Document 15612605

Academic Seminar
Miss Terrazas – EE22
951-894-5750 ext. 6602
Welcome to a Vista Murrieta High School, your freshmen year, and
Academic Seminar! This syllabus will provide you with information on
how to be successful in this not only in this this class but in ALL your
classes! It is designed to equip you with the skills to be effective in high school and beyond. We will be
working very closely with ***(Math) and *** (Biology) to keep you on track throughout the year. My
expectations are that you exhibit Bronco C.L.A.S.S. in as well as outside of our classroom.
“It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” – J.K. Rowling
Course Description: The course is designed to provide additional instructional time to be utilized as an instructional
reinforcement opportunity between a collaborative teaching-team within the content areas (Terrazas/).
Instructional time will also be utilized to further develop essential skills needed to support student success. Essential
skills include the development of: time management skills, goal-setting skills, note-taking skills, oral language skills,
critical thinking, test-taking skills, vocabulary development, effective collaborative teamwork, and independent
practice. Students will be assessed through portfolio assessment and presentations.
Course Content:
Develop time management skills. Practice goal-setting skills. Create a four-year academic plan. Demonstrate notetaking skills (Cornell Notes). Practice oral language skills. Work effectively in collaborative groups (Tutorial). Learn
strategies for test preparation. Explore critical and creative thinking strategies
Materials/Major Assignments:
 Good quality 3-ring binder—2"- 3"
 Zipper pouch to store supplies (A 3-hole-punched, heavy-duty, re-sealable plastic bag will also work.)
o 2 or more pens
o 2 or more pencils
o 1 or more colored highlighter
 Bronco Agenda
 Notebook paper
 5 colored tab subject dividers to separate classes, including Academic Seminar
o Behind each Subject Divider (unless specified by teacher):
 Warm-ups
 Notes
 Classwork
 Tests/ Quizzes
 Homework
o Must have an Academic Seminar section with dividers labeled:
Dailys/ Notes/ Classwork/ Tutorials
TOTAL: 20 dividers!
Rules: Respect, Responsibility, and Readiness
Electronic Devices: Cell phones are not to be seen in the classroom unless there is an emergency OR the teacher has
asked you to take them out. All other times these devices should be out of sight and OFF. The inappropriate usage
of any electronic device during class time will result in the immediate confiscation of the device and submission to
school administration to be picked up by a parent.
*It is important that you respect the little amount of time that we have in class.
Attendance: According to district policy, a student who is absent twenty times in a semester (unexcused) may be
failed by the instructor of the course. Absenteeism is the number one cause of failure !! Regular attendance is
essential to further your learning process and in order to be successful in this class.
*When absent you will be responsible to get the work that you missed from my Haiku page. It is your
responsibility to stay on top of any missing work!
Tardies: You are expected to be in class when the bell rings! You will receive a detention—if this becomes a
perpetual problem with further administrative action taking place.
*Be responsible and ready for the day when you get to class on time!
Late Work: Late work is NOT accepted. If you are absent, you are still responsible for turning in work by the
deadline. In this day and age of email, you can send me the assignment or a picture of the completed assignment on
Haiku or to my email. You will still be responsible for bringing the hardcopy (as needed) of the assignment to class.
The only exception is in case of emergency, which is to be determined by the teacher.
Bathroom Pass: You will receive 6 bathroom passes for each semester. The bathroom is not an excuse to wander
the school because you are “bored” in class. Use them appropriately and responsibly.
1. You will receive a warning before further disciplinary action is taken
2. Parent contact/ Intervention with Dean of Students
3. Parent contact/ Intervention with Dean of Students
4. Conference with Parent/ Teacher/ Student/ Administration
5. Suspension from class/ Behavior Contract
Grading will be composed of the total number of points accumulated from the following:
Binder Organization/ Check
Grade Check/ Homework Completion
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Due: ____________
You may access this syllabus on Haiku or webpage on This letter serves several purposes. First, I would
like verification that you and your student have read and understand the syllabus, class policies and expectations.
Second, I hope this opens the paths of communication; with support in the classroom and at home student success
will rise!
Parent/Guardian Signature
Printed Name
Best way to contact you:
Phone#/ Cell #____________________________________
Student Signature
Printed Name
You may e-mail me directly at (which I prefer) if you have any questions about this,
please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached via e-mail at the address above or by telephone at
(951) 894-5750 x 6602.
Miss Katie Terrazas
Academic Seminar, English I, Adv. English I