The Thesis Statement Crafting the Invitation for Research The task takes time and careful consideration The Thesis will answer your Controlling Question. The Thesis will adopt a moderate position that you endorse as the writer. The Thesis will invite the reader into your perspective on the topic. Begin with a series of simple statements. Thesis: Inviting the audience to understand a perspective. What do you want the audience to know about the issue presented? Why is the perspective you plan to present important? How will you phrase the invitation? Select powerful words from your research, to provide a clear and well written thesis that invites your audience to read the paper. The first steps: Look for answers to the smaller questions that make up your controlling question. Look for answers to each of the questions in your Roman Numerals. Starting the climb Sample “Invitations” #1 (Thesis Statements) Nuclear power is a good resource to provide electricity but has its negative impact. Grade: (C) (Why a “C”?) Struggling up the slope Sample “Invitations” #2 (Thesis Statements) The twentieth century provided a nuclear alternative that provides a relatively clean option for electrifying the world, but this source can make a negative impact on the environment. Grade: (B) (Why a “B”?) Pulling yourself up Sample “Invitations” #3 (Thesis Statements) The twentieth century’s nuclear research has provided a fresh technology that is a relatively clean and generally safe source that meets modern electrical demands, but it also carries the threats of bio-radioactive exposure, nuclear plant disasters and the impact of possible long-term global environmental scars. Reaching the top! Grade: (A) (Why an “A”?) Your Invitation (Thesis) Look at your own invitation (thesis statement). How would you grade it? _______ What could you do to improve upon the statement? How will you state the issue to inform your audience and at the same time clarify the perspective you wish to support in your paper? What diction will you add to improve the tone and quality of the thesis? Supporting the invitation (Thesis) Look at your topic sentences and your note card facts. Will they support what your thesis statement says? If not, what more will you need in the form of research facts? If so, how will you organize the material to best support your research perspective? A Permanent Invitation? As you develop the plan for your body paragraphs (support) you may need to continually revisit the invitation. Does it need changing? Does the perspective need more clarification? Do the facts, observations and conclusions support your thesis? A Permanent Invitation? Review, revisit and revamp the thesis as you write the balance of the paper! Do a perspective check with each paragraph! Don’t be afraid to adjust the invitation (thesis) to reach your audience! YOU CAN DO THIS! Just take the time and follow the steps to research success!