Senior Projects Project Due Date

Senior Projects
Walsh – British Literature 2015-2016
All projects must be typed, double-spaced, unless specified otherwise.
Due Date
1. Reflection on First Day of Senior Year
Write a one-page reflection describing your experiences on the first day of your senior year. What goals did
you have in mind? What style did you have upon arriving on campus? What were your expectations? Did you
have major concerns regarding your last year of “adolescence”?
2. Epic Poem Parody
After reading the Old English Epic, Beowulf, write a parody of the epic style, but on a topic of less than heroic
stature: your walk to school, an encounter with a troublesome sibling, or an experience on campus that you can
tell about in an imitation of an epic poem.
(This can be in poetry style – flush left, capital letters for each line, divided into stanzas. You may include
illustrations or graphic design for this project)
3. Personal Eulogy
Write your own eulogy – what should people say about you?
4. College Essay
The University of California Personal Statement Essay – Two essay questions with a response of 1000 words
total; each essay must be at least 250 words.
5. Canterbury Tales – Casting Call
After reading “The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales,” write up a “Casting Call” in which you suggest an actor
to play the part of each Pilgrim described in the Prologue. Give criteria for each choice.
(You can be creative on this style – include photos if you wish)
Senior Exit Interview
Print out a hard copy of your Senior Exit Interview slide show (it can have up to 4 slides per page). If you did
not have a slide show, type a description of your presentation and/or include photos of your visual aids.
7. Research Paper
Include a clean copy of your research paper written during the fall semester. (Revise it if there
were numerous errors)
8. “I Know Macbeth” Poem
Include a copy of the poem written as one of the Macbeth Writes, where you looked for sensory images in the
dialogue of the play and finished with your favorite quotes from the play.
(This should be in Poetry style – flush left, capital letters at the start of each line. You may also add graphic
design to this project if you wish)
End of Fall Semester
Spring Semester 2016 Portfolio Projects
9. Post-Graduation Plans
Write several paragraphs explaining your post-graduation plans: what are the first steps you plan to take toward
your adult life?
10. Friends from High School
Devote a page or two to the group of friends that has had the most significant impact on your life. Who are they?
Why have they had such an impact? Be sure to write honestly and avoid clichés.
(Include photographs and make this a scrapbook page)
11. A New Modest Proposal
After reading Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” you will write your own satirical essay in which you
recommend an equally satirical solution to a real social problem of today.
12. Original Fable
After reading Aesop’s fable “The Raven and the Fox,” write your own original fable that teaches a moral at the
end. CAUTION: Do NOT plagiarize this (or any) project!
(You may illustrate or design this project)
13. Personal Reflective Narrative
To accompany your resume, you will complete the Writer’s Workshop on pages 566-569 of the Glencoe Reader
and create a reflective narrative about an event or period of your life in which you experienced some personal
growth or learned an important lesson.
14. Resume
Create a resume of your education, experience and accomplishments to this point. It may be the resume you
created for work experience.
(This should be in the format of a professional resume – use a template or example from Microsoft Word or other
word processing program)
15. Letter to my kids about my high school interests
You know how you laugh at the old fashioned stuff your parents used to listen to or used to wear? Years from now,
you will have to explain your taste in music, hairstyle, clothing, etc. to your children. They will be interested.
Describe your thoughts about:
Your favorite music
Your favorite movies, books, actors
Your favorite food
Where you hung out at lunch
What your high school sweetheart looked like
(This should be in Personal Letter style – no inside address, date only, less formal style, single spaced)
16. Thank You Letter to an Elementary School Teacher
Write a letter of thanks to a teacher you had in elementary school who made an impact on your life, educationally or
(Business Letter format – one page, single spaced)
17. Found Poem
Include in your portfolio a copy of the Found Poem group project from the short story, “Araby.”
Be sure to include the disclaimer phrase at the bottom (See assignment #36).
18. Literary Scene or Character Photograph
Set up and take a photograph to mimic a literary character or scene from the literature we have read this year.
This can be creatively designed – include the name of the literary piece, any characters in the photo, a
description of the scene and why it is important to the literary work.
Caution: Do not download a photo—this must be an original photograph.
19. Letter to a Relative
Write a personal, Friendly Letter to a close relative who you feel has inspired you. Thank them for being a
positive influence on you. You may also include a photo of that relative on a second page.
20. Open Letter to Incoming Freshmen
All of you were freshmen at some point. You were thinking about what the first year of high school would be
like, how you would do, who you would meet, what your classes would be like, etc. Now you are graduating
seniors. If you were to give the benefit of your experience to incoming freshmen, what advice would you give?
(I suggest a magazine article format – imagine this piece appearing in a campus newspaper or magazine as an
open letter to new students; OK to include illustration or photo) MLA format is also acceptable.
NOTE: Do NOT do this in letter format
21. 10-Year Reunion
When you walk through the door at your ten-year reunion for the Class of 2011, who are the first people you
will look for, and why? MLA format.
22. Two Favorite Quotes
Include your two favorite quotes from film, literature, philosophy, etc.
Explain in a sentence or two, why you feel so strongly about each particular quote.
23. Poem about Graduation Day
On page 261-262 in your anthology, is Tagore’s 1996, a poem written by the author to memorialize a special
day. He wondered a hundred years in the future, would people still be thinking the same thoughts about a
special day as he was one hundred years before. OK, your turn. Write a poem stating your thoughts about your
special high school graduation day. Will students one hundred years from today still be thinking the same kind
of thoughts about the meaning and significance of graduation? Describe the feelings you perceive to be
“timeless,”? or ones that you feel describe the situation unique to yourself or your time.
24. 10 Adjectives for You
6/01/16 (in your book)
We all know that adjectives are descriptive words. Pretty in an adjective used to describe someone or
something’s appearance. Come up with ten adjectives that describe who you are. You should focus on
personality, academics, style, mannerisms, emotions, etc. You should write one sentence for each word, or
create a collage which visually portrays how those adjectives chosen, represent you.
25. Letter to Your English Teacher
6/01/16 (in your book)
Write a letter to your English teacher describing the portfolio process, the year in this class and the most
valuable thing you’ve learned. Friendly letter format.