A UVM Extension/Lake Champlain Sea Grant program in partnership with the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources www.uvm.edu/watershed INTAKE FORM – Stream Monitoring & Stewardship Program School: ________________________________ Lead Teacher: __________________________ Date: ___________ Number of students: _____ Grade: _____ Class: _____________________ Potential Program Dates / Times: Directions to meeting location: Description of monitoring site: What are your goals for the program? Where are your students at in their learning process? What watershed related knowledge/skills will they have? How will you be preparing your students for the program? What would be the best way to assess your students' learning? What content would you like to see included? What resources would be useful in this process? Would you like to coordinate/ make contact with a Watershed Educator before the program begins? Would you like in-class assistance with interpreting your monitoring results? What ideas do you have for community outreach or stewardship? Would you like UVM Watershed Alliance to assist with planning or implementing your outreach or stewardship project? PLEASE RETURN APPLICATION BY MAIL OR EMAIL TO: Erin De Vries Outreach and Education Coordinator UVM Watershed Alliance Rubenstein Ecosystem Science Laboratory 3 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 Phone: 802.859-3086 x305 erin.devries@uvm.edu ● www.uvm.edu/watershed