–– CLASS OF 2016 ––
Download at http://sherwoodptsa.org or www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/sherwoodhs
ELIGIBILITY - Any Sherwood High School senior continuing at an accredited university, college or business,
vocational or trade school may apply for scholarships awarded through the PTSA.
SELECTION CRITERIA – Sherwood High School PTSA bylaws outline the following factors to consider in
evaluating all applicants: Financial need, scholastic achievement, school activities, community activities,
leadership roles, potential, specific criteria of named and memorial scholarships, and special considerations.
APPLICATION PROCESS - Information provided on the application is strictly confidential.
 The SHS PTSA Scholarship Committee encourages students to submit applications by email.
Download the application and save your file as: Student Last Name, First Name, Application
In the subject line of the email write: Student Last Name, First Name, Application
Attach your application, one personal statement, two letters of recommendation, an EFC worksheet
(if you did not file a FAFSA) and an optional sample of work that showcases your accomplishments.
Send to SherwoodScholarships2016@gmail.com. You will receive a message to confirm receipt.
 Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. Use 10- to 12-point font. If you need access to
a computer or assistance to submit an application, call Carolyn Holonich at school (301-924-3200) or
email Ruth Whitman Chacon (rwchacon@aol.com), SHS PTSA scholarship committee chair.
 Submit two letters of recommendation. One must be from a Sherwood faculty member. Ask for
recommendations early. Send them as attached files when you submit the application. The
committee will accept letters directly from recommenders if they are received at school or
SherwoodScholarships2016@gmail.com before May 2nd with the envelope or subject line of the
email marked: Student Last Name, First Name, Recommendation
 Request your high school transcript from the registrar, who will give it directly to the committee.
 Applicants may be asked to participate in a personal interview.
 Applicants must provide their Expected Family Contribution from the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid. Those who did not prepare a FAFSA must submit an EFC worksheet, available online at
 False information will invalidate your application. Students and parents/guardians may be asked to
provide documentation to verify information in the application.
 Scholarships will be announced at the Sherwood awards ceremony on May 26 (8:45 – 11 am). Funds
will be disbursed according to sponsor procedures in a letter given to awardees at the ceremony.
Email your application before 9:00 am to SherwoodScholarships2016@gmail.com
Mail or deliver your application before 9:00 am to Carolyn Holonich at Sherwood High School
300 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860
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Mark an X next to each scholarship for which you are applying.
Apply for as many awards as you are interested and qualified.
Be sure to address specific criteria for each award in your application essays and short responses.
SUBJECT TO CHANGE – The following criteria were set by the sponsors of each scholarship. The Sherwood PTSA
scholarship committee and sponsors use these guidelines to select award recipients. Sponsors have the right to
change award criteria and amounts, and may choose NOT to make an award.
___ Ledyard Bruce Marsh Memorial Scholarship ($1,000 award) – This scholarship will recognize a senior who is a
member of a golf or tennis team, maintains an academic average of B or higher, demonstrates financial need
and has provided service to the community or school.
___ Carolyn Barnsley Pemberton Memorial Scholarship ($1,500 award) – In memory of Carolyn Barnsley
Pemberton, a Sherwood staff member, this award is given to a student who has demonstrated music
excellence, displayed an intention of pursuing studies in music and has achieved overall academic excellence.
The award is funded by her children Michael Pemberton and Winnie Kennedy.
___ Christina Fuller Moore Memorial Scholarship ($450 award) – This scholarship will be awarded to a student
with academic excellence, promise and demonstrated capacity to use money wisely, who has already been
accepted at an accredited institution of higher education.
___ Frederick H. “Tank” Schultze Memorial Scholarship ($1,000 award) – Frederick “Tank” Schultze was a
counselor, football coach and sports enthusiast at Sherwood for 18 years before retiring in 1992. Tank had a
special gift for reaching difficult students. The Tank Schultze Memorial Scholarship is given annually to a
senior who exhibits athletic promise or has made valuable contributions to the athletic program; has
overcome adversity in life; and demonstrates willingness to help others.
____ Kristen Repass Memorial Scholarship ($1,000 award) – Kristen Repass was a member of the Sherwood
Pompon Squad. She was killed in an automobile accident in March 1984 during her junior year. Kristen’s
mother, Donna, is well known in the Sherwood community, having served as PTSA president and sponsor of
the pompon squad until 1990. The family has set the criteria for award of this scholarship to a pompon or
cheerleader who wants to pursue a degree in psychology, social work, counseling or education.
____ Loretta Ann Colwell Memorial Scholarship ($1,000 award) – This scholarship recognizes and rewards a
Sherwood graduate who intends to pursue education as a major area of study in college, with a shining
record of community service and demonstrated financial need.
____ Olney Boys & Girls Club - Martha Bennett Memorial Scholarship ($500 award) – The recipient will be a
scholar and athlete who exhibits good sportsmanship, character and excellence on the soccer field. Martha
Bennett was the mother of four boys in the Sherwood cluster who were active in the Olney Soccer Club.
When she passed away the family and Olney Soccer Club set up a fund for a scholarship in her name. In 2006,
Olney Soccer Club became part of Olney Boys & Girls Club, which continues to support the scholarship.
____ Richard Kimmel Scholarship ($5,000 award, renewable for three years) – The Richard Kimmel Endowment
Fund is part of The Community Foundation of the National Capital Region. This scholarship may be renewed
annually for three years. It will be awarded to a student with (1) demonstrated financial need; (2) an
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unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher, with a history of steady or steadily improving annual GPA and
successful completion of state exams; and (3) intention to pursue a career that will benefit others. If applying
for the Kimmel award, the Personal Statement you submit must reference your efforts resulting in steady or
improving grades and the impact of a school staff member on your life.
____ SHERWOOD PTSA - Ray Constantino Memorial Scholarship (variable award) – This award honors a student
who exemplifies a commitment to service and has cultivated an approach to discovery and personal growth
through self-reliance, learning-by-doing, teamwork and compassion. Ray Constantino was a much loved and
respected guidance counselor at Sherwood. After his death in 1995, the PTSA named this scholarship in
recognition of his contributions to the Sherwood community through involvement with service projects,
including Outward Bound – an outdoor leadership program that uses the wilderness as a classroom.
____ SHERWOOD PTSA - Norma Miller Memorial Scholarship (variable award) – Awarded to a senior who shows
leadership potential and is involved in musical programs. Norma was a parent of three girls who attended
Sherwood. She was responsible for establishing the scholarship program in 1970, which has grown to
support hundreds of Sherwood graduates. Norma played a significant role in the Music Boosters and Rock &
Roll Revival – instituting the mid-week matinee PTSA show, from which proceeds are contributed to the PTSA
general scholarship fund. Though she died in 1998, her contributions continue to bring music and learning
opportunities to Sherwood students and community.
____ Tanterra Home Owners Association - Dick Cole Memorial Scholarship ($500 award) – The scholarship will be
awarded to a Sherwood graduate who is a member or associate member of the Tanterra Homeowners
Association, is involved in the community and has a record of academic excellence.
____ American Legion Post #68 Scholarship ($1000 award) to a senior who has done his or her best academically,
has financial need, and demonstrates dedication to the principles of good citizenship and patriotism. American
Legion will recognize two other Sherwood seniors with a Medal of Honor and Certificate of Merit.
____ MedStar Montgomery Scholarship (two $1000 awards) to seniors who pursue studies leading to careers in
health care.
____ Olney Kiwanis Scholarship ($1000 award) will be granted to one student on the basis of community service,
demonstrated needs and a scholastic record which merit recognition.
____ Olney Lions Scholarship ($1000 award) to a senior who serves the community, has financial need and
academic excellence.
____ Rosa Parks Middle School Scholarship ($500 award) to a student who attended Rosa Park at least two full
years, demonstrates academic excellence and is involved in the school and community.
____ Sandy Spring Bank Scholarship ($500 award) to a senior pursuing business, accounting or a related major.
____ Sandy Spring Lions Scholarship ($1000 award) to a senior who demonstrates academic excellence,
community involvement (preferably, in the Leo Club) and financial need.
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–– CLASS OF 2016 ––
Applicant Name:
Home Address:
Home Phone:
Email Address:
MCPS Student ID Number:
Social Security Number:
Mobile Phone:
Facebook page name: [OPTIONAL]
Name and dates of enrollment in other high schools, fulltime academic programs or home schooling:
Name of Father/Guardian:
Email Address:
Name of Mother/Guardian:
Email Address:
Other dependent children and adults supported by your household income (Add lines, if needed.)
Relationship to student
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Attending school? Which?
Expected year of graduation
Provide any additional information to explain hardship or extraordinary circumstances that affect your financial need or
ability to continue education (e.g. caring for ill or differently-abled family; relocating; job loss; medical expenses)
What is the Expected Family Contribution from your Free Application for Federal Student Aid? $ ___________________
Students who did not submit a FAFSA must complete an EFC worksheet and attach a copy to this application.
See Page 9 at https://ifap.ed.gov/efcformulaguide/attachments/090214EFCFormulaGuide1516.pdf
My estimated family contribution calculated on the attached EFC worksheet is $ ________________________________
How do you plan to finance your education? Be specific. Describe the impact a scholarship will have on your educational
goals and how you will contribute to the overall costs of living and attending school after Sherwood.
Have you been awarded any other scholarships or financial aid?
Provider and Name or Type of Financial Aid Awarded
Name of College or School Selected
(If you have not decided, list schools to which you have applied)
Accepted or
Pending Decision?
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Amount of Scholarship, Grant, Loan, Gift
Estimated Annual Cost of Attendance
Google: “Cost of Attendance” & “School”
What college major or areas of study do you intend to explore in post-secondary education?
Did you attend Rosa Parks Middle School for two full years? Dates of attendance:
Current member of Tanterra Homeowners Association? Yes or No: _______
Current associate member of Tanterra Homeowners Association? Yes or No: __________
Richard Kimmel Scholarship: What was your unweighted GPA in each year of high school?
9th Grade:
10th Grade:
11th Grade:
12th Grade:
Christina Fuller Moore Scholarship: In what ways have you demonstrated that you use money wisely?
Tell us about your jobs and employment experience during the school year and summer months.
(Add lines or continue on a separate sheet, if needed)
Describe Position and Responsibilities
Dates of
Total Hours Worked
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Total hours
weeks x hours
Tell us about school activities in which you have been involved during high school.
(Add lines or continue on a separate sheet, if needed)
School Activities
Student Government, PTSA, PTA
Newspaper, Yearbook, TV, Radio, Web, Magazine
Athletics, Cheerleading, Pompons
Civic and Service Organizations
Honor Societies
Clubs and Interest Groups
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Leader, Elected Officer, Awards, Honors
Describe volunteer work, student service learning and social action to which you have contributed effort.
(Add lines or continue on a separate sheet, if needed)
Describe your responsibilities:
How did you help?
(9 -12)
Total hours in service learning and volunteer activities
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Impact: What were the results of your
contributions to the community?
Good grades are not the only way to demonstrate success in learning. Each of us has many different ways of knowing,
thinking and exploring the world – multiple dimensions of intelligence that power our potential.
How are you smart in different ways? What contributions do you expect to make based on your strengths?
Develop a personal statement that will tell us more about your identity, talents, goals and potential. You may draw
upon more than one question or prompt to prepare your comments – but must submit only one essay with a heading
or title that explicitly states which question(s) or prompt(s) you are addressing. Limit the rest of your statement to
approximately 500 – 750 words. Use 10- to 12-point font. Save the file as Student Last Name, First Name, Statement
1) What motivates you to be an active learner and to put forth
your best effort?
2) How have you learned from someone who is very different
from you?
3) What one class, teacher, book or experience has most
changed the way you think or act? How?
4) What is the greatest challenge you have faced? How did it
affect you? How did it shape your transition to adulthood?
5) Recall a time when you championed a belief or idea. What
made you act? Would you make the same decision again?
6) What advice can you offer younger students to help them
achieve success?
7) How do you anticipate making a contribution to society?
Applicants may submit a representative sample of work or create a showcase of accomplishments to illustrate how
you think, learn, create, explore and contribute to understanding. Student may offer video or audio clips (under five
minutes) and photos or print media (on one 8.5- x 11-inch page). Add your sample to the end of this application,
provide a web link where we may access it, or send it as an attached file titled: Student Last Name, First Name, Sample
This application is incomplete without signatures of the student and one parent/guardian.
Information provided in this application is fully accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false or
misleading information will invalidate this application, making the student ineligible to receive scholarships awarded
through the Sherwood High School PTSA. I understand the Sherwood PTSA Scholarship Committee may randomly
select applications for validation and require that I provide documentation to verify information submitted.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
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