SHARK TANK Season 3 – Week 3/3 31 minutes

Season 3 – Week 3/3
31 minutes
Save as Kiss LastName
Name of Product
Entrepreneur Offer
Sales in dollars to date
Cost to produce item
Wholesale Price
Retail Price
What other products are in development
Shark Offer(s)
Is the product sold on Internet
IF YES -- (Copy/Paste website) and Price
Name of Product
Entrepreneur Offer
Sales in Dollars
Forecasted Net Sales
Which product is the best seller
How much are the Cupcake Towers
Shark Offer(s)
Is the product sold on Internet
IF YES -- (Copy/Paste website) and Price
Product Name
Entrepreneur Offer
Sales in units
Retail Price per unit
What chain stores carried his product
Shark Offer(s)
Is the product sold on Internet
IF YES -- (Copy/Paste website) and Price
Product Name
Entrepreneur Offer
What does T.E.C. stand for
What does I.P. stand for
Shark Offer(s)
Is the product sold on Internet
IF YES -- (Copy/Paste website) and Price