Vocabulary Review Units # 1-6

Vocabulary Review Units # 1-6
1.__________________________ to surrender (something); to give (something) up
2.__________________________ to support; to strengthen with further evidence; provide proof of
3.__________________________ to spend or use wastefully or thoughtfully
4.__________________________ to work together on a project; cooperate in an effort
5.__________________________ good judgment or tact in actions or speaking
6.__________________________ existing or seeming to exist everywhere at the same time
7.__________________________ downhearted; hopeless; overwhelmed with sadness
8.__________________________ something that causes damage, harm, or loss
9.__________________________ free, freedom
10.__________________________ inactive; alive, but not actively growing, as if asleep
11.__________________________ voice, call
12.__________________________ humorous; playfully joking
13.__________________________ to return to an earlier, generally worse, condition or behavior
14.__________________________ to make fun of; mock; to refuse to take seriously
15.__________________________ outside, beyond
16.__________________________ able to be interpreted in more than one way; not clear
17.__________________________ careful about moral standards; conscientious
18.__________________________ to branch off in different directions from the same starting point; to become different
19.__________________________ to bring about by moving others to action; stir up
20.__________________________ a person opposed to established ideas or beliefs, especially in politics or religion
21.__________________________ kill, killing, killer
22.__________________________ a fake; a person who falsely claims to have some special skill or knowledge
23.__________________________ able to recover quickly from harm, illness, or misfortune
24.__________________________ having to do with seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling
25.__________________________ not able to be canceled or undone; irreversible
26.__________________________ not capable of error or failure; unable to make a mistake
27.__________________________ before, preceding
28.__________________________ to place close together, especially in order to compare or contrast
29.__________________________ to silence or suppress or crush
30.__________________________ to make unsympathetic or unfriendly; alienate
31.__________________________ away, separation, removal
32.__________________________ to lift, especially with some mechanical means, like a cable
33.__________________________ illegal
34.__________________________ happening now and then; occasional
35.__________________________ throw, toss
36.__________________________ to cause to happen quickly, suddenly, or sooner than expected
37.__________________________ experienced through the imagination; not experienced directly
38.__________________________ a person totally devoted to a purpose or cause
39.__________________________ to support financially; provide a grant or contribution
40.__________________________ sociable; enjoying and seeking the company of others
41.__________________________ to decorate; beautify by adding details
42.__________________________ time
43.__________________________ done or acting in a hurry, with little thought; impulsive
44.__________________________ overjoyed; having an intense feeling of well-being
45.__________________________ fundamental; necessary to learn first
46.__________________________ sleep
47.__________________________ best possible; most favorable; most desirable
48.__________________________ the highest point or condition; peak
49.__________________________ unintentional; accidental
50.__________________________ life, lively
51.__________________________ skillful in using the hands or body
52.__________________________ to spread or scatter widely; distribute
53.__________________________ a great lack of energy; inactivity due to laziness
54.__________________________ reviewing the past; considering past events
55.__________________________ tearfully sentimental; overemotional
56.__________________________ to criticize or scold harshly
57.__________________________ a rapid spread or increase
58.__________________________ meant to impress others; flashy
59.__________________________ to respect deeply; to revere
60.__________________________ without sense or meaning; foolish