Kaskaskia College SPCH 103 Fundamentals of Speech IAI C2 900

Kaskaskia College
SPCH 103 Fundamentals of Speech
IAI C2 900
Monday and Wednesday
HB 243
Instructor: David Quinn
Office: HB 206
Phone: 545-3379
Email: dquinn@kaskaskia.edu
Office Hours: TBA
The Art of Public Speaking, 11th Edition, by Stephen E. Lucas.
This speech course surveys the basic fundamentals of communication theory and
effective public speaking. Emphasis is placed on personal adjustment to the public
speaking situation, the preparation of various kinds of speeches, and the analysis of
oral communications.
The student is expected to:
 Become a more effective oral communicator;
 Understand communication theory and history;
 Understand the relationship among self, message, and others;
 Understand the purposes for speaking;
 Develop specific, well-focused thesis statements;
 Analyze an audience and situation, and then adapt a message to those needs;
 Generate ideas and gather supporting material;
 Incorporate material from various appropriate sources, using proper verbal
 Use evidence, reasoning, and emotional appeals in persuasive speaking;
 Prepare and use visual aids that promote clarity and interest;
 Organize and outline an effective message;
 Use language that is appropriate to enhance understanding and effect the
desired result;
 Establish credibility by demonstrating knowledge and analysis of topic;
 Use extemporaneous delivery with reasonable fluency, expressiveness, and
 Cope effectively with the tensions involved in public speaking;
 Demonstrate acceptable ethical standards in research and presentation of
 Listen to, analyze, and critique oral communication.
All formal assignments are due on the assigned date and must be typed. In class
assignments, note cards, discussions, and group presentations that are missed cannot
be made up and no credit can be earned, unless arrangements prior to the absence are
communicated to the instructor. Please make sure that you are aware of the due dates
for the assignments and tests. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to discover
what you missed from one of your classmates.
ATTENDANCE at all class meetings is expected of all students. An essential part of
any course offering is the classroom experience. Therefore, excessive student
absences will have a detrimental effect on learning and grades. Excessive absences
are defined as more than twice the number of weekly meetings. Students with
excessive absences will fail the course. Students who arrive late are a disruption to
the instructor and other students. Please arrive to class on time. Do not use cell
phones in class. Do not text in class. Do not use lap tops in class. Do not work
on homework in class. Do not sleep in class. Do not talk during speeches and
lectures. You will be dropped from class if you do not follow these guidelines.
There will be four exams.
You will prepare 16 chapter cards and participate in chapter discussions.
You will deliver six extemporaneous speeches and several impromptu speeches.
You will prepare three typed outlines for the three major speeches.
Grades will be assessed on a point system. This is enumerated below.
Exam I
50 pts
Exam II
50 pts
Exam III
50 pts
Exam IV
50 pts
Introduction Speech
30 pts
Brown Bag Speech
50 pts
Demonstration Speech
100 pts
Demonstration Outline
25 pts
Informative Speech
100 pts
Informative Outline
25 pts
Persuasive Speech
100 pts
Persuasive Outline
25 pts
Special Occasion Speech
50 pts
Several Impromptu Speeches
15 pts
Sixteen Chapter Cards
80 pts
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Possible Points
800 pts
Final Grades:
0-479 or excessive absences
We will discuss 16 chapters this semester. Each class period that we discuss a
chapter you are to bring in a chapter note card. Each card must be turned in on the
day of the discussion and you may use your card in class for the chapter discussion.
On each card you will write down something you found interesting in that chapter and
why you found it interesting. Each card and discussion of card is worth five points.
You must be present and participate to earn the five points.
Exam I: 25 questions – chapters 1, 2, 3, 6
Exam II: 25 questions - chapters 5, 9, 10, 11
Exam III: 25 questions – chapters 7, 8, 14, 15
Exam IV: 25 questions – chapters 12, 13, 16, 17
All exams will contain multiple choice and true/false questions.
There will be handouts for the major speeches given in this class. The major
speeches include demonstration speech, informative speech and persuasive speech.
There will also be instructions for other speeches, including, introduction speech,
brown bag speech and special occasion speech. We will also go over criteria for your
outlines. The outlines are typed and due on the first day of each round of speeches.
Outlines will include your name, topic, general purpose statement, specific purpose
statement and central idea. The outlines must include an introduction, body and
conclusion. The informative outline and the persuasive outline must include at least
three sources and you must use your sources in the delivery of the speech. You must
use Roman numerals for the main points in the introduction, body and conclusion.
Students are expected to be in class on the days that others are speaking to provide an
audience for those speakers. You will critique the class demonstrative, informative,
and persuasive speeches.
Students who plagiarize a speech outline will fail the speech assignment.
Students who plagiarize a speech may fail the course.
The following is the speech day policy for instructors in the Speech Department of
Kaskaskia College:
Speech Delivery:
Speeches are to be delivered on the date assigned by the instructor. A typed and
formatted outline is due to the instructor prior to the delivery of each major speech.
The student is expected to turn in the formal outline on the first day of each round of
speeches regardless of their individual speech delivery due date. If the student does
not turn in the outline by the due date, the student will lose one letter grade per class
period that their speech is delayed on both the outline and their speech.
Make Up Speeches:
Each instructor has the discretion to determine when and if a make up speech will be
allowed in the instances where a student is unable to deliver their speech on the
originally scheduled speech delivery date. If the instructor extends an opportunity to
the student to make up their speech, the student will lose one letter grade for each
class period the speech is late in delivery. If the student does not make up their speech
in a reasonable amount of time, the student will forfeit all points for that particular
*Note: Make ups are only considered for those students who are responsible for their
absence by contacting the instructor and providing evidence of the absence to the
instructor in written form. Exceptions will only be made in extreme circumstances and
at each individual instructor’s discretion; this includes prior notification from the
student of campus activities.
In this syllabus you are presented with a number of rules and regulations. Most
students have a negative first reaction to lists of rules, but keep in mind that there are
several important reasons for including policies and rules within a college course.
First of all, rules provide for greater FAIRNESS in the course. All students are
subject to the same procedures. Secondly, rules provide greater CLARITY. Each
student has a clearer understanding of what is and is not acceptable within the
framework of the course. And lastly, demonstrating the ability to adapt to rules is an
EDUCATIONAL GOAL. More and more employers view a college degree as
evidence that the student has acquired specific skills that will be applicable to his/her
job. Being able to follow rules and accepting the consequences of not following
those rules are both very high on any employer’s list of skills.
Below is the tentative calendar and sequence of information that will be covered in
class. Changes in this schedule may occur and will be announced in class.
Week 1
Discuss syllabus and informal introductions
Impromptu speeches and assign speeches of introduction
Week 2
Introduction speeches
Week 3
Chapter cards due for chapters 1, 2
Week 4
Chapter cards due for chapters 3, 6
Exam I
Week 5
Brown Bag speeches
Week 6
Chapter cards due for chapters 5, 9, 10, 11
Week 7
Demonstration speeches
Week 8
Demonstration speeches
Exam II
Week 9
Chapter cards due for chapters 7, 8: and impromptu speeches
Week 10 Chapter cards due for chapters 14, 15; work on outlines
Week 11 Informative speeches
Week 12 Informative speeches
Exam III
Week 13 Chapter cards due for chapters 12, 13, 16, 17
Week 14 Persuasive speeches
Week 15 Persuasive speeches
Week 16
Exam IV; Chapter 18 and prepare for Special Occasion Speeches
Week 17 Final Exam (check final exam schedule) – Special Occasion Speeches
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
Deliver informative and persuasive speeches
Deliver impromptu speeches
Construct an appropriate outline
Explain the components of public speaking
Analyze the audience for a speaking occasion
Develop a thesis statement
Understand the relationship between audience and speaker
Use and create appropriate visual aids
The student is responsible for officially dropping or withdrawing from a class
according to procedures described in the college catalog and student handbook.
Dropping a class: Students may drop a class without the class becoming part of
their permanent academic record if they do so during the “drop” period and will
receive a full refund of tuition and fees. The length of the drop period will vary
based on the length of the course. Students may drop online through
CampusNet or by completing a form in the Admissions and Registration Office or
at any Education Center. Refer to the Registration Calendar posted in
CampusNet for dates or contact the Admissions and Registration Office at 618545-3040.
Withdrawing from a class: Students may withdraw from a class after the drop
period and receive a “W” grade on their academic record that will not affect
their grade point average at KC. You will not be eligible for a refund. Students
may withdraw online through CampusNet or by completing a form in the
Admissions and Registration Office or at any Education Center. Failure to
officially withdrawal from a class may result in an “F” grade. All withdrawal
requests must be filed no later than two weeks prior to the end of any regular
length semester (one week for the summer semester and 8-week courses) or the
proportionate time thereof for other length courses. For specific dates, contact
the Admissions and Registration Office at 618-545-3040.
Please keep in mind that dropping or withdrawing from a class can affect your
financial aid for the active and future semesters. Please contact the Financial Aid
office at 618-545-3080 to find out how dropping a class may impact you.
The grade of Incomplete or “I” is given at the instructor’s discretion. It is
normally given when a student has been actively engaged in the class, but
missed work or a test due to illness or excused absences. A maximum of one
semester or less, at the option of the instructor, is the time allotted to make up
the incomplete work. If, after this time, the coursework is not completed
satisfactorily the “I” is recorded as an “F.” In most cases, students should have
successfully completed 75% of the course requirements to be eligible for an “I.”
This process is initiated by the student and at the instructor’s discretion.
Students should not except to be issued an “I” without facilitating the
appropriate paperwork with the faculty member.
Class cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted on the College
Website: www.kaskaskia.edu, KC’s Facebook page, and CampusNet; announced
on local area televisions stations and radio stations, recorded on the KC main
campus voicemail greeting, and sent to the student’s KC email account and via
text message if the student has opted into the KCAlert system.
The intent of this service is to notify students, staff, and faculty by email or text
message on their cell phone, of campus closures for weather and/or other
emergencies and class cancellations. This is an opt-in service provided by
Kaskaskia College. While there is no direct cost for signing up for this service, you
may be charged a text message fee by your cell phone provider. Please check
your cell phone plan to understand the costs you may incur using this service. All
users who sign up for this service will receive announcements regarding campus
closures for weather and other emergencies, test messages to validate the
service is working and notification when your account is about to expire. All
accounts will expire after August 1st. To opt into this service follow the link
Acts of Academic Dishonesty include: plagiarism, preparing work for another
that is to be used as that person’s own work, cheating by any method or means,
knowingly and willfully falsifying or manufacturing scientific or educational data
and representing the same to be the result of scientific or scholarly research,
knowingly furnishing false information to a college official relative to academic
matters, and solicitation, aiding, abetting, concealing or attempting conduct in
violation of this code. Sanctions for academic dishonesty are at the discretion of
the instructor and subject to appeal as provided in the Student Code of Conduct.
A complete explanation of this policy and procedures as well as information
about student’s rights and responsibilities are located in the Policy and
Procedures and Student Conduct sections of the current Student Handbook.
The College requires that students know and follow the rules and laws
associated with copyright. You are individually and solely responsible for
violations of copyright and fair use laws. Violations of copyright laws could
subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability as well as
disciplinary action under college policies. To help you familiarize yourself with
copyright and fair use policies, the college encourages you to visit the linked web
pages for more information on copyright:
http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ01.pdf and
Each student will be certified for graduation in degree and/or certificate
programs according to the requirements specified in the Kaskaskia College
catalog at the time of the student’s initial enrollment if graduation requirements
are met within a five-year period. Refer to the college catalog for specific
requirements for graduation. It is recommended that students file the
application for graduation prior to their last term of enrollment.
Graduation application deadlines are as follows:
SPRING April 1
FALL December 1
Kaskaskia College provides support services and accommodations for students
with documented disabilities. A disability can include physical, mental,
psychological or learning limitations. The College is committed to compliance
with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act. For further information, please contact the Disability Services Coordinator
at 618- 545- 3184.
The Student Success Center offers services to enhance student success.
Professional and peer tutors are available for some courses by appointment;
however, walk-ins are welcome. The Student Success Center also offers
proctored testing (as allowed by your instructor) for make-up exams and
proctored online exams. In addition, the staff of the Student Success Center
works closely with the Disability Services Coordinator to assist students who
receive ADA accommodations. If you need assistance with personal issues
outside of campus services, a copy of the Community Resources document is
available in the Success Center.
Call 618-545-3160 to schedule a tutoring or testing appointment. Fall and Spring
Semester Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am – 4:00
The central Safety and Security desk is located at the main entrance of the HB
Building. Each classroom and main entrance contains a campus map outlining
procedures that include fire escape routes, first aid kits, AED (Automated
External Defibrillator) locations, tornado shelter areas, and evacuation meeting
areas. In the event of an emergency a detailed announcement will be made over
the campus-wide PA system. Other methods of disseminating information
include the College website, KCTV, and KC Alerts.
Students faced with planned absences that include: college sponsored athletic
events, college sponsored club events, or schedule conflicts with religious
observances should make prior arrangements with the instructor a minimum of
seven school days in advance of the absence.
Kaskaskia College assigns an email account to all students consisting of an official
college email address with a domain name of @students.kaskaskia.edu. All
official communications will be emailed to these addresses. Email services are
included in the Use of Computing and Network Facilities Policy; therefore
students are advised that electronic data (and communications using the college
network for transmission or storage) are the property of the college and may be
reviewed and/or accessed by authorized college officials for purposes related to
college business. Kaskaskia College has the right to expect all students to check
their official email account on a frequent basis and read their emails in a timely
fashion in order to remain informed of official college communications which
may contain time sensitive information or affect day-to-day activities. Student
email accounts are web accessible. Students who are not in possession of a
home computer, or do not have access to a computer at work, can use
computers available in the computer labs at the main campus and all education
After you read and understand the above guidelines, read the following statement. Print
THIS PAGE ONLY and bring in the printed copy our next class meeting.
I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the above mentioned guidelines for SPCH
103 – FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH with Professor Quinn. I understand the academic
integrity policy and the consequences for violating the policy. I also understand that it is
my responsibility to withdraw or drop this course if I choose not to complete it. Failure to
do so will result in my being charged for the course.
Student: _________________________________ Date: ________________________
Brown Bag Presentations – Quinn
Most of us have fantasized about getting away from it all. This is your chance to do exactly that.
You are marooned on an island in the ocean and you can only bring five things along with you.
What would you bring and why?
In this speech you must have an introduction and conclusion. The introduction should be your
story of how you arrived at this island. The conclusion should be your story of how you got off
the island and returned home, or how you avoided being seen by ships or planes and decided to
stay a while. Creating your story should be fun, make it like Castaway, or Gilligan’s Island, or you
went to island with friends and went to sleep and when you woke up they and the boat were
gone! Have fun with this.
While you are on this island the basic needs for survival are there, such as food, water, shelter,
protection, etc. None of your items need to be survival items but you could have luxury items,
such as Diet Pepsi, Ski, Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey Ice Cream, Steak, etc. You don’t have to
own the item to bring it, such as an elaborate entertainment center, a 4 Wheeler, massage
chair, etc. You can also group together items, such as entertainment center could include your
cds, dvds, plasma tv, stereo, etc.
You can choose any item that you need to survive as long as it is appropriate for the college
classroom. Some people bring the bible, a collection of books to read, sports equipment, cell
phones, I pods, etc. Do not bring people or pets. You are alone on the island, and you must
survive without other people or pets. You can of course include your family photos and
pictures of pets. If you can’t stand being away from a loved one, just make it a short stay on the
island and have your family show up to rescue you at end of speech.
Use a brown paper bag, or any bag we can’t see through and put in your five items. If the items
won’t fit use something to represent the items, car keys for a car, a video tape for an
entertainment center, etc. You can also use pictures of the item in your bag. Make sure in the
speech you don’t just show us each item, explain why you chose these 5 items. You have 3-5
minutes for this speech.
This speech is worth 50 points. Delivery – 10, Time – 10, Content and Structure – 10,
Introduction and Conclusion – 10, Visual aids – 10.
And for Exam I study the following pages – 5, 9-11,
13-15, 37-39, 41-43, 48-49, 50-53, 56, 98, 100-101,
Fundamentals of Speech
Instructor: David Quinn
Demonstration Presentation Instructions
For this presentation, you need to choose a topic that can be easily demonstrated in class
and that fits the time constraints. Also, you need to consider your audience. What are
their interests? From the information you received during the Brown Bag Presentations,
you learned a little bit more about your classmates. Again, you cannot overestimate the
importance of audience analysis. You must create an interesting presentation for the
class. Topic selection is your choice; however, the faculty member reserves the right to
censor any topic that is not appropriate. If you’re in doubt, please check with me.. In
general, your presentation should conform to the appropriateness of the setting—the
college classroom.
Please consider the following directions:
1. This speech should be six to nine minutes in length—no shorter or longer. You
will be penalized points for running over or under the time limit.
2. You need to prepare a typed outline, example in chapter 11 of your text. Be
sure that all the information is in phrases and complete sentences. I will be
following the outline as you speak (you will not have a copy from which to
speak). Outline must include specific purpose and central idea. All outlines
must be turned in at the start of class on day one of speeches.
3. You may only use five 3 x 5 cards for notes during your speech.
4. A bibliography is not required for this assignment, unless you have researched
information beyond your personal knowledge of the topic.
5. Regardless of how well you know your information, practice your demonstration
several times.
6. As you listen to others’ presentations, be attentive and supportive. You should
applaud each speaker’s presentation.
The speech and outline will be evaluated as follows: Typed Outline
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
Effective Visual Aids
(10 points)
(10 points)
Peer Review
(10 points)
(10 points)
25 points
100 points
In this presentation, you will attempt to inform your audience on a topic. An informative
presentation can present new information, explain complex concepts and processes,
and/or clarify and correct misunderstood information. You should not be attempting to
persuade your audience to change their opinions or behaviors; rather, you should simply
be attempting to inform them on the topic. You need to create an interesting presentation
targeted to your audience. The presentation should be clearly organized. It should
include an attention-getting introduction, central idea, preview of the main points,
appropriate supporting material, and a memorable conclusion.
Specifically, you should adhere to the following directions:
The speech should be six to eight minutes in length.
Use at least three sources of information and cite your sources in speech.
Your presentation should include at least one presentational aid.
The presentation must be delivered in an extemporaneous style.
You may use five 3 x 5 note cards from which to speak. You may not have
the complete outline (in manuscript form) with you.
6. You must have typed complete-sentence and/or phrases outline.
7. As you listen to others’ presentations, be attentive, give written feedback.
The presentation will be evaluated as follows:
25 points
100 points
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
Peer Review
(10 points)
Effective Visual Aids
(10 points)
Effective Bibliography
(10 points)
To earn a possible 25 points on your outline: must be typed, must be completesentences and/or phrases, must include specific purpose, central idea, must include at
least three sources in your bibliography, must include three main points, must have the
words introduction, body, and conclusion as part of outline, and must use Roman
numerals for main points in the body, & all outlines due on the first day of speeches.
Note on Delivery (10 points): must spend the majority of speech looking at the audience,
and cannot read to audience with the exception of a quote, statistic, or if needed the
opening statement and/or closing statement.
Note on Attendance/Participation (10 points): must be in class for all speeches, and on
time, and must pay attention to the speaker. Anyone reading or texting or working on
other material during a classmate’s speech will lose 5 points. Anyone talking during a
classmate’s speech will earn zero points.