Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Waroff 2nd Grade mwaroff@murrieta.k12.ca.us Daily Schedule • • • • • • • • • • 8:20 8:20-8:30 8:30-9:00 9:00-10:15 10:15-10:35 10:35-11:35 11:35-12:15 12:20-12:45 12:45-2:00 2:00-2:35 School Begins Morning Seatwork Writing Time Language Arts-Core Curriculum SNACK RECESS “Daily 3” Literacy Rotations and Guided Reading LUNCH Pack Up and “Read to Self” Reading Time Math & Monarch Math Social Studies and Science *FRIDAYS-Art and PE activities are planned *MONDAY- every Monday is an early release day-students are out at 1:35 Attendance * Regular attendance is essential. * Each day new concepts are taught and previously introduced concepts are reinforced. * Make it your goal to have your child in school on time each day. * In case of illness, please call the school to report the absence. Rules and Classroom Management Classroom Rules 1. Listen when the teacher is talking. 2. Follow directions quickly. 3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. 4. Raise your hand to speak or stand. 5. Be safe, be kind, and be honest. 6. Respect others, respect yourself, and respect your school. Behavior Management System BEHAVIOR CLIP CHART -Magenta: Super Student-WOW! -Purple: Super Student -Blue: Good Choices -Green: Ready to Learn -Yellow: Think About It -Orange: Teacher’s Choice -Red: Parent Contact Classroom Behavior Plan POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT At this age, most children have a desire to do the right thing and please the adults around them. Mistakes do happen (to all of us!), but I try to acknowledge and reinforce only the desired behaviors. The following are a list of some of the rewards I use: 1. Praise! Praise! Praise! 2. Stickers 3. Tickets 4. Positive Notes / Phone Call Home 5. Table Group Points 6. Class Marbles NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES 1.The LOOK! 2. Verbal Warning. This is just a reminder-we all make mistakes sometimes. 3. Move behavior clip on the Behavior Chart. 4. Conference with teacher. Sign the OOPS binder. The student will receive a “time to think about it” depending on the unwanted behavior and may miss a portion of their recess. Phone call or email home. *Severe Disruption: this involves breaking the school’s rules (i.e. destroying school property, fighting, inappropriate language, and possession of weapons or drugs). The student will immediately go to the principal’s office. Communication Mrs. Warof f ’ s Weekly Newslet t er May 2 7t h– May 3 1st A f ew not es and reminders f romMrs. Warof f Devan is t he St ar St udent t his week! The Showcase Performance is this Friday! We will be performing on the stage in front of the school and guests around 8:30ish. The show should last approximately an hour. After the show, you are invited to walk around and look at the art created by all the classes here at Lisa J Mails. Make sure your child has their costume ready to go. We hope to see you there! The Family Roots Project were due on Tuesday. The students are super anxious to share them and they look amazing! We will be sharing them over the next few weeks. As the students share them, they will bring them home. I hope this was a valuable learning experience for you and your child. We continue with regualr scheduled homework this week with nightly math, spelling words, and reading. Spelling should be up and ready to go on Spelling City. This will be our last week of spelling words. Please make sure you sign the reading long and return it on Friday. We have a walking field trip coming on Wednesday, June 5th. A parent information letter and a permission slip will go home last week. Please turn in your permission slips. This should be a blast! Sad News! We only have 2 ½ weeks left together as a 2nd grade class. That’s only 11 more days! We plan on making the most of those last few days together. I want to give a super special heart-felt “THANK YOU” to my amazing parent volunteers. These wonderful lasies came in faithfully all year long to step along side of me with daily language arts rotations, the sight word program, or with the Read Naturally program. I am forever grateful to you for the time, effort, and energy that your poured into our class. Mrs. Shini- MONDAY mom Mrs. Quinterro-Tuesday mom Mrs. Butler-Wednesday mom Mrs. Bachor-Nead Naturally Mom and Room Mom Mrs. Phomphadky-Wednesday Prep Mom Mrs. Koebler, Mrs. Johnstone, and Mrs. Keul-Thursday moms Mrs. Ferreyra-Friday mom Mrs. Ritchie-Read Naturally Mom and Room Mom Mrs. Coley-Sight Word Mom Parent Feedback-Next Year’s Teacher Placement Many of you have asked me about a 3rd grade teacher for your child. District policy does not allow for parent requests for teachers, but we would like to provide you with an opportunity to share some information about your child that will help us with classroom placement. Please know that our first priority in developing classes is the effort toward balanced classrooms. Yet, we do take your feedback into consideration and try to ensure that there is a match between your child’s needs and his/her placement. Student Profile Forms are now available on the website and in our main office. The deadline for these forms was last Friday, but I believe they are still accepting them. Please send a water bottle in with your child every day. Show off your School Spirit! Don't forget to wear your school t-shirts or a blue t-shirt on Fridays. Mark Your Calendars Monday, May 27t h- NO SCHOOL- HOLI DAY Friday, May 3 1st - Spring Showcase (We Perf orm! ) Monday, June 3 rd- Regular Dismissal (Out @ 2 :3 5) Wednesday, June 5 t h- Mont eleone Meadows Field Trip Thursday, June 6t h –Game Day! Monday, June 10t h- Movie Day (Let t ers will go home lat er) Tuesday, June 11t h –LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Homework Expectations - Generally, homework should not take more than 30 minutes a night. However, there are times that more work or practice will be required. This would be individualized according to how well your child is performing toward the Standards. In addition, there will be some special projects assigned throughout the year. - The purpose of homework is to reinforce the skills being taught daily in the classroom. Your participation in your child’s education is a vital contributor to your child’s academic achievement. Homework Calendar M rs. W aroff’s Homework Sheet -The Homework Calendar will be sent home each Monday. Monday Skills Page-due tomorrow Math 28.1-due tomorrow Spelling Practice-Spelling City or Activities Sight Words and Read Naturally Reading for 20 minutes:_______________________ ** Parent Signature________________________ Tuesday Skills Page-due tomorrow Math 28.2-due tomorrow Spelling Practice-Spelling City or Activities Sight Words and Read Naturally Reading for 20 minutes:_______________________ ** Parent Signature________________________ Skills Page-due tomorrow Math 28.3-due tomorrow Spelling Practice-Spelling City or Activities Sight Words and Read Naturally Reading for 20 minutes:_______________________ ** Parent Signature________________________ Skills Page-due tomorrow Math 28.4-due tomorrow Spelling Practice-Spelling City or Activities Sight Words and Read Naturally Reading for 20 minutes:_______________________ ** Parent Signature________________________ Wednesday -Completed calendar is due every Friday. Thursday -Please initial each day to indicate homework has been completed and checked by an adult. May 2 7t h- May 3 1st Name:_________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Be sure t o t urn in t his paper on Friday . Daily Skills Page Language & Reading Math Math Page Double-sided Spelling *Choose one activity per night. *There will be a spelling test each Friday. * You do not need to turn in practice activities. Folders, Birthdays, and Communication Your child will be assigned a BLUE Homework Folder that is to be used daily. Please make sure this folder is brought to school everyday. Purple Friday Folders will be sent home every Friday. These need to be signed by you letting me know you have reviewed its contents. Birthdays are SPECIAL! I would love to celebrate your child’s birthday. Please let me know in advance if you would like to bring in a treat on their magical day. We will celebrate at the end of the day during the last 15 minutes. All items must be store bought please. To avoid hurt feelings, I kindly ask that if you choose to have a party AND the invitations are distributed at school, there must be for every child in the class. Exception: Girls only or Boys only invites. Communication is the key to a successful year. A great parent/teacher partnership leads to a successful child. Email is the most effective way to communicate with me. My email address is mwaroff@murrieta.k12.ca.us. I will email and use Remind 101 text messaging to keep in contact with you. V. A. P. A. Visual and Performing Arts • Arts integration in all subject matters on a daily basis * Theater, Music and Dance (movement) * 30 minutes, 3 times a week * School wide showcases will take place in Fall and Spring. They will showcase their themed pieces of art. Library Books * Each child will have the opportunity to check out a library book. * They can leave the book in their book box or take it home. * If a book becomes lost or damaged, you will have to replace the book or pay it’s cost to replace. * Library day is Thursday! Volunteers Parent volunteers are a very important and integral part of the second grade program. This is an important job and it is very much appreciated. *Please complete form and return ASAP. *Please mark day and time and preferences or special talents. *I will contact you via e-mail to set up a set day and time. * You must complete paperwork at office and get badge. The H.E.A.R.T. of Mails Harmony Empathy Achievement Reflection Transformation