups, tremors, color change, frowns If you see the above signs, stop what you are doing; your baby may be overstimulated When your baby is crying, try to calm him or her before your baby becomes really upset With baby swaddled, pacifier in mouth, curl him/her firmly against your body Sway gently from side to side NAS Scoring for withdrawal while in hospital Call your baby’s nurse every 3-4 hours when your baby is starting to wake up The scoring should be done in your room so that you and the nurse can do it together You know your baby; your input is important Remember, it can take 4 days or longer for signs of withdrawal to appear MRN Name Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Scoring Sheet DOB Addressograph Birth Weight: __________ grams (x 90% = _________ grams) Daily Weight: __________ grams (Observations from past 3-4 hours) Start new scoring sheet each calendar day DATE: SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Score High pitched cry: inconsolable>15 sec. OR intermittently for < 5 min. High pitched cry: inconsolable>15 sec. AND intermittently for 5 min. Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time 2 3 Sleeps < 1 hour after feeding Sleeps < 2 hours after feeding Sleeps < 3 hours after feeding 3 2 1 Hyperactive Moro Markedly hyperactive Moro 1 2 Mild tremors: disturbed Moderate-severe tremors: disturbed 1 2 Mild tremors: undisturbed Moderate-severe tremors: undisturbed 1 2 1–2 Increased muscle tone Excoriation (indicate specific area): 1–2 Generalized seizure 8 Fever 37.2° C (99° F) 1 Frequent yawning ( 4 in an interval) 1 Sweating 1 Nasal stuffiness 1 Sneezing ( 4 in an interval) 1 Tachypnea (rate > 60/min) 2 Poor feeding 2 Vomiting (or regurgitation) 2 Loose stools 2 90% of birth weight 2 Excessive irritability 1-3 Total Score Initials of Scorer Printed Name Signature/Title (Adapted from L Janssen, 2009) Initials Printed Name Signature/Title Initials Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Scoring and Treatment Guidelines HOSPITALIZED INFANTS 1. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Scoring a. NAS score at 2 hours of age and every 3 to 4 hours thereafter; continue scoring for the duration of hospitalization (minimum of 96 hours). You may need to wake the infant if necessary. b. Initial treatment consists of providing a supportive environment and non-pharmacological treatment (decrease sensory stimulation, skin to skin, positioning, swaddling, pacifier) c. Score infant before feeding. d. NAS score < 9, continue NAS scoring e. NAS score > 12, discuss with attending physician and consider treatment f. NAS score 9 – 12, repeat the score (after feeding), within the hour i. NAS score < 9, continue NAS scoring ii. NAS score ≥ 9, discuss with attending physician and consider treatment 2. Treatment a. If infant has 2 consecutive scores (e.g. before and after feed) of ≥ 9, consider treatment. Continue to provide a supportive environment (decrease sensory stimulation, positioning, swaddling, and pacifier) (Adapted from L Janssen, 2009) Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Scoring Explanation Reference for the revised Finnegan Score Assessment & Documentation The infant is scored at 2 hours of age and every 3-4 hours prior to a feeding The NAS score will be recorded for the 3-4 hour period immediately before the scoring activity Signs and symptoms are documented on the NAS form and totaled for a score Sleeping Use the longest single continuous time sleeping since last feeding Sleeps 3 or more hours continuously (Score = 0) Sleeps 2-3 hours after feeding (Score = 1) Sleeps 1-2 hours after feeding (Score = 2) Sleeps less than 1 hour after feeding (Score = 3) When repeating a score within 1 hour after a feeding: use the same sleep score obtained before the feeding. MORO Reflex Cup infant’s head in your hand and raise his/her head about 2-3 inches above the mattress, then drop your hand while holding the infant. The infant should be quieted if irritability or crying is present. This will insure that the jitteriness, if present, is due to withdrawal rather than agitation. Hyperactive Moro: arms stay up 3-4 sec with our without tremors (Score = 1) Markedly Hyperactive Moro: arms stay up > 4 sec with or without tremors (Score = 2) Tremors Tremors = jitteriness Involuntary movements that are rhythmical If the infant is asleep, it is normal to have a few jerking movements of the extremities Mild tremors: hands or feet only, last up to 3 seconds (Score = 1) Moderate-severe tremors: arms or legs, last more than 3 seconds (Score = 2) Undisturbed: tremors that occur in the absence of stimulation Increased Muscle Tone While the infant is lying supine, extend and release the infant's arms and legs to observe for recoil Infant supine, grasp arms by wrists and gently lift infant, looking for head lag Difficult to straighten arms but is possible, but head lag is present (Score = 1) No head lag noted or arms or legs won’t straighten (Score = 2) Excoriation Red or broken skin from excessive rubbing (eg: extremities or chin against linens) Skin red but intact or is healing and no longer broken (Score = 1) Skin breakdown present (Score = 2) Sweating Wetness felt on the infant’s forehead, upper lip (Score = 1) Sweating on the back of the neck may be from overheating such as swaddling Nasal Stuffiness Any nasal noise when breathing (Score=1) Runny nose may or may not be present Sneezing Infant sneezes 4 or more times in the scoring interval of 3 – 4 hours (Score = 1) Tachypnea The infant must be quieted if crying first; count respirations for full minute Respiratory rate > 60/min (Score = 2) Nasal Flaring Outward spreading of the nostrils during breathing (Score = 1) Poor Feeding Poor feeding is defined as any 1 of the following (Score = 2) Infant demonstrates excessive sucking prior to a feeding yet sucks infrequently while feeding and takes a small amount of formula Demonstrates an uncoordinated sucking reflex (difficulty sucking and swallowing) Infant continuously gulps the formula while eating and stops frequently to breathe Inability to close mouth around bottle Feeding takes more than 20 minutes Regurgitation/Vomiting Frequent regurgitation (vomits whole feeding or vomits 2 or more times during feed) not associated with burping (Score = 2) Loose Stools Infant has a stool that is at least half liquid (Score = 2) When repeating a score within 1 hour after a feeding: use the same stool score obtained before the feeding. Current Weight 90% of Birth Weight W eight is 90% of birth weight (Score = 2) Continue to score until infant gains weight and is > 90% of birth weight Excessive Irritability Distinct from, but may occur in conjunction with crying Marked by frequent grimacing, excessive sensitivity to sound and light Infant becomes fussy or irritable with light, touch or handling despite attempt to console Consoling calms infant in 5 minutes or less (Score = 1) Consoling calms infant in 6-15 minutes (Score = 2) Consoling takes more than 15 minutes or no amount of consoling calms child (Score = 3) (Adapted from L Janssen, 2009) 3/10/2005 Example: Date 15 min Right side and left 10:30 12:00 10 min Left side and right 8:00 Breastfeed/Formula Feed Time Ozs. or length of feeding fussy, crying until 3pm asleep by 11:15 asleep by 9:30 Behavior/Activities Wet/Soiled Diapers Urine Soiled Medicine Date Breastfeed/Formula Feed Time Ozs. or length of feeding Behavior/Activities Wet/Soiled Diapers Urine Soiled Medicine Date Breastfeed/Formula Feed Time Ozs. or length of feeding Behavior/Activities Wet/Soiled Diapers Urine Soiled Medicine Date Breastfeed/Formula Feed Time Ozs. or length of feeding Behavior/Activities Wet/Soiled Diapers Urine Soiled Medicine Date Breastfeed/Formula Feed Time Ozs. or length of feeding Behavior/Activities Wet/Soiled Diapers Urine Soiled Medicine Frequently Used Medical Words Antibiotics – medications used to treat bacterial infection or used when one is strongly suspected. Apgar score – a score taken at birth to measure the condition of your baby including heat rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflexes, and color. Apnea – not taking a breath for longer than 20 seconds. Bilirubin – a product of the breakdown of red blood cells. It is filtered out of the blood by the liver. In preemies the liver is more immature than in full term infants so it doesn’t filter as well as it should. (See jaundice and bili lights.) Blood Pressure (BP) – a measure of the force of blood moving through blood vessels. BP is a vital sign that lets us know many things such as, the need for more fluid or less and it the baby is in pain. It also lets us know how well the heart is pumping. Bradycardia (brady) – a decrease in the regular heart rate. Cardio-respiratory monitor – this monitor gives us waveforms and numerical readings of the baby’s heart rate and respirations. Three adhesive electrodes (leads) stick to the baby’s skin. An alarm rings if the readings are not within normal limits. False alarms are common and usually happen when a baby wiggles or a lead becomes loose. CBC (complete blood count) – a blood test to determine if an infection is present and/or if the baby is anemic . CC’s – metric measure of liquids (30cc = 1 ounce and 5cc= 1 teaspoon) CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) – a continuous flow of air/oxygen into the lungs through little prongs in the baby’s nose to help keep the smaller airways, distant airways open. In premature babies these airways can collapse easily. Cyanosis – dusky, bluish color of the skin, lips, and/or nailbeds as a result of not having enough oxygen in the blood. Desats (desaturation) – when the oxygen saturation level goes below 85 on the SAT monitor (see Sat monitor). “Do up” – refers to the time when your baby’s nurse has scheduled care to include vital signs, diaper change, and feeding, etc. In the NICU it is important to group nursing care/procedures to allow the baby to have uninterrupted periods of rest. ET tube (endotracheal tube) – a soft plastic tube placed into the baby’s mouth (or sometimes nose) and down the windpipe (trachea) to give oxygen and to help the baby breathe. Placing the tube is called intubation and removing it is called extubation. The ET tube is connected to the ventilator. Gavage feeding – when babies aren’t able to nipple or breast feed yet. A soft plastic tube can be placed down the baby’s nose or mouth and down to the stomach. Formula or breast milk can be slowly dripped through the tube. Gestational age – the number of weeks you were pregnant with your baby. Glucose – a type of sugar in the blood. Heelstick – the baby’s foot is warmed. Then the baby’s heel (or toe) is pricked to draw blood work. Hypoglycemia – low blood sugar (see Glucose). Hypoxia – a decreased oxygen level in blood. Intubation – (see ET tube). Isolette (Incubator) – a bed with a heater and a plastic cover to see the baby through. IV (intravenous) – a small catheter placed a short distance into the baby’s vein to provide fluids and medications. An IV may be placed in a baby’s hand, foot or scalp vein. Jaundice – the yellow color seen in the skin due to the build up of bilirubin (a breakdown product of red blood cells) (see bilirubin & photo therapy). LGA (large for gestational age) – babies who are larger than usual for the amount of time the baby has been in the womb. Lumbar Puncture (LP) – placing a small needle into the lower part of the back to withdraw spinal fluid for testing. Meconium – the first, thick black stools passed by the baby. Milia – a normal condition in which the glands on the baby’s nose and face show up as small white dots (in babies who are close to term). It goes away on its own. Murmur – a sound of blood going through the heart a different way than usual. Murmurs are common in infants and children. NAS (Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome) – symptoms a baby may show when withdrawing from opiates. Nasal cannula (NC) – short plastic prongs placed in the nose to deliver a small amount of oxygen to the baby. Neonatal – the period of time from birth to 28 days. Newborn screen – a routine blood test done on all babies. This test checks for rare but serious disorders. The results are sent to your baby’s doctor. NICU – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. NPO – Nothing by mouth (no oral feedings). NTS - Neonatal Transition Suite Open bed – a bed with a heater over the top to keep the baby warm without clothes or covers. This bed makes it easier to observe the baby and do procedures. Oxygen (02) – an odorless, colorless gas needed by body cells. Up to 100% oxygen can be given. Room air is 21% oxygen. Phototherapy (bili lights) – a special ultraviolet light used in the treatment of some types of jaundice. Blinders are placed on the baby to protect the eyes. Pneumonia – inflammation or infection of the lungs. Pram – the way we gradually decrease the isolette temperature and increase the clothes and blankets on a baby. If the baby’s temperature remains stable then he is moved into a little open crib (also referred to as a pram). Premature – a baby born before 37 weeks gestation. Pulse oximeter – (see SAT monitor). Respirator – (see ventilator). Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) – the most common serious problem of premature babies. The air sacs in the lungs collapse (instead of opening up and stretching like little balloons), making it difficult to get enough air into the lungs. Room air – the air we all breathe normally (21% oxygen). Sat Monitor – a bedside monitor that shows the amount of oxygen in the blood. The lead (which looks like a Bandaid) is attached to the baby’s foot or arm. This monitor may alarm if the baby moves or wiggles. Sepsis – an infection that occurs in the blood. If there is any question of an infection, tests are done and the baby is put on antibiotics until the test results come back. Sepsis workup – a series of lab tests required to rule out an infection (see sepsis) SGA (small for gestational age) – a baby smaller than the usual size for the amount of time spent in the womb. Surfactant – a substance that is put down the ET tube within the first few hours after a premature infant is born. It helps keep the small air sacs in the lungs open. Tachycardia – a heart rate that is faster than the average range. Tachypnea – a breathing rate that is faster than the average range. TPN (total parenteral nutrition) – a yellow IV solution that contains nutrients to help a baby grow. TPN is used while a baby is unable to take all his food by mouth. Trachea – the section of the airway just before branching to each lung. UAC (umbilical artery catheter) a clear, soft catheter placed into one of the arteries in the umbilical cord and used to give fluids or draw out blood for tests, and to monitor blood pressure . UVC (umbilical venous catheter) – a clear, soft catheter placed into one of the vessels in the umbilical cord and used to give fluids or draw out blood for tests. Ultra sound – a procedure that uses sound waves (from a machine) to produce a picture of an internal organ (brain, heart, kidney, etc.). Umbilicus – belly button. Veins – blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart. Ventilator (or respirator) – a machine used to help a baby breathe. The machine is connected to the baby by an ET tube (see ET tube). Vernix – the thick white substance that protects the baby’s skin in the womb, and can be seen especially in creases after the baby is born. Vital sign – the combination of temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate recorded on a baby’s bedside chart. Vitamin K – a vitamin shot given once, shortly after birth, to help the blood to clot normally. X-ray – a picture taken at the bedside necessary to check ET tube and IV line placement as well as lung, heart and intestinal changes. Tips for a Good Visit Information about my child you will want to know Child’s Name: _______________________ Nickname: _________________________ My child is verbal □ yes □ no My child likes it when you: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ My child doesn’t like it when you: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Things that will help if my child doesn’t want to do something: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ What will my baby be doing? What fun games can we play? 1-2 MONTHS Raises head & chest when lying on tummy Tummy-time with bright/shiny objects, such as a spoon, in front of the baby Fixes on objects with eyes Wave colorful bandana above baby’s head Smiles/Coos Rock baby while talking/singing/reading book 3 – 4 MONTHS Reaches Blow bubbles; show baby how to reach out and pop them; talk with them about what you are doing Follows object with eyes/head Keep sponges/towels/scarves around during diaper changes, rub different textured items on baby’s tummy, cheek, arm Laughs Put music on and dance with baby; sing 5 – 6 MONTHS Sits with arms supporting Sit baby up using their arms as support; try using small pillows to help them Rolls over Lie baby on blanket with arms stretched out in front; gently& slowly pull blanket up, rolling them over. Babbles When baby babbles, imitate their noises; try this while reading with baby 7-8 MONTHS Crawls on all fours Make a “cushion mountain” with pillows of different sizes/textures; show baby how to crawl around & up them Looks for disappearing toy Take a paper towel tube & a colorful cloth; stuff the cloth in the tube, encourage baby to look for it Mimics simple sounds Talk with baby showing them your eyes, nose, mouth, ears etc. Show them their own, and on a doll; sound out words slowly, let baby watch how your mouth moves & encourage them to try out different sounds o 9-10 MONTHS Stands, holding onto a support Put favorite toys up on couch; encourage baby to pull up and “cruise” along the couch to get them Grasps with thumb & index finger Give baby 1-3 Cheerios (so they don’t grasp a handful at a time) Says mama/dada, specific to you Play peek-a-boo, hiding behind a wall, when you pop out say “mama!” or “dada!” 11-12 MONTHS Walks with hand held Put heavy objects in laundry basket, allow baby to use for support while standing; remove some & baby can push like cart Finds hidden toy Hide toy in shoebox and play hide-andseek to have baby find it Knows several body parts Play in front of mirror ask baby to show you different body parts; read books, ask baby to point out characters’ body parts SUMMARY OF INFANT DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES AGE* GROSS/FINE MOTOR ABILITIES LANGUAGE/SOCIAL 1 month Prone: raises head, chin Visual fixation Smiles 2 months Prone: raises head, chest Tracks mother’s face Coos 3 months Prone: rests on elbows Bats at objects Recognizes parent 4 months Tracks objects, vertically and horizontally Inspects hand 5 months Reaches Sits, propped Rolls front to back Sits, hands supporting Reaches, attains Transfers hand to hand Rolls back to front Laughs Smiles at self in mirror Vocalizes for attention 6 months Reaches with one hand Up on hands and knees Takes one cube Babbles 7 months Sits unsupported Holds 2 objects Belly crawls Takes 2 cubes Looks for disappearing toy Separation anxiety Mimicking simple sounds begins 8 months Pulls string to attain toy “dada”, “mama” nonspecific 9 months Creeps, all fours Comes to sit Rakes Immature pincer Pulls to stand Drinks from cup Waves bye-bye 10 months Mature pincer Cruises Follows simple directions “mama”, “dada” specific 11 months Walks, 2 hands held Recognizes words as symbols 12 months Voluntary release Walks, 1 hand held Searches and finds hidden toy Knows several body parts Uses jargon Parallel play; cooperates with dressing Vocabulary of 1-2 words * Use corrected gestational age SUMMARY OF TODDLER DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES AGE* GROSS/FINE MOTOR ABILITIES LANGUAGE/SOCIAL 18 months Walks without help Runs stiffly, eyes on ground Pulls, pushes, dumps things Pulls off hat, socks, mittens Turns pages in book Scribbles with crayon Stacks 2 blocks Identifies object in picture book Looks for objects that are out of sight Follows simple 1step directions Solves problems by trial and error Says 8-10 words that parents can understand Looks at person who is talking to him Asks specifically for mother or father Uses “hi”, “bye” with reminders Asks for something by pointing or using 1 word Separation anxiety Seeks attention Recognizes self in mirror 24 months Walks up steps with help Tosses or rolls large ball Bends over to pick up toy without falling Takes steps backwards Opens cabinets, drawers, boxes Feeds self with spoon Drinks with straw Helps in washing hands Puts arms in sleeves Helps to build tower of 3-4 blocks Likes to take things apart Explores surroundings Points to 5-6 parts of doll when asked Several hundred word vocabulary Uses 2-3 word sentences Says names of toys Hums or tries to sing Likes to imitate parents Temper tantrums Acts shy around strangers Shows awareness of parental approval or disapproval for actions Takes turns to play with children Uses “me” or “mine” * Use corrected gestational age My Notes & Thoughts To Do List Date Item Completed _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ My daughter’s name is the perfect name for her; “life” is what it means. She’s almost 2 years old now, and developmentally she’s more advanced than that. I thank God every day that things have turned out the way they did. To Do List Date Item Completed _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________ My daughter’s name is the perfect name for her; “life” is what it means. She’s almost 2 years old now, and developmentally she’s more advanced than that. I thank God every day that things have turned out the way they did. I started using heroin when I was just 15 years old. I wanted to see what was so special about it that my father would allow it to take him away from me Notes: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Notes: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 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_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Notes: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 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_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Notes: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Telephone Log I called them They called me Date: _______________ Telephone Number: __________________ Name: ______________________________ Title: ________________________ Discussion: _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Follow-up My Follow-up Items Their Follow-up Items I called them They called me Date: ____________________ Telephone Number: ___________________ Name: ______________________________ Title: ________________________ Discussion: _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ My Follow-up Items Follow-up Their Follow-up Items Telephone Log I called them They called me Date: _______________ Telephone Number: __________________ Name: ______________________________ Title: ________________________ Discussion: _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Follow-up My Follow-up Items Their Follow-up Items I called them They called me Date: ____________________ Telephone Number: ___________________ Name: ______________________________ Title: ________________________ Discussion: _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ My Follow-up Items Follow-up Their Follow-up Items