The Metamorphosis

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka: Discussion Questions (DQ)
DIRECTIONS: Answer each question using complete sentences—include the question as part of your response. NO SENTENCE
FRAGMENTS. Be sure to refer to an actual person or event, etc. when responding. Use correct MLA where indicated.
PART I (pp. 337-347)
1. Copy the first line of the novel using correct MLA.
2. At this point, do you think Gregor has really changed into a bug, or is the change simply in his head and/or is he dreaming?
3. Note: Gregor Samsa unconditionally accepts his “bugness.” He never asks why. What do his thoughts concern? Why is his
acceptance an unusual reaction?
4. Carefully examine the setting. Note weather, time, and place (description of the room and the arrangement of the furniture,
placement of windows, etc.). What effect on mood does this setting produce? What symbolic meaning?
5. How does paragraph 10 create an air of verisimilitude (use of realistic elements/actions to make literature appear truthful or
accurate)? Describe and explain using specific evidence from paragraph 10; cite evidence using correct MLA.
6. How does paragraph 11 further emphasize verisimilitude (use of realistic elements/actions to make literature appear truthful
or accurate)? Describe and explain using specific evidence from paragraph 11; cite evidence using correct MLA.
7. Describe the symbolism in regards to how Gregor is having such a difficult time getting out of bed.
8. As he rocks himself to get out of his bed, what is his chief worry? What does this tell you about his relationship with his
family? At this point, how would you describe Gregor’s life as a salesman?
9. Existentialism claims that human beings are only what they are at each moment. Relate this idea to Gregor as he is described
in the first few pages.
10. How does the family react when the chief clerk arrives? What does this tell you about their values?
11. How does Gregor feel about his job? What specifically does he dislike about it? Why does he keep it?
12. Describe Gregor’s boss, especially focusing on tone. Why does the chief clerk feel he has the right to speak to Gregor as he
13. Specifically trace the mention of Gregor’s physical state throughout Part I. Note details carefully (e.g.: hunger, pain in his
side, voice change, profuse bleeding, etc.). How do these physical changes reflect psychological/symbolic changes?
14. Gregor’s words are no longer understandable. What is Kafka trying to show by this?
15. Re-read the section concerning communication and Gregor’s family’s responses—what character qualities does each family
reveal through their differing responses to Gregor?
16. What are Gregor’s feelings when the doctor and the locksmith are summoned? What does this suggest about Gregor’s need
for human companionship?
17. A kind of satire is produced in Part I, achieved in part by the protagonist’s utter lack of humor and in part by slapstick
description of action. Cite specific examples using correct MLA. Why does Kafka use (satirical) humor here?
18. When Gregor finally gets the door open, how do his parents and the chief clerk react? Why?
19. What is significant about the way Gregor’s father drives him back into his bedroom? What values or concerns impel the
father to act in this way?
20. Examine the conclusion to Part I carefully. Note and comment on contrasting moods in relation to the beginning of the story
and here at the end; also, comment on birth/death imagery found here.