Assignment Submission Instructions

Assignment Submission
Humanities Master of Arts
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Please follow the guidelines below when submitting your course assignments. Note that if your
course guide or the cover letter from your instructor differs from any of the guidelines below,
you should follow the instructions in them instead of those in this sheet. The information below
is also available online:
General Requirements
Regardless of the method of assignment submission, you must adhere to these requirements.
1. Include full assignment information for every assignment on either a cover page attached to
the assignment or at the top of the first page of the assignment. Include your name and contact
information (including email address if you send the essay via email), date the paper is sent,
assignment number, name of the course, the course number and section, the instructor’s name,
and term of enrollment (especially important if the assignment is for an Incomplete from a prior
2. Include two copies of the paper with one marked HUX Copy. The HUX copy will be sent to
the HUX office by the instructor at the end of the term. HUX copies are kept on file for one year.
(Note: if you submit papers by email, send one copy to the professor and one to: Always keep the paper returned to you by the instructor with the grade,
comments and date. You might need this at some point in the future. The HUX copy will not
have this important information.
3. Type all of your papers, double-space them, indent the beginning of paragraphs, and include
documentation and bibliographies where appropriate according to the MLA Handbook 7th edition
4. Each assignment is due on a specified date in the term. They must be received by the
instructor before the assignment deadline (the Friday of the week the assignment is due). Count
the first week of classes as Week 1 and finals week of the term as Week 14. This information is
provided on the Planning Calendar along with other important dates at the HUX website: If you do not fully understand the assignment or desire
additional time to complete it, email the instructor or call him or her during his or her office
Sending Assignments by Postal Mail
Mail papers directly to the course instructor at the address on their Introductory Letter. Do not
send papers to the HUX office without prior approval. This will delay reception of your
assignment and may cause the instructor to mark down your assignment as late. Do not put the
assignment in a report cover or folder.
Important: You must include a self-addressed and stamped envelope (SASE) for return of the
graded paper with instructor’s comments. If you live outside the United States you do not need to
include postage, but must include a self-addressed return envelope. If your paper arrives without
a return envelope it may not be returned to you or its return may be delayed significantly, so
please do not forget to include one with each assignment. If sending assignments by courier or
special service, please make sure that a receipt signature is not required for delivery. If a
paper is delivered to an instructor’s home address and no one is there to sign for it, it may be
returned to you.
Sending Assignments by Email
Some HUX professors will allow you or encourage you to submit your assignments by email, as
indicated on their course introduction letter. You may ask an instructor who normally doesn’t
take papers by email to do so in your case, especially if you live overseas, but don’t attempt to
email your assignment to such an instructor without prior permission.
The letter of introduction should also give you his or her requirements for emailed papers if he or
she accepts them. Unless instructed otherwise, email your paper as an attachment in RTF (rich
text file) format. This format preserves your formatting and is readable by all modern word
processing programs. Any word processing program can save your document in this format
(choose File—Save As and then select RTF). As with printed and mailed papers, put complete
course and assignment information, along with your name and email address, on the first page of
your document. Do NOT send the paper in the body of the email message or attach it as a plain
text file, because both methods remove formatting. Such a submission will simply be returned to
you for proper resubmission. Do NOT email a title page as a separate document. Name the file
you submit with your last name, course number, and assignment number (e.g., Smith 5471.RTF). Put this same information in the Subject line of your email.
As indicated above, submit a copy of your paper to the HUX office by emailing it to with the assignment and personal information described above.
Return of Course Tapes and CDs
All audio cassette tapes and CDs provided by the program must be returned to the HUX office
by the end of the term. Returns are tracked and an instructor reserves the right to delay the final
course grade until these items are returned.