Classroom Management All things teacher does to organize students, space, time, and

All things teacher does to organize
students, space, time, and
materials so that instruction and
student learning can take place.
Characteristics of well-managed
• Students are deeply involved in their work
• Students know what is expected of them and are generally
• Little wasted time, confusion, or disruption
• Classroom is work-oriented, but relaxed and pleasant
The Environment
• Set up of desks/tables
• Ease of getting to supplies students will need
• Teacher “stuff” is out of the way
• All seats can see the board and the teacher
• Warm-loving feel to the room (or not, depending on what teacher wants)
• You set the tone
• Greet at the door
• Ask how their day is going and actually listen
• Know about and ask about important events that have happened or are
happening at home
• Do students know what to do when they walk in
• Was it explained at the beginning of the semester
• Is it written on the board
• Where do they look to find out what to do
• Agenda for the day
• Is it listed
• where
• Homework
• Where is tonight’s homework posted
• Is there a packet that goes home weekly
• Is it on the board
• Where and when do they turn in last nights homework
• Daily work, weekly work, projects.
Class Jobs/Privileges
• Will they be jobs or privileges that they earn
• Line leader, pledge leader, teacher helper (pass out papers), paper
collector, special chair, first outside…
• Jobs
• How will they be chosen
• Hat
• Alphabetical order
• Privileges
• How will they earn it
• Earn ‘money’ that they can then ‘buy’ their choice
• Other ideas??
• Clip chart
• Colors (purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red)
• Everyone starts on green. Go up or down
• Animals
• Happy face, Sad face
• Any other creative ideas
• Can use names on the clips or their student number for privacy
• What does each color or animal or symbol mean
• Yellow is warning, orange is stay in at recess, red is call home
• This is the key to all classroom management!!! Procedures!!!
• These need to be in place from the beginning and need to be consistent
• Roll
• Clip chart: 3 charts (not here, buying lunch, brought lunch). Anyone who did
not move their clip to one of the lunch options is absent. They do this as they
walk in the room
• Seating chart
• Calling roll
• Start of class
• what do students do while you do your housekeeping things (roll, notes
from home, etc.)
• Turn in work
• To a basket
• Pass up the rows
• Teacher picks it up
• Class job
Procedures: continued
• What do you do when work is complete
• Start homework, read quietly, art, pick a game…
• Can you have food or drinks in class
• Just water, none, anything
• What do you do when you need to:
• Sharpen pencil
• Go to restroom
• Get a drink
• How do speak out loud in class
• Raise you hand
• Say “excuse me”
• Wait for teacher to ask if there are questions
Raise hand
• 1 finger to speak
• 2 fingers if you need to leave your seat
• 3 fingers for help
• Toilet paper roll
• Green on one end, red on the other. Greed side is up until you need
teachers help, then red side goes up
• Keep working!
• Cup and string
• Tape string to end of cup.
• Tape other side of string under students desk
• When student needs help, put the cup up on desk
• Keep working!
• Students can decorate their cup the first week of school
• Help me sign
• Fold card or paper-says “Please Help Me” and “Keep Working”
• Put it up when help is needs
• Keep working!
• Text Book
• best for older grades
• Put textbook on end
• Keep working!
How to quiet a class
• Will be different depending on age of class
• Mix it up!
• Practice!!!
• If you can hear me class once, if you can hear me clap twice, if you can hear
me clap three times
• If you can hear me say Shhhhhhh
• 1-2-3 eyes on me
response: 1-2 eyes on you
• Hand on your head, eyes on me
• Use a bell or chime
• Can I get your attention in 5-4-3-2-1, hands free eyes on me
Practice, Practice, Practice
Explain, Explain, Explain