Revised 7/12/2016 Application Information Faculty Research1 Support Awards (FRSA) Program, including the Joan Smith Faculty Research Support Award I. OBJECTIVES CAS Faculty Research Support Awards are designed to: provide support for research and creative/performance projects of the highest merit provide funding during the initial phase of a new research project provide funding for transition projects of faculty who are expanding their areas of research provide support that is essential for a research creative/performance project to be undertaken or continued Awards are not made to support: curriculum development faculty education or training service projects development of commercial products, including textbooks or electronic teaching materials summer salary stipends, course releases, or expenses for meals. II. ELIGIBILITY To be considered eligible, projects must address one of the objectives listed above in Section I and be submitted by eligible tenure-track/tenured faculty members who: III. will have completed their terminal degree by date of application have primary appointment in the College of Arts and Sciences are not current members of the Faculty Research Support Awards Committee are not on notice of non-retention for the next academic year will be on the faculty during the period of the award (Faculty Research Support Awards are made contingent upon the recipient’s continued service at UVM throughout the academic year following the award year. If a grantee fails to complete this required term of continued service, full reimbursement to the College of all expended funds is required) Faculty may not concurrently apply for a Faculty Research Support Award and a Seed Grant Award or have received a College Small Grant Award the previous semester. AWARD CONDITIONS The maximum award is $7000 (from a pool of $25,000). Only one application is allowed from each eligible faculty member; however, more than one faculty member may submit a single joint application. 1 Research is defined broadly here to refer to scholarly products typical of a faculty member’s discipline. 1 Revised 7/12/2016 Funds are for research support starting the semester of the award through the following two fiscal years. Example: if a faculty member receives an award in January 2015, the award would be available through FY 16 and FY 17, ending on June 30, 2017. Recipients must submit a brief final report (one page maximum) to the Dean’s Office on their project by the September 30 following expiration of the award. Failure to file a final report will make the recipient ineligible for future CAS research support awards. IV. SELECTION CRITERIA Applications that address the Research Support Committee objectives (Section I) and are submitted by eligible applicants (Section II) will be reviewed according to the following criteria: V. Quality of the project being proposed, i.e., originality of proposed research, potential contribution to, and advancement of, the field, etc; Record of the applicant's achievement as indicated by scholarly and creative products related to the proposal under review; Clarity of the proposal. Proposals must be understandable to colleagues who are not specialists in the applicant's field. Applicants are encouraged to seek advice from other faculty before submitting their proposals; Relationship of the proposed project to the applicant's long-term research agenda; Feasibility of the proposed project in terms of reasonableness of the budget and availability of facilities and existing resources necessary for satisfactory completion of the project; Evidence of an articulation of the project with attention to the future possibility of extra-institutional funding, where appropriate (this criterion should not be interpreted to mean that proposals in areas where no extramural funding is available will not be given equal consideration). THE COMMITTEE AND THE REVIEW PROCESS The Faculty Research Support Committee is comprised of one CAS Associate Dean and faculty members appointed by the Dean from each of the College's four main distribution areas (Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences). Committee members are ineligible for Faculty Research Support Awards while serving on the committee. Awards are made on the basis of a "collegial," rather than a "peer" review. The Committee will make every attempt to distribute awards equitably across areas of specialty within the College; however, awards will not necessarily be made in all areas. VI. APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND DEADLINE Attached are instructions for completing the application packet. If you have questions regarding the application instructions, completion of the application, or your budget, please contact the College. All proposals for awards must be e-mailed as a single Word document attachment (12 pt. Times New Roman font) to to arrive no later than 4:30 pm, January 31. Applications that are received after this time will not be considered. A. GENERAL CAUTIONS Make every effort to write an application that is understandable to readers from outside of your field. Since your application will be reviewed and ranked by a committee of faculty from all four academic areas, you 2 Revised 7/12/2016 should not assume that committee members are familiar with the significance of a given project to a particular discipline. Minimize the use of discipline-specific terminology (jargon). It is advisable to have a colleague critique your draft proposal before submission. Do not include these instructions with your application. B. THE APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE: (in a single Word file 12 pt. Times New Roman font) Cover Page (see C below) Budget Form (see D below) Budget Description (see E below) Project Description (see F below) Relevant Bibliographic References (see G below) Identification of Potential External Funding Sources (see H below) An abbreviated c.v. (no more than 3 pages) C. COVER PAGE Use the enclosed cover page and provide all required information using Microsoft Word Times New Roman 12 pt. font. # 4 Area: Choose the disciplinary area in which you would like your proposal considered (Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, or Social Sciences) #10 Project Title: Limited to 120 characters #11 Abstract: Provide a synopsis of the proposed project in the allotted space #12 Review Boards: Award recipients are required to secure approval from any applicable review board(s) prior to beginning a project. D. BUDGET Use the budget form provided. Budgets should not be inflated to reach the $7,000 maximum; the Awards Committee will reduce or eliminate proposed expenditures that are not justified. For Research Assistants, you will need to specify percent appointment (33% or 50%), rate, time period (semester, academic year and/or summer), and cost, which needs to include the university’s fringe benefit rate. For Student Hourly Help, specify the number of students, the number of hours each is to be employed, and the hourly rate of pay. The student fringe benefit rate for SUMMER employment should also be included. UVM fringe benefit rates are located here: This program will not fund or supplement the salary of the applicant. No more than $1,000 may be requested for any individual non-UVM personnel costs (e.g., consultant). List such costs in the Supplies & Expenses category on the Budget Form and explain in the Budget Description. In the Capital, Supplies & Expenses, and Travel Categories, list individual items and their costs. Be specific. Provide a total for each category in the appropriate space. Capital: Include in this category items that have a unit price of $5,000 or more, and a useful life of greater than one year. Justify the need and cost for these items in the Budget Description. Funds requested in the Supplies and Expenses category will not be awarded for subventions, indexing, 3 Revised 7/12/2016 page charges or reprints. Do not include any travel-related expenses here. Transfer of funds between categories requires permission of the Dean. Funds requested in the Travel category will be provided only for travel directly related to the conduct of the research project, not for dissemination of the results of this project or for attendance at conferences or professional meetings. Expenses for meals should not be included; they are not funded by this award. E. BUDGET DESCRIPTION The budget description (maximum length of 1 page) should: provide a rationale for proposed expenditures; explain the costs of individual items; explain the role of student appointments, including Research Assistant and student hourly help, in the project; justify the purchase of Capital equipment; clarify and justify the involvement of non-UVM personnel; and describe the source and amount of any other funds committed to the project; F. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Use the following formatting guidelines for your project description. The project description may not exceed three single-spaced pages including all supportive materials, e.g., graphics, illustrations, figures, or pictures. Be sure to include a description of the research project; a discussion of the significance of the research (and relevance for consideration for the Joan Smith Award if you want your proposal considered for it as well); a precise description of the methodology or system of inquiry; a statement of expected outcomes, contributions to the field or discipline, and/or scholarly products; a description of how this project relates to your overall research agenda. G. RELEVANT BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Literature citations in the Project Description should be listed on a separate page immediately following the Project Description. The references may not exceed one page. H. POTENTIAL SOURCES OF FUTURE EXTERNAL SUPPORT FOR THIS PROJECT Indicate, as appropriate, potential sources of continued external financial support for your project. You must provide the following information for at least TWO possible funding sources. i.) Funding Agency/Organization. -e.g., NSF, NIH, NEH, The Kress Foundation, The Social Science Research Council, etc. ii.) Program or Request for Application/Proposal Announcement. -e.g., Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF), Abe Fellowship (SSRC), RFA-RM-11-012 - NIH Economic Research on Incentives for Efficient Use of Preventative Services (R01), etc.). -Include a web link, if available. iii.) Funding Available. -e.g., $25,000-$250,000 direct costs/year for up to five years, up to $25,000/year direct costs, etc. iv.) Application Deadline(s). -either the next submission deadline for the indicated program OR (if appropriate) the deadline for your intended proposal submission to this funding program v.) Applicability of this Project to this Potential Funding Source. -indicate the suitability of this funding source for longer term funding of this project -if NOT suitable, explain why -if suitable, describe plans/timing for grant proposal submission 4 Revised 7/12/2016 I. C.V. The application should include an abbreviated c.v. of no more than three pages. 5 Revised 7/12/2016 CAS Faculty Research Support Awards Cover Page 1 Name: 8 Amount Requested: 2 Rank: At Rank Since (Month/Year): 3 Department: 4 Area (Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, or Social Sciences): 5 Other Anticipated Funding: 6 Scholarly Product: 7 Years at UVM: 10 Project Title 11 Project Abstract: 12 Check if your project involves any of the following: 1 ___ Human Subjects 2 ___Toxic, infectious or carcinogenic/mutagenic material 3 ___ Recombinant DNA 4 ___ Vertebrate animals 5____Radioactive materials 6 ___ Environmental impacts 7 ___ Use of UVM off-campus facilities 8 ___ Additional space , remodeling or construction (Requires chairperson's and Dean's initials) 1 Revised 7/12/2016 ___________________________ Name CAS Faculty Research Support Awards Budget Category Description Sub Total Total Research Assistant(s) XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX Graduate Percent Appointment: Period of Time: Rate and fringe %: Cost: Undergraduate Percent Appointment: Period of Time: Rate and fringe % [summer only]: Cost: Fringe % can be found here: TOTAL: Research Assistant Cost: Student Hourly Help Number of Students: Number of Hours each is Employed: Hourly Rate of Pay: TOTAL: Student Hourly Cost: TOTAL ALL WAGES: Capital: Unit cost $5,000 or more and useful life of more than one year. TOTAL: Capital Cost: Supplies and Expenses: No TRAVEL expenses here. No page charges, no reprint costs. TOTAL: Supplies and Expenses Cost: Travel: Only travel directly related to conduct of the research project. Meal expenses are not covered. TOTAL: Travel Cost: GRAND TOTAL ALL PROJECT COSTS (NOT TO EXCEED $7,000): 2