Full Design

Full Design
The main idea behind this design was to
create an architecture capable of
performing run-time load balancing in order
to more efficiently work with N-body type
The design consists of the following units:
Feeder FIFO
DC Units
LJPC Units
FLEX Units
Inverter Units
Main Controller
All of these units will be discussed in this
The primary units responsible for the
implementation of the load balancing are
the FLEX units, which are managed by the
main controller. The FLEX units are special
purpose processing elements that are
capable of performing either the DC or the
LJPC computations. This allows them to
be used in whichever mode is currently in
the most need of assistance.
The main controller works with the Feeder
FIFO and the Inverter Units in order to
properly determine the most efficient use of
the FLEX processors. This is done by
monitoring FIFO capacities which provide
the controller with an understanding of the
congestion of the current area. Since LJPC
calculations are only performed on atoms
within a specified radius, if the majority of
atoms lie outside this area, then most of the
computation time will be spent on DC
calculations and the Inverter’s FIFO
capacity will be small, and vice versa.
• This unit is responsible for computing the distance
squared between two atoms.
• X1, Y1, and Z1 represent the 3-dimensional coordinate
vector for the source atom. X2, Y2, and Z2 represent the 3dimensional coordinate vector for all other atoms. This
value is changed every clock cycle, whereas the source
atom remains constant.
• Once the distance squared has been calculated, it is
compared with a cut-off radius (CR). If the radius is within
tolerance, the data is sent through to the inverter.
Otherwise, it is discarded.
• Represented in hardware by a 1-to-1 mapping, allowing for
maximum throughput. Since not all atoms will be within
tolerance, it is important to perform as many distance
calculations as possible in as short of a time as possible in
order to improve the efficiency of the LJPC units.
This unit is responsible for performing a portion of
the Lenard-Jones Potential Calculation.
• 1/R2 represents the inverted radius squared that is
received from the inverter.
• DX, DY, and DZ are the results of the initial subtraction
in the DC Unit and are passed along with the radius
• FX, FY, and FZ represent the accumulated 3dimensional force vector. POTENTIAL ENERGY
represents the accumulated potential energy.
• The hardware design is not a 1-to-1 mapping as was
done with the DC Unit. Instead, the design is broken
into two portions, each containing three operational
step each, plus a separate accumulation step. This
allows the unit to receive new data after completion of
only three operational steps rather than all seven.
Data may be received into this unit for up to six clock
cycles at a time. If the two corresponding FLEX units
are also in LJPC mode, then they are feed while this unit
completes its first 3-step cycle. This allows for a
minimum amount of delay in receiving data from the
This unit is responsible for fetching data from the onboard
block ram modules and appropriately feeding this data to each
of the units, including FLEX units if they are operating in DC
• Load balancing is also achieved within this unit. All six block
ram modules send their data into the controller where the
controller may then determine which unit to send the data to.
Since the DC units will always empty their data units first, they
may then be used to assist in emptying any remaining units. If a
FLEX unit has spent a large portion of its time in LJPC mode, a
large amount of data may be left in its block ram module. This
data may then be feed to either of the DC units, thus allowing
both sides to balance out.
The determination of which block ram will be taken over by a
DC unit is made by the main controller and is based upon the
amount of data remaining in each unit. Whichever unit is
currently fullest would be the best candidate. Therefore, if one
side has produced more atoms within the radius tolerance, then
the two DC units may end up working on both available block
rams on one side, although data may be available on both sides.
This unit is responsible for retrieving data from the DC units
and FLEX units working in DC mode, inverting the radius
received, and then sending that data on to all available LJPC
units and FLEX units operating in LJPC mode.
• The controller uses a polling routine to check each of the
three FIFOs, each 1K in size, to determine if data is available.
This is done on a priority basis, with the DC unit having
highest priority. Once valid data has been received by any of
the 3 units, it is taken in and sent to the inverter.
• Once the radius has been inverted, this data is then sent to
the LJPC FIFO. Data is accumulated here until it reaches a
specified level, which is currently set at 128 out of 1K. Since
the LJPC unit can not accept data at all times, if the level
reaches above this point, it is transferred to the next FLEX
FIFO. The level of each FLEX FIFO is read every clock cycle to
determine if the corresponding FLEX unit should switch
modes from DC to LJPC. The unit will not switch back until
the FIFO has reached another specified level. Currently, the
FLEX will switch from DC to LJPC when the level is greater
than 128, but will not switch back until the level is below 32.
Flexible unit that can operate in either DC or LJPC mode
Using Force-Directed scheduling, the architecture shown was
Pure data flow architecture – no conditional branching necessary
No register files
Instructions control MUX select lines and adder/subtractor
Delays of 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, and 35 clock cycles are implemented
where needed
There is a one-to-one relationship between arithmetic units in
the DC module and in the FLEX module, allowing for identical
In LJPC mode, the FLEX processor must reuse resources,
causing it to cycle through periods of accepting inputs and of
processing those inputs
The FLEX instruction word takes care of
Control of the MUXes that feed data to the arithmetic units at each clock cycle
Control of the mode of each adder/subtractor at each clock cycle
4 control signals
FW_WE allows data to be written to the force accumulation registers
PE_WE allows data to be written to the potential energy accumulation register
JUMP causes the program counter to be reset to 0
BUSY indicates the program is busy in LJPC mode and cannot be switched to DC mode
Preliminary results show a roughly linear
relationship between:
1. Atoms processed and time taken
2. Percentage of atoms within the cutoff
radius and time taken
An inverse relationship occurs between
time taken and the FIFO threshold
Average data levels on both input and
output FIFOs follow an exponential
curve with respect to the percentage
atoms within the cutoff radius.
System Performance can be enhanced through several optimizations, including
Redesigning the FIFOs to pipe data to all LJPC and applicable FLEX units more efficiently
Improving the logic used by the controller to determine the mode of each FLEX unit
Porting the controller logic to software for use on a PowerPC (There are 2 PowerPC cores available
on our Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGA)
Modifying the FLEX processor architecture to ensure an optimal number of computational units and
to ensure optimal usage of these units