Welcome to AVID Parent/Student Night!

Welcome to AVID
Parent/Student Night!
Who are the AVID 9 Teachers?
Matt Bean: mbean@murrieta.k12.ca.us
 951-894-5750
Ext: 6608 (Coordinator)
Denise Peterson:
 951-894-5750
VMHS AVID Expectations
Individual Determination (AVID is a choice not a requirement) – “It’s not just
a program, It’s an Attitude!”
Adopt the AVID Methodologies- Must be willing to change some of your
personal habits. Do things the program way!
Maintain a Competitive Grade Point Average (Tutoring/ Probation/
Dismissal)- Effort Wins!
Complete a Rigorous Course of Study (Advanced English/ Algebra +
minimum 1 Advanced Placement/ Dual Enrollment Course before
Actively Participate on Campus (sports, clubs, band, leadership etc.)
AVID Protocol
All schedule changes go through AVID teacher/
coordinator + AVID counselor. Communicate with us
about everything!
Priority of schedule changes are based on “Core
Teachers” who support the needs of AVID students.
-- Some schedules changed last week due to math
placement and balancing/ Master Schedule is very
Allow your student to handle his/her issues (They must
communicate with teachers)
Rigor- Advanced English / Take at least one Advanced
Placement (AP) course during high school. The Program
dictates the student’s schedule – not the student or the
parent! We are experienced in knowing what prepares a
student for college acceptance and success!
Hold your student accountable!
AVID Classroom Activities
Note taking / Organization / Time Management
4 Year Plans/ College & Career Planning
Researching and applying to colleges
Tutorial help with peer and college tutors
Teaches students to work collaboratively to be
successful in the most rigorous courses
Applying for financial aid and scholarships
Visiting College Campuses
Standardized test preparation
Parent Information Sessions (Financial Aid Nights,
College 101, Grade Level Expectations)
What are the AVID Methodologies
all students will be expected to follow?
Cornell Notes: stimulates critical thinking skills and fosters test
AVID GENERAL STUFF/Cornell Note Sample.pdf
Daily Note Check: First 30 minutes of class (one page front and back including
summary). AVID GENERAL STUFF/AVID Note Verification Form 10th.doc
Notebook Checks: Done every three weeks, monitors note taking organization
and time management AVID GENERAL STUFF/Notebook Check.doc
Grade Checks: Monitored every three weeks AVID GENERAL STUFF/AVID
Grade Check (2).doc
All students and parents are encouraged to use
an ABI Account to monitor student progress.
Informational letter will be sent in the next few weeks.
AVID Methodologies
Tutorials: Fosters critical thinking skills and
analysis, focuses on core subjects, done at
least once per week. AVID GENERAL
STUFF\Tutorial Form 2013.doc
Tutoring: Peer tutoring, college tutoring,
grade improvement AVID GENERAL
STUFF\Tutoring Program 2007.doc
Tutoring Program
Always contact the specific teacher first!
Communicate with your AVID teacher!
AVID Lunch Tutoring
1st Lunch – Monday & Wednesday (EE25)
Tuesday & Thursday (EE22)
2nd Lunch – Monday - Thursday (EE28)
Late Start Tutoring 7:15-8:15 (EE28)
Wednesday Morning Tutoring 6:45-7:15 (EE28)
*** Subject specific tutoring may be coordinated
through your AVID Teacher and Core Teacher
What classes will my student be
A-G requirements:
 History/Social Science-2 years required
 English-4 years required
 Mathematics-3 required, 4 recommended
 Lab Science-2 required, 3 recommended
 Foreign Language-2 required, 3 recommended
 Visual and Performing Arts- 1 year required
 College Prep electives-1 year required
AVID’s Impact on College
 National
College Going Rate to
complete 4-year college entrance
National (Non-AVID): 36%
National (AVID): 89%
VMHS (AVID): 98%
Local & National College
Representation from VMHS AVID
California State Universities
Universities of California
University of Arizona /
Arizona State University /
University of Northern AZ
Washington State University
Embry Riddle Aeronautical
University of Colorado
University of West Virginia
Yale University
United States Air Force
University of Redlands
Cal. Baptist University
Concordia University
Azusa Pacific University
University of North
Carolina- Chapel Hill
College Admission Profile
Cal State’s Eligibility Index:
GPA (10-12) x 800+ SAT CR+ SAT Math / ACT
2900 minimum to qualify; target score: 3500+
SDSU GPA = 3.85 CR= 580 M=590 Index 4250
LB State Index 4050+
CSUF Index 3900+
CSUM Index 3400 (local area)
College Admission Profile
UC Eligibility:
SAT CR, Math, Writing / ACT w/ writing
3.0 (academic GPA ) minimum to apply
Other factors:
-extracurricular activities/involvement/essays/ rigor of
academic schedule
UC Berkeley GPA = 4.18 CR=665 M=696 W=674
UCR GPA = 3.58 CR= 536 M= 576 W= 576 ACT= 24
AVID Funding
Current Budget- $11,000 District to cover tutors and all
Goal to Fundraise = $19,000
Average Yearly Expenses:
$12,000 College Tutors
$ 5,000 Field Trips
($1,200 for 50 students for one day trip)
$3,000 (Contribution to Jr. Field trip to NorCal)
$3,000 Consulting/ Supplies/ Staff Develop.
AVID Funding
Donate / Fundraise $50 per student ( Equals $5 per month)
Donate - Pay Cash to Bookkeeper or Online with Credit
Card at the Trading Post Online (By October 15, 2013)
Tax Deduction
Find Corporate Sponsorship $$$ - ???? (Tax Write Off)
Fundraise ????? Sell the equivalent to
$50 profit (Average return about 25%
means you sell about $200 worth of product
$50 X 380 students = $19,000