UPMC Health System/University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board APPLICATION for the CERTIFICATION OF HONEST BROKER SYSTEMS/PROCESSES NOTE: Honest broker systems are not needed when studies will access only electronic medical record information. See UPMC Policy HS-RS005 (“Research Using UPMC Electronic PHI”). 1. School, Department, Division, or Center for which this Honest Broker System/Process is being developed: 2. Provide a name for this Honest Broker System: 3. Identity of the individual (who must be part of the UPMC workforce) who will assume responsibility for the appropriate management and oversight of this Honest Broker System/Process: a. b. c. d. e. f. Name: Title: Address: Phone: Email: Fax: NOTE: “UPMC workforce” includes the following: research personnel, employed by the University of Pittsburgh, who are working under the supervision of a physician or other health care professional who is a member of the UPMC hospital medical staff or employed by UPMC. 4. Names of all other individuals who will perform honest broker services under this Honest Broker System/Process. All persons must be part of the UPMC workforce, or UPMCapproved contractors. 5. Identify medical record systems that may be accessed by this Honest Broker System/Process. Also indicate whether other types of materials (e.g., radiographic images; biological specimens) will be accessed and how their de-identification will be accomplished. 6. For paper-based medical record information, describe the processes and/or systems that will be used to fully de-identify (i.e., HIPAA “Safe Harbor” compliant) the medical record information to be provided to researchers. (See Attachment A for HIPAA deidentification requirements.) 7. For paper-based medical record information, describe the processes and/or systems that will be used to provide researchers with Limited Data Sets of the medical record information. 8. Describe policies, procedures and controls for ensuring that the Limited Data Sets will be consistent with the data element list specified in the IRB-approved application and the Data Use Agreement. 9. Describe policies, procedures and controls for assignment of linkage codes to the deidentified medical record information (if applicable). Also indicate how linkage codes will be managed by the Honest Broker so as to prevent researcher access to information linking these codes with corresponding patient-identifiers. 10. Documentation and Quality Assurance a. Indicate how the Honest Broker system will ensure that IRB approval has been granted for the use of de-identified medical recording information prior to providing these data to researchers. b. Describe policies and procedures for documenting each honest broker transaction with each researcher (e.g., documentation of researcher identify, research study name, nature of information to be provided, IRB approval number, etc.) c. Describe how you will routinely monitor (audit) these de-identification processes and ensure that investigators receive the information that has been specified in their IRB application. d. Describe how the Honest Broker system will maintain the security of all identifiable medical record information in its possession during the performance of the deidentification process. 9. Business Associate Agreement: Are all individuals serving as honest brokers members of the UPMC workforce? Yes. No. A business associate agreement is not required A signed business associate agreement is attached For standard UPMC Business Associate Agreement go to: http://www.irb.pitt.edu/hipaa/HonestBrokerBAAgrmnt.doc NOTE: The University of Pittsburgh will NOT permit its staff to serve as Honest Brokers for UPMC. ********************************** CERTIFICATION OF HONEST BROKER RESPONSIBILITIES By signing below I agree/certify that: 1. I am cognizant of, and will comply with, the Federal Policy (45 CFR 46) and HIPAA regulations as well as with the IRB and UPMC policies governing research that involves the use of identifiable medical record information. 2. I have reviewed this Honest Broker System/Process application in its entirety and I am fully aware of, and in agreement, with all submitted statements. 3. I will ensure that the Honest Broker System/Processes will be implemented and followed in strict accordance with this application. 4. I will request and obtain IRB and UPMC Privacy Officer approval for any proposed modifications to this application prior to implementing such modifications. 5. I will ensure that all individuals involved in providing the Honest Broker System/Process services are provided with a copy of this current version of this application. 6. I and/or my Honest Broker staff will not provide identifiable medical record information, deidentified medical record information, or Limited Data Sets of medical record information to affiliate researchers until evidence of IRB approval of the corresponding research study is provided. 7. I will respond promptly to all requests for information or materials solicited by the UPMCHS Privacy Officer or the IRB. 8. I will maintain adequate documentation of all Honest Broker transactions with affiliated researchers. 9. I will provide an annual report of all such transactions to the OSPARS office upon request of the UPMC Privacy Officer. 10. I and/or my Honest Broker staff will, under no circumstances, provide the researchers with information that would permit de-identified (HIPAA “Safe Harbor”) medical record information or Limited Data Sets of medical record information to be linked to patient identifiers. 11. I and/or my Honest Broker staff will not intervene or interact with patients in the conduct of Honest Broker functions. 12. I and/or my Honest Broker staff will maintain complete confidentiality of identifiable medical record information in our possession during the performance of Honest Broker functions. 13. I am a member of the UPMC Workforce. 14. I will only de-identify paper-based medical records. 15. I will ensure that all members of the Honest Broker staff have completed all required training modules. ______________________________________ Signature of Individual Responsible for Honest Broker System/Processes _________________ Date ***************************************************************************** Honest Broker System/Process Application Approved: ______________________________________ UPMC HS Privacy Officer _________________ Date ______________________________________ Authorized IRB Staff Member _________________ Date The following attachments are not included in this document: Attachment A: HIPAA “Safe Harbor” De-Identification of Medical Record Information Attachment B: Limited Data Sets