Enhancing Excellence through Interdisciplinary Experiential Engagement 1 Instructions for Proposal Format and Content 1. Format: All forms must use 12-point font with one-inch margins and be single-spaced, with one space between paragraphs. All components of the application should be submitted in PDF format. 2. Cover sheet: Complete cover sheet, one per PI and/or Co-PI. (Obtain signature approval from respective chairs and attach as a PDF.) 3. Abstract: Write a summary describing the project's objectives, proposed methodology, and anticipated impact (all in layperson's terms). The abstract should not exceed 250 words. 4. Description (Proposal description must be limited to 4 pages in length) Rationale and Objectives: Identify how the activity fills shortcomings or enhances the educational experience of the students. Briefly describe the high-impact educational practices’ objectives and goals of the proposal and its anticipated impact. a. b. Description of Activity: Provide a narrative of the project including the following information. i. Who participates? Include faculty and affiliation, majors/minors and/or courses affected, and number of students expected to participate and benefit from the experience per academic year. ii. Describe the actual project activity and expected outcomes. Explain the activity, addressing at a minimum the following elements: 1. Experiential component: a. What will the faculty and students do to enhance the learning experience of the students? b. What is the value added beyond a traditional classroom/curricular experience? c. How will the activities/course be integrated into the curriculum? 2. Learning outcomes: What are the expected measurable learning outcomes of the project activities? 3. Assessment Process: What is the proposed learning outcome evaluation methodology? (continued) Enhancing Excellence through Interdisciplinary Experiential Engagement 5. 2 c. Budget and Justification: Include a detailed listing of all anticipated costs, including a timeline for spending. There are no a priori restrictions or limitations on uses of the funds sought, but all proposed expenditures must be justified. If funds are used to buy or repair equipment or instrumentation, there must be disclosure of the unit(s) responsible for housing and maintaining the equipment. If departments/colleges will provide matching funding, please describe. If the budget includes faculty course releases or teaching a course overload, the current rate is $2000 per credit hour ($6000 for the standard 3-credit course) plus 44.3% fringe. If you have any questions concerning wages, etc., please consult the CAS Business Office by phone or email (casbiz@uvm.edu). d. Leadership Plan: The governance and organizational structure of the leadership team should be described when using multiple PIs. Describe the process of making decisions on project direction and procedures for resolving potential conflicts between PIs. The specific roles and responsibilities for the project should be delineated for all PIs and other team members. e. Sustainability Plan: i. Congruence with strategic university and college missions and initiatives (see links under “Resources,” below) ii. Plan for institutionalization. 1. What will make the course/activity attractive to students? 2. Will the course/experience be offered with relative frequency? 3. Will the course satisfy (or what steps will be taken to increase the probability that the course will satisfy) degree requirements for specific majors or minors? 4. IMPORTANT: Please specify the semester/year when you anticipate that the course will be included in the Schedule of Courses. Appendices a. b. c. References: You may add a reference page(s) as necessary (optional). Short CV: 3-page limit. Required Facilities and Other Resources (up to one page): As appropriate, identify the facilities to be utilized (including classrooms, laboratories, field stations, etc.), their current capacities, capabilities, and availability for the project. If travel is required, describe the transportation services available. Enhancing Excellence through Interdisciplinary Experiential Engagement 3 Resources The links below point you to a number of resources you may find helpful as you prepare your proposal. From the Association of American Colleges and Universities: ● Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP) initiative: http://www.aacu.org/leap/ ● Diversity & Democracy: http://www.diversityweb.org/DiversityDemocracy/vol12no2/brownell.cfm From UVM: ● Center for Teaching and Learning: University of Vermont ● Community-University Partnerships & Service Learning ● The Office of Undergraduate Research • College of Arts and Sciences current Mission Statement: http://www.uvm.edu/artsandsciences/?Page=mission.html&SM=aboutsub.html • University of Vermont Mission: http://www.uvm.edu/president/?Page=mission.html • University of Vermont Strategic Plan: http://www.uvm.edu/president/?Page=strategicplan2009_2013.html