Beam Delivery System and Interaction Region of a Linear Collider Nikolai Mokhov, Mauro Pivi, Andrei Seryi The US Particle Accelerator School January 15-26, 2007 in Houston, Texas Lecture RECENT DESIGN DEVELOPMENTS 2 Evolution of ILC BDS design in 2006 Vancouver baseline Diagnostics BSY b-collim. tune-up dump E-collim. 2mr IR FF 20mr IR Two collider halls separated longitudinally by 138m Valencia baseline 14mr IR 14mr IR One collider hall 3 14(20)mrad IR 4 BNL, B.Parker, et al 5 BNL, B.Parker, et al FD14 design Interface region being optimized with forward detector region Sizes optimized for detector opening BNL Feedback kicker area Focus on 14mr design to push technology Size and interface of shared cryostat being optimized with detector Feedback area being designed 6 2mrad IR Shared Large Aperture Magnets SF1 QD0 SD0 Disrupted beam & Sync radiations Q,S,QEXF1 QF1 Beamstrahlung Incoming beam pocket coil quad Rutherford cable SC quad and sextupole 7 60 m 100W/m hands-on limit Losses in extraction line 20mr: losses < 100W/m at 500GeV CM and 1TeV CM 2mr: losses are at 100W/m level for 500GeV CM and exceed this level at 1TeV 20mrad Losses are mostly due to SR. Beam loss is very small 2mrad 250GeV Nominal, 0nm offset Radiation conditions and shielding to be studied 100W/m 45.8kW integr. loss J. Carter, I. Agapov, G.A. Blair, L. Deacon (JAI/RHUL), A.I. Drozhdin, N.V. Mokhov (Fermilab), Y.M. Nosochkov, A.A. Seryi (SLAC) 8 Losses are due to SR and beam loss Benchmarks for evaluation of ILC detectors Reaction which cares most about crossing angle is Detection is challenged by copious which require low angle tagging. Tagging is challenged by background from pairs and presence of exit hole Physics Benchmarks for the ILC Detectors, hep-ex/0603010, M. Battaglia, T. Barklow, M. E. Peskin, Y. Okada, S. Yamashita, P. Zerwas 9 Study of SUSY reach • SUSY reach is challenged for the large crossing angle when Dm (slepton-neutralino) is small • Studies presented at Bangalore (V.Drugakov) show that for 20mrad+DID (effectively ~40mrad for outgoing pairs), due to larger pairs background, one cannot detect SUSY dark matter if Dm=5GeV • The cases of 20 or 14mrad with anti-DID have same pairs background as 2mrad. Presence of exit hole affects detection efficiency slightly. The SUSY discovery reach may be very similar in these configurations • Several groups are studying the SUSY reach, results may be available after Vancouver 10 Backscattering of SR Photon flux within 2 cm BeamCal aperture: Rate #gs at IP/BX 250 GeV 1.1x10-8 500 GeV 2.9x10-8 2200 11700 #gs in SiTracker from pairs 700 1900 Flux is 3-6 times larger than from pairs. More studies & optimization needed SR from 250 GeV disrupted beam, GEANT FD produce SR and part will hit BYCHICMB surface Total Power = 2.5 kW <Eg>=11MeV (for 250GeV/beam) From BYCHICB Takashi Maruyama 11 Downstream diagnostics evaluation (1) Study achievable precision of polarization and energy measurements, background & signal/noise, requirements for laser, etc. Compton IP GEANT tracking in extraction lines (cm) Ken Moffeit, Takashi Maruyama, Yuri Nosochkov, Andrei Seryi, Mike Woods (SLAC), William P. Oliver (Tufts University), Eric Torrence (Univ. of Oregon) 12 Compton Detector Plane 20mrad 2mrad Downstream diagnostics evaluation (2) Comparisons for 250GeV/beam 20mr 2mr Beam overlap with 100mm laser spot at Compton IP 48% 15% Polarization projection at Compton IP 99.85% 99.85% Beam loss form IP to Compton IP <1E-7 >2.6E-4 Beam SR energy loss from IP to middle of energy chicane 119MeV 854MeV Variation of SR energy loss due to 200nm X offset at IP < 5MeV ( < 20 ppm) 25.7MeV (~100 ppm) The need for SR collimator at the Cherenkov detector yes No comparable with the goal for E precision measurements 13 Brainstorm to design magnets in 2mrad extraction Some magnet sizes on this drawing are tentative 14 Brainstorm for 2mrad magnets BHEX1 Recent suggestions Power @ 1TeV CM is 1MW/magnet. Temperature rise is very high. Use of HTS? Pulsed? Further feasibility study and design optimization are needed > 2m QEX5 B1 should have 6-60GS field! Power @ 1TeV CM is 635-952 KW/magnet. Pulsed may be feasible? beamstrahlung Vladimir Kashikhin , Brett Parker, John Tompkins, Cherrill Spencer, Masayuki Kumada, Koji Takano, Yoshihisa Iwashita, Eduard Bondarchuk, Ryuhei Sugahara 15 QEX3 Magnets • Things to care: – needed aperture, L – strength, field quality, stability – losses of beam or SR in the area • E.g., extraction line => need aperture r~0.2m and have beam losses => need warm magnets which may consume many MW => may cause to look to new hybrid solutions, such as high T SC magnets 16 Magnet current (Amp*turn) per coil and total power Bend I(A)=B(Gs)*h(cm)*10/(4p) P(W)=2*I(A)*j(A/m2)*r(W*m)*l(m) I(A)=1/2*B(Gs)*h(cm)*10/(4p) Quad P(W)=4*I(A)*j(A/m2)*r(W*m)*l(m) I(A)=1/3*B(Gs)*h(cm)*10/(4p) Sextupole P(W)=6*I(A)*j(A/m2)*r(W*m)*l(m) For dipole h is half gap. For quad and sextupole h is aperture radius, and B is pole tip field. Typical bends may have B up to 18kGs, quads up to 10kGs. Length of turn l is approximately twice the magnet length. For copper r~2*10-8 W*m. For water cooled magnets the conductor area chosen so that current density j is in the range 4 to 10 A/mm2 17 Drivers of the cost and Dcost Total Cost • Cost drivers – CF&S – Magnet system – Vacuum system – Installation – Dumps & Colls. • Drivers of splits between 20/2: – CF&S – Magnet system – Vacuum system – Dumps & collimators – 18 Installation; Controls Additional costs for IR20 and IR2 from MDI panel statement • The physics mode most affected by crossing angle is the slepton pair production where the slepton-LSP Dm is small. The main background is 2-g processes and an efficient low-angle electron tag by BEAMCAL is needed to veto them. • Difference in expected background (is due to) different levels of veto efficiency. Signal to noise will be ~4 to 1 with 2mrad crossing angle. • For a large crossing angle (14 or 20mrad), anti-DID is needed to collimate the pair background along the outgoing beam. For 14mrad crossing with anti-DID, the … background is expected to be comparable to the 2mrad case while the signal efficiency reduces by about 30% to 40%. This is mainly due to the 2nd hole of BEAMCAL that is needed for the large crossing angle which will force additional cuts to remove the 2-photon and other backgrounds. • for 20mrad crossing with anti-DID was found to be essentially the same as the 2mrad case. 19 Valencia 14/14 baseline. Conceptual CFS layout muon wall tunnel widening polarimeter laser borehole 9m shaft for BDS access IP2 10m alcoves beam dump service hall 1km 20 IP1 CFS designs for two IRs Vancouver Valencia 21 Beam Delivery System tunnels 9m shaft for BDS access & service hall muon wall tunnel widening alcoves beam dump service hall beam dump and its shield 22 On-surface assembly : CMS approach CMS assembly approach • Assembled on the surface in parallel with underground work • Allows pre-commissioning before lowering • Lowering using dedicated heavy lifting equipment • Potential for big time saving • Reduces size of required underground hall 23 24 BDS with single IR BSY Sacrificial collimators b-collim. E-collimator Diagnostics FF 14mr IR Tune-up dump Extraction 25 MPS coll skew correction / emittance diagnostic polarimeter septa betatron collimation fast kickers fast sweepers tuneup dump beta match final transformer energy collimation IP energy spectrometer 26 polarimeter primary dump fast sweepers energy final spectrometer doublet 500GeV => 1TeV CM upgrade in BSY of 2006e “Type B” (×4) polarimeter chicane fast kickers Magnets and kickers are added in energy upgrade septa QFSM1 moves ~0.5 m M. Woodley et al 27 Single IR BDS optics (2006e) Diagnostics 28 b-collim. E-spectrometer E-collimator Polarimeter BSY FF Concept of single IR Final Doublet vacuum connection & feedback kicker Detector QD0 common stationary cryostat QF1 warm IP Original FD and redesigned for push-pull (BNL) 29 Redesigned FD IR magnets BNL prototype of sextupoleoctupole magnet BNL prototype of self shielded quad 30 cancellation of the external field with a shield coil has been successfully demonstrated at BNL New optics for extraction FD : push pull compatible • Rearranged extraction quads are shown. Optics performance is very similar. • Both the incoming FD and extraction quads are optimized for 500GeV CM. • In 1TeV upgrade would replace (as was always planned) the entire FD with inand outgoing magnets. In this upgrade, the location of break-point may slightly move out. (The considered hall width is sufficient to accommodate this). 31 Nominal scheme Push-pull scheme B.Parker, Y.Nosochkov et al. Extraction Lines : shortened by 100m For undisrupted beam reliance on beam sweeping on beam dump window using kickers. Total loss before and at collimators for High L parameters is within acceptable levels. Losses for the nominal case are negligible. 32 high L parameters (500 GeV CM) Concept of single IR with two detectors The concept is evolving and details being worked out may be accessible during run detector A accessible during run detector B 33 Platform for electronic and services (~10*8*8m). Shielded (~0.5m of concrete) from five sides. Moves with detector. Also provide vibration isolation. Detector systems connections detector service platform or mounted on detector detector low V DC for electronics high V AC 4K LHe for solenoids 2K LHe for FD sub-detectors solenoid antisolenoid FD high I DC for solenoids high I DC for FD low V PS high I PS electronic racks 4K cryo-system 2K cryo-system gas system high P room T He supply & return chilled water for electronics gas for TPC fiber data I/O electronics I/O fixed connections move together 34 long flexible connections Push-pull cryo configuration Optimized for fast switch of detectors in push-pull and fast opening on beamline QD0 part QF1 part This scheme require lengthening L* to 4.5m and increase of the inner FD drift central part 35 door Opening of detectors on the beamline (for quick fixes) may need to be limited to a smaller opening than what could be done in off-beamline position IR & rad. safety 18MW loss on Cu target 9r.l \at s=-8m. No Pacman, no detector. Concrete wall at 10m. Dose rate in mrem/hr. • For 36MW MCI, the concrete wall at 10m from beamline should be ~3.1m Wall 25 rem/hr 10m 36 Self-shielding detector Detector itself is well shielded except for incoming beamlines A proper “pacman” can shield the incoming beamlines and remove the need for shielding wall 37 18MW on Cu target 9r.l at s=-8m Pacman 1.2m iron and 2.5m concrete 18MW lost at s=-8m. Packman has Fe: 1.2m, Concrete: 2.5m dose at pacman external wall 0.65rem/hr (r=4.7m) dose at r=7m 0.23rem/hr Shielding the IR hall Self-shielding of GLD 250mSv/h 38 Shielding the “4th“ with walls Working progress on IR design… Mobile Shield Wall Illustration of ongoing work… Designs are tentative & evolving Structural Rib 3m Thickness Overlapping Rib Mobile Platform Electronics/Cryo Shack 20m x 30m 1m Shielded 25m Height John Amann 39 9m Base Working progress on IR design… Pac Man Open Illustration of ongoing work… Designs are tentative & evolving Recessed Niche John Amann 40 Pac Man Closed Beam Line Support Here Working progress on IR design… CMS shield opened Looking into experience of existing machines… SLD pacman closed pacman open pacman closed 41 door tunnel pacman opened UA2, CERN 42 Air-pads at CMS Single air-pad capacity ~385tons (for the first end-cap disk which weighs 1400 tons). Each of airpads equipped with hydraulic jack for fine adjustment in height, also allowing exchange of air pad if needed. Lift is ~8mm for 385t units. Cracks in the floor should be avoided, to prevent damage of the floor by compressed air (up to 50bars) – use steel plates (4cm thick). Inclination of ~1% of LHC hall floor is not a problem. Last 10cm of motion in CMS is performed on grease pads to avoid any vertical movements. [Alain Herve, et al.] 43 Photo from the talk by Y.Sugimoto, 14kton ILC detector would require ~36 such air-pads Displacement, modeling Starting from idealized case: -- elastic half-space (Matlab model) -- simplified ANSYS model (size of modeled slab limited by memory) Short range deformation (~0.1mm) is very similar in both models. Long range (1/r) deformation (~0.3mm) is not seen in ANSYS because too thin slab in the model Matlab model, half-space More details (3d shape of the hall, steel plates on the floor, etc.) to be included. Long term settlement, inelastic motion, etc., are to be considered. Parameters: M=14000 ton; R=0.75m (radius of air-pad); E=3e9 kg/m^2, n=0.15 (as for concrete); Number of air-pads=36 J.Amann, 44 ANSYS model Schedule for the design goal time (a.u.) • The hardware can be designed to be compatible with a ~one day move, and this can be a design goal – Need to study cost and reliability versus the move duration – Need to study regulations in each regions • Recalibration (at Z) may or may not be needed, and may be independent on push-pull – to be studied 45 CFS layout for single IR & central DR 46 CFS layout for single IR 47 Crab crossing x , projected x2 c2 z2 x c z 20mr 100μm 2μm factor 10 reduction in L! use transverse (crab) RF cavity to ‘tilt’ the bunch at IP x RF kick 48 Crab cavity requirements Crab Cavity IP ~0.12m/cell ~15m Use a particular horizontal dipole mode which gives a phase-dependant transverse momentum kick to the beam Actually, need one or two multi-cell cavity 49 Slide from G. Burt & P. Goudket TM110 Dipole mode cavity View from top Electric Field in red Beam Magnetic field in green For a crab cavity the bunch centre is at the cell centre when E is maximum and B is zero 50 Crab cavities • BDS has two SC 9-cell cavities located ~13 m upstream of the IP operated at 5MV/m peak deflection. • Based on a Fermilab design for a 3.9GHz TM110 mode 13cell cavity. • The uncorrelated phase jitter between the positron and electron crab cavities must be controlled to 61 fsec to maintain optimized collisions. • A proof-of-principle test of a 7 cell 1.5GHz cavity at the JLab ERL facility has achieved a 37 fsec level of control. • Other key issues to be addressed are LLRF control and higher-order mode damping. 51 • Top: earlier prototype of 3.9GHz deflecting (crab) cavity designed and build by Fermilab. This cavity did not have all the needed high and low order mode couplers. • Bottom: Cavity modeled in Omega3P, to optimize design of the LOM, HOM and input couplers. FNAL T. Khabibouline et al., SLAC K.Ko et al. Design is being continued by UK-US team 3.9GHz cavity achieved 7.5 MV/m Beam dump for 18MW beam • Water vortex • Window, 1mm thin, ~30cm diameter hemisphere • Raster beam with dipole coils to avoid water boiling • Deal with H, O, catalytic recombination • etc. 52 IR coupling compensation without compensation y/ y(0)=32 When detector solenoid overlaps QD0, coupling between y & x’ and y & E causes large (30 – 190 times) increase of IP size (green=detector solenoid OFF, red=ON) Even though traditional use of skew quads could reduce the effect, the local compensation of the fringe field (with a little skew tuning) is the most efficient way to ensure correction over wide range of beam energies antisolenoid QD0 with compensation by antisolenoid y/ y(0)<1.01 53 SD0 Antisolenoids Antisolenoids (needed for both IRs to compensate solenoid coupling locally) with High Temperature Superconductor coils 54 BNL, P.Parker et al. Preliminary Design of Anti-solenoid for SiD 70mm cryostat 1.7m long Four 24cm individual powered 6mm coils, 1.22m total length, rmin=19cm 0.3 15T Force 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 316mm 456mm 55 2 4 6 8 10 Detector Integrated Dipole • With a crossing angle, when beams cross solenoid field, vertical orbit arise • For e+e- the orbit is anti-symmetrical and beams still collide head-on • If the vertical angle is undesirable (to preserve spin orientation or the e-eluminosity), it can be compensated locally with DID • Alternatively, negative polarity of DID may be useful to reduce angular spread of beam-beam pairs (anti-DID) 56 Use of DID or anti-DID DID field shape and scheme Orbit in 5T SiD SiD IP angle zeroed w.DID DID case anti-DID case 57 ATF and ATF2 58 ATF2 ATF2 goals (A) Small beam size Obtain y ~ 35nm Maintain for long time (B) Stabilization of beam center Down to < 2nm by nano-BPM Bunch-to-bunch feedback of ILC-like train 59 ATF2 optics 60 Advanced beam instrumentation at ATF2 • • • • • • BSM to confirm 35nm beam size nano-BPM at IP to see the nm stability Laser-wire to tune the beam Cavity BPMs to measure the orbit Movers, active stabilization, alignment system Intratrain feedback, Kickers to produce ILC-like train IP Beam-size monitor (BSM) (Tokyo U./KEK, SLAC, UK) Laser-wire beam-size Monitor (UK group) Laser wire at ATF 61 Cavity BPMs with 2nm resolution, for use at the IP (KEK) Cavity BPMs, for use with Q magnets with 100nm resolution (PAL, SLAC, KEK) ATF2 schedule 62 ATF ring 63 ATF hall 64