AVID Policies and Procedures The Mission of AVID VISTA MURRIETA HS AVID

AVID Coordinator: Matthew Bean
951-894-5750 ext. 6608
AVID Policies and Procedures
The Mission of AVID: AVID is designed to increase school wide learning and performance.
The mission of AVID is to ensure that all students, and most especially students in the middle, are
given the opportunity to complete a college preparatory path.
Course Philosophy: AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a program that
prepares students for entrance into four-year colleges. The program focuses on analytical writing,
preparation for college entrance and placement exams, study skills and test taking, organization,
note taking, and research.
The students will:
Succeed in rigorous curriculum (Enroll in Advanced and AP Courses)
Enter mainstream activities of the school
Increase their enrollment in four- year colleges and universities
Become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society
Take courses that meet four-year college entrance requirements
Participate in tutorials for academic courses
Maintain a competitive G.P.A. in all Core Classes
Commit to the principles and ideologies of the AVID program
Course Content:
Organization and Time Management
Cornell Notes
Academic Tutorials
Socratic Seminars
Study Strategies
Career and College Exploration
College Application Process
- Oral Presentations
- Leadership Skills
- Standardized Test Prep
- Essay/ Timed Writing
- Financing for College
- Educational Planning
- Personal Reflection
Assessment/ Grades: AVID is a College Preparatory Course and therefore will be assessed
- Tutorial Participation and Tutoring with high level questioning
- AVID Binder with detailed Cornell Notes and positive organization
- Classroom assignments and projects
- AVID Commitment (AVID Club, Fundraising, Grade Checks etc.)
100-94 = A
93-90 = A89-87 = B+
86-84 = B
= B= C+
= C-
69-67 = D+
66-64 = D
63-60 = D59 below = FAIL
Supplies: Students must be prepared every day in every class (including AVID) with the
- Notebook w/ Cornell Notes
- Lined Paper
- Pencils, Pens, Highlighters
- Planner
- Required Texts
*** All students must printout the following documents for classroom use:
15 Tutorial Forms (1 sheet/ 2 sided)
10 Notebook Check Forms
Discipline Plan:
All rules of this school, district and state are adhered to in this class. This includes attendance, tardiness,
dress code, discipline and academic honesty standards.
Classroom Rules:
Students will be in seat, ready to work, when the bell rings.
Students will come to class prepared with all necessary materials (book, paper, pencil/ pen,
notebooks, and homework).
Students will not display any non-school related electronic device during class time.
Students will remain seated and not talk while someone else is talking (SHOW RESPECT).
All assignments are due on the assigned due date at the beginning of the period.
Students should strive to display C.L.A.S.S. (Character, Leadership, Attitude, Scholarship and
Students shall adhere to all class generated rules- RESPECT!!!
Failure to comply with the classroom rules will result in one or more of the following: reminder,
student and teacher conference, school detention, parental contact, student work/ behavior
contract, learning director/ coordinator intervention conference.
Academic Dishonesty/ Plagiarism: See Student Handbook for complete details
1st Offense- Loss of all credit for assignment and scheduled meeting with learning coordinator,
teacher and family members.
2nd Offense- Loss of all credit for assignment and meeting with learning director, Two-day
school suspension
3rd Offense-Dropped from class with no credit given
AVID Intervention Procedures: The intervention process will begin if a student either
violates the AVID Agreement or the AVID course guidelines.
1. Documented Conference- The student will be counseled by his/her elective teacher
regarding the difficulties he/she is experiencing. A written plan, as well immediate
enrollment in the tutoring program should develop from this meeting.
2. Letter of Concern and/ or Call to Parent- Parent / guardian is notified of the
difficulties the student is experiencing. The letter must be signed by the parent/
guardian and returned the next class period.
3. Student Success Conference with Parent/ Guardian, AVID Elective teacher, AVID
Coordinator, Counselor, and Student.- As a result of this meeting, the student will be
placed on Semester Probation and his/ her status in the program will be monitored.
4. Removal from Program- If the student continues the non-productive behavior or
continues to not fulfill the AVID Agreement, he/ she will be removed from the AVID
Classroom Expectations:
Welcome to the rewarding world of AVID! Your decision to be in the program will be very beneficial to
your educational goals. This program will provide you with valuable information as well as mentoring and
coaching. The program covers all the necessary strategies for success at the college level.
In order to succeed in the program, you need to commit yourself to the program. You need to implement all
the strategies taught into your daily educational practices. The more comfortable you become with the
strategies, the more beneficial they will become.
My job in this program is to facilitate the learning process as well as closely monitor your progress in your
core classes. I will be active in this process. At times, I may be more active than you may like, however my
job is not successful if all of you do not meet your goals. I am here to help you, guide you, and push you. I
am your number one resource, so use me often. If you need help or have questions with anything, my door
is always open. We need to work together and communicate often for the program to be most beneficial.
I am looking forward to a challenging but highly rewarding year!
Please read and discuss all the policies and procedures with your parents/ guardians. Students,
parents and teachers need to communicate often and support one another for maximum success. Your
signatures below acknowledge an awareness and compliance with these policies.
Please cut on the line and return the bottom portion of the sheet.
I, _______________________/ _____________________, have read and understand the
( print parent name)
(print student name)
policies and expectations set forth in this syllabus.
Parent Signature __________________________
Parental Contact Number _________________________
Student Signature _________________________
Student Contact Number ______________________
*** Per budgetary constraints, the AVID Program could benefit greatly from your generous donations. If you
are in a position to supply any of the following, please send the item (s) with your student. Thank you for your
generosity and support of our program.
Items of Need:
Kleenex / Staplers / Dry Erase Markers / Dry Erase Erasers
Please use the space below to identify any comments or concerns you may have for me. If there are any
circumstances I should be aware of in regards to you child, please identify them here.