In addition to reading core text and core novels, advanced students independently read two novels throughout the year. It is
recommended that these literary works be purchased by the student, although copies are available in the library. Reading and
assignments related to the reading will be done in class as SSR, BUT ALSO as homework. Independent reading and annotating is
designed so students learn pacing and time management skills while also honing critical thinking and higher level thinking skills.
1st Semester: A Separate Peace by John Knowles
2nd Semester: The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros and The Chosen by Chaim Potok
SSR GRADING: (1) STUDENTS MUST BRING SSR BOOKS EVERY DAY. (2) Each novel will be divided into sections and annotation
checks/analysis assignments will be conducted in class approximately every few weeks for the designated section of the novel. (3)
Literature circles may be conducted, and students will compile notes that will be turned in for a grade. (4) A final novel assessment will
be given at the end of each independent reading round.
In each annotation, you must do two things:
1. Tell me why you chose this particular passage or quote from the novel.
2. What about this passage or quote makes it significant?
1. Make a prediction:
I predict….
The character will probably…
This is different from my original prediction. Now I think…
2. Question – if you ask a question, you should attempt to answer it, as well.
Why did he or she just say that?
How does this action fit into the overall conflict?
What does this have to do with the plot of the story?
3. Visualize
Can you see the characters and setting in your mind? Describe them.
Where are the characters in relation to one another?
How do the descriptions presented by the author help to set the scene?
4. Evaluate
Does this turn of events make sense for these characters?
Is this character acting or responding in a realistic way?
What do you think of this writer’s style?
5. Review/Summarize
These events have happened so far…
That event caused this to happen…
In other words, this character means…
6. Respond
That character’s actions were so…
I’d like to ask the author why he or she….
I wish I could see this place because…
I would probably be friends with the main character because…
7. Text-to-text
This reminds me of another book I read…
This reminds me of a movie I’ve seen…
This reminds me of a T.V. show I saw once where…
8. Text-to-me
If I were in this character’s shoes, I would…
I felt the same way as this character when…
This reminds me of…
9. Text-to-world
This reminds me of a time in history when…
This reminds me of something that is happening in (Canada, Mexico, Africa, etc, etc…)
10. Literary Elements
This is an example of a metaphor, simile, symbol, analogy, idiom, personification, etc…
I think the author is using this literary element to….