US History US Imperialism Review Chapter 7 and 8 *This sheet covers many of the topics on the test but does not cover all of them. Review notes and the textbook for additional information. Vocabulary 1. ________________________belief that the U.S. had the right and duty to expand throughout N. America 2. ________________________ intervening in other countries’ affairs to promote national interests 3. ________________________to show to be right or reasonable 4. ________________________use of exaggerated reporting to attract readers 5. ________________________skill in handling international relations 6. ________________________when a stronger nation dominates a weaker country 7. ________________________to add or join to a larger thing “The Imperialist Vision” 8. Why did Europeans embark on a policy of expansionism and imperialism? 9. How did some Americans use Social Darwinism to justify imperialism? 10. How did the U.S. open up Japan and what effect did it have on the Japanese? 11. Why was Hawaii important to the U.S. and how was it annexed by the U.S.? 12. What type of relationships did the U.S. have with Latin American countries? 13. Describe conflicts between the U.S. and both Germany and Chile. 14. What effect did Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783 have on the U.S.? Terms Monroe Doctrine Manifest Destiny William Seward Alaska Imperialism Protectorate Anglo Saxonism Matthew C. Perry Queen Liliuokalani Henry Cabot Lodge Spanish American War Directions: Define the following and explain how they contributed to a tense relationship between the US and... 15. Spain: USS Maine 16. Spain: Yellow Journalism 17. Spain: De Lôme Letter 18. Cuba: Treaty of Paris 19. Cuba: Platt Amendment “The Spanish American War” 20. What did McKinley do to try to end the rebellion in Cuba and to protect American citizens in Cuba? 21. What happened to the USS Maine and what were the effects? 22. What actions by the U.S. did the attitude of aggressive nationalism lead to? 23. What actions did Commodore Dewey take in the Pacific and what were the results? 24. Describe the U.S. military campaign in Cuba. US History 25. What were the terms of the 1898 Treaty of Paris? 26. Describe the rebellion in the Philippines. What were the results? Terms Jose Marti William Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer Yellow Journalism Emilio Aguinaldo “Rough Riders” Teller Amendment Platt Amendment Examples of US Imperialism Directions: In one sentence, explain what the United States wanted from each place and how the US went about getting it. 27. China (include the term Open Door Policy) 28. Philippines 29. Panama 30. Hawaii 31. Mexico 32. Puerto Rico Motives for Imperialism Directions: List the three motives for US Imperialism. 33. 34. 35. “New American Diplomacy” 36. How did Theodore Roosevelt become president? 37. Describe America’s primary interest in Asia. 38. What was the purpose and effects of the Open Door Policy? 39. Describe the Boxer Rebellion, the US’s reaction to it, and results for the US. 40. Explain Roosevelt’s “big stick” policy. 41. Why did Roosevelt want a canal in Panama? 42. Describe the US’s role in the Panamanian Revolt and explain why the US got involved. 43. Describe the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine and how it was applied in the Dominican Republic. 44. Describe Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy and how the US intervened in Nicaragua. US History 45. Describe Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy and in which countries did he exercise this policy (367-8) Terms Sphere of Influence “Great White Fleet” Roosevelt Corollary Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty Gentlemen’s Agreement American Diplomacy Directions: Fill in the president who believed the idea and the nick-name of his diplomatic style.. 46. America will use her economic power to influence world affairs. President: ______________________ Nick-name of diplomatic style: ___________________________ 47. America will use her military to defend countries in the Western Hemisphere. President: ______________________ Nick-name of diplomatic style: ___________________________ 48. America will not recognize undemocratic, oppressive governments. President: ______________________ Nick-name of diplomatic style: ___________________________ World War I: Social, Political, & Economic Effects on U.S. What were the effects of World War I on the United States 49. economically 50. politically 51. socially “U.S. in World War I—The Home Front” 52. What was the purpose of the Selective Service and how did it work? 53. Describe the role of women in the military. 54. Describe the three main ways in which the government organized industry for the war. 55. How did the Committee on Public Information “sell the war?” 56. Explain how the Espionage Act and Sedition Act curtailed civil liberties. 57. Describe the decision in Schenk v. the United States and why free speech could be limited. Terms Selective Service Act War industries board Victory gardens CPI Lusitania Sussex Pledge Liberty/Victory bonds League of Nations Treaty of Versailles Reservationists Sample Essay 58. In a paragraph, explain why America’s dealings with Cuba were a clear example of imperialism. In your paragraph, you must use and underline the terms listed in the “Spanish American War” section. US History